Terry McAuliffe: Saying Critical Race Theory Exists Is ‘Racist’

i watched the video…i heard what he said….he said it’s racist to

i i actually watched the video

so what’s the dog whistle he’s talking about then? if it does exist? why does he think CRT is racist?
He doesn't say that CRT is racist. You along with the OP are not understanding his statement. He is saying that it is racist and a dog whistle to call CRT racist. Get it? Read it again.... He is saying that it is racist and a dog whistle to call CRT racist.
Oh, so Yahoo and Real Clear Politics are right wing liars is your best excuse.
Video says it all.
I'm calling you a liar or an idiot who can't understand context and basic English.

They were debating the Bill that McAuiliffe vetoed in 2016. This is what he was talking about. Here read up on it as you obviously are unaware:
Democrat governor Northam showed Americans thatdemocrats really don't give a damn about anything but staying in power. Even when Northam was found to have engaged in KKK follies while in college. democrats didn't really care. A lame excuse was fine. God help Virginians if we get another lame status quo racist baiting democrat.
McAwful never has attempted to correct what he said.
Why would he need to? Most intelligent people could understand what he was talking about you. If he responded to idiots like yourself that distort and take everything out of context it would consume all of his time. No point in doing that.
And I say;

"Saying That Critical Race Theory Exists Is Racist", is racist.

God help us if McAwful steals the election.

If it does not even exist then why are they so freaked out about it being banned from the schools? They actually screwed up last year. When they shut the schools down and forced the kids to attend from home it gave way too many parents a chance to look over their kids shoulders and see exactly what they were teaching kids today and it rightly freaked out a LOT of parents. As seen by the recent school board meetings where parents are showing up in large numbers with big concerns.

Why does it have to exist? There is no requirement for that in order for the right to get all freaked out fired up. The less basis it has in reality the better the outrage.
He doesn't say that CRT is racist. You along with the OP are not understanding his statement. He is saying that it is racist and a dog whistle to call CRT racist. Get it? Read it again.... He is saying that it is racist and a dog whistle to call CRT racist.
i watched the video again he said “he talks about these parents in these critical race meetings, it really bothers me because it’s a racist dog whistle”.

how is it a racist dog whistle to discuss these concerned parents? especially now that xiden has labeled concerned parents domestic terrorist. It seems discussing the concern of parents (who are voters) is a legit issue in this election.

and how is discussing one of the subjects they are pushing racist?
I'm calling you a liar or an idiot who can't understand context and basic English.

They were debating the Bill that McAuiliffe vetoed in 2016. This is what he was talking about. Here read up on it as you obviously are unaware:
I posted direct quotes.

No verbal gymnastics can alter what he said.
And I say;

"Saying That Critical Race Theory Exists Is Racist", is racist.

God help us if McAwful steals the election.

If it does not even exist then why are they so freaked out about it being banned from the schools? They actually screwed up last year. When they shut the schools down and forced the kids to attend from home it gave way too many parents a chance to look over their kids shoulders and see exactly what they were teaching kids today and it rightly freaked out a LOT of parents. As seen by the recent school board meetings where parents are showing up in large numbers with big concerns.

Arguably The Biggest Political Toad in recent American History.The very definition
of a Political shill { or bag man }.Yet this dishonest D.C. Swamp creature loved to
explain his duty as a committed Catholic.That he still goes to Church on Sunday
or the weekend.Catholics have a committment { or pledge } to attend Church services
on Sunday { or saturday night instead }.
Reminescent of Madame Cruella Pelosi seldom ever shy about her
Catholic duties.Except of Course ... ABORTION.
Or especially telling The God's Honest Truth.
Fill us in, Einstein.

Terry McAuliffe: Critical Race Theory Is A Racist "Dog Whistle" Used To Waste Time And Create Division​

About Leftard Yahoo?

wow…he doesn’t even know what it is but calls it racist…how low are the dems gonna go?
i watched the video again he said “he talks about these parents in these critical race meetings, it really bothers me because it’s a racist dog whistle”.

how is it a racist dog whistle to discuss these concerned parents? especially now that xiden has labeled concerned parents domestic terrorist. It seems discussing the concern of parents (who are voters) is a legit issue in this election.

and how is discussing one of the subjects they are pushing racist?
Tell you what. Since then, give us the quote from McAwful saying parents SHOULD BE involved in what’s taught to their children.
As I suspected your claims completely lack understanding and context. You are taking one line from a debate where they were discussing a bill that Terry vetoed in 2016 regarding Books that students read in school. You're taking a specific situation and making it sound like it is a universal policy that he was promoting. Personally, I'd be fine with the bill but Terry and those opposed to the bill had a POV that it was unfairly labeling literary works and demeaning their value and it was a step towards banning books.

“This legislation lacks flexibility and would require the label of ‘sexually explicit’ to apply to an artistic work based on a single scene, without further context,” McAuliffe said.
McAuliffe is no Mystery man.He and Bob Shrum concocted the big lie
heading into the 2004 Bush/Kerry election.That Bush went AWOL from his
National Guard service as a Fighter Pilot.Then exacerbated by the " half-assed
september 2004 " report by Dan Rather.Which caused Rather's tenure as
a respected leading Anchor to ... All Fall Down.
Yet Bob Shrum was tickled-pink on Election night to help pop champagne
corks prematurely with John " Johnny Frauds " Kerry.Based on what.?
The Glowing exit polls.Which were way off base.
Thereby asking the question how Kerry acted.Like he did when entering
stage at his DNC Convention and quickly posing a Salute ...
" Reporting For Duty "
Democrats are such Conniving Brats.,More so by the day.
I just proved.
i watched the video again he said “he talks about these parents in these critical race meetings, it really bothers me because it’s a racist dog whistle”.

how is it a racist dog whistle to discuss these concerned parents? especially now that xiden has labeled concerned parents domestic terrorist. It seems discussing the concern of parents (who are voters) is a legit issue in this election.

and how is discussing one of the subjects they are pushing racist?
His statement is saying that those attacking CRT by calling it racist and antiAmerican and spreading lies about it are being racist and using it as a dog whistle. How are you all confused by this? I’m not saying you have to agree with him but y’all aren’t even framing the argument correctly. What’s up with that?
McAuliffe is no Mystery man.He and Bob Shrum concocted the big lie
heading into the 2004 Bush/Kerry election.That Bush went AWOL from his
National Guard service as a Fighter Pilot.Then exacerbated by the " half-assed
september 2004 " report by Dan Rather.Which caused Rather's tenure as
a respected leading Anchor to ... All Fall Down.
Yet Bob Shrum was tickled-pink on Election night to help pop champagne
corks prematurely with John " Johnny Frauds " Kerry.Based on what.?
The Glowing exit polls.Which were way off base.
Thereby asking the question how Kerry acted.Like he did when entering
stage at his DNC Convention and quickly posing a Salute ...
" Reporting For Duty "
Democrats are such Conniving Brats.,More so by the day.
I just proved.
I don’t know the guy or care about him too much but I saw a clear mischaracterization of his words right there in the OP and that’s what I was calling out.
"Critical Race Theory" exists...in academia.

NOT in public schools

It is an educational idea that has not progressed anywhere outside of colleges.

What RWNJ's refer to as "CRT" is anything that doesn't fully support white nationalism. And any "evidence" of anything that even SNIFFS of not supporting white nationalism is called CRT

THAT is what McAuliffe is saying...
I don’t know the guy or care about him too much but I saw a clear mischaracterization of his words right there in the OP and that’s what I was calling out.
This isn't as 50's as just knowing how nice the Milkman was.Or the
paper boy.The Butcher,The Tailor.Or the Candle stick maker.
This is what defines the United States.That a career Pol and obvious
mover and shaker of all things Political is willing to say Out Loud, in public
and then expects being defended.By using cronies and any means necessary to
make sure he gets defended.Which happens to be the exact same mindset
Biden uses.Pelosi uses,Schumer Uses.
A Country cannot and should not expect to stand tall and proud and act
american in the face of such Unamericanism.
I think there was a time most kids in Grade School could understand dat.
This isn't as 50's as just knowing how nice the Milkman was.Or the
paper boy.The Butcher,The Tailor.Or the Candle stick maker.
This is what defines the United States.That a career Pol and obvious
mover and shaker of all things Political is willing to say Out Loud, in public
and then expects being defended.By using cronies and any means necessary to
make sure he gets defended.Which happens to be the exact same mindset
Biden uses.Pelosi uses,Schumer Uses.
A Country cannot and should not expect to stand tall and proud and act
american in the face of such Unamericanism.
I think there was a time most kids in Grade School could understand dat.
If you want to effectively attack him then do so with facts and honest arguments. When lies and distortions are used, like this OP uses, then the debate is lost
"Critical Race Theory" exists...in academia.

NOT in public schools

It is an educational idea that has not progressed anywhere outside of colleges.

What RWNJ's refer to as "CRT" is anything that doesn't fully support white nationalism. And any "evidence" of anything that even SNIFFS of not supporting white nationalism is called CRT

THAT is what McAuliffe is saying...
We have the numbers.That In Virginia 25% or more of the public schools
have CRT texts and it is being taught.
Does anyone even know about McAuliffe being asked hard questions
about CRT.Some News reporter challenged McAullfe as to his knowledge of
CRT.McAuliffe kept insisting that CRT is Not taught in Virginia schools.
The News person then asked McAuliffe to explain CRT.What is it.
McAuliffe would not answer.Kept up with his silly ... All I know is its not
being taught in Virginia.
Could it be that McAullife does not truly know what CRT IS.
Highly improbably.He's a smartmouth career pol.Knows everything concerning
anything Political in order to push a Democrat Agenda.

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