Texas Calls Joe Biden's Bluff


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
And of course Democrats and the Biden administration, will never claim ANY responsibility, even when we all know that Joe Biden is to blame for the unsafe conditions at the border.
They invited the flood, and any third-worlder who dies, is all on them!

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton refused the Biden administration's efforts to reclaim control of Shelby Park in Eagle Pass after the drowning of three migrants attempting to cross the border through the Rio Grande over the weekend.

Paxton, in a letter first reported by conservative news outlet The Daily Caller, responded to a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) lawyer who threatened legal action if the state does not remove all barriers blocking access to and allow federal border control agents access to Shelby Park, a stretch of land along the river that has been used as a staging area for migrants and was seized by Texas National Guard (TNG) troops in the border town of Eagle Pass.

I love Texas.

Let's get this fucking divorce over with.

We have a problem because Trump to Bush did not solve it, and neither has Joe.

The two parties have to solve it.
Trump DID have it under control, it was called 'Catch and Send Back'.
Joe on his first day signed an EO that literally removed our border.
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We have a problem because Trump to Bush did not solve it, and neither has Joe.

The two parties have to solve it.

Yes, and it's incredibly stupid that Biden has only made things much worse by inviting the flood. If you want something to change, let's start with not having a president that is doing everything he can to flood the country with these people!

an interesting read:
(emphasis added)

As a federal court has already ruled, it is DHS and Biden Administration policies that are leading migrants to risk their lives, and sometimes lose them, trying to cross the Rio Grande. If you really care about migrants being put in “imminent danger to life and safety,” your agency should stop driving them into the waters of the river. Nobody drowns on a bridge. A federal court recently rebuked the Biden Administration for creating this dangerous situation: “If [DHS] agents are going to allow migrants to enter the country, and indeed facilitate their doing so, why make them undertake the dangerous task of crossing the river? Would it not be easier, and safer, to receive them at a port of entry?” Texas v. DHS, 2023 WL 8285223, at *4 (W.D. Tex. Nov. 29, 2023). By“creat[ing] a perverse incentive for aliens to attempt to cross” the Rio Grande, the court found, you are “begetting life-threatening crises for aliens and agents both.” Id. at *
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Worth the read --

Many Americans conflate the power in Article One, Section Eight, granting the Congress ability to create a rule of naturalization, with the power to create a rule over immigration. Naturalization is, of course, how visitors become American citizens, not whether visitors can be on the soil of any U.S. state. . .

. . . The Founders understood that immigration was not a federal power. Thomas Jefferson said so himself in his 1798 Kentucky Resolution Number Four, which was a slap at the Alien Act pushed by then-President, John Adams . . .

. . . Left hanging is the matter of whether the US Constitution authorizes the feds to be involved, or if the matter of the lost migrants is one left to Texas during a time when no War has been declared. Clearly, the Founders left the matter in the hands of the state and the Texas Bureau of Immigration.
He still let in more than Obama.

We need both parties to solve it.
With all due respect, John...Joe Biden could "solve" this crisis literally overnight simply by reinstating the Trump border policies that he got rid of on day one of his administration!

He refuses to do so despite the pleas from now desperate Democrat Mayors of cities like New York, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angelos and Denver that have suddenly realized that a wave of illegals is going to bankrupt them almost overnight!
With all due respect, John...Joe Biden could "solve" this crisis literally overnight simply by reinstating the Trump border policies that he got rid of on day one of his administration!

He refuses to do so despite the pleas from now desperate Democrat Mayors of cities like New York, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angelos and Denver that have suddenly realized that a wave of illegals is going to bankrupt them almost overnight!
It's called "Your Mouth is writing checks your ass can't cash"

Remember how all those dimocrap-run Cities proudly announced they were 'Sanctuary Cities'.? Especially when OMB was POTUS? Think back....

Remember how they delighted in thwarting the efforts of the Federal Authorities trying to enforce Immigration Laws? How they'd even help hide criminals the Feds were looking for in order to prevent them from being deported? Think.....

Think back on it -- Remember??

So now, Texas and Florida are giving dimocrap FILTH the opportunity to Man-Up. But, as usual, dimocrap SCUM let their Alligator mouths overload their Canary Asses.

And they're crying like the little bitches they are.

dimocrap scum are real brave with other peoples' money. Because --

They're scum.
We have a problem because Trump to Bush did not solve it, and neither has Joe.

The two parties have to solve it.
Trump would have had a lot more success if the DNC didnt fight him tooth and nail every step of the way, dont you think? Sueing every policy decision he made wasnt super useful either, wouldnt you agree? "Walls dont work", "Kids in cages", "youre racist for trying to stop illegal immigration", etc.

It seems rather obvious that our border troubles are 100% caused by democrats. The right has tried to fight illegal immigration from day one. Dems do everything they can to ensure more of it. That is simply a fact.
And of course Democrats and the Biden administration, will never claim ANY responsibility, even when we all know that Joe Biden is to blame for the unsafe conditions at the border.
They invited the flood, and any third-worlder who dies, is all on them!

No Matter on that dying thing. If anybody dies trying to get into the country illegally, it is 100% on the illegal that bypassed the official border crossing ports of entry. I, for one, do not care, how many wetbacks drown, how many climbers break their necks falling from walls, or how many extreme hikers die of thirst in the desert heat.
And of course Democrats and the Biden administration, will never claim ANY responsibility, even when we all know that Joe Biden is to blame for the unsafe conditions at the border.
They invited the flood, and any third-worlder who dies, is all on them!

Would be nice if the Biden administration showed as much concern with all the US citizens being killed by illegals.
Trump would have had a lot more success if the DNC didnt fight him tooth and nail every step of the way, dont you think? Sueing every policy decision he made wasnt super useful either, wouldnt you agree? "Walls dont work", "Kids in cages", "youre racist for trying to stop illegal immigration", etc.

It seems rather obvious that our border troubles are 100% caused by democrats. The right has tried to fight illegal immigration from day one. Dems do everything they can to ensure more of it. That is simply a fact.

Trump would also have more successes if he wasn't so weak and ineffective. He went from lying about who was going to pay for it, to begging Pelosi for the money. That's all he did in his last two years. Beg Pelosi and cave to her.

Trump is weak. Like all those other RINO's up there.

Trump didn't challenge the birthright issue like he promised he was going to do.

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