Terry Schiavo

Who was speaking for her rights?

Have you ever been in a vegatitive state? Whats it like? Do you feel pain? The pain of starvation? The pain of dying a terrible death?

Doctors may say those things but how do we know?

Her husband was. Who would know better what her wishes were? I have yet to hear anyone say, "if there's no hope, keep me alive anyway".
he was a husband, on paper only....he was already mentally married to a new live in wife....

the decision imho should have been up to the parents under those circumstances and his supposed marriage should have been null as far as i am concerned and the parents should have been allowed to take over her care costs, as they offered to do!

I DO NOT however, agree with the dog and pony SHOW the GOP put on....or their legislative moves!!!
Remember her all you flag wavin', mother lovin', apple pie eatin' Repugs?

The Florida Woman, whose husband wanted to remove a feeding tube, she was in a "Persistant Vegetative State".

What did the Repug Majority in the House and in The Senate Do (They did have the Majority in both Houses at the time.)?

They passed a bill that prevented the husband from the removing the tube.and the former Deserter-In-Chief, the shrub himself to sign it.

The very best of "Big Government" interfering in a Medical Decision.

The bill was later deemed Un-Constitutional.

How many of you ConJobs/NeoNuts/Repugs/TeaHadists were cheering on that butt wad from Texas Paul last night?

Hypocrite much?

I'm a conservative who bitched plenty about "conservatives" interjecting themselves and government into a personal family decision. It wasn't their business and they were just as guilty of social engineering as the liberals are. I wasn't a member of this board when this case was going on, but I raised holy hell on other boards at the time. And I do support Ron Paul.
Remember her all you flag wavin', mother lovin', apple pie eatin' Repugs?

The Florida Woman, whose husband wanted to remove a feeding tube, she was in a "Persistant Vegetative State".

What did the Repug Majority in the House and in The Senate Do (They did have the Majority in both Houses at the time.)?

They passed a bill that prevented the husband from the removing the tube.and the former Deserter-In-Chief, the shrub himself to sign it.

The very best of "Big Government" interfering in a Medical Decision.

The bill was later deemed Un-Constitutional.

How many of you ConJobs/NeoNuts/Repugs/TeaHadists were cheering on that butt wad from Texas Paul last night?

Hypocrite much?

This is about the Election Cycle and your efforts to Jerk-Off all over the walls, right?
For me the Issues with Terry were more along the lines of how she got in that Vegatitive State (Possible Domestic Violence Issue) (Worsened State under Hospital care), Husband having an Epiphany after 10 years of Hospitalization that She did not want Extended Life Support.

Now let's just assume that you don't want extended life support for yourself, and there is an incident, where you are seriously hurt and lose a majority of your body function. Do you believe that you should have the right to reconsider for your own self the decision you made? Given 3 to 6 months of repair and recovery time, should you be allowed to decide for your self if you want to go on living or end it? Must you be held to a choice you made in a prior state? Those are my issues in relation to Terry.
Who was speaking for her rights?

Have you ever been in a vegatitive state? Whats it like? Do you feel pain? The pain of starvation? The pain of dying a terrible death?

Doctors may say those things but how do we know?

Her husband was. Who would know better what her wishes were? I have yet to hear anyone say, "if there's no hope, keep me alive anyway".
he was a husband, on paper only....he was already mentally married to a new live in wife....

the decision imho should have been up to the parents under those circumstances and his supposed marriage should have been null as far as i am concerned and the parents should have been allowed to take over her care costs, as they offered to do!

I DO NOT however, agree with the dog and pony SHOW the GOP put on....or their legislative moves!!!

Exactly, almost. ;)
Who was speaking for her rights?

Have you ever been in a vegatitive state? Whats it like? Do you feel pain? The pain of starvation? The pain of dying a terrible death?

Doctors may say those things but how do we know?

Her husband was. Who would know better what her wishes were? I have yet to hear anyone say, "if there's no hope, keep me alive anyway".
he was a husband, on paper only....he was already mentally married to a new live in wife....

the decision imho should have been up to the parents under those circumstances and his supposed marriage should have been null as far as i am concerned and the parents should have been allowed to take over her care costs, as they offered to do!

I DO NOT however, agree with the dog and pony SHOW the GOP put on....or their legislative moves!!!

The parents have no standing in this case. The husband is the one that would know best what her wishes were. It's a cheap shot to talk about his new realationship. He was extemely devoted to Terry and tried every therapy available. The problem came when her family refused to see the writing on the wall that there was no hope. He moved on long after the whole situation should have been settled. The real bad actors were the family trying to keep her alive as some sort of toy to play with.
If I recall, the husband and Terry DID HAVE a discussion if something like this ever came up, what their wishes were. Those wishes should have been carried out a lot sooner, IMO.
Her husband was. Who would know better what her wishes were? I have yet to hear anyone say, "if there's no hope, keep me alive anyway".
he was a husband, on paper only....he was already mentally married to a new live in wife....

the decision imho should have been up to the parents under those circumstances and his supposed marriage should have been null as far as i am concerned and the parents should have been allowed to take over her care costs, as they offered to do!

I DO NOT however, agree with the dog and pony SHOW the GOP put on....or their legislative moves!!!

The parents have no standing in this case. The husband is the one that would know best what her wishes were. It's a cheap shot to talk about his new realationship. He was extemely devoted to Terry and tried every therapy available. The problem came when her family refused to see the writing on the wall that there was no hope. He moved on long after the whole situation should have been settled. The real bad actors were the family trying to keep her alive as some sort of toy to play with.

Unless foul play was involved. Then the cheap shot was his, literally and figuratively. Now where does that leave you?
If I recall, the husband and Terry DID HAVE a discussion if something like this ever came up, what their wishes were. Those wishes should have been carried out a lot sooner, IMO.

That was the Epiphany that came through Revelation a Decade later. ;)
Remember her all you flag wavin', mother lovin', apple pie eatin' Repugs?

The Florida Woman, whose husband wanted to remove a feeding tube, she was in a "Persistant Vegetative State".

What did the Repug Majority in the House and in The Senate Do (They did have the Majority in both Houses at the time.)?

They passed a bill that prevented the husband from the removing the tube.and the former Deserter-In-Chief, the shrub himself to sign it.

The very best of "Big Government" interfering in a Medical Decision.

The bill was later deemed Un-Constitutional.

How many of you ConJobs/NeoNuts/Repugs/TeaHadists were cheering on that butt wad from Texas Paul last night?

Hypocrite much?

This is about the Election Cycle and your efforts to Jerk-Off all over the walls, right?
For me the Issues with Terry were more along the lines of how she got in that Vegatitive State (Possible Domestic Violence Issue) (Worsened State under Hospital care), Husband having an Epiphany after 10 years of Hospitalization that She did not want Extended Life Support.

Now let's just assume that you don't want extended life support for yourself, and there is an incident, where you are seriously hurt and lose a majority of your body function. Do you believe that you should have the right to reconsider for your own self the decision you made? Given 3 to 6 months of repair and recovery time, should you be allowed to decide for your self if you want to go on living or end it? Must you be held to a choice you made in a prior state? Those are my issues in relation to Terry.

The whole situation bears out the importance of a "Living Will". If she had one, none of this would have happened the way it did.

As for her husband's supposed "epiphany", that's a cheap shot. I'd have been more concerned, if he'd taken that tack earlier. Before that he was doing all he could to seee if she could be saved. To start talking deatnh immediately would have been cruel to her family and an indication that he had something to hide. The way it did play out, seems quite normal to me. What wasn't normal was the family's refusal to let her go, despite what doctors were telling them.
If I recall, the husband and Terry DID HAVE a discussion if something like this ever came up, what their wishes were. Those wishes should have been carried out a lot sooner, IMO.

That was the Epiphany that came through Revelation a Decade later. ;)

BS, it was something he didn't bring up until there was no hope.

:lol: Yeah he relied so heavily on Hope. Let's hope this Wife fares better.
he was a husband, on paper only....he was already mentally married to a new live in wife....

the decision imho should have been up to the parents under those circumstances and his supposed marriage should have been null as far as i am concerned and the parents should have been allowed to take over her care costs, as they offered to do!

I DO NOT however, agree with the dog and pony SHOW the GOP put on....or their legislative moves!!!

The parents have no standing in this case. The husband is the one that would know best what her wishes were. It's a cheap shot to talk about his new realationship. He was extemely devoted to Terry and tried every therapy available. The problem came when her family refused to see the writing on the wall that there was no hope. He moved on long after the whole situation should have been settled. The real bad actors were the family trying to keep her alive as some sort of toy to play with.

Unless foul play was involved. Then the cheap shot was his, literally and figuratively. Now where does that leave you?

What foul play? Why did the family have an "epiphany" about that ten years later and what proof is there?!?!
Her husband was. Who would know better what her wishes were? I have yet to hear anyone say, "if there's no hope, keep me alive anyway".
he was a husband, on paper only....he was already mentally married to a new live in wife....

the decision imho should have been up to the parents under those circumstances and his supposed marriage should have been null as far as i am concerned and the parents should have been allowed to take over her care costs, as they offered to do!

I DO NOT however, agree with the dog and pony SHOW the GOP put on....or their legislative moves!!!

The parents have no standing in this case. The husband is the one that would know best what her wishes were. It's a cheap shot to talk about his new realationship. He was extemely devoted to Terry and tried every therapy available. The problem came when her family refused to see the writing on the wall that there was no hope. He moved on long after the whole situation should have been settled. The real bad actors were the family trying to keep her alive as some sort of toy to play with.
me thinks you've been snowed.

let's just say, i disagree with your opinion above....

i have no political reason to agree with 'the right' since i am a ''leftie'', but i read every single article and judgement, and court case with testimony on this and I stand by my opinion that i stated above....

we'll just have to agree to disagree, my mind can not be changed on my solid stand.
That was the Epiphany that came through Revelation a Decade later. ;)

BS, it was something he didn't bring up until there was no hope.

:lol: Yeah he relied so heavily on Hope. Let's hope this Wife fares better.

What does that mean? Didn't he take her to treatments for years? After a decade I would think hope would be lost, especially since most doctors were telling him there wasn't any.
In January of 2000, the Petition to Withdraw Life Support was heard by Judge George W. Greer in Pinellas-Pasco's Sixth Judicial Circuit. As support for his petition, Michael Schiavo testified that Terri told him in the mid-1980s that she would not want life support after the couple had watched a movie depicting a patient on a ventilator. Schiavo's brother and sister-in-law also testified that Terri had made statements to them regarding mechanical life support. Judge Greer found this testimony to be clear and convincing evidence that Terri Schiavo would deny herself the provision of a gastric feeding tube in the event of a profound disability and ordered that her tube be removed.

he was a husband, on paper only....he was already mentally married to a new live in wife....

the decision imho should have been up to the parents under those circumstances and his supposed marriage should have been null as far as i am concerned and the parents should have been allowed to take over her care costs, as they offered to do!

I DO NOT however, agree with the dog and pony SHOW the GOP put on....or their legislative moves!!!

The parents have no standing in this case. The husband is the one that would know best what her wishes were. It's a cheap shot to talk about his new realationship. He was extemely devoted to Terry and tried every therapy available. The problem came when her family refused to see the writing on the wall that there was no hope. He moved on long after the whole situation should have been settled. The real bad actors were the family trying to keep her alive as some sort of toy to play with.
me thinks you've been snowed.

let's just say, i disagree with your opinion above....

i have no political reason to agree with 'the right' since i am a ''leftie'', but i read every single article and judgement, and court case with testimony on this and I stand by my opinion that i stated above....

we'll just have to agree to disagree, my mind can not be changed on my solid stand.

Why have I been snowed? What has been proven? Nothing that I know of. The parents' position doesn't make sense. No one I ever knew would say they wanted to continue in that state. He waited a long time to tell them, because until then there were new therapies to try. When all failed, he simply was telling them what they already should have known.
In January of 2000, the Petition to Withdraw Life Support was heard by Judge George W. Greer in Pinellas-Pasco's Sixth Judicial Circuit. As support for his petition, Michael Schiavo testified that Terri told him in the mid-1980s that she would not want life support after the couple had watched a movie depicting a patient on a ventilator. Schiavo's brother and sister-in-law also testified that Terri had made statements to them regarding mechanical life support. Judge Greer found this testimony to be clear and convincing evidence that Terri Schiavo would deny herself the provision of a gastric feeding tube in the event of a profound disability and ordered that her tube be removed.


Makes sense. No one I've ever known has ever told me, "if there's no hope, keep me alive anyway".

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