Terry McAuliffe: ‘We have a great school system in Virginia. Dorothy and I have raised our 5 children.’ Narrator: He sent his kids to private school.”


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
McAwful is also justifying- and confirming - his position that parents should have no say in their child’s education because his handpicked audience clapped when he said it.

And here is how McAwful wraps up his campaign:

...like many of the people that bring up WHITES, they never get fired...this guy should be FIRED!!! for saying there should be LESS WHITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.....blacks are only 13% of the population....they graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college [ some blacks in the NBA/NFL can't even read at a grade school level = linked before ] ........this means there are a LOT MORE whites qualified for ALL types of work/government/etc than blacks are.....and they have a high rate of being in prison .....................it's just plain basic math .....
.....I've linked before how blacks are OVER represented in great jobs
...blacks are OVER represented in teaching jobs
...this guy should be fired, not only for his HATE, but also his STUPIDITY = which seems to be a typical feature of the Dems/'''Dems''/left

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