Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

The Supreme Court is probably spending its time looking over all the election laws liberal shills violated in the states in question.

Probably? Seems you've already decided that "liberal shills" acted improperly or illegally. Odd isn't it that nearly three dozen appeals by the Trump Supporters have been rejected by the Federal Court System. It also seems that most of the judges have been appointed by Republican Presidents.

What is not probable are the facts that the GOP is closely acting with a seditious intent, and also close to violation US Code for inciting a riot:

18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions

An not only Federal Judges and justices, but state justices and judges + AG Barr have found no fraud:

They did act illegally. You folks are in for some disappointment.
I'm sick of you deluded fools. Let's put some real money where your mouth breathing idiocy is. Let's make a $500 bet that Trump will not be sworn in on January 20.
Or you could just not be a whiny bitch and avoid topics you can't handle. Give your money to charity. Due to liberal fearmongering and autocratic decrees plenty of people can use help these days.
you are the whiney bitch unable to accept an election. Even Hillary's supporters had the balls that never dropped for you
Did you say the same in 2000?
right or wrong, this is a valid way to address your concerns of our system. given other methods i've seen taking place, i far prefer the court method and am fine with allowing time w/o demonizing those pursuing this option we all have available to us.
Given what judges have said, and how Guiliani had to back down from claiming fraud, it is beginning to look like it is.
Giuliani has not backed down from anything, girly girl.

Yes, he did. The judges are point-blank asking these lawyers including Rudy if they are claiming fraud.
ALL of them have to say no because if an officer of the court lies to a judge, he's disbarred.
Those four states didn't follow the law in their state. The change in ballot approvals, per law in each of those states, was supposed to go through the state legislature. That didn't happen.

Texas extended early voting dates without going through the legislature. Should Texas' 38 electoral votes be excluded from the count too?

Why should they. There was no change in their ballots. The swing states didn't go through their state legislatures.
Texas claims the changes in the way the defendant states conducted the election did not come from those states legislatures. Isn't that the same thing as Texas Governor Abbot extending early voting without the state legislature?

file a case and take them to court.

No need. Texas filed the case already. If Paxton wins, his own state will be subject to the ruling.

Texas/AG Paxton are going to get the same short sentenced ruling that Pennsylvania got. DENIED
That is a bad argument to attempt. A monority of voters elected this president in 2016. Were voters in the more populous states disenfranchised?
Every voter in every election whose candidate does not win is "disenfranchised" if that's how you wish to
look at things. The question is was an election fairly contested? Or not?[/qu ote]

I am looking it that, you are.

The only people

We know for absolutely certain the 2020 presidential election was as dirty and corrupt as can be.
And the aftermath has been corrupt too. Appeals to lower and state courts have been summarily rejected
out of hand.
The solution when lower courts refuse to honestly deal with things (ignoring Dominion and ballot fraud) is to take it to the Supreme Court.
and i would think on the surface these are valid counter arguments to the claim.

as for whether or not rules were applied equally, unfortunately that just depends on which website you read.

my main point is, i prefer going through the courts to settle disputes and sorting out the details. if trump loses, he loses. however i am not a lawyer and i don't think many in here are. we tend to mix and match as desired our feelings of a desired outcome with the legal process of getting there.

right or wrong, this is a valid way to address your concerns of our system. given other methods i've seen taking place, i far prefer the court method and am fine with allowing time w/o demonizing those pursuing this option we all have available to us.
I agree with most of that, particularly with the courts, with a few caveates.

If the goal is simply to run out the clock or create a situation where legislatures select electors, then I am not ok with it. Given what judges have said, and how Guiliani had to back down from claiming fraud, it is beginning to look like it is.

Also, a very toxic by product of the situation is that Biden and his transition team has not been getting all the access and briefings they should have, regardless of ongoing legal challenges. For comparison, in Gore/Bush, BOTH men received the same briefings until it was resolved. This has very real natuonal security concerns and domestic policy concerns, such as handling the Pandemic.
i am not ok with abuse of the system on either side. we've put ourselves in a revenge "catch up" mode where each side feels they got some "freebies" coming. only they never are settled, just keep the animosity growing.

Totally agree on catch up vendettas, any investigative activities law enforcement actions need to be carefully considered and I hope bipartisan. Frankly it will be a big effort just to depoliticize the DoJ, and other institutions even down to the VOA and restore public trust. A flurry of nonsense partisan investigations would be damaging.

i would also agree that biden is entitled to what other incoming presidents have gotten in the past. nothing more, nothing less. until you can prove your case, stop being a roadblock.

but that blocking has become simply the way business is done in DC anymore. toxic? sure. one sided? hardly.
Oh please we have just had several years of Dems accusing every one who doesn't share their agenda with every crime misdemeanor and/or perversion they can think of without the first shred of evidence. Best expect the shoe to be on the other foot if Biden should actually manage to sleeze his way into office and for impeachment proceedings to commence immediately. Besides who are you to claim the evidence is invalid before it is even all presented? If those States have accepted illegal votes or deliberately encouraged illegal voting in a Federal election they have committed a crime against the Nation.
Wow. So because you feel wronged over something completely different that affects this election how?

That fails basic logic. Sorry your feewings were hewt snowflake but like...tough shit. You don't get to overturn an election based on your feelings.

As far as evidence...it's been over a month and about 60 court cases...when were you planning on presenting this "evidence"?
Nobody is trying to "overturn" an election. A great many people believe that corrupt officials manipulated the count to put who they wanted in office rather than the candidate that actually got the most votes. Why would anyone who wants a fair and honest election mind people checking to make sure that it was? All this resistance only convinces people you have something to hide. It would be a very bad idea to go on with as many Americans as is current thinking that what is being attempted is a coup rather than an election.
Those four states didn't follow the law in their state. The change in ballot approvals, per law in each of those states, was supposed to go through the state legislature. That didn't happen.

Texas extended early voting dates without going through the legislature. Should Texas' 38 electoral votes be excluded from the count too?

Why should they. There was no change in their ballots. The swing states didn't go through their state legislatures.

There was a change in the way their elections were conducted without legislature involvement. That is the point of the Texas suit.
Texas claims the changes in the way the defendant states conducted the election did not come from those states legislatures. Isn't that the same thing as Texas Governor Abbot extending early voting without the state legislature?

file a case and take them to court.

No need. Texas filed the case already. If Paxton wins, his own state will be subject to the ruling.

Texas/AG Paxton are going to get the same short sentenced ruling that Pennsylvania got. DENIED

You're probably right, but if Paxton were to win (highly doubtful) Texas would be subject to the same ruling that Paxton is asking for.
this coming from someone who can't point out how these states followed their own constitutional laws. :)

check mate son. tired of this ball of yarn in front of the kitty game with you. you failed miserably to state a single fact around the case, just spout shit and keep diverting.

as usual.
You're putting the cart in front of the horse. We can worry about the merits of the case after we demonstrate that the case is able to be brought at all.
And once again you simply can't say that these, states followed their own laws.

The citizens that voted did...they followed the law.... and by super majority, they voted for Biden to be President.

They voted via the laws in front of them, which they were told was a legal way to vote, by State Supreme court's rulings in the suits in the courts.

Disenfranchising these citizen of their constitutional right to vote,

just aint gonna happen...

their legislature choosing electors of their own and not electors representing who their citizens in good faith voted for, is STEALING the election from them.
No dear---------biden doesn't have a following---------fake ballots and dead voters don't count.
You'd have to prove there were any fake ballots, which you haven't.

You'd have to prove there were dead voters that voted which you haven't.

And youd have to show, that these illegal votes, would change the majority will of the legal voters who voted.
That is a bad argument to attempt. A monority of voters elected this president in 2016. Were voters in the more populous states disenfranchised?
Every voter in every election whose candidate does not win is "disenfranchised" if that's how you wish to
look at things. The question is was an election fairly contested? Or not?[/qu ote]

I am looking it that, you are.

The only people

We know for absolutely certain the 2020 presidential election was as dirty and corrupt as can be.
And the aftermath has been corrupt too. Appeals to lower and state courts have been summarily rejected
out of hand.
The solution when lower courts refuse to honestly deal with things (ignoring Dominion and ballot fraud) is to take it to the Supreme Court.
and i would think on the surface these are valid counter arguments to the claim.

as for whether or not rules were applied equally, unfortunately that just depends on which website you read.

my main point is, i prefer going through the courts to settle disputes and sorting out the details. if trump loses, he loses. however i am not a lawyer and i don't think many in here are. we tend to mix and match as desired our feelings of a desired outcome with the legal process of getting there.

right or wrong, this is a valid way to address your concerns of our system. given other methods i've seen taking place, i far prefer the court method and am fine with allowing time w/o demonizing those pursuing this option we all have available to us.
I agree with most of that, particularly with the courts, with a few caveates.

If the goal is simply to run out the clock or create a situation where legislatures select electors, then I am not ok with it. Given what judges have said, and how Guiliani had to back down from claiming fraud, it is beginning to look like it is.

Also, a very toxic by product of the situation is that Biden and his transition team has not been getting all the access and briefings they should have, regardless of ongoing legal challenges. For comparison, in Gore/Bush, BOTH men received the same briefings until it was resolved. This has very real natuonal security concerns and domestic policy concerns, such as handling the Pandemic.
i am not ok with abuse of the system on either side. we've put ourselves in a revenge "catch up" mode where each side feels they got some "freebies" coming. only they never are settled, just keep the animosity growing.

Totally agree on catch up vendettas, any investigative activities law enforcement actions need to be carefully considered and I hope bipartisan. Frankly it will be a big effort just to depoliticize the DoJ, and other institutions even down to the VOA and restore public trust. A flurry of nonsense partisan investigations would be damaging.

i would also agree that biden is entitled to what other incoming presidents have gotten in the past. nothing more, nothing less. until you can prove your case, stop being a roadblock.

but that blocking has become simply the way business is done in DC anymore. toxic? sure. one sided? hardly.
i wish we werein a mature enough state to make some fundamental changes to our government. we need them now more than ever. but we politicize anything we can to gain an advantage (all sides) so what hope would we have that we could gather an intelligent group of cross sections to see how we improve the baseline we all build out from? if changes need to be made to the system they need to be neutral and where both sides can use them as equally as possible.

we're a few lifetimes away from that, if we even make it there.
This lawsuit brought by the corrupt Texas AG is a farce. It is an embarrassment to the legal system of the United States of America. The Supreme Court will rid themselves of this trash lawsuit faster than Trump runs away from a book.
These states broke their own laws.

Are denying the states did not follow their constitutional process?
Lol...the states did not violate their “own laws.” The corrupt Texas AG’s lawsuit is a rehash of all the prior cases that have been laughed out of court. The tragedy and farce is that they are so many lemmings in other starters that followed corrupt Texas AG off the cliff.
Law states changing the election process requires going through the legislature.

Please show me where these 4 states did that.

All you gotta do.
Please show me a single case that Trump won on that argument.

All you gotta do.

Please show us where this thread topic has a damned thing to do with Trump directly.

All you gotta do.
This lawsuit brought by the corrupt Texas AG is a farce. It is an embarrassment to the legal system of the United States of America. The Supreme Court will rid themselves of this trash lawsuit faster than Trump runs away from a book.
These states broke their own laws.

Are denying the states did not follow their constitutional process?
Lol...the states did not violate their “own laws.” The corrupt Texas AG’s lawsuit is a rehash of all the prior cases that have been laughed out of court. The tragedy and farce is that they are so many lemmings in other starters that followed corrupt Texas AG off the cliff.
Law states changing the election process requires going through the legislature.

Please show me where these 4 states did that.

All you gotta do.
Please show me a single case that Trump won on that argument.

All you gotta do.
Trump has nothing to do with it, deflection Dan.

Now show me where these states followed their process.

You can't, can you?
Huh???? Lawsuits were brought on this issue and Trump lost.

Show me one case where Trump won and the court ruled what the state legislatures did was illegal.

You can’t, can you?

THIS thread is about the lawsuit the state of Texas brought. It is not about any lawsuits brought by Trump and his campaign.

So show us where your demands have anything to do with the topic. THEN stop making demands like you're fucking Torquemada at the Inquisition, and ask your questions politely.
This lawsuit brought by the corrupt Texas AG is a farce. It is an embarrassment to the legal system of the United States of America. The Supreme Court will rid themselves of this trash lawsuit faster than Trump runs away from a book.
These states broke their own laws.

Are denying the states did not follow their constitutional process?
Lol...the states did not violate their “own laws.” The corrupt Texas AG’s lawsuit is a rehash of all the prior cases that have been laughed out of court. The tragedy and farce is that they are so many lemmings in other starters that followed corrupt Texas AG off the cliff.
Law states changing the election process requires going through the legislature.

Please show me where these 4 states did that.

All you gotta do.
Please show me a single case that Trump won on that argument.

All you gotta do.
Trump has nothing to do with it, deflection Dan.

Now show me where these states followed their process.

You can't, can you?
Huh???? Lawsuits were brought on this issue and Trump lost.

Ahiw me one case where Trump won.

You can’t, can you?
This is the Texas lawsuit. Keep up.
The Texas lawsuit is trash. It will dismissed out of hand.

Coming from a dipwad who's already proven that he knows nothing whatsoever about the Texas lawsuit, this means . . . exactly as much as every other post you make, which is nothing.
This lawsuit brought by the corrupt Texas AG is a farce. It is an embarrassment to the legal system of the United States of America. The Supreme Court will rid themselves of this trash lawsuit faster than Trump runs away from a book.
These states broke their own laws.

Are denying the states did not follow their constitutional process?
Lol...the states did not violate their “own laws.” The corrupt Texas AG’s lawsuit is a rehash of all the prior cases that have been laughed out of court. The tragedy and farce is that they are so many lemmings in other starters that followed corrupt Texas AG off the cliff.
Law states changing the election process requires going through the legislature.

Please show me where these 4 states did that.

All you gotta do.
Please show me a single case that Trump won on that argument.

All you gotta do.
Trump has nothing to do with it, deflection Dan.

Now show me where these states followed their process.

You can't, can you?
Huh???? Lawsuits were brought on this issue and Trump lost.

Show me one case where Trump won and the court ruled what the state legislatures did was illegal.

You can’t, can you?

THIS thread is about the lawsuit the state of Texas brought. It is not about any lawsuits brought by Trump and his campaign.

So show us where your demands have anything to do with the topic. THEN stop making demands like you're fucking Torquemada at the Inquisition, and ask your questions politely.
Ya just can't Torquemada anything. LOL. Apologies to Mel Brooks and A History of the World.
The Supreme Court is probably spending its time looking over all the election laws liberal shills violated in the states in question.

Probably? Seems you've already decided that "liberal shills" acted improperly or illegally. Odd isn't it that nearly three dozen appeals by the Trump Supporters have been rejected by the Federal Court System. It also seems that most of the judges have been appointed by Republican Presidents.

What is not probable are the facts that the GOP is closely acting with a seditious intent, and also close to violation US Code for inciting a riot:

18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions

An not only Federal Judges and justices, but state justices and judges + AG Barr have found no fraud:

They did act illegally. You folks are in for some disappointment. This is about state election officials and their illegal actions that removed all safeguards to fair and free elections.

If they have been found to have NOT committed Fraud, what crime do you have evidence to prove your opinion?

We all know, even you, that Donald Trump is a pathological liar. His word is not worth a confederate dollar.

Pathological liar: Pathological Liar: How to Cope with Someone’s Compulsive Lies
/——/ “ His word is not worth a confederate dollar.”
BTW, a confederate dollar is worth $275 while a US dollar is worth a dollar.

Mea culpa, I have a ticket to the 49ers Championship Game in 1957 which never occurred. It's face value was $7.50. But I digress, as a collectors item it is worth more today as is other such currency and coins.

This can't be serious. Texas has no standing to sue another state on that state's conduct under state law. Texas has no interest in another state's decision to send out ballot applications, nor any interest in whether those who received ballots in response to submitting the application returned those ballots, or how these ballots were handled once received. The pols who run the Texas government become more and more bizarre each day.

They have standing if they believe fraudulent practices in other States made their EV's worthless.

No do not haqve standing and they cannot demonstrate any harm. The arguments are the same ones that Trump has beem making ad nauseum and been thrown out ad nauseum.

Their EC votes have been countered by illegal changes to voting laws in the States in question.

They have not. There have been no illegal changes.

Judges unilaterally allowed changes not approved by the legislature, and the legislatures at the State level have the power to set election guidelines.

State judges have the right to interpret the state's constitutions. State legislatures do not have the power to ignore the state's constitution. If the Supreme Court wants to interpret state constitutions then they should resign and get judgeships in the state courts.

The US constitution says State legislatures set the rules for Presidential elector selection, and thus the elections. State judges can't override that.
Marty thinks that a Republican legislature can pass a law that said democrats votes don 't get counted.

RealDumb thinks that if he dodges the topic enough, it will just go away.
This lawsuit brought by the corrupt Texas AG is a farce. It is an embarrassment to the legal system of the United States of America. The Supreme Court will rid themselves of this trash lawsuit faster than Trump runs away from a book.
These states broke their own laws.

Are denying the states did not follow their constitutional process?
Lol...the states did not violate their “own laws.” The corrupt Texas AG’s lawsuit is a rehash of all the prior cases that have been laughed out of court. The tragedy and farce is that they are so many lemmings in other starters that followed corrupt Texas AG off the cliff.
Law states changing the election process requires going through the legislature.

Please show me where these 4 states did that.

All you gotta do.
Please show me a single case that Trump won on that argument.

All you gotta do.
Trump has nothing to do with it, deflection Dan.

Now show me where these states followed their process.

You can't, can you?
Huh???? Lawsuits were brought on this issue and Trump lost.

Ahiw me one case where Trump won.

You can’t, can you?
This is the Texas lawsuit. Keep up.
The Texas lawsuit is trash. It will dismissed out of hand.

Coming from a dipwad who's already proven that he knows nothing whatsoever about the Texas lawsuit, this means . . . exactly as much as every other post you make, which is nothing.

If Texas wins the case, will all states who made voting rules changes without their legislature doing it have their EC votes voided, or just the ones listed in the case?
Texas claims the changes in the way the defendant states conducted the election did not come from those states legislatures. Isn't that the same thing as Texas Governor Abbot extending early voting without the state legislature?

file a case and take them to court.
That's the democrat way. Just look at the number of cases filed against Trump by democrat governors and AGs on the west coast over the last four years.
This lawsuit brought by the corrupt Texas AG is a farce. It is an embarrassment to the legal system of the United States of America. The Supreme Court will rid themselves of this trash lawsuit faster than Trump runs away from a book.
These states broke their own laws.

Are denying the states did not follow their constitutional process?
Lol...the states did not violate their “own laws.” The corrupt Texas AG’s lawsuit is a rehash of all the prior cases that have been laughed out of court. The tragedy and farce is that they are so many lemmings in other starters that followed corrupt Texas AG off the cliff.
Law states changing the election process requires going through the legislature.

Please show me where these 4 states did that.

All you gotta do.
Please show me a single case that Trump won on that argument.

All you gotta do.
Trump has nothing to do with it, deflection Dan.

Now show me where these states followed their process.

You can't, can you?
Huh???? Lawsuits were brought on this issue and Trump lost.

Ahiw me one case where Trump won.

You can’t, can you?
This is the Texas lawsuit. Keep up.
The Texas lawsuit is trash. It will dismissed out of hand.

Coming from a dipwad who's already proven that he knows nothing whatsoever about the Texas lawsuit, this means . . . exactly as much as every other post you make, which is nothing.

If Texas wins the case, will all states who made voting rules changes without their legislature doing it have their EC votes voided, or just the ones listed in the case?
I think this case would just cover the listed defendants, however any state that violated the constitution in this regard would be in jeopardy after the precedent was set.
The case in the OP has nothing to do with other cases, of course you know that, but deflection seems to be all you have. STFU.
Well hi, Poser! I see your dumb ass is still Trolling me again over your stupid ploy I didn't fall for. You're the fucking dumbass who posted your DD 214 as a challenge to prove you heap big brave warrior & so you could display like a fucking peacock, an award you received. That is the epitome of a poser and just one of many reasons why I use that moniker to peg your dumb ass for so long. All along I refused to display my DD 214, and instead posted my VA Benefits letter as proof of MY SEA/Nam deployments as agreed. And your dumb ass dismissed that as non-proof because it wasn't a DD 214...fucking bullshitter!

As far as the single item on topic, ALL of the cases have a common thread, notwithstanding your bullshit of trying to decouple them, one from another; Trump & Co. trying to put their collective thumbs on the scale. Tough shit Tex...you don't want to see it because you're just a fucking puppet. So piss off now Lil' Tex. You're the one making a fool of himself with your childish behavior in your 70's. TaTa Poser!

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