Texas broke one-day coronavirus death record today

Yes, Trump has embraced lots of conspiracy theories.
And you can prove it's false how??

Not my job to disprove it. Scientists already have. Of course The Great Orange Trump-0 or his crazy followers don't believe in science, so I understand your doubts. This is a lot like Trump's crazy conspiracy theory that there were millions of illegal votes in the last presidential election, or the silly claim that his inauguration crowd was bigger than Obama's. All obviously stupid beliefs, but right wingers just choose to believe them.
I did the math
45,198 confirmed cases = 0.001558% or ~Approximately~ 16 ten-thousandths of our popultion. 16/10,000 or 0.0016.​
....SO FAR.....

I am not saying everyone should cower in their basement like Chrissy Cuomo, but some common sense social distancing would seem to be approriate.

Nevertheless, this COVID19 pandemic has hardly even started and people are sayiong it's a big nothing burger. Even the inflated cases of attributing deaths to COVID19 when merely found present in the corpse is only about 20% of the number of deaths and states are correcting for that now, other than the ones going for more payouts from Uncle Sucker.
Here is a brave (standing up to the Deep State medical establishment that caused the pandemic hoax) Texas physician telling it like it!

Here is a brave (standing up to the Deep State medical establishment that caused the pandemic hoax) Texas physician telling it like it!

The AMA and the CDC disagrees with her. Proof positive that even doctors are nut bags sometimes. I'll bet she wasn't a conspiracy theory nut before Trump.
BULLDOG, the AMA and CDC have been proven to be ridiculous Deep State scum. Do your research! Or do you look forward to getting injected by a Bill Gates/George Soros type "vaccine?"
BULLDOG, the AMA and CDC have been proven to be ridiculous Deep State scum. Do your research! Or do you look forward to getting injected by a Bill Gates/George Soros type "vaccine?"

You paranoid conspiracy theory nuts are getting dumber by the day. I'm considering building a tinfoil hat factory. You nut bags will make me rich.
Here is a brave (standing up to the Deep State medical establishment that caused the pandemic hoax) Texas physician telling it like it!

The AMA and the CDC disagrees with her. Proof positive that even doctors are nut bags sometimes. I'll bet she wasn't a conspiracy theory nut before Trump.

The CDC has been massively wrong on this from the start.
BULLDOG, the AMA and CDC have been proven to be ridiculous Deep State scum. Do your research! Or do you look forward to getting injected by a Bill Gates/George Soros type "vaccine?"

You paranoid conspiracy theory nuts are getting dumber by the day. I'm considering building a tinfoil hat factory. You nut bags will make me rich.
What has the CDC been correct on? Be specific.
Confirmed case fatality rate:

New York: 7.87%

Texas: 2.79%

Texas > New York.
Texas is re-opening, cases of COVID are rising, imagine my surprise.

Liberals can’t allow the reopening to succeed do look for lots of pressure and sex pictures from 1987 to be put on the governors like what happened in Georgia last night and what this fakery is about
The media is going to finely sift through stats and find one county that is off and force massive fake headlines like “Georgia fudging figures to force reopening”
BULLDOG, the AMA and CDC have been proven to be ridiculous Deep State scum. Do your research! Or do you look forward to getting injected by a Bill Gates/George Soros type "vaccine?"
The swamp is getting bigger. First we learn the Deep State is part of the swamp, now we learn the CDC is also part of the swamp.
They started reopening on May 1.

They have a very low rate of testing too. Not even a million people have been tested in Texas which is one of the largest states in the nation and has 29 million people.


sooner or later EVERYONE will catch the chinese disease

but we are learning that relatively few will die
Not everyone is exposed to the general population or the COVID-19 bug. Why send someone who's been exposed to the bug to a pristine area where there aren't any cases. Just let it be.
You've been reading a lot of crazy conspiracy theory sites, haven't you?
----Trump says U.S. investigating whether virus came from Wuhan lab---
---Officials probe the threat of a coronavirus bioweapon---

Yes, Trump has embraced lots of conspiracy theories.
So have you if you think Joe Biden the extortion-of-Ukraine-and-other-3rd-world-countries con man is a good candidate for POTUS. He used his vice-presidential title as a threat to the Ukrainian people simply asking what his son's credentials were to get a something-for-nothing millions of dollars a year at a job he didn't have to show up for work ever, just send his check back to America. Because of his preoccupation with other people's use of American taxpayers' money that Congress sent and putting it into his own or his family's pocket, what do you think he's going to do as President? Become a choir boy? <gong> Ain't gonna happen.
They started reopening on May 1.

They have a very low rate of testing too. Not even a million people have been tested in Texas which is one of the largest states in the nation and has 29 million people.


sooner or later EVERYONE will catch the chinese disease

but we are learning that relatively few will die
Not everyone is exposed to the general population or the COVID-19 bug. Why send someone who's been exposed to the bug to a pristine area where there aren't any cases. Just let it be.
Such as Ford shutting down an entire factory because one person tested positive?

that will cripple out economy
Re-opened Texas is struggling to flatten the curve after their Republican governor re-opened.
A single-day high of 58 Texans’ deaths from the coronavirus were confirmed on Thursday, two weeks after Gov. Greg Abbott’s reopening.

The state has reported 116 deaths over the past three days, the most in a three-day stretch during the pandemic.
Did you say 58?

You must mean 558, or 5,580

only 58 huh?

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