Texas denies anchor babies birth certificates

Post it....

Getting bored of you not being able to distinguish between a legal resident and a illegal one.

Going to cut my grass soon.
Again, what is the difference? Are illegal immigrants not subject to our laws and courts?

What are you a broken record? Where the Japanese military on US soil subject to our courts and laws? When they were here?
I was looking for every thing on search engines last night about that case...

It was always about legal imagrants giving birth to a child on US soil, Wong went back to China and came back to the USA.

It says nothing about illegal criminals according to US law coming here and having a baby...

But a 120 Years ago they didn't have that problem almost all came through Ellis island .
What the case says, is unless the baby born on USA soil's parents were (Indians not paying taxes), children of an attacking military of a foreign country, a baby born to parents who have diplomatic immunity (ambassadors and the such) of Foreign Nations...then ANYONE else born on USA jurisdiction/soil...IS a USA citizen, a natural Born Citizen, a citizen at Birth......

Maybe this Texas move, is just for political fodder in the National election run up, but maybe it will be the case that those objecting have chosen to have the supreme Court hear?

A shame if this is the case, and they chose to do so on a re-do, before an election.... at least in the Wong case, this case was CHOSEN among many cases out there, to be the court case that would be brought to the supreme court, to decide on the meaning of born within the jurisdiction of the US, or under the jurisdiction meant, and THEY CHOSE not to bring the case UNTIL AFTER the election so that "politics" would NOT interfere.

there is no one born on USA soil that was EXCLUDED from being a citizen than the exclusions MENTIONED in the amendment....there was absolutely NO REQUIREMENT for the parents of a baby born on USA soil, TO BE a parent within good standing of the law, and a legal alien....vs. an illegal alien....NONE my dear, absolutely no distinction, no mention of illegal alien parents being an exception...

Bull shit that's a liberal interpretation dear.

It was all about legal immigrants , that's why we need the Supremes to clarify it.
what part needs clarification? do you believe that illegal immigrants (and more specifically their children born here) are not subject to our laws?

You are like a pesky fly to me on here...

Did you ever answer my question about the japanese military that were here?

I am so loving this debate on the 14th a great argument

Because the amendment was never challenged on illegals....

Its getting the left and rights minds running to look at history, figure out old case laws and come back and debate

Who couldn't ask for more?
Oh for heavens sakes. I give up.

You believe as you wish and I'll do the same.
Just one problem, the law is on his side and you are wrong.

Nope. The law was never a law.

the constitution is law

Oh for heavens sakes. I give up.

You believe as you wish and I'll do the same.
you give me a definition of the word 'jurisdiction' that includes the requirement for a home and i'll be happy to reconsider the issue.
why do you think that a 'domicile' is required for a person to fall under the jurisdiction of the united states?

Here's a nice write up on the amendment.

Read the whole thing.

The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution - Fourteenth Amendment - anchor babies and birthright citizenship - interpretations and misinterpretations - US Constitution

In 1898, the Wong Kim Ark Supreme Court case10,11 once again, in a ruling based strictly on the 14th Amendment, concluded that the status of the parents was crucial in determining the citizenship of the child. The current misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment is based in part upon the presumption that the Wong Kim Ark ruling encompassed illegal aliens. In fact, it did not address the children of illegal aliens and non-immigrant aliens, but rather determined an allegiance for legal immigrant parents based on the meaning of the word domicil
. Since it is inconceivable that illegal alien parents could have a legal domicile in the United States, the ruling clearly did not extend birthright citizenship to children of illegal alien parents. Indeed, the ruling strengthened the original intent of the 14th Amendment

Note the domicile part.
faulty reasoning and a misinterpretation of a court ruling doesn't make a case.

can you give a definition of the word 'jurisdiction' that includes the word 'domicile?'

Jurisdiction is the practical authority to interpret and apply the law and the law interpreted was under California's domicile law at the time.

Thanks Peach but never mind him.

He's playing word games. If he really wanted an answer to his question then he'd get off his ass and fine it.

Fuck em and the horse he rode in on.

There are quite a few of them here who like to play the word game.
When it's turned back on them, then they have a real problem with it. :laugh: it's so :lame2:
Again, what is the difference? Are illegal immigrants not subject to our laws and courts?

What are you a broken record? Where the Japanese military on US soil subject to our courts and laws? When they were here?
I was looking for every thing on search engines last night about that case...

It was always about legal imagrants giving birth to a child on US soil, Wong went back to China and came back to the USA.

It says nothing about illegal criminals according to US law coming here and having a baby...

But a 120 Years ago they didn't have that problem almost all came through Ellis island .
What the case says, is unless the baby born on USA soil's parents were (Indians not paying taxes), children of an attacking military of a foreign country, a baby born to parents who have diplomatic immunity (ambassadors and the such) of Foreign Nations...then ANYONE else born on USA jurisdiction/soil...IS a USA citizen, a natural Born Citizen, a citizen at Birth......

Maybe this Texas move, is just for political fodder in the National election run up, but maybe it will be the case that those objecting have chosen to have the supreme Court hear?

A shame if this is the case, and they chose to do so on a re-do, before an election.... at least in the Wong case, this case was CHOSEN among many cases out there, to be the court case that would be brought to the supreme court, to decide on the meaning of born within the jurisdiction of the US, or under the jurisdiction meant, and THEY CHOSE not to bring the case UNTIL AFTER the election so that "politics" would NOT interfere.

there is no one born on USA soil that was EXCLUDED from being a citizen than the exclusions MENTIONED in the amendment....there was absolutely NO REQUIREMENT for the parents of a baby born on USA soil, TO BE a parent within good standing of the law, and a legal alien....vs. an illegal alien....NONE my dear, absolutely no distinction, no mention of illegal alien parents being an exception...

Bull shit that's a liberal interpretation dear.

It was all about legal immigrants , that's why we need the Supremes to clarify it.
what part needs clarification? do you believe that illegal immigrants (and more specifically their children born here) are not subject to our laws?

You are like a pesky fly to me on here...

Did you ever answer my question about the japanese military that were here?

I am so loving this debate on the 14th a great argument

Because the amendment was never challenged on illegals....

Its getting the left and rights minds running to look at history, figure out old case laws and come back and debate

Who couldn't ask for more?

Look at my post 163. Nice write up on the 14th right there.
Ok, why in anyone's mind is it acceptable to cross our border illegally, plop out a baby and then demand U.S. citizenship?

Seriously, how do you justify this?

It doesn't have to be justified any more than to point out the following:

There is a popular misconception that the child's U.S. citizenship status (acquired by jus soli) legally helps the child's parents and siblings to quickly reclassify their visa status (or lack thereof) and to place them on a fast pathway to acquire lawful permanent residence and eventually United States citizenship.[2][3] This is a myth.[4]
Oh for heavens sakes. I give up.

You believe as you wish and I'll do the same.
you give me a definition of the word 'jurisdiction' that includes the requirement for a home and i'll be happy to reconsider the issue.
why do you think that a 'domicile' is required for a person to fall under the jurisdiction of the united states?
it was a distinction between those on a vacation in the USA that may have a child born and those living in the USA and had a child born, whether legal or illegal....

so the term is used to determine if someone is living in an area....this could be renting, or owning a home, or living with a friend or relative or even living in a homeless shelter or in a car....if they live there, this is their 'home', their domicile, they've established roots, a connection....and even if they don't live there, but have kept a connection....like a home or apt, if they have not committed to living in a new state or new area in their state, then their jurisdiction on laws, resides in that domicile.

so, basically, where you have chosen to live, and/or make a living as an immigrant, whether legal or illegal, is your 'domicile' vs immigrants that are just passing through while vacationing....

those vacationing....kids born on us soil, not natural born citizens...

those born to immigrants, illegal or legal, who have basically 'set up house' here, ARE natural born citizens.


At least I think so????????????? lol
Last edited:
OP - I'm jealous of your low premium.

But, that's ObamaCare for you.

That issue was also addressed in the case, and they didn't care. Read it.

Post it....

Getting bored of you not being able to distinguish between a legal resident and a illegal one.

Going to cut my grass soon.
Again, what is the difference? Are illegal immigrants not subject to our laws and courts?

What are you a broken record? Where the Japanese military on US soil subject to our courts and laws? When they were here?
I was looking for every thing on search engines last night about that case...

It was always about legal imagrants giving birth to a child on US soil, Wong went back to China and came back to the USA.

It says nothing about illegal criminals according to US law coming here and having a baby...

But a 120 Years ago they didn't have that problem almost all came through Ellis island .
What the case says, is unless the baby born on USA soil's parents were (Indians not paying taxes), children of an attacking military of a foreign country, a baby born to parents who have diplomatic immunity (ambassadors and the such) of Foreign Nations...then ANYONE else born on USA jurisdiction/soil...IS a USA citizen, a natural Born Citizen, a citizen at Birth......

Maybe this Texas move, is just for political fodder in the National election run up, but maybe it will be the case that those objecting have chosen to have the supreme Court hear?

A shame if this is the case, and they chose to do so on a re-do, before an election.... at least in the Wong case, this case was CHOSEN among many cases out there, to be the court case that would be brought to the supreme court, to decide on the meaning of born within the jurisdiction of the US, or under the jurisdiction meant, and THEY CHOSE not to bring the case UNTIL AFTER the election so that "politics" would NOT interfere.

there is no one born on USA soil that was EXCLUDED from being a citizen than the exclusions MENTIONED in the amendment....there was absolutely NO REQUIREMENT for the parents of a baby born on USA soil, TO BE a parent within good standing of the law, and a legal alien....vs. an illegal alien....NONE my dear, absolutely no distinction, no mention of illegal alien parents being an exception...

Bull shit that's a liberal interpretation dear.

It was all about legal immigrants , that's why we need the Supremes to clarify it.
The "legal immigrants" in this case were still Chinese Citizens, who later returned to China, but because the baby was born here he was an American Citizen. And in the dissent they are less than happy that you could, by the majority ruling, in most cases, just wander in have a baby and that baby would be an American. You'd know that if you'd read the bloody fucking case.
Ok, why in anyone's mind is it acceptable to cross our border illegally, plop out a baby and then demand U.S. citizenship?

Seriously, how do you justify this?

It doesn't have to be justified any more than to point out the following:

There is a popular misconception that the child's U.S. citizenship status (acquired by jus soli) legally helps the child's parents and siblings to quickly reclassify their visa status (or lack thereof) and to place them on a fast pathway to acquire lawful permanent residence and eventually United States citizenship.[2][3] This is a myth.[4]

No that is not the point at all.
Ok, why in anyone's mind is it acceptable to cross our border illegally, plop out a baby and then demand U.S. citizenship?

Seriously, how do you justify this?

Post it....

Getting bored of you not being able to distinguish between a legal resident and a illegal one.

Going to cut my grass soon.
Again, what is the difference? Are illegal immigrants not subject to our laws and courts?

What are you a broken record? Where the Japanese military on US soil subject to our courts and laws? When they were here?
I was looking for every thing on search engines last night about that case...

It was always about legal imagrants giving birth to a child on US soil, Wong went back to China and came back to the USA.

It says nothing about illegal criminals according to US law coming here and having a baby...

But a 120 Years ago they didn't have that problem almost all came through Ellis island .
What the case says, is unless the baby born on USA soil's parents were (Indians not paying taxes), children of an attacking military of a foreign country, a baby born to parents who have diplomatic immunity (ambassadors and the such) of Foreign Nations...then ANYONE else born on USA jurisdiction/soil...IS a USA citizen, a natural Born Citizen, a citizen at Birth......

Maybe this Texas move, is just for political fodder in the National election run up, but maybe it will be the case that those objecting have chosen to have the supreme Court hear?

A shame if this is the case, and they chose to do so on a re-do, before an election.... at least in the Wong case, this case was CHOSEN among many cases out there, to be the court case that would be brought to the supreme court, to decide on the meaning of born within the jurisdiction of the US, or under the jurisdiction meant, and THEY CHOSE not to bring the case UNTIL AFTER the election so that "politics" would NOT interfere.

there is no one born on USA soil that was EXCLUDED from being a citizen than the exclusions MENTIONED in the amendment....there was absolutely NO REQUIREMENT for the parents of a baby born on USA soil, TO BE a parent within good standing of the law, and a legal alien....vs. an illegal alien....NONE my dear, absolutely no distinction, no mention of illegal alien parents being an exception...

Bull shit that's a liberal interpretation dear.

It was all about legal immigrants , that's why we need the Supremes to clarify it.
The "legal immigrants" in this case were still Chinese Citizens, who later returned to China, but because the baby was born here he was an American Citizen. And in the dissent they are less than happy that you could, by the majority ruling, in most cases, just wander in have a baby and that baby would be an American. You'd know that if you'd read the bloody fucking case.

Sorry to disappoint paint my house

Your boy harry reid agrees

Again, what is the difference? Are illegal immigrants not subject to our laws and courts?

What are you a broken record? Where the Japanese military on US soil subject to our courts and laws? When they were here?
I was looking for every thing on search engines last night about that case...

It was always about legal imagrants giving birth to a child on US soil, Wong went back to China and came back to the USA.

It says nothing about illegal criminals according to US law coming here and having a baby...

But a 120 Years ago they didn't have that problem almost all came through Ellis island .
What the case says, is unless the baby born on USA soil's parents were (Indians not paying taxes), children of an attacking military of a foreign country, a baby born to parents who have diplomatic immunity (ambassadors and the such) of Foreign Nations...then ANYONE else born on USA jurisdiction/soil...IS a USA citizen, a natural Born Citizen, a citizen at Birth......

Maybe this Texas move, is just for political fodder in the National election run up, but maybe it will be the case that those objecting have chosen to have the supreme Court hear?

A shame if this is the case, and they chose to do so on a re-do, before an election.... at least in the Wong case, this case was CHOSEN among many cases out there, to be the court case that would be brought to the supreme court, to decide on the meaning of born within the jurisdiction of the US, or under the jurisdiction meant, and THEY CHOSE not to bring the case UNTIL AFTER the election so that "politics" would NOT interfere.

there is no one born on USA soil that was EXCLUDED from being a citizen than the exclusions MENTIONED in the amendment....there was absolutely NO REQUIREMENT for the parents of a baby born on USA soil, TO BE a parent within good standing of the law, and a legal alien....vs. an illegal alien....NONE my dear, absolutely no distinction, no mention of illegal alien parents being an exception...

Bull shit that's a liberal interpretation dear.

It was all about legal immigrants , that's why we need the Supremes to clarify it.
what part needs clarification? do you believe that illegal immigrants (and more specifically their children born here) are not subject to our laws?

You are like a pesky fly to me on here...

Did you ever answer my question about the japanese military that were here?

I am so loving this debate on the 14th a great argument

Because the amendment was never challenged on illegals....

Its getting the left and rights minds running to look at history, figure out old case laws and come back and debate

Who couldn't ask for more?
The issue of illegals was dealt with, which you would know if you would read, although probably not understand, the damn case.
Ok, why in anyone's mind is it acceptable to cross our border illegally, plop out a baby and then demand U.S. citizenship?

Seriously, how do you justify this?

Again, what is the difference? Are illegal immigrants not subject to our laws and courts?

What are you a broken record? Where the Japanese military on US soil subject to our courts and laws? When they were here?
I was looking for every thing on search engines last night about that case...

It was always about legal imagrants giving birth to a child on US soil, Wong went back to China and came back to the USA.

It says nothing about illegal criminals according to US law coming here and having a baby...

But a 120 Years ago they didn't have that problem almost all came through Ellis island .
What the case says, is unless the baby born on USA soil's parents were (Indians not paying taxes), children of an attacking military of a foreign country, a baby born to parents who have diplomatic immunity (ambassadors and the such) of Foreign Nations...then ANYONE else born on USA jurisdiction/soil...IS a USA citizen, a natural Born Citizen, a citizen at Birth......

Maybe this Texas move, is just for political fodder in the National election run up, but maybe it will be the case that those objecting have chosen to have the supreme Court hear?

A shame if this is the case, and they chose to do so on a re-do, before an election.... at least in the Wong case, this case was CHOSEN among many cases out there, to be the court case that would be brought to the supreme court, to decide on the meaning of born within the jurisdiction of the US, or under the jurisdiction meant, and THEY CHOSE not to bring the case UNTIL AFTER the election so that "politics" would NOT interfere.

there is no one born on USA soil that was EXCLUDED from being a citizen than the exclusions MENTIONED in the amendment....there was absolutely NO REQUIREMENT for the parents of a baby born on USA soil, TO BE a parent within good standing of the law, and a legal alien....vs. an illegal alien....NONE my dear, absolutely no distinction, no mention of illegal alien parents being an exception...

Bull shit that's a liberal interpretation dear.

It was all about legal immigrants , that's why we need the Supremes to clarify it.
The "legal immigrants" in this case were still Chinese Citizens, who later returned to China, but because the baby was born here he was an American Citizen. And in the dissent they are less than happy that you could, by the majority ruling, in most cases, just wander in have a baby and that baby would be an American. You'd know that if you'd read the bloody fucking case.

Sorry to disappoint paint my house

Your boy harry reid agrees

He's a Mormon, I hate Mormons, but his opinion was the same as the losers in Wong. I couldn't care less.
Oh for heavens sakes. I give up.

You believe as you wish and I'll do the same.
you give me a definition of the word 'jurisdiction' that includes the requirement for a home and i'll be happy to reconsider the issue.
why do you think that a 'domicile' is required for a person to fall under the jurisdiction of the united states?
it was a distinction between those on a vacation in the USA that may have a child born and those living in the USA and had a child born, whether legal or illegal....

so the term is used to determine if someone is living in an area....this could be renting, or owning a home, or living with a friend or relative or even living in a homeless shelter or in a car....if they live there, this is their 'home', their domicile, they've established roots, a connection....and even if they don't live there, but have kept a connection....like a home or apt, if they have not committed to living in a new state or new area in their state, then their jurisdiction on laws, resides in that domicile.

so, basically, where you have chosen to live, and/or make a living as an immigrant, whether legal or illegal, is your 'domicile' vs immigrants that are just passing through while vacationing....

those vacationing....kids born on us soil, not natural born citizens...

those born to immigrants, illegal or legal, who have basically 'set up house' here, ARE natural born citizens.


At least I think so????????????? lol
it's a distinction that doesn't exist in the amendment. it's a distinction that isn't made in the wong decision.

in other words you're trying to hang your hat on something that just isn't there.
Oh for heavens sakes. I give up.

You believe as you wish and I'll do the same.
Just one problem, the law is on his side and you are wrong.

Nope. The law was never a law.
For something that was never a law it sure has the power of law. Try again.

Yup and that's why they need to amend the amendment.

Try again.
As I said, good luck, you'll need it.
What are you a broken record? Where the Japanese military on US soil subject to our courts and laws? When they were here?
I was looking for every thing on search engines last night about that case...

It was always about legal imagrants giving birth to a child on US soil, Wong went back to China and came back to the USA.

It says nothing about illegal criminals according to US law coming here and having a baby...

But a 120 Years ago they didn't have that problem almost all came through Ellis island .
What the case says, is unless the baby born on USA soil's parents were (Indians not paying taxes), children of an attacking military of a foreign country, a baby born to parents who have diplomatic immunity (ambassadors and the such) of Foreign Nations...then ANYONE else born on USA jurisdiction/soil...IS a USA citizen, a natural Born Citizen, a citizen at Birth......

Maybe this Texas move, is just for political fodder in the National election run up, but maybe it will be the case that those objecting have chosen to have the supreme Court hear?

A shame if this is the case, and they chose to do so on a re-do, before an election.... at least in the Wong case, this case was CHOSEN among many cases out there, to be the court case that would be brought to the supreme court, to decide on the meaning of born within the jurisdiction of the US, or under the jurisdiction meant, and THEY CHOSE not to bring the case UNTIL AFTER the election so that "politics" would NOT interfere.

there is no one born on USA soil that was EXCLUDED from being a citizen than the exclusions MENTIONED in the amendment....there was absolutely NO REQUIREMENT for the parents of a baby born on USA soil, TO BE a parent within good standing of the law, and a legal alien....vs. an illegal alien....NONE my dear, absolutely no distinction, no mention of illegal alien parents being an exception...

Bull shit that's a liberal interpretation dear.

It was all about legal immigrants , that's why we need the Supremes to clarify it.
what part needs clarification? do you believe that illegal immigrants (and more specifically their children born here) are not subject to our laws?

You are like a pesky fly to me on here...

Did you ever answer my question about the japanese military that were here?

I am so loving this debate on the 14th a great argument

Because the amendment was never challenged on illegals....

Its getting the left and rights minds running to look at history, figure out old case laws and come back and debate

Who couldn't ask for more?

Look at my post 163. Nice write up on the 14th right there.
no, it really isn't.
Where this all started:

"The English common law rule, which it is insisted was in force after the Declaration of Independence, was that

every person born within the dominions of the Crown, no matter whether of English or of foreign parents, and, in the latter case, whether the parents were settled or merely temporarily sojourning in the country, was an English subject, save only the children of foreign ambassadors (who were excepted because their fathers carried their own nationality with them) or a child born to a foreigner during the hostile occupation of any part of the territories of England."
United States v. Wong Kim Ark | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

The SC ruling is essentially the same. Born here means you're a citizen, in nearly all cases, like it or not. Where you came from, how you got here, who your parents are citizens of matters not a damn, almost without exception...

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