Texas Congressman Threatens Companies That Pay For Employees Out of State Abortion Expenses. Companies say “Go F@&$ Yourself”

if that were true there would be no republican/conservative women. Repubs don't hate women. THey do hate the murder of the innocent.
62% of woman support keeping abortion legal and maintaining control over over their own healthcare decisions. Apparently Republicans don’t think woman should.

Republicans have passed laws rewarding rapists who impregnate their victims by allowing family members to sue if she tried to get an abortion.

Republicans are now trying to prevent woman leaving the state from getting an abortion. Remember when you all pretended it should be left up to states? Apparently no one expected the state to own a woman’s body.
No, it isn't. From a company it's a potential benefit. It's a necessity, but not a right.

The pork producers meet all federal requirements, and the requirements within their own States. That's good enough for the constitution, and California has to live with it. They can't expand their own requirements past their own borders.

And before you try a gotcha moment, I have no issue with people paying for or transporting ADULT women out of states with abortion restrictions to states without them for the purpose of having an abortion. I am a federalist, and unlike you not a fair weather one.
IKR? Is there a new Amendment to the Constitution that says killing babies is a Constitutionally protected right? They sure do act like it.
It is hilarious how you libtards rail against corporate political contributions (Citizens United) but praise them when they spend money that support your political causes.

The real issue is the deductibility of corporate expenses for income tax purposes. This raises two questions: (1) Are out-of-state travel expenses for an otherwise illegal abortion a legitimate health benefit? and (2) Does this discriminate against other employees who are denied this benefit?

P.S. A criminal act depends on jurisdiction. If it was a legal act where it was committed, it can't be prosecuted somewhere else.
Companies that support abortion are looking at their bottom line. Aborted children are much cheaper than babies that are born. No extra dependents to support, no FMLA, no parental leave, and their employee doesn't miss any time from work. The profits of murder.
62% of woman support keeping abortion legal and maintaining control over over their own healthcare decisions. Apparently Republicans don’t think woman should.

Republicans have passed laws rewarding rapists who impregnate their victims by allowing family members to sue if she tried to get an abortion.

Republicans are now trying to prevent woman leaving the state from getting an abortion. Remember when you all pretended it should be left up to states? Apparently no one expected the state to own a woman’s body.
Not wanting to have a baby is not the government's responsibility to manage, its the individual's. Plenty of options available to have all the wild sex you want and not get pregnant besides murder. Laziness runs amok in Dims.
Not wanting to have a baby is not the government's responsibility to manage, its the individual's. Plenty of options available to have all the wild sex you want and not get pregnant besides murder. Laziness runs amok in Dims.
Prove only Dems get abortions.
Modern Republicans only care about the birth. They don't care about the Medicare and health care of the baby birth or the mother, and could care less about the health, nutrition, and education of the baby and mother after.
17% of Republicans feel abortion should be illegal in ALL cases, including to save tbe life of the mother. That isn’t insignificant. It shows a little value women have to them.
Modern Republicans only care about the birth. They don't care about the Medicare and health care of the baby birth or the mother, and could care less about the health, nutrition, and education of the baby and mother after.
Bullshit. There are many options for the life of the child. Adoption being foremost among them. As for the health of the mother, if her health is in danger during the birth those conditions are addressed and you are grasping at straws to suggest that more than a minuscule number of the 60 MILLION aborted children since Roe was enacted have been dangerous to the mother's life--this goes for the incest argument as well. The government is not responsible for your health care. Do you take responsibility for anything in your life? The world doesn't owe you anything. Take care of YOURSELF.
17% of Republicans feel abortion should be illegal in ALL cases, including to save tbe life of the mother. That isn’t insignificant. It shows a little value women have to them.
You always try to save the mother and baby in any life threatening situation. Extremists exist everywhere, that doesn't take away from the fact that abortion is murder.

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