Texas governor doesn't care how many die

867 Deaths?

Cuomo's New York has had that many in a day several times.

No they haven’t. The worst day for deaths in New York was April 7th when 571 people died. Between April 5th and 13th, NY had 7 days when more than 500 people died but it never approached the number you cited.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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Numbers are out, they state that 85,000 will die thru drug overdoses and suicide related to the stay in place orders. 37,000 dead due to coronavirus. Looks like you idiots are really killing people.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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So, what percentage of those diagnoses resulted in death?

Or are we conveniently leaving out that part?

He is leaving out the part where experts say we should wait till infection rates fall. Sorry, but you just don't have the credibility of the people who actually know what they are talking about.

Sorry, you gullible turd, the so-called "experts" have been wrong about everything. They have no credibility.
Yeah...the corona virus was all a hoax. No one died.
You mean they were right about the Corona virus existing?

Big accomplishment.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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Cumulative cases means exactly squat...

How many were admitted into the hospital needing intervention? Is that number growing and at what rate?
rw fuktards want to bitch about the virus then bitch about doing their part to help the country get back on its feet -

stupid shits just want to BITCH


senile old derelicts just like their CHOSEN ONE

rw fuktards want to bitch about the virus then bitch about doing their part to help the country get back on its feet -

stupid shits just want to BITCH


senile old derelicts just like their CHOSEN ONE


I'm doing my part, putting pressure on the libs to get moving on this.
The people have rights that exceed YOUR fears.
Feel free to gather in large groups. The more the better, really.

We have been from the start. In states with very low numbers.

We'll let New York continue to die. The fewer congressional districts and EV's they have....the better.

Now, if CA would just get real sick.......
rw fuktards want to bitch about the virus then bitch about doing their part to help the country get back on its feet -

stupid shits just want to BITCH


senile old derelicts just like their CHOSEN ONE


Having a bad day, are we ?
rw fuktards want to bitch about the virus then bitch about doing their part to help the country get back on its feet -

stupid shits just want to BITCH


senile old derelicts just like their CHOSEN ONE


I'm doing my part, putting pressure on the libs to get moving on this.


candy ass republicans cant stay home without shittin' their drawers in 2 days.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
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A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
Liberals love the poor...It's the very definition of being a Liberal.
Then the Liberals try to get professionals to pay more taxes to support the poor.
rw fuktards want to bitch about the virus then bitch about doing their part to help the country get back on its feet -

stupid shits just want to BITCH


senile old derelicts just like their CHOSEN ONE


I'm doing my part, putting pressure on the libs to get moving on this.


candy ass republicans cant stay home without shittin' their drawers in 2 days.
Run and hide under your bed... we adults will go to work now...
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall.

Texas has had 888 deaths out of a population of 29 million. They rank 40 out of 50 states in deaths per million.

How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?

How many more will unnecessarily die due to poverty, domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, mental health issues, and non-related COVID-19 medical conditions so you can keep people on lock down, destroy their local economy, and score partisan political points?

If you want to discuss all those things, you should start a thread.

Why don't you answer the question, clown, since you're so quick to judge everybody else's motives?

As soon as you ask one on this subject, I will.

What's wrong? You can dish your bullshit out, but you can't take it when it's thrown back at you?

Come on, chucklehead, answer the question. How many more should die because of your partisan politics?

Just because right wingers only see things in terms of politics doesn't make that the case, dumb ass. The experts in the field have more credibility than what you might have heard on Fox and Friends.
You are crying about seeing things in terms of politics after the partisan OP you started this thread with?

You are a hypocritical moron.

I'm disgusted that a purely humanitarian situation is being dealt with by Trump and supporters in a purely partisan political way.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
Liberals love the poor...It's the very definition of being a Liberal.
Then the Liberals try to get professionals to pay more taxes to support the poor.
Actually...liberal politicians love the votes that the poor deliver to them when they're promised all kinds of freebies. Once they HAVE those votes most liberal politicians could care less about the plight of the poor!
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?

just because they open doesnt mean people flood them with business -

open up, pay overhead, bills keep adding up, not enough people show to make a profit -


then you get to witness a real depression

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