Testimony of believers & former believers of the morning star

Well you just hit yourself again and Christianity for lying.
That includes using many forum post names in Craigslist forums and here.
Wow. Are seeing a counselor or therapist? Has it ever been recommended to you to do so? Why are you incapable of apologizing to others after you lied about them? Is it just sometimes or all the time?
Yeah ask yourself that in a mirror, but this time with less anger within ya.
Yeah ask yourself that in a mirror, but this time with less anger within ya.
No need. I'm not angry nor am I a dweebish self-proclaimed "scholar" claiming Jesus is Satan and then runs when someone agrees killing Satan is a good idea.

Get a grip, Shevvy.
There you go, you lied and displaced when you thought it necessary to use name calling in an
ad hominem response that clearly showed your anger. Spending all day deflecting and displacing your anger is bad enough, but doing it with someone you deem mentally disabled is a whole other level of epic fail.
MY ADVICE : let go of the human ego, it will
consume you, make you make poor choices, make you suffer those poor choices, keep you from learning and progressing, keep you from Teshuva, give ypu more stress thus poor health...etc...
There you go, you lied and displaced when you thought it necessary to use name calling in an
ad hominem response that clearly showed your anger. Spending all day deflecting and displacing your anger is bad enough, but doing it with someone you deem mentally disabled is a whole other level of epic fail.
MY ADVICE : let go of the human ego, it will
consume you, make you make poor choices, make you suffer those poor choices, keep you from learning and progressing, keep you from Teshuva, give ypu more stress thus poor health...etc...
You're the self-proclaimed "scholar". Take your own advice.
There you go, you lied and displaced when you thought it necessary to use name calling in an
ad hominem response that clearly showed your anger. Spending all day deflecting and displacing your anger is bad enough, but doing it with someone you deem mentally disabled is a whole other level of epic fail.
MY ADVICE : let go of the human ego, it will
consume you, make you make poor choices, make you suffer those poor choices, keep you from learning and progressing, keep you from Teshuva, give ypu more stress thus poor health...etc...
You're the self-proclaimed "scholar". Take your own advice.

Try to understand that he can't. He is too busy dreaming about slaughtering farm animals in a temple dressed in priestly garb while legions of beautiful women leave Jesus to worship him, the real messiah. ... Its actually rather pathetic.

If scripture is true he will spend the rest of his days crawling on his belly, eating dust.
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Try to understand that he can't. He is too busy dreaming about slaughtering farm animals in a temple dressed in priestly garb while legions of beautiful women leave Jesus to worship him, the real messiah. ... Its actually rather pathetic.

If scripture is true he will spend the rest of his days crawling on his belly, eating dust.
Can't is much more forgivable than won't. God blesses children, animals and the mentally ill.
Try to understand that he can't. He is too busy dreaming about slaughtering farm animals in a temple dressed in priestly garb while legions of beautiful women leave Jesus to worship him, the real messiah. ... Its actually rather pathetic.

If scripture is true he will spend the rest of his days crawling on his belly, eating dust.
Can't is much more forgivable than won't. God blesses children, animals and the mentally ill.

I agree. but thats the sad part. Hashev is not mentally ill. He has lifted his skirt and allowed his mind to be entered and defiled by that so called 'evil inclination' to perpetuate falsehood in the name of God, all for nothing but a pocket full of empty promises of fame and glory as high priest of an animal slaughterhouse..
I agree. but thats the sad part. Hashev is not mentally ill. He has lifted his skirt and allowed his mind to be entered and defiled by that so called 'evil inclination' to perpetuate falsehood in the name of God, all for nothing but a pocket full of empty promises of fame and glory as high priest of an animal slaughterhouse..
It's difficult to do a mental diagnosis across keyboards, but, offhand, anyone who is habitually delusional, certainly has a loose grip on reality. IOW, mentally deficient for some reason.
And that would make the Jesus of the Gospels What ?? According to your interpretation Divine Wind...... Play Nice and don't gang up this isnt a schoolyard playground and we are not bullies right tossing sand around...... You realize that according to Hobe the temple will just be an animal slaughterhouse which is complete nonsense as it will be so much more then that.... By his definition a courthouse is just for locking people up in jails like animals instead of a place that tries to uphold the laws of the land and keep people in a lawfull manner.... Hobe has been spending too much time in his garden talking to his plants to see anything past his trees.... Not a shot at you Hobe just an observation.... If being the head of the temple is no different then being the leader of a country or a leader of a corporation or any public service then by your denegrating it you are doing a diservice to any who voulenteer their time to bettering society as a whole..... How many doctors or dentists do you know that volenteer to play an instrument at the symphony or donate their services for free do you know.... Do you call them mentally ill and scoff at them as well because the choose to give back in their own way so why do you continue to just see the temple as a slaughterhouse instead of so much more.... By the way you do eat meat dont you maybe you should make a sign and go down to the local slaughterhouse and make you feelings known if you feel so strongly about it... hmmm...
I agree. but thats the sad part. Hashev is not mentally ill. He has lifted his skirt and allowed his mind to be entered and defiled by that so called 'evil inclination' to perpetuate falsehood in the name of God, all for nothing but a pocket full of empty promises of fame and glory as high priest of an animal slaughterhouse..
It's difficult to do a mental diagnosis across keyboards, but, offhand, anyone who is habitually delusional, certainly has a loose grip on reality. IOW, mentally deficient for some reason.

*L* You just described a couple of the characters making up the Who killed kenny character and the 2 Billion followers of the imaginary icon while taking a swipe at me showing your fear and hatred.

YOU become the mesaage & words tangibly off the paper, thus help teach people by example of what is being spoken of regarding ad hominem & displaced responses to theological discussions.
My Bible sources and reference to your refutation using no source and just personal attacks. Mirroring Christian acts of Crusades, inquisition, Holocaust=violence that lying needs to supress truths it can't answer to.
Of you had something of value to add to the conversation you wouldn't need all your angry poor behavior, name calling and ad hominem responses. But thanks for the Bumps, it helps to keep Jeremiah from hiding the posts with daily floods of cut and paste.

In conclusion: you can't kill something that never existed unless you blot him out of the world to come (future)=kick lucifer (his image)out of heaven so he only existed in the fallen state of man(incomplete past).

Just as you can't kill Santa unless you stop telling your kids the lie that he exists.
And that would make the Jesus of the Gospels What ?? According to your interpretation Divine Wind...... .
I'd take the New Testament at face value since there is not much else to go on. Shevvy's theory he's either Satan or a Satan worshiper has no evidence. Just his little delusions. However, if the Jews at the time thought Jesus was Satan, that would help explain why they wanted him crucified, wouldn't it? Why do you think the Jews wanted to execute Jesus of Nazareth?
*L* You just described a couple of the characters making up the Who killed kenny character and the 2 Billion followers of the imaginary icon while taking a swipe at me showing your fear and hatred.

YOU become the mesaage & words tangibly off the paper, thus help teach people by example of what is being spoken of regarding ad hominem & displaced responses to theological discussions.
My Bible sources and reference to your refutation using no source and just personal attacks. Mirroring Christian acts of Crusades, inquisition, Holocaust=violence that lying needs to supress truths it can't answer to.
Of you had something of value to add to the conversation you wouldn't need all your angry poor behavior, name calling and ad hominem responses. But thanks for the Bumps, it helps to keep Jeremiah from hiding the posts with daily floods of cut and paste.

In conclusion: you can't kill something that never existed unless you blot him out of the world to come (future)=kick lucifer (his image)out of heaven so he only existed in the fallen state of man(incomplete past).

Just as you can't kill Santa unless you stop telling your kids the lie that he exists.
Kenny? Southpark? Santa? Wow. What an excellent example of a mentally deranged person. Thank you.
Divine wind we have talked before and I told you I liked your handle...Since the only gold medal the Israelis won in the Olympics was in wind surfing I guess you have something in common... Hasn't been a hurricane in the states since then or at least 10 years if I have not been mistaken... Satan in original concept was someone or something that stood in your way.. So if I stand before you and will not let you pass I am behaving as Satan to you... Realizing this concept calling Jesus Satan and his followers Satanic makes complete sense does it not... So therefore Christianity and their leader are Satanic to the jewish people as they behave in a complete opposite manner and stand in their way... As for Jesus unfortunately he could not be this Jesus of Nazareth that you claim because the city of Naza,rethink was built after his supposed death later on by the Romans if you don't believe me please look it up for yourself...
*L* You just described a couple of the characters making up the Who killed kenny character and the 2 Billion followers of the imaginary icon while taking a swipe at me showing your fear and hatred.

YOU become the mesaage & words tangibly off the paper, thus help teach people by example of what is being spoken of regarding ad hominem & displaced responses to theological discussions.
My Bible sources and reference to your refutation using no source and just personal attacks. Mirroring Christian acts of Crusades, inquisition, Holocaust=violence that lying needs to supress truths it can't answer to.
Of you had something of value to add to the conversation you wouldn't need all your angry poor behavior, name calling and ad hominem responses. But thanks for the Bumps, it helps to keep Jeremiah from hiding the posts with daily floods of cut and paste.

In conclusion: you can't kill something that never existed unless you blot him out of the world to come (future)=kick lucifer (his image)out of heaven so he only existed in the fallen state of man(incomplete past).

Just as you can't kill Santa unless you stop telling your kids the lie that he exists.
Kenny? Southpark? Santa? Wow. What an excellent example of a mentally deranged person. Thank you.

Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous.
So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people, his image and myth can only make people disabled and his former and present followers instead of healing the disabled kick them and create them instead. Seems to be liken to the character in the story, whereby they thought demonic spirits came out their noses when they sneezed and disabled people they claimed demon possesed.
I take double negatives as compliments, but I'm sure disabled people reading these forums now realize where they stand with Christians, especially given their stance against stem cell research and any advanced science that overshadows their idol.
Divine wind we have talked before and I told you I liked your handle...Since the only gold medal the Israelis won in the Olympics was in wind surfing I guess you have something in common... Hasn't been a hurricane in the states since then or at least 10 years if I have not been mistaken... Satan in original concept was someone or something that stood in your way.. So if I stand before you and will not let you pass I am behaving as Satan to you... Realizing this concept calling Jesus Satan and his followers Satanic makes complete sense does it not... So therefore Christianity and their leader are Satanic to the jewish people as they behave in a complete opposite manner and stand in their way... As for Jesus unfortunately he could not be this Jesus of Nazareth that you claim because the city of Naza,rethink was built after his supposed death later on by the Romans if you don't believe me please look it up for yourself...
My nickname was given in the Navy and only tangentially related to typhoons. The US was hit by hurricanes last year, so you are mistaken.

Lucifer aka Morning Star as used in this thread is obviously a spiritual being, not some asshole blocking you from going into Dunkin Donuts.

What Jesus of Nazareth are you claiming? The one Shevvy claims is Satan and that the Jews had executed?
Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous.
So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people, his image and myth can only make people disabled and his former and present followers instead of healing the disabled kick them and create them instead. Seems to be liken to the character in the story, whereby they thought demonic spirits came out their noses when they sneezed and disabled people they claimed demon possesed.
I take double negatives as compliments, but I'm sure disabled people reading these forums now realize where they stand with Christians, especially given their stance against stem cell research and any advanced science that overshadows their idol.
Your lies are odd because they are so easily disproven. IMHO, only someone severely mentally ill, probably a paranoid schizophrenic, would such delusions.

You make several accusations, now prove them or be revealed to be the liar I know you are.

You claim "Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous." Show where this is true by quoting me and proving me wrong or a liar.

You claim "So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people". Quote where I've said this or be known as a lying whackjob.
So your refutation to Jesus being The Biblical account of Lucifer and mask for
Dec 25th Baal worship & why 2 Billion people still believe in Santa and the Ishtar=Easter Bunny
is that those who don't are crazy or disabled?
So where in your upringing does it say Jesus says poke disabled people with sticks and wack them if they are more logical and rational then you?
You weren't raised German were you?
Vere ver you during za var?
They didn't like or treat disabled people well either.
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Christian online gangs getting their kicks harassing woman and children and disabled people online.

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