Testimonies of Born Again Christians - This is their Story!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
These are the testimonies of people who were lost in false religions, the occult, atheism and more - who came to salvation through Jesus Christ. Their stories will encourage you and bless you as you realize that the LORD is might to save and that his arm is not too short to reach even the most lost sinner! We begin with the testimony of two former Catholic Priests and a former Catholic nun who left Catholicism and received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! What a powerful testimony they both have! You'll want to read their books too! Watch this!

This is another powerful testimony of this woman's salvation - listen to this!

This is the testimony of an ex-satanist - this is an outstanding testimony.

Part 1

This is where the ex-satanist encounters the true power of Jesus Christ and realizes for the first time that Jesus Christ has far more power than Satan does and not only that but that Jesus Christ has all power OVER Satan! What you are about to hear in this video will remove all doubt from your mind as to who is in full control! Glory to God! Listen to what happens! What a story!!!!!

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If you would like to read the bible here at USMB see this link for the Gospel of John - it contains all 21 Chapters and verses are noted. The is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You too can be saved just as these people in the videos have received Jesus!

The Gospel According to John US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The ex - satanist testimony has got to be the best I've ever heard yet! Make sure and listen to all 10 videos! It is well worth it! If you ever doubted the power of Jesus Christ you won't after listening to these!

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