Testimony of believers & former believers of the morning star

Sensitivity training for Christians who hate not having rebuttles;
By his definition a courthouse is just for locking people up in jails like animals instead of a place that tries to uphold the laws of the land and keep people in a lawfull manner.... Hobe has been spending too much time in his garden talking to his plants to see anything past his trees.... Not a shot at you Hobe just an observation.... If being the head of the temple is no different then being the leader of a country or a leader of a corporation or any public service then by your denegrating it you are doing a diservice to any who voulenteer their time to bettering society as a whole..... How many doctors or dentists do you know that volenteer to play an instrument at the symphony or donate their services for free do you know.... Do you call them mentally ill and scoff at them as well because the choose to give back in their own way so why do you continue to just see the temple as a slaughterhouse instead of so much more.... By the way you do eat meat dont you maybe you should make a sign and go down to the local slaughterhouse and make you feelings known if you feel so strongly about it... hmmm...

Being the head of the Temple is in no way like being the head of a country and the temple is only similar to a courthouse in that it is a place full of corruption. The entire belief in animal sacrifice is based entirely on ignorance about the deeper implications of the laws regarding ritual sacrifice. It is a perversion of the will of God in the same way that the teaching that Kashrut is about what can or cannot be eaten is a desecration of the obvious deeper meaning conveyed in words like ruminate..

And I have no problem with butchers,slaughterhouses, or the mentally ill.

I only have a problem with those who claim to love and worship God but are openly engaged in deception and pretense in an attempt to usurp places of authority for personal gain..
So your refutation to Jesus being The Biblical account of Lucifer and mask for
Dec 25th Baal worship & why 2 Billion people still believe in Santa and the Ishtar=Easter Bunny
is that those who don't are crazy or disabled?
So where in your upringing does it say Jesus says poke disabled people with sticks and wack them if they are more logical and rational then you?
You weren't raised German were you?
Vere ver you during za var?
They didn't like or treat disabled people well either.
1) I believe any adult who believes in Santa and the Easter Bunny is as delusional as you are.

2) Your assertion "2 Billion people still believe in Santa and the Ishtar=Easter Bunny" is both unsubstantiated and likely to be another of your long list of lies.

3) Why do you think my upbringing said "Jesus says poke disabled people with sticks and wack them if they are more logical and rational"? The voices in your head? Your "teachings"? Were you brought up to hate and insult anyone who disagrees with you or questions your ideas?

4) Not German, but I've lived there as a military dependent. The US military. You know, the good folks who helped defeat the Nazis and liberated all those in death camps. Are you Russian? Were you taught to hate Americans too?
...And I have no problem with butchers,slaughterhouses, or the mentally ill.

I only have a problem with those who claim to love and worship God but are openly engaged in deception and pretense in an attempt to usurp places of authority for personal gain..
Well said and agreed.

Add to this, I have a problem with people who spread hate against others be it their race, religion, culture, etc. It's one thing to disagree on something but to spread hate is wrong.
By his definition a courthouse is just for locking people up in jails like animals instead of a place that tries to uphold the laws of the land and keep people in a lawfull manner.... Hobe has been spending too much time in his garden talking to his plants to see anything past his trees.... Not a shot at you Hobe just an observation.... If being the head of the temple is no different then being the leader of a country or a leader of a corporation or any public service then by your denegrating it you are doing a diservice to any who voulenteer their time to bettering society as a whole..... How many doctors or dentists do you know that volenteer to play an instrument at the symphony or donate their services for free do you know.... Do you call them mentally ill and scoff at them as well because the choose to give back in their own way so why do you continue to just see the temple as a slaughterhouse instead of so much more.... By the way you do eat meat dont you maybe you should make a sign and go down to the local slaughterhouse and make you feelings known if you feel so strongly about it... hmmm...

Being the head of the Temple is in no way like being the head of a country and the temple is only similar to a courthouse in that it is a place full of corruption. The entire belief in animal sacrifice is based entirely on ignorance about the deeper implications of the laws regarding ritual sacrifice. It is a perversion of the will of God in the same way that the teaching that Kashrut is about what can or cannot be eaten is a desecration of the obvious deeper meaning conveyed in words like ruminate..

And I have no problem with butchers,slaughterhouses, or the mentally ill.

I only have a problem with those who claim to love and worship God but are openly engaged in deception and pretense in an attempt to usurp places of authority for personal gain..

Solomon was more then head priest, King of a Nation. He was marrying other nations into a union with him, which gave them access to his wisdom and MEDIATION. Thus there were 2 figures in the Bible called Medatron (Mediator)-look it up.
Enoch and (.......)and we know MOSHIACH IS THE MEDIATOR between God and man.
That means you should know(.......) is Moshiach since we know Enoch is not Moshiach. And who did David name Solomon after, Look it up....
...And I have no problem with butchers,slaughterhouses, or the mentally ill.

I only have a problem with those who claim to love and worship God but are openly engaged in deception and pretense in an attempt to usurp places of authority for personal gain..
Well said and agreed.

Add to this, I have a problem with people who spread hate against others be it their race, religion, culture, etc. It's one thing to disagree on something but to spread hate is wrong.

DivineHotAir said: "have a problem with people who spread hate against others be it their race, religion, culture, etc. It's one thing to disagree on something but to spread hate is wrong."

So you have a problem with yourself then, right? Don't smokescreen the subject with displaced blame. You got stumped and caught without your fig leaf (covering up your deceptions), so you lashed out like a presidential candidate. You called Jews responsible for killing someone who never existed, and that setiment has caused hate crimes in the total of millions of people murdered, millions more attacked and abused, so it doesn't get anymore hateful and satanic then that=you admited you hate people like yourself validating hate for people like you. But guess what, If I hated you I'd let you continue your downward spiral, I would have iggied you and let you hit yourself all day, but instead I loved you and them enough to be their wack a mole and unpopular and abused as a suffering servant to get you to learn and grow out of your unatural behavior and nature.
The teachers who agree with you when you are wrong are not your friend, the ones willing to sacrifice popularity to tell you what you need not what you want, they are the true loving ones. You will never see the right path and make right choices until you see the difference or remember the school teachers you hated that made you better and the ones you loved that allowed you to be anarchistic that made you worse.
People who stroke your ego are not your friends, the ones putting you(and the faiths) in the refiner's fire are.

By the way regarding your other angry post: I already proved Christians worship Baal (Santa)and Ishtar(easter) myths even giving the predated tablets location to be viewed and studied for yourself. I give sources that can be verified, you assume, lie and make personal attacks which is an admission of defeat.
Last edited:
Solomon was more then head priest, King of a Nation. He was marrying other nations into a union with him, which gave them access to his wisdom and MEDIATION. Thus there were 2 figures in the Bible called Medatron (Mediator)-look it up.
Enoch and (.......)and we know MOSHIACH IS THE MEDIATOR between God and man.
That means you should know(.......) is Moshiach since we know Enoch is not Moshiach. And who did David name Solomon after, Look it up....

There is no need for any mediator between God and man.

Thanks for revealing the lie and basis for your false claim to moral authority by staking a claim in a place that no other creature in all of creation would assume except for a direct descendant of that ever elusive ancient serpent of old, Satan.. Thats what I meant by saying that you might as well have 666 tattooed right in the middle of your over inflated uncircumcised forehead, Pinocchio.

The task of the messiah is to bear witness to the truth, what he learned in the presence of God. You won't cite even one instance where God revealed anything to you, because you can't. You have never seen or heard a single word from the living God in your entire life.

Yet you have made a career out of perjuring yourself in the name of God and even brag about it.

The messiah is a teacher, a purified and refined vessel for the conveyance of wisdom from God, not a mediator whose only concern is promoting himself in a vain attempt to usurp a place above everybody else that is not his by engaging in ritualistic trickery, sorcery and murder.

You have busted yourself, and even if you have managed to get shimon to make his nest where the sun don't shine, no one else with any self respect at all is going to listen to a word you say.
Last edited:
Changing your name a bunch of times and posting to yourself and agreeing to your own posts is a typical behavior of the defeated liars. They have to hide from comments made in their embarassed names or hide their attacks of Jews behind new names. Howevwr this method does not work as a pattern emerges whereby almost all Christians who can't refute theology resort to abusive language and behavior which Divine Wind now admits is wrong.
Everything is recorded so let's review:
Can you pick out Divine Winds many posting names or are they all matching a pattern of behavior where the conclusion has to be that Jesus makes them angry evil sore losers?

*I censored the word
8/13/16 7:45pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Have a really nice f*cking day, HaShev!

8/12/16 1:20pm
Divine.Wind quoted:

It's difficult to do a mental diagnosis across keyboards, but, offhand, anyone who is habitually delusional, certainly has a loose grip on reality. IOW, mentally deficient for some reason.

8/12/16 7:26pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Wow. What an excellent example of a mentally deranged person. Thank you.

8/13/16 at 12:00 AM
Divine.Wind quoted;
Your lies are odd because they are so easily disproven. IMHO, only someone severely mentally ill, probably a paranoid schizophrenic, would such delusions.
You make several accusations, now prove them or be revealed to be the liar I know you are.
You claim "Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous." Show where this is true by quoting me and proving me wrong or a liar.
You claim "So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people". Quote where I've said this or be known as a lying whackjob.

6/29/16 5:24PM
aris2chat quoted:
Michel row your boat a shore............your brain is sea sick

6/28/16 9:08pm
AmericanFirst1 quoted:
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!

6/30/16 6:30PM Picaro quoted:
He's not anything, just a mentally ill troll. Stop feeding the gimp and it will go away. Nobody is reading anything he says anyway.

6/28/16 11:04PM
Picaro quoted:
Have you tried changing the water in your hookah?

6/28/16 4:09PM The Irish Ram
You are a lost Jew. No more no less.

6/28/16 2:57PM The Irish Ram
Can't wait till your scales are removed.

6/7/16 11:40 AM
syIrishLass said:
I still think a Christian peed in Guano's Queerios.

6/7/16 11:41 AM
Uncensored2008 said:
Batshit proclaims proudly that he and his fellow gutter scum are leading the world into a new dark age.

4/19/16 12:33PM
Uncensored2008 quoted:
Fuck off Batshit. Get back to your ISIS cell and let the decent folk talk.

4/18/16 7:45PM
Avatar4321 quoted:
So.. You hump crosses? Why?

July 22, 2016 at 5:35 PM
JakeStarkey quoted;
Come on, bobby, you promised your keepers you would take your meds if they let you out for the coming weekend!

6/28/16 4:55pm Post by: JakeStarkey:
Ha Shev is criminally insane and SYTFE is simply goofy

4/17/16 5:04 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
What a stupid thing to say, but you are Comrade Stupid on this Board. You and I both know why you want the Rule of Man to replace the Rule of Law.

4/17/16 7:47 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey;
;) I own blaylock. You know if you took his brain out and dropped it in a pot and shook it, it would sound like a pea bouncing in a kettle drum.

4/18/16 8:44 AM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
You are the sheep, DF, and your kind will not win with your candidate. Read the links carefully. Come back and apologize for being a doofus.

4/18/16 2:48 PM
JakeStarkey quoted:
HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

4/14/16 5:17PM
Weatherman2020 quoted:
Please stay out of the thread, this is for adults only. Go finish your report on there really are land mines in Israel.

4/12/16 7:39AM
Crusader Frank quoted:
Can you read the bile, venom and hatred dripping from their posts? Guno is a miserable old Commie fart who probably got the HIV from being passed back and forth from Fidel to Raoul

Proof they lie or like abusing disabled people;
4/12/16 7:42AM
It's obvious Guano has mental issues but it's great fun kicking him around. I enjoy when he gets so exasperated he rushes to the Flame Zone to start a thread about whoever caused him butt hurt...then gets shellacked there also LOL

Repeated themed (almost every response)
false testimony, false accuser's willing and knowledgable repeated sin against a Kohanim, this is from a German citizen breaking his countries laws not just God's laws:
4/17/16 5:22AM
zaangalewa cussed:
Was your place not behind the litte guillotine? You have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You are crazy, that's all. What you say about religion is nothing else than bullshit only.

4/6/16 6:12AM
And if you like to become a Jew ask Jews how to become a Jew. But stop it to be a liar - specially to be a liar in the name of god is something what you should not do any longer, if you love yourselve.

4/6/16 11:40AM
you are not a Jew at all.

4/11/16 1:51AM
I would suggest: Throw the revelation in the next waste paper basket and leave your esoteric sect.

4/11/16 2:10AM
Someone who tries to wake the illusion to be a Jew...

3/6/2016 at 7:52am
SassyIrishLass Quoted:
I see you're still butt hurt faggot, Dot a little rough on your rectum last night?

2/29/2016 at 8:08 AM
hobelim quoted:
Take another harder look.
I said nothing too deep or complicated or arcane for even a grade school child to understand.

4/2/2016 at 9:54 AM
hobelim said:
Why is it that every time that I squeeze your head a foul and smelly pus comes out?

12:12pm 2/23/16
Human_being quoted to some forum poster:
Christ had nothing to do with that. You are proof that crazies exist.
3:57 pm 2/23/16
Human_being quoted:
Well fool, like I stated, that was a bunch of crazies years past. Now, in your own case, you are a present day nut job.

7:05 PM 2/10/16
HenryBHough Quoted:
So sorry to hear of your reading comprehension issue!
No, it means you are simply an acned adolescent whose rants are all we can hope for until the little clock has a few more years on it.

5:18PM 2/4/2016
Eaglewings quote:
You need a serious shower to wash off all that creepiness..

5:50 2/4/2016 Unsored2008 quoted:
So HOW much LSD did you take in the 60's?

12/26/15 Weatherman2020
post #13119633
So now the fake Jew posting on the Sabbath follows what he refers to as Baal worship. What a clown.

12/28/15 7:47 AM
The fake Jew who posts on the Sabbath has indeed have a wild hair up his arse for the Messiah.

12/30/15 at 5:14 PM
1 death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.
- Joeseph Stalin
Othodox Jews have more than their share of moonbats in their midst.

11/29/15 4:32 AM
Penelope said:
"Hey I'm proud of being raised a RC, as least I'm not a filthy mouth jew."

11/11/15 7:27 PM
"You didn't prove anything, halfwit. Your idiocy is unsource"

11/12/15 11:41 AM
"And you still haven't sourced shit.
In addition, I'm now convinced you're mentally ill."

12/28/15 at 5:22 PM
Guano's a retard. That's the beginning and end of that topic. And every single thread he posts illustrates nothing else except his retardedness. He's almost as lame as rtard and old farts.
11-29-15 9:43 PM
Edward_Palamar said:
"you gotta stop smokin' that crack."

11/18/15 3:27am
"Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?"

This is how many so called Christians like to discuss their religion or theology with others, they attack the people rather then refute or rebuttle the topic.
I think about 3 Angry Christians replied with lies that there were no sources and yet the post had many sources=caught lying and missleading the topic instead of discussing it like adults.
Example: I posted as a source the NT and the Church claimed finds including it's catalog number so it could be researched. This means they denied the validity of their own text the NT as a source and did so by cussing and name calling.
So isn't this behavior proof that the fallen idol and it's devotion to the idol and affiliation pride causes them all to be Wormwood (bitter & poisonous)?
Let's view samples of this behavior on forums.
Christian behavior recorded:
Proof that Christians defend their Luciferianism with bashing people, lying, and telling them to drink like they do and take drugs. Should we be surprised?
Let's review the hatred eminating from Christians by influence of the hatred Jesus had and the Church had especially in establishing affiliation pride.
The following behavior is a typical religious forum Christian poster in church forum and CL:
excuse the cussing I'm leaving these in it's original language:
Crusader Frank -7:32 PM June 4 2015
You and Guno need to go to a "Bible Studies for Truly Bitter People" Group meeting

June 4 2015
Yes, you should indeed go with the brown acid.
Frank called that one right.

If you want to be taken seriously, by me at least, you need to write clearly, express your ideas clearly. Your posts are full of incomplete sentences, an almost complete lack of correct punctuation, run-on sentences, and overall incorrect mechanics, which leads to writing that is incoherent. It is too much trouble to read your posts over and over again and try to figure out what you want to say. Also, such writing indicates a lack of education. People don't respect someone who is trying to discuss something significant when they are obviously not educated.

Dec 29, 2015 at 2:29 AM
Yep. You're allowed to eat yourself to death these days. Did you wash it down with a few beers or a humongous sized Coke and then wrap it all up with half a pack of after dinner cigs? Good for you.

please die § < Its-me-IKS > 04/16 06:04

bad news? who the hell gives a rat's ass < Its-me-IKS > 06/17 11:12
neggers are cowards § < Beacon7 > 04/16 13:46 -30<br>
But your wife is a dude sooooo § < Beacon7 > 04/16 13:50
Fuck off Dwite get sum Air. § < Beacon5 > 04/16 13:58

littleretardwhore^^^ § < Quantum_Mechanic > 04/13 19:58
is going to listen to a word you say.
1)you just justified everyone ignoring the santa clause nonsense you peddle.
2)you match the words already said in another posters name and interesting enough they to are liberals trying to make non liberals demonized so the accounts of Hillary's mysterious death count is dismissed as kooky from the source.
However this act only brings more attention to the facts and the need to cover them up by attacking the messenger instead of
the huge list of mysterious deaths.
3)your comment is proving you like to control who people should or should not listen to.
4)you took your behavior from craigslist of using many posting names (split Personalities) and applied those pathetic behaviors here. How sad is the admission in that?
5)I got you to read up to 5 therefore proving you lied about not listening.
That was easy, your ego makes this easy for me to do. :)
Lose the ego and many post names and come to me as one
Changing your name a bunch of times and posting to yourself and agreeing to your own posts is a typical behavior of the defeated liars. They have to hide from comments made in their embarassed names or hide their attacks of Jews behind new names. Howevwr this method does not work as a pattern emerges whereby almost all Christians who can't refute theology resort to abusive language and behavior which Divine Wind now admits is wrong.
Everything is recorded so let's review:
Can you pick out Divine Winds many posting names or are they all matching a pattern of behavior where the conclusion has to be that Jesus makes them angry evil sore losers?

*I censored the word
8/13/16 7:45pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Have a really nice f*cking day, HaShev!

8/12/16 1:20pm
Divine.Wind quoted:

It's difficult to do a mental diagnosis across keyboards, but, offhand, anyone who is habitually delusional, certainly has a loose grip on reality. IOW, mentally deficient for some reason.

8/12/16 7:26pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Wow. What an excellent example of a mentally deranged person. Thank you.

8/13/16 at 12:00 AM
Divine.Wind quoted;
Your lies are odd because they are so easily disproven. IMHO, only someone severely mentally ill, probably a paranoid schizophrenic, would such delusions.
You make several accusations, now prove them or be revealed to be the liar I know you are.
You claim "Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous." Show where this is true by quoting me and proving me wrong or a liar.
You claim "So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people". Quote where I've said this or be known as a lying whackjob.

6/29/16 5:24PM
aris2chat quoted:
Michel row your boat a shore............your brain is sea sick

6/28/16 9:08pm
AmericanFirst1 quoted:
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!

6/30/16 6:30PM Picaro quoted:
He's not anything, just a mentally ill troll. Stop feeding the gimp and it will go away. Nobody is reading anything he says anyway.

6/28/16 11:04PM
Picaro quoted:
Have you tried changing the water in your hookah?

6/28/16 4:09PM The Irish Ram
You are a lost Jew. No more no less.

6/28/16 2:57PM The Irish Ram
Can't wait till your scales are removed.

6/7/16 11:40 AM
syIrishLass said:
I still think a Christian peed in Guano's Queerios.

6/7/16 11:41 AM
Uncensored2008 said:
Batshit proclaims proudly that he and his fellow gutter scum are leading the world into a new dark age.

4/19/16 12:33PM
Uncensored2008 quoted:
Fuck off Batshit. Get back to your ISIS cell and let the decent folk talk.

4/18/16 7:45PM
Avatar4321 quoted:
So.. You hump crosses? Why?

July 22, 2016 at 5:35 PM
JakeStarkey quoted;
Come on, bobby, you promised your keepers you would take your meds if they let you out for the coming weekend!

6/28/16 4:55pm Post by: JakeStarkey:
Ha Shev is criminally insane and SYTFE is simply goofy

4/17/16 5:04 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
What a stupid thing to say, but you are Comrade Stupid on this Board. You and I both know why you want the Rule of Man to replace the Rule of Law.

4/17/16 7:47 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey;
;) I own blaylock. You know if you took his brain out and dropped it in a pot and shook it, it would sound like a pea bouncing in a kettle drum.

4/18/16 8:44 AM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
You are the sheep, DF, and your kind will not win with your candidate. Read the links carefully. Come back and apologize for being a doofus.

4/18/16 2:48 PM
JakeStarkey quoted:
HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

4/14/16 5:17PM
Weatherman2020 quoted:
Please stay out of the thread, this is for adults only. Go finish your report on there really are land mines in Israel.

4/12/16 7:39AM
Crusader Frank quoted:
Can you read the bile, venom and hatred dripping from their posts? Guno is a miserable old Commie fart who probably got the HIV from being passed back and forth from Fidel to Raoul

Proof they lie or like abusing disabled people;
4/12/16 7:42AM
It's obvious Guano has mental issues but it's great fun kicking him around. I enjoy when he gets so exasperated he rushes to the Flame Zone to start a thread about whoever caused him butt hurt...then gets shellacked there also LOL

Repeated themed (almost every response)
false testimony, false accuser's willing and knowledgable repeated sin against a Kohanim, this is from a German citizen breaking his countries laws not just God's laws:
4/17/16 5:22AM
zaangalewa cussed:
Was your place not behind the litte guillotine? You have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You are crazy, that's all. What you say about religion is nothing else than bullshit only.

4/6/16 6:12AM
And if you like to become a Jew ask Jews how to become a Jew. But stop it to be a liar - specially to be a liar in the name of god is something what you should not do any longer, if you love yourselve.

4/6/16 11:40AM
you are not a Jew at all.

4/11/16 1:51AM
I would suggest: Throw the revelation in the next waste paper basket and leave your esoteric sect.

4/11/16 2:10AM
Someone who tries to wake the illusion to be a Jew...

3/6/2016 at 7:52am
SassyIrishLass Quoted:
I see you're still butt hurt faggot, Dot a little rough on your rectum last night?

2/29/2016 at 8:08 AM
hobelim quoted:
Take another harder look.
I said nothing too deep or complicated or arcane for even a grade school child to understand.

4/2/2016 at 9:54 AM
hobelim said:
Why is it that every time that I squeeze your head a foul and smelly pus comes out?

12:12pm 2/23/16
Human_being quoted to some forum poster:
Christ had nothing to do with that. You are proof that crazies exist.
3:57 pm 2/23/16
Human_being quoted:
Well fool, like I stated, that was a bunch of crazies years past. Now, in your own case, you are a present day nut job.

7:05 PM 2/10/16
HenryBHough Quoted:
So sorry to hear of your reading comprehension issue!
No, it means you are simply an acned adolescent whose rants are all we can hope for until the little clock has a few more years on it.

5:18PM 2/4/2016
Eaglewings quote:
You need a serious shower to wash off all that creepiness..

5:50 2/4/2016 Unsored2008 quoted:
So HOW much LSD did you take in the 60's?

12/26/15 Weatherman2020
post #13119633
So now the fake Jew posting on the Sabbath follows what he refers to as Baal worship. What a clown.

12/28/15 7:47 AM
The fake Jew who posts on the Sabbath has indeed have a wild hair up his arse for the Messiah.

12/30/15 at 5:14 PM
1 death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.
- Joeseph Stalin
Othodox Jews have more than their share of moonbats in their midst.

11/29/15 4:32 AM
Penelope said:
"Hey I'm proud of being raised a RC, as least I'm not a filthy mouth jew."

11/11/15 7:27 PM
"You didn't prove anything, halfwit. Your idiocy is unsource"

11/12/15 11:41 AM
"And you still haven't sourced shit.
In addition, I'm now convinced you're mentally ill."

12/28/15 at 5:22 PM
Guano's a retard. That's the beginning and end of that topic. And every single thread he posts illustrates nothing else except his retardedness. He's almost as lame as rtard and old farts.
11-29-15 9:43 PM
Edward_Palamar said:
"you gotta stop smokin' that crack."

11/18/15 3:27am
"Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?"

This is how many so called Christians like to discuss their religion or theology with others, they attack the people rather then refute or rebuttle the topic.
I think about 3 Angry Christians replied with lies that there were no sources and yet the post had many sources=caught lying and missleading the topic instead of discussing it like adults.
Example: I posted as a source the NT and the Church claimed finds including it's catalog number so it could be researched. This means they denied the validity of their own text the NT as a source and did so by cussing and name calling.
So isn't this behavior proof that the fallen idol and it's devotion to the idol and affiliation pride causes them all to be Wormwood (bitter & poisonous)?
Let's view samples of this behavior on forums.
Christian behavior recorded:
Proof that Christians defend their Luciferianism with bashing people, lying, and telling them to drink like they do and take drugs. Should we be surprised?
Let's review the hatred eminating from Christians by influence of the hatred Jesus had and the Church had especially in establishing affiliation pride.
The following behavior is a typical religious forum Christian poster in church forum and CL:
excuse the cussing I'm leaving these in it's original language:
Crusader Frank -7:32 PM June 4 2015
You and Guno need to go to a "Bible Studies for Truly Bitter People" Group meeting

June 4 2015
Yes, you should indeed go with the brown acid.
Frank called that one right.

If you want to be taken seriously, by me at least, you need to write clearly, express your ideas clearly. Your posts are full of incomplete sentences, an almost complete lack of correct punctuation, run-on sentences, and overall incorrect mechanics, which leads to writing that is incoherent. It is too much trouble to read your posts over and over again and try to figure out what you want to say. Also, such writing indicates a lack of education. People don't respect someone who is trying to discuss something significant when they are obviously not educated.

Dec 29, 2015 at 2:29 AM
Yep. You're allowed to eat yourself to death these days. Did you wash it down with a few beers or a humongous sized Coke and then wrap it all up with half a pack of after dinner cigs? Good for you.

please die § < Its-me-IKS > 04/16 06:04

bad news? who the hell gives a rat's ass < Its-me-IKS > 06/17 11:12
neggers are cowards § < Beacon7 > 04/16 13:46 -30<br>
But your wife is a dude sooooo § < Beacon7 > 04/16 13:50
Fuck off Dwite get sum Air. § < Beacon5 > 04/16 13:58

littleretardwhore^^^ § < Quantum_Mechanic > 04/13 19:58

lol...Copra sanctum!

That's quite an impressive list there and testament to the fact that you don't seem to get along very well with others.

Not the kind of problem the highest living being next to God himself should be having. Don't you agree?
Funny you say that, because you couldn't be more wrong. Because you only get what you give and by the looks of their predjudices they need & deserve a refiner's fire under them. Unless you are joking that I attract their ire, but then that means my many Bible verses sourced commentary make them angry, meaning you are equating them with demonic characters in
the excorcist. :)
I know I am somewhat responsible for their rage through my needling them, but did I not come in here many times disclosing why, using the refiners fire analogy?
I specifically warned that turning up the heat is necessary to bring to surface that nature which needs to be skimed and removed, so that what's left is a more pure and whole(Shalem) valuable person.
Even you changed through such recognition of behavior flaws before resorting back a few times.
You can not deny that people you'd least expected are learning Hebrew, Learning the deeper Bible, learning Torah, learbing history, learning discernment, learning Biblical era slang and poetic usage of words, learning social science, psychology, behavior science, archeology, dead sea scrolls, other cultures legends, investigation, research, how to battle using truth and knowledge without need for destruction or weapons, how to leave solutions and construction when tearing down something failed,
and how to make a diet kugal, without realizing they are being expanded in learning these things.

I just have to reach one pastor who has an audience of millions and I would have reached millions. Hence when I work on TBN Pastors is to embarass them into doing the right thing and getting rid of their scammers and just leaving their teachers and since 1996 I've changed how they view the Judaic influence of their faith not just with sermons they partially borrowed but by reasoning that if they wanted to become like the Abrahamic love they neighbor teacher, then they have to feed off the faith that influenced that teaching.
I got through to many pastors with the simple cpncept that; If Torah made their perfect image then they need the Torah's ethos to make them Shalem then I showed them the verse that states something similar in affect to keep the Torah, then all the verses to keep the laws.
When you saw them wearing Star of Davids, prayer shawls, having Rabbis speak, donating to Israel, that didn't happen over NIGHT, that was a slow process that was not recognized till you compare before and after. In the same way you don't notice changes, but if you ask others they will tell you the difference in your demeanor before and after.
Changing your name a bunch of times and posting to yourself and agreeing to your own posts is a typical behavior of the defeated liars.
I think it would be immature behavior. It's also a violation of the forum rules. Let me help you and your friends get a fucking clue:

USMB Rules and Guidelines
Individuals are allowed only one (1) account. Anyone found to be in violation risk, having all accounts banned.

So far, all I've done is question your logic and so-called evidence that Jesus was either Satan or a Satan worshiper. When I agreed that if he was a Satan worshiper then it was a good thing the Jewish leadership had him executed, you had a conniption. A most unusual action and one which leads me to believe you are not mentally stable.
So inadvertantly you are admiting;
1)this is common Christian behavior
2)Christianity is practicing immature behavior & is also in violation of rules.....no I don't mean this forum I mean you fell into a trap, you are now cornered, because you are admitting it's wrong to CREATE MANY NAMES, COME IN MANY NAMES, as it is wrong to assume many with similar traits is one in the same assumed as one single person.
So when The church creates Jesus combining & using Baal, Mithra, Yeshu, Yehuda, Theudas, Krishna, Esus, Osiris, Horus, etc....then the assumptive Jesus is a singular historical figure when history proves otherwise makes Christians WRONG in all the ways YOU YOURSELF ADMITED.
When Messianic Christians use a new more Hebrew name that is not Historical to any character in the era then they are immature and against rules "thou shalt not have idols and God's before God and thou shalt not lie."

In the same concept you change the Bibles Name for Moshiach thst's in the city and Temple and use a non existing name, once again falling into this trap you set for yourself.
Check Mate! You killed your king!
I know I am somewhat responsible for their rage through my needling them, but did I not come in here many times disclosing why, using the refiners fire analogy?

No, people find you reprehensible because you lie in the name of God to magnify yourself.

If I say something like " Hashev is a liar", you respond by saying something stupid like you just made me admit that Jesus was a liar.

You are not like a refiners fire, you are like a smouldering wick.

BTW My favorites,

8/13/16 7:45pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Have a really nice f*cking day, HaShev!

8/12/16 1:20pm
Divine.Wind quoted:

It's difficult to do a mental diagnosis across keyboards, but, offhand, anyone who is habitually delusional, certainly has a loose grip on reality. IOW, mentally deficient for some reason.

8/12/16 7:26pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Wow. What an excellent example of a mentally deranged person. Thank you.

8/13/16 at 12:00 AM
Divine.Wind quoted;
Your lies are odd because they are so easily disproven. IMHO, only someone severely mentally ill, probably a paranoid schizophrenic, would such delusions.
You make several accusations, now prove them or be revealed to be the liar I know you are.
You claim "Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous." Show where this is true by quoting me and proving me wrong or a liar.
You claim "So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people". Quote where I've said this or be known as a lying whackjob.

6/29/16 5:24PM
aris2chat quoted:
Michel row your boat a shore............your brain is sea sick

6/28/16 9:08pm
AmericanFirst1 quoted:
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!

6/30/16 6:30PM Picaro quoted:
He's not anything, just a mentally ill troll. Stop feeding the gimp and it will go away. Nobody is reading anything he says anyway.

6/28/16 11:04PM
Picaro quoted:
Have you tried changing the water in your hookah?

6/28/16 4:09PM The Irish Ram
You are a lost Jew. No more no less.

6/28/16 2:57PM The Irish Ram
Can't wait till your scales are removed.

6/7/16 11:40 AM
syIrishLass said:
I still think a Christian peed in Guano's Queerios.

6/7/16 11:41 AM
Uncensored2008 said:
Batshit proclaims proudly that he and his fellow gutter scum are leading the world into a new dark age.

4/19/16 12:33PM
Uncensored2008 quoted:
Fuck off Batshit. Get back to your ISIS cell and let the decent folk talk.

4/18/16 7:45PM
Avatar4321 quoted:
So.. You hump crosses? Why?

July 22, 2016 at 5:35 PM
JakeStarkey quoted;
Come on, bobby, you promised your keepers you would take your meds if they let you out for the coming weekend!

6/28/16 4:55pm Post by: JakeStarkey:
Ha Shev is criminally insane and SYTFE is simply goofy

4/17/16 5:04 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
What a stupid thing to say, but you are Comrade Stupid on this Board. You and I both know why you want the Rule of Man to replace the Rule of Law.

4/17/16 7:47 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey;
;) I own blaylock. You know if you took his brain out and dropped it in a pot and shook it, it would sound like a pea bouncing in a kettle drum.

4/18/16 8:44 AM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
You are the sheep, DF, and your kind will not win with your candidate. Read the links carefully. Come back and apologize for being a doofus.

4/18/16 2:48 PM
JakeStarkey quoted:
HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

4/14/16 5:17PM
Weatherman2020 quoted:
Please stay out of the thread, this is for adults only. Go finish your report on there really are land mines in Israel.

4/12/16 7:39AM
Crusader Frank quoted:
Can you read the bile, venom and hatred dripping from their posts? Guno is a miserable old Commie fart who probably got the HIV from being passed back and forth from Fidel to Raoul

Proof they lie or like abusing disabled people;
4/12/16 7:42AM
It's obvious Guano has mental issues but it's great fun kicking him around. I enjoy when he gets so exasperated he rushes to the Flame Zone to start a thread about whoever caused him butt hurt...then gets shellacked there also LOL

Repeated themed (almost every response)
false testimony, false accuser's willing and knowledgable repeated sin against a Kohanim, this is from a German citizen breaking his countries laws not just God's laws:
4/17/16 5:22AM
zaangalewa cussed:
Was your place not behind the litte guillotine? You have absolutelly nothing to do with Jews. You are crazy, that's all. What you say about religion is nothing else than bullshit only.

4/6/16 6:12AM
And if you like to become a Jew ask Jews how to become a Jew. But stop it to be a liar - specially to be a liar in the name of god is something what you should not do any longer, if you love yourselve.

4/6/16 11:40AM
you are not a Jew at all.

4/11/16 1:51AM
I would suggest: Throw the revelation in the next waste paper basket and leave your esoteric sect.

4/11/16 2:10AM
Someone who tries to wake the illusion to be a Jew...

3/6/2016 at 7:52am
SassyIrishLass Quoted:
I see you're still butt hurt faggot, Dot a little rough on your rectum last night?

2/29/2016 at 8:08 AM
hobelim quoted:
Take another harder look.
I said nothing too deep or complicated or arcane for even a grade school child to understand.

4/2/2016 at 9:54 AM
hobelim said:
Why is it that every time that I squeeze your head a foul and smelly pus comes out?

12:12pm 2/23/16
Human_being quoted to some forum poster:
Christ had nothing to do with that. You are proof that crazies exist.
3:57 pm 2/23/16
Human_being quoted:
Well fool, like I stated, that was a bunch of crazies years past. Now, in your own case, you are a present day nut job.

7:05 PM 2/10/16
HenryBHough Quoted:
So sorry to hear of your reading comprehension issue!
No, it means you are simply an acned adolescent whose rants are all we can hope for until the little clock has a few more years on it.

5:18PM 2/4/2016
Eaglewings quote:
You need a serious shower to wash off all that creepiness..

5:50 2/4/2016 Unsored2008 quoted:
So HOW much LSD did you take in the 60's?

12/26/15 Weatherman2020
post #13119633
So now the fake Jew posting on the Sabbath follows what he refers to as Baal worship. What a clown.

12/28/15 7:47 AM
The fake Jew who posts on the Sabbath has indeed have a wild hair up his arse for the Messiah.

12/30/15 at 5:14 PM
1 death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.
- Joeseph Stalin
Othodox Jews have more than their share of moonbats in their midst.

11/29/15 4:32 AM
Penelope said:
"Hey I'm proud of being raised a RC, as least I'm not a filthy mouth jew."

11/11/15 7:27 PM
"You didn't prove anything, halfwit. Your idiocy is unsource"

11/12/15 11:41 AM
"And you still haven't sourced shit.
In addition, I'm now convinced you're mentally ill."

12/28/15 at 5:22 PM
Guano's a retard. That's the beginning and end of that topic. And every single thread he posts illustrates nothing else except his retardedness. He's almost as lame as rtard and old farts.
11-29-15 9:43 PM
Edward_Palamar said:
"you gotta stop smokin' that crack."

11/18/15 3:27am
"Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?"

This is how many so called Christians like to discuss their religion or theology with others, they attack the people rather then refute or rebuttle the topic.
I think about 3 Angry Christians replied with lies that there were no sources and yet the post had many sources=caught lying and missleading the topic instead of discussing it like adults.
Example: I posted as a source the NT and the Church claimed finds including it's catalog number so it could be researched. This means they denied the validity of their own text the NT as a source and did so by cussing and name calling.
So isn't this behavior proof that the fallen idol and it's devotion to the idol and affiliation pride causes them all to be Wormwood (bitter & poisonous)?
Let's view samples of this behavior on forums.
Christian behavior recorded:
Proof that Christians defend their Luciferianism with bashing people, lying, and telling them to drink like they do and take drugs. Should we be surprised?
Let's review the hatred eminating from Christians by influence of the hatred Jesus had and the Church had especially in establishing affiliation pride.
The following behavior is a typical religious forum Christian poster in church forum and CL:
excuse the cussing I'm leaving these in it's original language:
Crusader Frank -7:32 PM June 4 2015
You and Guno need to go to a "Bible Studies for Truly Bitter People" Group meeting

June 4 2015
Yes, you should indeed go with the brown acid.
Frank called that one right.

If you want to be taken seriously, by me at least, you need to write clearly, express your ideas clearly. Your posts are full of incomplete sentences, an almost complete lack of correct punctuation, run-on sentences, and overall incorrect mechanics, which leads to writing that is incoherent. It is too much trouble to read your posts over and over again and try to figure out what you want to say. Also, such writing indicates a lack of education. People don't respect someone who is trying to discuss something significant when they are obviously not educated.

Dec 29, 2015 at 2:29 AM
Yep. You're allowed to eat yourself to death these days. Did you wash it down with a few beers or a humongous sized Coke and then wrap it all up with half a pack of after dinner cigs? Good for you.

please die § < Its-me-IKS > 04/16 06:04

bad news? who the hell gives a rat's ass < Its-me-IKS > 06/17 11:12
neggers are cowards § < Beacon7 > 04/16 13:46 -30<br>
But your wife is a dude sooooo § < Beacon7 > 04/16 13:50
Fuck off Dwite get sum Air. § < Beacon5 > 04/16 13:58

littleretardwhore^^^ § < Quantum_Mechanic > 04/13 19:58
Last edited:
So inadvertantly you are admiting;
1)this is common Christian behavior
2)Christianity is practicing immature behavior & is also in violation of rules.......
Check Mate! You killed your king!
Wow. You're a real piece of work, Shev. A liar, a hater and now a narcissist who pats himself on the back for perceived "check mates".

A liar because you continually make false accusations against me and others. A hater because you obviously hate all Christians to the point that anyone who disagrees with you must be a Christian in your eyes. A narcissist because you not only feel you are 100% correct in everything, but hate anyone who disagrees with you. You also give yourself rewards like "Check Mate!" based on your own delusional and flawed perceptions.

The fact you can't let me go is interesting. I was fine to discontinue our discussion several posts back, but you don't want to do so. My opinion is that it's due to your narcissistic delusions; you can't let someone get away with disagreeing with you. Interesting, but also sad.
So far, all I've done is question your logic and so-called evidence that Jesus was either Satan or a Satan worshiper. When I agreed that if he was a Satan worshiper then it was a good thing the Jewish leadership had him executed, you had a conniption. A most unusual action and one which leads me to believe you are not mentally stable.

You'll probably get reported for this, even though you couldn't have expressed it nicer. Quite a coincidence that so many people have come to the same conclusion isn't it? Must be a baal cult conspiracy......or sensible advice when people suggest that he should adjust his approach to other people or that he should get help.

If you want to be taken seriously, by me at least, you need to write clearly, express your ideas clearly. Your posts are full of incomplete sentences, an almost complete lack of correct punctuation, run-on sentences, and overall incorrect mechanics, which leads to writing that is incoherent. It is too much trouble to read your posts over and over again and try to figure out what you want to say. Also, such writing indicates a lack of education. People don't respect someone who is trying to discuss something significant when they are obviously not educated.
Hobe you shot yourself in the foot again.
I said this is a common pattern with Christians and you agreed that "so many people have come to do the same" wrong behavior which you are admitting you validate that behavior=common immorality.
Even admitted Divine was being immoral.
You must need reading glasses, because it's not responses to just my post, it's responses to many people's posts. When you can't refute the Bible or commentary you resort to problematic behavior and you just proved my point about displaced blame by accusing their evil as being me. This is exactly what Rome would always do, destroy cultures then blame those cultures as being cursed for having been attacked not that They Rome were pure evil in acts void of morality.

You are so evil that you make excuses and blame the victims. You kick a cripple, take his wheel chair, they throw apples at the disabled person and steal his-her crutches and they all spit on the disabled person but according to your satanic upbringing, it must be the disabled persons fault and not that you are void of all decency or NORMAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR.
FIRE whoever your pastor is, Epic Fail!
Proof the Jesus scam creates you guys this way as admitted by you there is a pattern here.

Your Bible even admits the fallen star(that would be Jesus -Acts 2:27 1 Peter 3:19)
would make you wormwood (bitter & poisonous).
Check Mate!
So inadvertantly you are admiting;
1)this is common Christian behavior
2)Christianity is practicing immature behavior & is also in violation of rules.......
Check Mate! You killed your king!
Wow. You're a real piece of work, Shev. A liar, a hater and now a narcissist who pats himself on the back for perceived "check mates".

A liar because you continually make false accusations against me and others. A hater because you obviously hate all Christians to the point that anyone who disagrees with you must be a Christian in your eyes. A narcissist because you not only feel you are 100% correct in everything, but hate anyone who disagrees with you. You also give yourself rewards like "Check Mate!" based on your own delusional and flawed perceptions.

The fact you can't let me go is interesting. I was fine to discontinue our discussion several posts back, but you don't want to do so. My opinion is that it's due to your narcissistic delusions; you can't let someone get away with disagreeing with you. Interesting, but also sad.

You are deflecting again, accusing me who you follow like a puppy dog and change names over. I respond because I use your blunders to teach through and bump the posts for discussion and you respond due to fear and hate.
When you are checkmated you don't throw the chess board to the ground in a childish rage. I know you can't let go of Santa and the Easter bunny, but do you really have to act like they took away your Star Wars Toy?
It was furiate you that you are being served up by someone you call mentally challenged, being left without your fig leaves, hence your cussing.
Let go of your blanky and your ego, you've failed the refiners process because you let your pride in the way of spiritual growth.

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