Testing Is Crucial So A National Directory Is Crucial!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The President and Members of the U.S. Congress are not doing their duty to be good stewards of America's economy unless they establish and maintain a "National Directory Website Of Covid 19 Testing Locations". In order for business owners and their managers to re-open their businesses and for employees at those businesses to know it is safe to go to work and for customers to know it is safe to patronize those business they have to know whether the workers at those businesses have Covid 19 and the only way they can know that is if the workers are tested so testing is an absolute must have for the U.S. economy right now! Now these cross communications about Covid 19 testing from one group in Washington to another and to local groups and their communications in reverse is not cutting it for the American people. The American people want and need this testing issue resolved quickly. It will only be resolved when workers who think they might have Covid 19 or business managers suspect their employee might have Covid 19 can find a testing location in like "five minutes" and only a national directory website will deliver this needed quick access to such information; leaving this task to the states will result in too many millions of Americans being thrown under the bus by their state which will blow off establishing a directory, too many states during this pandemic have shown that they do not adequately care about the health of their people this is seen, in part, by their failing to issue the most basic of order which is to wear a face mask when out in their community this is a significant and not a majorly burdensome "safeguard" to stop the spread of this disease!

I and many other Americans suspect that why national elected officials, especially President Donald J. Trump, are so cavalier about insuring a needed testing system is established in America is because they are not subject to the same risk to Covid 19 that you and I are. I bet you dollars to donuts that President Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine or another pharmaceutical as a prophylactic against this disease. Don't be distracted by the smoke screen from all the naysayers for hydroxychloroquine, the naysayers are right that it should not be used for people with the disease who or older or have a compromised immune system because the drug essentially turns off half a person's immune system. But the science is clear hydroxychloroquine interferes with the virus's ability to identify and latch on to the body's lung cells and it interferes with the virus's process of entering human cells it is a no brainer conclusion that it is a great prophylactic against this disease sure it is toxic in large doses, (so are many over the counter drugs like Tylenol) but you don't take it in large doses the drug has almost a century long good track record of being a prophylactic against malaria so you just take it at doses those people take it at. This is no condemnation against people that work in hospitals which makes them exposed to Covid 19 taking hydroxychloroquine these people put their lives at risk for America the very least America can do for them is make this prophylactic drug available to such workers. On the other hand, national elected officials like the President and Republican House members and Republican Senators who are or have taken hydroxychloroquine and then down play the need to make Covid 19 testing readily available throughout America's communities and have not disclosed they have this extra protection this is absolutely wrong. If you are one of these persons you have a big-time conflict of interest and the only way to get out of this conflict of interest is to disclose you have or are taking hydroxychloroquine or another pharmaceutical as a prophylactic. The media should not be giving these national elected officials a pass on this issue, if these individuals given an important place of trust by the American have this conflict of interest the American people have a right to this information and members of the media have a duty to acquire and publicly disseminate this crucial information!
I can drive down the road and find 5 or 6 locations offering the testing in the county that has had one (count that carefully!) death due to COVID-19. If you cannot find one, why do you think a national directory would even be accurate? I don't need to know where to get tested in Hawaii, Alaska, or Los Alamos.
I know where my doctors office is. I know where the hospitals are I know most of the locations of testing companies. I also have access to the Internet and know how to do a search.
I don't need the government to hold my hand and play big daddy.
My medical records are my own business, period. If I want to tell my wife or my family I can and will.

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