Terry McAuliffe? What an embarrassment if He were to be Virginia’s Governor

Meanwhile, the republican opponent of McAuliffe, Cuccinelli, is another right wing christian who is against both abortion and birth control. He's become known for his stance on sodomy, even among married couples. It must be news to him that most folks aren't as puritanical as he is.
He's obviously distancing himself from Ted Cruz by refusing to appear with him.
meanwhile back at the Ranch one dirt bag will be elected over another dirt bag....two guys with less than stellar approval ratings.....something to be proud of.....
Meanwhile, the republican opponent of McAuliffe, Cuccinelli, is another right wing christian who is against both abortion and birth control. He's become known for his stance on sodomy, even among married couples. It must be news to him that most folks aren't as puritanical as he is.
He's obviously distancing himself from Ted Cruz by refusing to appear with him.

Gasp! He's against the murder of children?!? :eek:

And how great is it that PJ here has to bring this persons religion into this like it's a bad thing. "Another right-wing Christian"?!? Gasp again! :eek:

Folks, this unhinged, irrational post here by PJ really gives insight into the mind of a Dumbocrat. How dare anyone be a Christian or oppose the "right" to murder one's own baby.

By the way - no comment on the astounding history of the Dumbocrats raping women, cheating on women, and crushing women in the work place? Yeah, lets just glaze over all of that and attack the conservative candidate for being an evil.........Christian? That's right folks - rape any woman you want - but don't you dare worship God!

It's no wonder this country is going to hell. The left in this nation has no integrity, no ethics, no morals, no personal responsibility, and no God...
We need people in the republican party who are strong fiscal conservatives.
And those that can keep out of everyone's bedrooms.

Keep your mouth shut on how it's possible for a raped women to not get pregnant if she concentrates hard enough or some such stupid bull shit.

We are doomed with Obma Care sending us into such debt we may find it impossible to recover.

Why can't the GOP see the writing on the wall and get their shit together.
There is plenty there to go after Democrats and the GOP gets stuck on all the social issues....

Focus people....Economy,economy,economy.

Stay out of people bedrooms.

You fall right in line with the liberal mantra..its the liberals who make it about social issues, because that's the only way they can win, and you fall for the same bullshit.

You're exactly the type of Republican he is referring to. Stay out of people's bedrooms and Democrats won't be able to attack you for NOT staying out of people's bedrooms.

Then you can win....right?

No ones in anyone's bedroom genus. Only in the minds of a brainwashed liberal clone who can't think for themselves.
A political insider, a money man who made millions off his political connections. this man should never be elected to any political office what an embarrassment if he were..liberals love him :cuckoo:


Federal City National Bank

In 1985, McAuliffe helped found the Federal City National Bank, a small bank based in Washington, D.C.[5] In January 1988, when he was 30 years old, the bank’s board elected McAuliffe chairman, making him the youngest elected chairman of a federally chartered bank in the history of the United States.[6]

The bank loaned $125,000 to a political action committee that supported Richard Gephardt's presidential campaign. McAuliffe told The New York Times that he abstained from voting on the loan because he was also the Gephardt campaign's finance chairman.[7] The bank also provided loans to former U.S. Representative Tony Coelho and the then-Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Jim Wright.[8]

In 1991, McAuliffe helped to negotiate a merger with Credit International Bank (then under the management of Republican Richard V. Allen), which he called his "greatest business experience".[8] McAuliffe went on to become vice chairman of the newly merged bank, leading to questions from shareholders that he was given special treatment, which Allen denied.[8][9]

American Pioneer Savings Bank

In 1979, McAuliffe met Richard Swann, a lawyer who was in charge of fundraising for Jimmy Carter's presidential campaign in Florida. In 1988, McAuliffe married Swann's daughter, Dorothy.

In the late 1980s, Swann's finances collapsed, entangling McAuliffe, who then used his political contacts to help Swann.[8] In 1990, federal regulators seized Swann's American Pioneer Savings Bank, causing Swann to file for bankruptcy, and McAuliffe to lose $800,000 he had invested in American Pioneer.[8] The Resolution Trust Corporation, a federal agency, seized American Pioneer's assets and liabilities.[8] Under the guidance of Swann, McAuliffe partnered with a pension fund controlled by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and the National Electrical Contractors Association to buy American Pioneer real estate, valued at $50 million, for $38.7 million from the Resolution Trust Corporation.[8][10] Of the purchase amount, McAuliffe paid $100, while the pension fund paid $38.7 million;[8] McAuliffe still received a 50% equity stake.[10] The deal was arranged by pension fund trustee Jack Moore, who was an acquaintance of McAuliffe from the Gephardt presidential campaign.[8][10] Following the deal, the Department of Labor filed a lawsuit against McAuliffe and Moore, accusing them of imprudent business practices.[8][10]

Global Crossing

In 1997, McAuliffe invested $100,000 in Global Crossing,[6] a Bermuda-registered telecommunications company providing fiber-optic networking services worldwide.[11] Global Crossing went public in 1998.[12] The following year, McAuliffe sold the majority of his holding for a $8 million profit (other accounts have said his profit was $18 million).[13] McAuliffe sold the rest of his shares in January 2002.[13] The company filed for bankruptcy that same month, causing investors to lose over $54 billion, and 10,000 employees to lose their jobs.[13][14] McAuliffe, who lambasted Republicans after the Enron scandal, was criticized as hypocritical in the media, prompting him to set up television interviews to explain himself.[15] On Hannity & Colmes, Sean Hannity pointed out McAuliffe's large profit, to which McAuliffe responded, "What are you, jealous or something? I mean, you buy stock. It was a great company."[16] According to McAuliffe's book, he played no management role in Global Crossing.[6]

GreenTech Automotive

GreenTech Automotive

In 2009, McAuliffe founded GreenTech Automotive, a holding company, which purchased Chinese electric car company EU Auto MyCar for $20 million in May 2010.[17][18] Later that year, McAuliffe relocated GreenTech's headquarters to McLean, Virginia. GreenTech subsequently announced plans to manufacture vehicles in Mississippi.[19][20]

In April 2013, McAuliffe announced his resignation from GreenTech.[21] Although he resigned from his position, McAuliffe still holds majority ownership in GreenTech.[22][23]

In December 2012, McAuliffe was questioned as to why he chose to locate the factory in Mississippi as opposed to Virginia. McAuliffe claimed that he wanted to bring the factory to Virginia but the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP), the state's business recruitment agency, chose not to bid on it.[24] However, in January 2013, PolitiFact declared McAuliffe's claim to be false. According to PolitiFact, VEDP and GreenTech formally discussed building the factory in Virginia, and its representatives even toured potential sites with GreenTech representatives.[24] McAuliffe said he disagreed with PolitiFact's report, and said other GreenTech executives made the decision, but did not offer specifics as to how the report was mistaken

Terry McAuliffe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A political insider, a money man who made millions off his political connections.

The very definition of a "Republican Politician". Seems that Republicans would LOVE him even though he's a Democrat. I don't get it.

You love him...I don't get it:eusa_eh:
meanwhile back at the Ranch one dirt bag will be elected over another dirt bag....two guys with less than stellar approval ratings.....something to be proud of.....

What makes Cuccinelli a"dirt bag"? Put up some evidence to support it like I did for McAucliff or shut the F..ck up.:cuckoo:
Cuccinelli? He wanted to send a scientist to the gulag for getting results that disagreed with the OfficialDoctrine of TheParty. Very Stalinist of him.

And I haven't found a single conservative anywhere willing to criticize Cuccinelli for that. Without exception, every one of them also want climate scientists sent to the gulag. Very Stalinist of them as well. Yes, they all have their excuses about how Dr. Mann was an EnemyOfTheState, exactly as the old Soviets always had their lists of trumped-up crimes to pin on their political enemies.

Weiner's Back!

Back in black
And i'm showin' my sack
I've been too long I'm glad to be back
Yes, I'm let loose
And ready to goose
I'm keepin'' a blind eye
Alooking at the sky
'Cause it's gettin' me high
Forget the hearse 'cause I never die
I got nine lives
And an elephant's size
Abusin' every one of them and running wild

'Cause I'm back
Yes, I'm back
Well, I'm back
Yes, I'm back
Well, I'm back, back
(Well) I'm back in black
Yes, I'm back in black

Back in the back
Of a Cadillac
Number one with a bullet, I'm a power pack
Yes, I'm in a bang
With my wangdang
They've got to catch me if they want me to hang
Cause I'm back on the track
And I'm beatin' the flak
Nobody's gonna get me on another rap
Don't look at me now
I'm just makin' my play
Don't try to push your luck, just get out of my way


Well, I'm back, Yes I'm back
Well, I'm back, Yes I'm back
Well, I'm back, back
Well I'm back in black
Yes I'm back in black

hooo yeah
Ohh yeah
Yes I am
Oooh yeah, yeah Oh yeah
Back in now
Well I'm back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back in black
Yes I'm back in black
Out of the sight!
meanwhile back at the Ranch one dirt bag will be elected over another dirt bag....two guys with less than stellar approval ratings.....something to be proud of.....

What makes Cuccinelli a"dirt bag"? Put up some evidence to support it like I did for McAucliff or shut the F..ck up.:cuckoo:

He's a TeaP, Jroc, which is more than enough.
meanwhile back at the Ranch one dirt bag will be elected over another dirt bag....two guys with less than stellar approval ratings.....something to be proud of.....

What makes Cuccinelli a"dirt bag"? Put up some evidence to support it like I did for McAucliff or shut the F..ck up.:cuckoo:

eat my shorts asshole....just being a politician with a 30% approval rating tells me all i need to know.....your problem Roc....you have your head up a Parties asshole....
meanwhile back at the Ranch one dirt bag will be elected over another dirt bag....two guys with less than stellar approval ratings.....something to be proud of.....

What makes Cuccinelli a"dirt bag"? Put up some evidence to support it like I did for McAucliff or shut the F..ck up.:cuckoo:

eat my shorts asshole....just being a politician with a 30% approval rating tells me all i need to know.....your problem Roc....you have your head up a Parties asshole....

So you got nothing..Just as I thought. To compare Cuccinelli with a piece of shit like McAuliffe is idiocy:cuckoo:
Cuccinelli? He wanted to send a scientist to the gulag for getting results that disagreed with the OfficialDoctrine of TheParty. Very Stalinist of him.

And I haven't found a single conservative anywhere willing to criticize Cuccinelli for that. Without exception, every one of them also want climate scientists sent to the gulag. Very Stalinist of them as well. Yes, they all have their excuses about how Dr. Mann was an EnemyOfTheState, exactly as the old Soviets always had their lists of trumped-up crimes to pin on their political enemies.

More stupidity from another ignorant clone. This is what the libs have come to what a bunch of morons:cuckoo:
Terry McAuliffe is living, breathing proof of just how grim things are for the GOP.

You right wing clowns should take note of this but you won't.
GreenTech relies heavily on financing from wealthy foreigners, many of them Chinese, who pony up at least $500,000 each through a federal program designed to attract overseas investors. In return for their investments, they receive U.S. visas and may become eligible for permanent residency green cards. TheEB-5 visa program is legal; it&#8217;s been operating since 1990 with bipartisan support. The troubling question is whether GreenTech, as conceived by Mr. McAuliffe, is a serious and viable automotive enterprise or mainly a scheme to attract foreign investment capital and serve Mr. McAuliffe&#8217;s political agenda. The fact that production has ramped up so slowly &#8212; to date, just a few hundred golf-cart-sized electric cars have rolled off the assembly line &#8212; feeds those suspicions. So does a federal investigation focusing on whether a senior official at the Department of Homeland Security gave Mr. McAuliffe special treatment, based on his political connections, in approving EB-5 visas for GreenTech&#8217;s foreign investors. Equally disconcerting is GreenTech&#8217;srefusal to allow journalists to tour its factory in Mississippi. According to former GreenTech employees who spoke to The Post, the plant is a Potemkinmanufacturing facility, where managersstage a semblance of production for the benefit of visitors. Company officials deny that. If it&#8217;s untrue, they should allow journalists to see for themselves. Mr. McAuliffe resigned quietly as GreenTech&#8217;s chairman in December; he remains the firm&#8217;s largest shareholder.<<<

GreenTech is but one of McAuliffe&#8217;s many sleazy business ventures. He has spent a lifetime, and made a fortune, as the premier practitioner of Crony Capitalism. This from another post article in 2009:

>>>One of McAuliffe&#8217;s most lucrative deals, earning him $8 million, was a $100,000 investment in Global Crossing Holdings in the 1990s. The company&#8217;s chief, Gary Winnick, later became a contributor for whom McAuliffe secured a golf date with President Bill Clinton. McAuliffe made $16 million developing a shopping center in Florida after persuading a top labor leader he knew through the Democratic Party to invest $40 million from the union&#8217;s pension fund. He made $1.2 million helping Telergy, an Internet startup firm from his home town, Syracuse, N.Y., secure a $40 million investment from Winnick, the Global Crossing chief. Telergy paid McAuliffe the referral fee, he recalled, after its executives invited him to serve on the board to help forge contacts with national politicians. By the end of Clinton&#8217;s second term, McAuliffe was the president&#8217;s top fundraiser, well known for working with Clinton to arrange perks for party donors &#8212; and doing business with some of those same donors. By the end of Clinton&#8217;s second term, McAuliffe was the president&#8217;s top fundraiser, well known for working with Clinton to arrange perks for party donors &#8212;

Washington Post calls McAuliffe's GreenTech company "Smoke and Mirrors" - The Bull Elephant
The Republicans had won Virginia in ten straight and 13 of the 14 Presidential elections prior to the 2008 elections.

Now look.

Y'all Republicans have a serious fucking problem on your hands.
The Republicans had won Virginia in ten straight and 13 of the 14 Presidential elections prior to the 2008 elections.

Now look.

Y'all Republicans have a serious fucking problem on your hands.

Yeah the sleazy democrat money machine, and too many libs moving into Virginia infesting the place like the locus they are.
The Republicans had won Virginia in ten straight and 13 of the 14 Presidential elections prior to the 2008 elections.

Now look.

Y'all Republicans have a serious fucking problem on your hands.

Yeah the sleazy democrat money machine, and too many libs moving into Virginia infesting the place like the locus they are.

Yes, that's totally the issue. Spot on.
What makes Cuccinelli a"dirt bag"? Put up some evidence to support it like I did for McAucliff or shut the F..ck up.:cuckoo:

eat my shorts asshole....just being a politician with a 30% approval rating tells me all i need to know.....your problem Roc....you have your head up a Parties asshole....

So you got nothing..Just as I thought. To compare Cuccinelli with a piece of shit like McAuliffe is idiocy:cuckoo:
oh i got something........he is a Politician ....with a 30% approval rating.....not much below the other dirt bag....but lets ignore everyone else on the ballet because they are not Party guys....that is whats idiotic...
GreenTech relies heavily on financing from wealthy foreigners, many of them Chinese, who pony up at least $500,000 each through a federal program designed to attract overseas investors. In return for their investments, they receive U.S. visas and may become eligible for permanent residency green cards. TheEB-5 visa program is legal; it’s been operating since 1990 with bipartisan support. The troubling question is whether GreenTech, as conceived by Mr. McAuliffe, is a serious and viable automotive enterprise or mainly a scheme to attract foreign investment capital and serve Mr. McAuliffe’s political agenda. The fact that production has ramped up so slowly — to date, just a few hundred golf-cart-sized electric cars have rolled off the assembly line — feeds those suspicions. So does a federal investigation focusing on whether a senior official at the Department of Homeland Security gave Mr. McAuliffe special treatment, based on his political connections, in approving EB-5 visas for GreenTech’s foreign investors. Equally disconcerting is GreenTech’srefusal to allow journalists to tour its factory in Mississippi. According to former GreenTech employees who spoke to The Post, the plant is a Potemkinmanufacturing facility, where managersstage a semblance of production for the benefit of visitors. Company officials deny that. If it’s untrue, they should allow journalists to see for themselves. Mr. McAuliffe resigned quietly as GreenTech’s chairman in December; he remains the firm’s largest shareholder.<<<

GreenTech is but one of McAuliffe’s many sleazy business ventures. He has spent a lifetime, and made a fortune, as the premier practitioner of Crony Capitalism. This from another post article in 2009:

>>>One of McAuliffe’s most lucrative deals, earning him $8 million, was a $100,000 investment in Global Crossing Holdings in the 1990s. The company’s chief, Gary Winnick, later became a contributor for whom McAuliffe secured a golf date with President Bill Clinton. McAuliffe made $16 million developing a shopping center in Florida after persuading a top labor leader he knew through the Democratic Party to invest $40 million from the union’s pension fund. He made $1.2 million helping Telergy, an Internet startup firm from his home town, Syracuse, N.Y., secure a $40 million investment from Winnick, the Global Crossing chief. Telergy paid McAuliffe the referral fee, he recalled, after its executives invited him to serve on the board to help forge contacts with national politicians. By the end of Clinton’s second term, McAuliffe was the president’s top fundraiser, well known for working with Clinton to arrange perks for party donors — and doing business with some of those same donors. By the end of Clinton’s second term, McAuliffe was the president’s top fundraiser, well known for working with Clinton to arrange perks for party donors —

Washington Post calls McAuliffe's GreenTech company "Smoke and Mirrors" - The Bull Elephant

no one is denying the guy is a piece of shit dummy....you even have Liberals here saying this....so why post this?.....you should wondering how a piece of shit like McAuliffe can still beat the turd the GOP puts up against him...
The Republicans had won Virginia in ten straight and 13 of the 14 Presidential elections prior to the 2008 elections.

Now look.

Y'all Republicans have a serious fucking problem on your hands.

It's a problem of demographics. NoVa filled up with freeloaders and trash from north of the Potomac looking for a better life but who vote in the same politicians as back home.

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