Testing Putin in Syria

Bottom line................the Ceasefire stopped Damascus from being hit...............They were in artillery range, and Israel was in place to bombard them..................

The UN Ceasefire agreement saved their ass.....................
Israel´s (Bibi´s) worries aren´t justified. While Syria has good reasons to fight back in return for al-Nusra and FSA, it is very unlikely to happen. The Syrian-Israeli border has been the Israel´s most peaceful border for 40 years and the Israeli people doesn´t support Israel´s support for the "opposition". Therefore, Syria is just too bethought to launch such a senseless and dangerous war.
Syria can't hold it's own country now, let alone take on Israel.................They are not the ones to worry about...............it is the alliance with Iran and their proxies with more Russian arms that concerns me and them......................

Hell even the leader of Turkey wants a Caliphate to take on Israel.........Doesn't mean he has the support of his people but he has openly stated as much...............

The best we can hope for.........is that ISIS gets destroyed.............Syria gets stabilized.......and they stabilize the region without the threat of a War with Israel, which Iran preaches all the time.....................Russia will arm the region, with their arms again.......including Iran.........as they are in alliance with them to thwart the West in the region.............................will this alliance trade off in an another attempt to kill Israel..............that is yet to be seen.....................

ISIS is in it's death throws with the change on the battlefield................They will be minimized via Russian support. Russia is there to kill the FSA and our proxies first and then take back Syria after............................which will probably succeed.....................

After...........who knows................the ex-KGB spy.............who knows........................he's not there for humanity............he's there for power and removal of Western influence.........and to ensure his interests are not impeded.............which would include stopping the competition of oil via a new pipeline.
Deep worries of the Israelis are directed at the "opposition", not the Syrian government. Please read:
Israel prepares for end of 40 year peace at Syrian border | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
A peace forced via the War..................which Syria lost back then......................and the taking and arming of the key strategic point of the Golan heights.................

The peace with Egypt was via the force of arms back then as well.......................

At the end of the last War, Israel was at the outskirts of Damascus when Syria surrendered..................

Syria is insignificant against Israel....................the other players at hand are the ones that might force another fight................
I don´t think there was a surrender.
I thought there was..........

Seems no...............Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Syrians prepared for a massive counteroffensive to drive Israeli forces out of Syria, scheduled for October 23. A total of five Syrian divisions were to take part, alongside the Iraqi and Jordanian expeditionary forces. The Soviets had replaced most of the losses Syria's tank forces had suffered during the first weeks of the war.

However, the day before the offensive was to begin, the United Nations imposed its ceasefire (following the acquiescence of both Israel and Egypt). Abraham Rabinovich claimed that "The acceptance by Egypt of the cease-fire on Monday [October 22] created a major dilemma for Assad. The cease-fire did not bind him, but its implications could not be ignored. Some on the Syrian General Staff favored going ahead with the attack, arguing that if it did so Egypt would feel obliged to continue fighting as well.... Others, however, argued that continuation of the war would legitimize Israel's efforts to destroy the Egyptian Third Army. In that case, Egypt would not come to Syria's assistance when Israel turned its full might northward, destroying Syria's infrastructure and perhaps attacking Damascus".[39]

Ultimately, Syrian President Hafez al-Assad decided to cancel the offensive. On October 23, the day the offensive was to begin, Syria announced that it had accepted the ceasefire, and ordered its troops to cease-fire, while the Iraqi government ordered its forces home.

Following the UN ceasefire, there were constant artillery exchanges and skirmishes, and Israeli forces continued to occupy positions deep within Syria. According to Syrian Foreign Minister Abdel Halim Khaddam, Syria's constant artillery attacks were "part of a deliberate war of attrition designed to paralyse the Israeli economy", and were intended to pressure Israel into yielding the occupied territory.[251] Some aerial engagements took place, and both sides lost several aircraft. In spring 1974, the Syrians attempted to retake the summit of Mount Hermon. The fighting lasted for more than a month and saw heavy losses on both sides, but the Israelis held their positions.[226]The situation continued until a May 1974 disengagement agreement.
So in the end it is not likely that the UN would have intervened in case they feared a Syrian defeat...
Russia damn near went broke after 9 years in Afghanistan. We'll see if they can afford another protracted ME engagement.
It is necessary for some people to contrive scenarios that help them justify in their own minds their own immoral beliefs. But there is no justification for US support of terrorism in the ME. Putin's efforts are indeed humanitarian.
BS................he has vested interests there............he's not there for humanity.

He served his whole life spying for the KGB and MOTHER RUSSIA.............please don't tell me is there to be a Saint........That dog doesn't hunt with me..............and I'm sure as hell not on Obama's lame assed side on this..................He is a disaster and laughing stock of the world.
Syria can't hold it's own country now, let alone take on Israel.................They are not the ones to worry about...............it is the alliance with Iran and their proxies with more Russian arms that concerns me and them......................

Hell even the leader of Turkey wants a Caliphate to take on Israel.........Doesn't mean he has the support of his people but he has openly stated as much...............

The best we can hope for.........is that ISIS gets destroyed.............Syria gets stabilized.......and they stabilize the region without the threat of a War with Israel, which Iran preaches all the time.....................Russia will arm the region, with their arms again.......including Iran.........as they are in alliance with them to thwart the West in the region.............................will this alliance trade off in an another attempt to kill Israel..............that is yet to be seen.....................

ISIS is in it's death throws with the change on the battlefield................They will be minimized via Russian support. Russia is there to kill the FSA and our proxies first and then take back Syria after............................which will probably succeed.....................

After...........who knows................the ex-KGB spy.............who knows........................he's not there for humanity............he's there for power and removal of Western influence.........and to ensure his interests are not impeded.............which would include stopping the competition of oil via a new pipeline.
Deep worries of the Israelis are directed at the "opposition", not the Syrian government. Please read:
Israel prepares for end of 40 year peace at Syrian border | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
A peace forced via the War..................which Syria lost back then......................and the taking and arming of the key strategic point of the Golan heights.................

The peace with Egypt was via the force of arms back then as well.......................

At the end of the last War, Israel was at the outskirts of Damascus when Syria surrendered..................

Syria is insignificant against Israel....................the other players at hand are the ones that might force another fight................
I don´t think there was a surrender.
I thought there was..........

Seems no...............Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Syrians prepared for a massive counteroffensive to drive Israeli forces out of Syria, scheduled for October 23. A total of five Syrian divisions were to take part, alongside the Iraqi and Jordanian expeditionary forces. The Soviets had replaced most of the losses Syria's tank forces had suffered during the first weeks of the war.

However, the day before the offensive was to begin, the United Nations imposed its ceasefire (following the acquiescence of both Israel and Egypt). Abraham Rabinovich claimed that "The acceptance by Egypt of the cease-fire on Monday [October 22] created a major dilemma for Assad. The cease-fire did not bind him, but its implications could not be ignored. Some on the Syrian General Staff favored going ahead with the attack, arguing that if it did so Egypt would feel obliged to continue fighting as well.... Others, however, argued that continuation of the war would legitimize Israel's efforts to destroy the Egyptian Third Army. In that case, Egypt would not come to Syria's assistance when Israel turned its full might northward, destroying Syria's infrastructure and perhaps attacking Damascus".[39]

Ultimately, Syrian President Hafez al-Assad decided to cancel the offensive. On October 23, the day the offensive was to begin, Syria announced that it had accepted the ceasefire, and ordered its troops to cease-fire, while the Iraqi government ordered its forces home.

Following the UN ceasefire, there were constant artillery exchanges and skirmishes, and Israeli forces continued to occupy positions deep within Syria. According to Syrian Foreign Minister Abdel Halim Khaddam, Syria's constant artillery attacks were "part of a deliberate war of attrition designed to paralyse the Israeli economy", and were intended to pressure Israel into yielding the occupied territory.[251] Some aerial engagements took place, and both sides lost several aircraft. In spring 1974, the Syrians attempted to retake the summit of Mount Hermon. The fighting lasted for more than a month and saw heavy losses on both sides, but the Israelis held their positions.[226]The situation continued until a May 1974 disengagement agreement.
So in the end it is not likely that the UN would have intervened in case they feared a Syrian defeat...
Syria was being resupplied and reinforced but even with that.............they were done................Israel could have flattened Damascus..............
Deep worries of the Israelis are directed at the "opposition", not the Syrian government. Please read:
Israel prepares for end of 40 year peace at Syrian border | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
A peace forced via the War..................which Syria lost back then......................and the taking and arming of the key strategic point of the Golan heights.................

The peace with Egypt was via the force of arms back then as well.......................

At the end of the last War, Israel was at the outskirts of Damascus when Syria surrendered..................

Syria is insignificant against Israel....................the other players at hand are the ones that might force another fight................
I don´t think there was a surrender.
I thought there was..........

Seems no...............Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Syrians prepared for a massive counteroffensive to drive Israeli forces out of Syria, scheduled for October 23. A total of five Syrian divisions were to take part, alongside the Iraqi and Jordanian expeditionary forces. The Soviets had replaced most of the losses Syria's tank forces had suffered during the first weeks of the war.

However, the day before the offensive was to begin, the United Nations imposed its ceasefire (following the acquiescence of both Israel and Egypt). Abraham Rabinovich claimed that "The acceptance by Egypt of the cease-fire on Monday [October 22] created a major dilemma for Assad. The cease-fire did not bind him, but its implications could not be ignored. Some on the Syrian General Staff favored going ahead with the attack, arguing that if it did so Egypt would feel obliged to continue fighting as well.... Others, however, argued that continuation of the war would legitimize Israel's efforts to destroy the Egyptian Third Army. In that case, Egypt would not come to Syria's assistance when Israel turned its full might northward, destroying Syria's infrastructure and perhaps attacking Damascus".[39]

Ultimately, Syrian President Hafez al-Assad decided to cancel the offensive. On October 23, the day the offensive was to begin, Syria announced that it had accepted the ceasefire, and ordered its troops to cease-fire, while the Iraqi government ordered its forces home.

Following the UN ceasefire, there were constant artillery exchanges and skirmishes, and Israeli forces continued to occupy positions deep within Syria. According to Syrian Foreign Minister Abdel Halim Khaddam, Syria's constant artillery attacks were "part of a deliberate war of attrition designed to paralyse the Israeli economy", and were intended to pressure Israel into yielding the occupied territory.[251] Some aerial engagements took place, and both sides lost several aircraft. In spring 1974, the Syrians attempted to retake the summit of Mount Hermon. The fighting lasted for more than a month and saw heavy losses on both sides, but the Israelis held their positions.[226]The situation continued until a May 1974 disengagement agreement.
So in the end it is not likely that the UN would have intervened in case they feared a Syrian defeat...
Syria was being resupplied and reinforced but even with that.............they were done................Israel could have flattened Damascus..............
With a large Syrian offensive looming?
Russia damn near went broke after 9 years in Afghanistan. We'll see if they can afford another protracted ME engagement.
We can't.................we are circling the drain already in regards to our financial system...............Let Russia have the same dang thing............

As for the middle Eastern War...........Iraq, Afghanistan...............from the onset I said get in, kill as many enemies as we can find, and leave..............and the rubble behind us.................No Nation building, and no protracted occupation......................Kill em and get the hell out after 9/11. It would have been over in less than a year that way.
A peace forced via the War..................which Syria lost back then......................and the taking and arming of the key strategic point of the Golan heights.................

The peace with Egypt was via the force of arms back then as well.......................

At the end of the last War, Israel was at the outskirts of Damascus when Syria surrendered..................

Syria is insignificant against Israel....................the other players at hand are the ones that might force another fight................
I don´t think there was a surrender.
I thought there was..........

Seems no...............Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Syrians prepared for a massive counteroffensive to drive Israeli forces out of Syria, scheduled for October 23. A total of five Syrian divisions were to take part, alongside the Iraqi and Jordanian expeditionary forces. The Soviets had replaced most of the losses Syria's tank forces had suffered during the first weeks of the war.

However, the day before the offensive was to begin, the United Nations imposed its ceasefire (following the acquiescence of both Israel and Egypt). Abraham Rabinovich claimed that "The acceptance by Egypt of the cease-fire on Monday [October 22] created a major dilemma for Assad. The cease-fire did not bind him, but its implications could not be ignored. Some on the Syrian General Staff favored going ahead with the attack, arguing that if it did so Egypt would feel obliged to continue fighting as well.... Others, however, argued that continuation of the war would legitimize Israel's efforts to destroy the Egyptian Third Army. In that case, Egypt would not come to Syria's assistance when Israel turned its full might northward, destroying Syria's infrastructure and perhaps attacking Damascus".[39]

Ultimately, Syrian President Hafez al-Assad decided to cancel the offensive. On October 23, the day the offensive was to begin, Syria announced that it had accepted the ceasefire, and ordered its troops to cease-fire, while the Iraqi government ordered its forces home.

Following the UN ceasefire, there were constant artillery exchanges and skirmishes, and Israeli forces continued to occupy positions deep within Syria. According to Syrian Foreign Minister Abdel Halim Khaddam, Syria's constant artillery attacks were "part of a deliberate war of attrition designed to paralyse the Israeli economy", and were intended to pressure Israel into yielding the occupied territory.[251] Some aerial engagements took place, and both sides lost several aircraft. In spring 1974, the Syrians attempted to retake the summit of Mount Hermon. The fighting lasted for more than a month and saw heavy losses on both sides, but the Israelis held their positions.[226]The situation continued until a May 1974 disengagement agreement.
So in the end it is not likely that the UN would have intervened in case they feared a Syrian defeat...
Syria was being resupplied and reinforced but even with that.............they were done................Israel could have flattened Damascus..............
With a large Syrian offensive looming?
Iraq had sent forces...........Russia had sent more tanks.........as we had sent more to Israel as well................There massive offensive failed in the beginning..........what would make you think that suddenly the Syrians would win with another after being driven across the desert already...........

They were beaten. Period.
I don´t think there was a surrender.
I thought there was..........

Seems no...............Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Syrians prepared for a massive counteroffensive to drive Israeli forces out of Syria, scheduled for October 23. A total of five Syrian divisions were to take part, alongside the Iraqi and Jordanian expeditionary forces. The Soviets had replaced most of the losses Syria's tank forces had suffered during the first weeks of the war.

However, the day before the offensive was to begin, the United Nations imposed its ceasefire (following the acquiescence of both Israel and Egypt). Abraham Rabinovich claimed that "The acceptance by Egypt of the cease-fire on Monday [October 22] created a major dilemma for Assad. The cease-fire did not bind him, but its implications could not be ignored. Some on the Syrian General Staff favored going ahead with the attack, arguing that if it did so Egypt would feel obliged to continue fighting as well.... Others, however, argued that continuation of the war would legitimize Israel's efforts to destroy the Egyptian Third Army. In that case, Egypt would not come to Syria's assistance when Israel turned its full might northward, destroying Syria's infrastructure and perhaps attacking Damascus".[39]

Ultimately, Syrian President Hafez al-Assad decided to cancel the offensive. On October 23, the day the offensive was to begin, Syria announced that it had accepted the ceasefire, and ordered its troops to cease-fire, while the Iraqi government ordered its forces home.

Following the UN ceasefire, there were constant artillery exchanges and skirmishes, and Israeli forces continued to occupy positions deep within Syria. According to Syrian Foreign Minister Abdel Halim Khaddam, Syria's constant artillery attacks were "part of a deliberate war of attrition designed to paralyse the Israeli economy", and were intended to pressure Israel into yielding the occupied territory.[251] Some aerial engagements took place, and both sides lost several aircraft. In spring 1974, the Syrians attempted to retake the summit of Mount Hermon. The fighting lasted for more than a month and saw heavy losses on both sides, but the Israelis held their positions.[226]The situation continued until a May 1974 disengagement agreement.
So in the end it is not likely that the UN would have intervened in case they feared a Syrian defeat...
Syria was being resupplied and reinforced but even with that.............they were done................Israel could have flattened Damascus..............
With a large Syrian offensive looming?
Iraq had sent forces...........Russia had sent more tanks.........as we had sent more to Israel as well................There massive offensive failed in the beginning..........what would make you think that suddenly the Syrians would win with another after being driven across the desert already...........

They were beaten. Period.
Come on. You need to be more realistic. The offensive did not start, how could it have failed?
I thought there was..........

Seems no...............Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Syrians prepared for a massive counteroffensive to drive Israeli forces out of Syria, scheduled for October 23. A total of five Syrian divisions were to take part, alongside the Iraqi and Jordanian expeditionary forces. The Soviets had replaced most of the losses Syria's tank forces had suffered during the first weeks of the war.

However, the day before the offensive was to begin, the United Nations imposed its ceasefire (following the acquiescence of both Israel and Egypt). Abraham Rabinovich claimed that "The acceptance by Egypt of the cease-fire on Monday [October 22] created a major dilemma for Assad. The cease-fire did not bind him, but its implications could not be ignored. Some on the Syrian General Staff favored going ahead with the attack, arguing that if it did so Egypt would feel obliged to continue fighting as well.... Others, however, argued that continuation of the war would legitimize Israel's efforts to destroy the Egyptian Third Army. In that case, Egypt would not come to Syria's assistance when Israel turned its full might northward, destroying Syria's infrastructure and perhaps attacking Damascus".[39]

Ultimately, Syrian President Hafez al-Assad decided to cancel the offensive. On October 23, the day the offensive was to begin, Syria announced that it had accepted the ceasefire, and ordered its troops to cease-fire, while the Iraqi government ordered its forces home.

Following the UN ceasefire, there were constant artillery exchanges and skirmishes, and Israeli forces continued to occupy positions deep within Syria. According to Syrian Foreign Minister Abdel Halim Khaddam, Syria's constant artillery attacks were "part of a deliberate war of attrition designed to paralyse the Israeli economy", and were intended to pressure Israel into yielding the occupied territory.[251] Some aerial engagements took place, and both sides lost several aircraft. In spring 1974, the Syrians attempted to retake the summit of Mount Hermon. The fighting lasted for more than a month and saw heavy losses on both sides, but the Israelis held their positions.[226]The situation continued until a May 1974 disengagement agreement.
So in the end it is not likely that the UN would have intervened in case they feared a Syrian defeat...
Syria was being resupplied and reinforced but even with that.............they were done................Israel could have flattened Damascus..............
With a large Syrian offensive looming?
Iraq had sent forces...........Russia had sent more tanks.........as we had sent more to Israel as well................There massive offensive failed in the beginning..........what would make you think that suddenly the Syrians would win with another after being driven across the desert already...........

They were beaten. Period.
Come on. You need to be more realistic. The offensive did not start, how could it have failed?
The beginning of the fight was an attack by Syria..............GOLAN HEIGHTS..............

They surprised the IDF and had a much larger force..........................that attack.........surprise attack FAILED.........or the Syrians would have taken the Golan Heights now didn't they.............

I wasn't talking about the looming fight at Damascus.....................Syria air force............gone............experienced soldiers in full retreat..............

Syria was beaten..........
So in the end it is not likely that the UN would have intervened in case they feared a Syrian defeat...
Syria was being resupplied and reinforced but even with that.............they were done................Israel could have flattened Damascus..............
With a large Syrian offensive looming?
Iraq had sent forces...........Russia had sent more tanks.........as we had sent more to Israel as well................There massive offensive failed in the beginning..........what would make you think that suddenly the Syrians would win with another after being driven across the desert already...........

They were beaten. Period.
Come on. You need to be more realistic. The offensive did not start, how could it have failed?
The beginning of the fight was an attack by Syria..............GOLAN HEIGHTS..............

They surprised the IDF and had a much larger force..........................that attack.........surprise attack FAILED.........or the Syrians would have taken the Golan Heights now didn't they.............

I wasn't talking about the looming fight at Damascus.....................Syria air force............gone............experienced soldiers in full retreat..............

Syria was beaten..........
Nope. If you ask the Syrians, the air war had different results.

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