Terrorists crossing our southern border


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

It’s no longer just Mexicans and other Latin Americans, we are seeing people on terror watch lists being smuggled in for $2 to $6k per head.

Who pays that kind of money to fly them from the Middle East to Central America so they can come north and infiltrate our border?

Todd Bensman, of the Center for Immigration Studies, says, “Thousands of so-called ‘special interest aliens’ (SIAs) arriving annually from the Middle East, South Asia and North Africa — mostly without any identification or vetting — have given rise to national security worries about infiltration.”

Right now Border Patrol agents are being pulled out of the field to process family units,” Bash said. “That creates a vicious cycle because more and more people can enter undetected because we have fewer agents in the field.”

Even when arrests are made, the results aren’t necessarily comforting.

While Aldairi faces three to 10 years in prison, the six Yemenis were prosecuted for illegal entry, which is a misdemeanor carrying light penalties. They served sentences of just 14 to 20 days, and three of the six remain in the U.S. Officials would not provide details on their status or whereabouts.

When will the media report this?

When will the Dims sit up and down something about this?

When will the American people learn the danger facing them and their families?

More @ Mideast Smuggling Case Highlights Threats at Southern Border | ImmigrationReform.com
Our govt. is too busy making sure people don't grow weed to get a buzz to afford capturing real criminals and eliminating elements of society that would do us real harm...
"Terrorists crossing our southern border" is interesting Doublethink, in that the hijackers of Flight 11 came in from Canada.
"Terrorists crossing our southern border" is interesting Doublethink, in that the hijackers of Flight 11 came in from Canada.
Your point?

January 7, 2019
A new report from the House Homeland Security Committee (Dem House) found that suspected terrorists have joined the so-called migrant caravans that have amassed on the U.S.-Mexico border, just as President Trump has long claimed.

"Recently, Mexico has stepped up its efforts to combat the migrant caravans coming in from Honduras, which has included several SIAs [special interest aliens] and potentially KSTs [known or suspected terrorists] travelling towards the U.S. border," said the report, which also found that the Islamic terror group ISIS urges members to cross the border.
Suspected 'Terrorists' Have Infiltrated Migrant 'Caravans,' New House Report Warns
Report Warns Southern Border is a Target for Terrorists | ImmigrationReform.com
Yes, We’ve Nabbed Terrorists on the Southern Border

A Somali asylum-seeker who crossed the Mexican border to California in 2011 did allegedly commit an ISIS-inspired attack in Canada, wounding five people in 2017, and numerous SIAs with terrorism connections reportedly have been apprehended at the southern border, to include individuals said to be linked to designated terrorist organizations in .
Agents nab Pakistanis with terrorist connections crossing U.S. border
Muhammad Azeem and Mukhtar Ahmad, both in their 20s and from Gujrat, were caught Sept. 20 by agents south of San Diego and just over the international border from Tijuana. When agents checked their identities through databases, they got hits on both of them: Mr. Ahmad popped up as an associate of a known or suspected terrorist, while Mr. Azeem’s information had been shared by a foreign government for intelligence purposes.
That's the whole point about having an open border. You don't know who or what is coming into the country. For all of recorded human history, that has always been a bad thing. And no matter how much the Democrats try to tell us it's different this time, it's not. Open border bad. Period.
Not to worry!

They are only terrorists on THAT >>>>> side of the border.

Once they get on THIS side of the border, they are desperate but courageous immigrants with hearts of gold.
"Terrorists crossing our southern border" is interesting Doublethink, in that the hijackers of Flight 11 came in from Canada.

That was how many years ago? Grow up, Pigo.

It was the last big terrorist attack here from outside. Read much?
and no one thought the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor
.....,you don't act on what you THINK your enemy will do--but what they are capable of
....here--Syrians with FAKE passports trying to get into the US from the south
Report: U.S.-bound Syrians arrested in Honduras with fake passports
"Terrorists crossing our southern border" is interesting Doublethink, in that the hijackers of Flight 11 came in from Canada.

That was how many years ago? Grow up, Pigo.

It was the last big terrorist attack here from outside. Read much?
and no one thought the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor
.....,you don't act on what you THINK your enemy will do--but what they are capable of
....here--Syrians with FAKE passports trying to get into the US from the south
Report: U.S.-bound Syrians arrested in Honduras with fake passports

You think readers don't know the difference between "terrorists" and "Syrians"? Your own link says they had "no known terrorist ties". Did you really think you were going to slip that one by?

When did blaming the victim get so popular among sociopaths anyway?
"Terrorists crossing our southern border" is interesting Doublethink, in that the hijackers of Flight 11 came in from Canada.

That was how many years ago? Grow up, Pigo.

It was the last big terrorist attack here from outside. Read much?

And? The point is we want to prevent future ones. Europe has been hit several times since then because of its open borders policy. Read much?
"Terrorists crossing our southern border" is interesting Doublethink, in that the hijackers of Flight 11 came in from Canada.

That was how many years ago? Grow up, Pigo.

It was the last big terrorist attack here from outside. Read much?
and no one thought the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor
.....,you don't act on what you THINK your enemy will do--but what they are capable of
....here--Syrians with FAKE passports trying to get into the US from the south
Report: U.S.-bound Syrians arrested in Honduras with fake passports

You think readers don't know the difference between "terrorists" and "Syrians"? Your own link says they had "no known terrorist ties". Did you really think you were going to slip that one by?

When did blaming the victim get so popular among sociopaths anyway?

Pigo. I doubt You know where Syria is.
"Terrorists crossing our southern border" is interesting Doublethink, in that the hijackers of Flight 11 came in from Canada.

That was how many years ago? Grow up, Pigo.

It was the last big terrorist attack here from outside. Read much?
and no one thought the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor
.....,you don't act on what you THINK your enemy will do--but what they are capable of
....here--Syrians with FAKE passports trying to get into the US from the south
Report: U.S.-bound Syrians arrested in Honduras with fake passports

You think readers don't know the difference between "terrorists" and "Syrians"? Your own link says they had "no known terrorist ties". Did you really think you were going to slip that one by?

When did blaming the victim get so popular among sociopaths anyway?
....good thing you are not in charge of security = IRRELEVANT if they are terrorists or not---the main point is/was they can use our southern border to get into the US--big DUH

.....also---you have no knowledge of terror/spy/etc organizations...they use sleeper/safe cells....these cells set up ''legitimate'' safe homes/networks/$$$ for the attackers ...they are not the attacking terrorists = therefore no known ties to terrorism--until the attack

get legal residency, to live and work there, by marrying a German
ISIS Smuggler: Sleeper Cells and ‘Undead’ Suicide Bombers Have Infiltrated Europe
etc etc
"Terrorists crossing our southern border" is interesting Doublethink, in that the hijackers of Flight 11 came in from Canada.

That was how many years ago? Grow up, Pigo.

It was the last big terrorist attack here from outside. Read much?
and no one thought the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor
.....,you don't act on what you THINK your enemy will do--but what they are capable of
....here--Syrians with FAKE passports trying to get into the US from the south
Report: U.S.-bound Syrians arrested in Honduras with fake passports

You think readers don't know the difference between "terrorists" and "Syrians"? Your own link says they had "no known terrorist ties". Did you really think you were going to slip that one by?

When did blaming the victim get so popular among sociopaths anyway?
....good thing you are not in charge of security = IRRELEVANT if they are terrorists or not---the main point is/was they can use our southern border to get into the US--big DUH

.....also---you have no knowledge of terror/spy/etc organizations...they use sleeper/safe cells....these cells set up ''legitimate'' safe homes/networks/$$$ for the attackers ...they are not the attacking terrorists = therefore no known ties to terrorism--until the attack

get legal residency, to live and work there, by marrying a German
ISIS Smuggler: Sleeper Cells and ‘Undead’ Suicide Bombers Have Infiltrated Europe
etc etc


What's the topic title here? What's the first word in that title? What were we talking about when you brought up "Syrians" trying to sell them as "terrorists"? Don't sit here and try to bullshit me.
That was how many years ago? Grow up, Pigo.

It was the last big terrorist attack here from outside. Read much?
and no one thought the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor
.....,you don't act on what you THINK your enemy will do--but what they are capable of
....here--Syrians with FAKE passports trying to get into the US from the south
Report: U.S.-bound Syrians arrested in Honduras with fake passports

You think readers don't know the difference between "terrorists" and "Syrians"? Your own link says they had "no known terrorist ties". Did you really think you were going to slip that one by?

When did blaming the victim get so popular among sociopaths anyway?
....good thing you are not in charge of security = IRRELEVANT if they are terrorists or not---the main point is/was they can use our southern border to get into the US--big DUH

.....also---you have no knowledge of terror/spy/etc organizations...they use sleeper/safe cells....these cells set up ''legitimate'' safe homes/networks/$$$ for the attackers ...they are not the attacking terrorists = therefore no known ties to terrorism--until the attack

get legal residency, to live and work there, by marrying a German
ISIS Smuggler: Sleeper Cells and ‘Undead’ Suicide Bombers Have Infiltrated Europe
etc etc


What's the topic title here? What's the first word in that title? What were we talking about when you brought up "Syrians" trying to sell them as "terrorists"? Don't sit here and try to bullshit me.

Why you consistently BS ours. Still waiting for your "thank you".
That was how many years ago? Grow up, Pigo.

It was the last big terrorist attack here from outside. Read much?
and no one thought the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor
.....,you don't act on what you THINK your enemy will do--but what they are capable of
....here--Syrians with FAKE passports trying to get into the US from the south
Report: U.S.-bound Syrians arrested in Honduras with fake passports

You think readers don't know the difference between "terrorists" and "Syrians"? Your own link says they had "no known terrorist ties". Did you really think you were going to slip that one by?

When did blaming the victim get so popular among sociopaths anyway?
....good thing you are not in charge of security = IRRELEVANT if they are terrorists or not---the main point is/was they can use our southern border to get into the US--big DUH

.....also---you have no knowledge of terror/spy/etc organizations...they use sleeper/safe cells....these cells set up ''legitimate'' safe homes/networks/$$$ for the attackers ...they are not the attacking terrorists = therefore no known ties to terrorism--until the attack

get legal residency, to live and work there, by marrying a German
ISIS Smuggler: Sleeper Cells and ‘Undead’ Suicide Bombers Have Infiltrated Europe
etc etc


What's the topic title here? What's the first word in that title? What were we talking about when you brought up "Syrians" trying to sell them as "terrorists"? Don't sit here and try to bullshit me.
hahhahahahahhaha--did you not graduate from 4th grade?
....it's irrelevant if they are terrorists/have ties to terrorism/etc or NOT! = per my previous post.....

using stolen Greek passports,
Paris suspect's body and had passed through Greece border controls
Honduras arrests five Syrians heading to US with fake passports: report
1.it's not easy at all to know if someone is a terrorist/ties to terrorism/etc
2. I guess you didn't see it---so I'll make it in big bold letters:
SYRIANS with FAKE passports!!!!
this doesn't set off any alarm bells for you??--not the least bit suspicious?
FAKE passports
"Terrorists crossing our southern border" is interesting Doublethink, in that the hijackers of Flight 11 came in from Canada.
Your point?
Africans, Indians, Bangladeshis, Afghans, Pakistanis and Syrians that have made it all the way to Mexico. Africa is a hotbed of Islamic terrorism, according to the State Department, and Bangladesh is a south Asian Islamic country that’s well known as a recruiting ground for terrorist groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Al-Qaeda Indian Subcontinent (AQIS). “More arrive every day” from these countries, according to a mainstream Mexican newspaper report that cites the country’s immigration officials.All of the Africans plan to continue into the United States where they expect to “achieve refuge,” according to the news report. Of interesting note is that the Africans accuse Mexican authorities of racism and discrimination, asserting that migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and Cuba eat first and receive better overall treatment and accommodations. Many of the African women are pregnant and hundreds of children and adolescents are becoming inpatient and appear malnourished. “Their objective is to cross Mexico and ask for asylum in the United States,” according to one report, that says a dozen pregnant African women recently demanded special accommodations from Mexican authorities. All of them were more than seven months pregnant.“The migrants formed a human chain that impedes the entrance and exit of buses that transfer undocumented immigrants arrested in the rest of the country for deportation,
January 7, 2019
A new report from the House Homeland Security Committee (Dem House) found that suspected terrorists have joined the so-called migrant caravans that have amassed on the U.S.-Mexico border, just as President Trump has long claimed.

"Recently, Mexico has stepped up its efforts to combat the migrant caravans coming in from Honduras, which has included several SIAs [special interest aliens] and potentially KSTs [known or suspected terrorists] travelling towards the U.S. border," said the report, which also found that the Islamic terror group ISIS urges members to cross the border.
Suspected 'Terrorists' Have Infiltrated Migrant 'Caravans,' New House Report Warns
Report Warns Southern Border is a Target for Terrorists | ImmigrationReform.com
Yes, We’ve Nabbed Terrorists on the Southern Border

A Somali asylum-seeker who crossed the Mexican border to California in 2011 did allegedly commit an ISIS-inspired attack in Canada, wounding five people in 2017, and numerous SIAs with terrorism connections reportedly have been apprehended at the southern border, to include individuals said to be linked to designated terrorist organizations in .
Agents nab Pakistanis with terrorist connections crossing U.S. border
Muhammad Azeem and Mukhtar Ahmad, both in their 20s and from Gujrat, were caught Sept. 20 by agents south of San Diego and just over the international border from Tijuana. When agents checked their identities through databases, they got hits on both of them: Mr. Ahmad popped up as an associate of a known or suspected terrorist, while Mr. Azeem’s information had been shared by a foreign government for intelligence purposes.

It’s no longer just Mexicans and other Latin Americans, we are seeing people on terror watch lists being smuggled in for $2 to $6k per head.

Who pays that kind of money to fly them from the Middle East to Central America so they can come north and infiltrate our border?

Todd Bensman, of the Center for Immigration Studies, says, “Thousands of so-called ‘special interest aliens’ (SIAs) arriving annually from the Middle East, South Asia and North Africa — mostly without any identification or vetting — have given rise to national security worries about infiltration.”

Right now Border Patrol agents are being pulled out of the field to process family units,” Bash said. “That creates a vicious cycle because more and more people can enter undetected because we have fewer agents in the field.”

Even when arrests are made, the results aren’t necessarily comforting.

While Aldairi faces three to 10 years in prison, the six Yemenis were prosecuted for illegal entry, which is a misdemeanor carrying light penalties. They served sentences of just 14 to 20 days, and three of the six remain in the U.S. Officials would not provide details on their status or whereabouts.

When will the media report this?

When will the Dims sit up and down something about this?

When will the American people learn the danger facing them and their families?

More @ Mideast Smuggling Case Highlights Threats at Southern Border | ImmigrationReform.com
They would probably report it if it were true.

It’s no longer just Mexicans and other Latin Americans, we are seeing people on terror watch lists being smuggled in for $2 to $6k per head.

Who pays that kind of money to fly them from the Middle East to Central America so they can come north and infiltrate our border?

Todd Bensman, of the Center for Immigration Studies, says, “Thousands of so-called ‘special interest aliens’ (SIAs) arriving annually from the Middle East, South Asia and North Africa — mostly without any identification or vetting — have given rise to national security worries about infiltration.”

Right now Border Patrol agents are being pulled out of the field to process family units,” Bash said. “That creates a vicious cycle because more and more people can enter undetected because we have fewer agents in the field.”

Even when arrests are made, the results aren’t necessarily comforting.

While Aldairi faces three to 10 years in prison, the six Yemenis were prosecuted for illegal entry, which is a misdemeanor carrying light penalties. They served sentences of just 14 to 20 days, and three of the six remain in the U.S. Officials would not provide details on their status or whereabouts.

When will the media report this?

When will the Dims sit up and down something about this?

When will the American people learn the danger facing them and their families?

More @ Mideast Smuggling Case Highlights Threats at Southern Border | ImmigrationReform.com
We have legal way to immigrate to America.
Why do these idiots pay $thousands$ to human traffickers?

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