Texas governor doesn't care how many die

Stats of the State of Texas
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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Death rate out of total state population is a whopping .008%


If they piled up all those dead people who wouldn't be dead otherwise into one pile, and circled all their grieving families around them, How big of an area do you think they would need? Would that be something that would seem significant to you?

900 China Virus deaths out of 29,000,000

Versus the following for 2017, deaths in Texas:

Heart Disease: 45,346 deaths

Cancer: 40,668 Deaths

Stoke: 10,790 Deaths

Accidents: 10,763

CLRD: 10,650


There are 5 more causes of deaths of at least 4,000 dead people, in the link.

Surely it YOU who is blowing the China Virus deaths way out of proportion.

You are failing badly here...…..

And there is much vigorous effort to reduce the number of deaths by each of those things. I don't hear anybody whining about ending those efforts, or saying those deaths just don't count, so what is the point of your comparison?

You still don't understand my post.....? increadible!

You make such a freaking deal over 900 deaths for obvious political reasons, but ignore that it isn't even in the top FIFTEEN causes of deaths in the state of Texas. Here is the number of INFANT Deaths for 2017: 2083, did you grieve over them, did you castigate the Governor over it then?


This is from post one YOU posted these words to start of your politically motivated attack on the Governor:

"Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?"


There have been a number of medical reports in last couple weeks showing that infection rates in America is actually in the MILLIONS, yet hardly any of them get sick enough for a hospital visit. This greatly drop the death rate considerably to probably less than 1%

You have NOTHING of substance to offer here.
Stats of the State of Texas
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

Death rate out of total state population is a whopping .008%


If they piled up all those dead people who wouldn't be dead otherwise into one pile, and circled all their grieving families around them, How big of an area do you think they would need? Would that be something that would seem significant to you?

900 China Virus deaths out of 29,000,000

Versus the following for 2017, deaths in Texas:

Heart Disease: 45,346 deaths

Cancer: 40,668 Deaths

Stoke: 10,790 Deaths

Accidents: 10,763

CLRD: 10,650


There are 5 more causes of deaths of at least 4,000 dead people, in the link.

Surely it YOU who is blowing the China Virus deaths way out of proportion.

You are failing badly here...…..

And there is much vigorous effort to reduce the number of deaths by each of those things. I don't hear anybody whining about ending those efforts, or saying those deaths just don't count, so what is the point of your comparison?

You still don't understand my post.....? increadible!

You make such a freaking deal over 900 deaths for obvious political reasons, but ignore that it isn't even in the top FIFTEEN causes of deaths in the state of Texas. Here is the number of INFANT Deaths for 2017: 2083, did you grieve over them, did you castigate the Governor over it then?


This is from post one YOU posted these words to start of your politically motivated attack on the Governor:

"Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?"


There have been a number of medical reports in last couple weeks showing that infection rates in America is actually in the MILLIONS, yet hardly any of them get sick enough for a hospital visit. This greatly drop the death rate considerably to probably less than 1%

You have NOTHING of substance to offer here.

I'm not aware of anything the governor is doing to increase the number of infant deaths. If I was, I would oppose him for that too. Your comparison makes no sense.
Stats of the State of Texas
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

Death rate out of total state population is a whopping .008%


If they piled up all those dead people who wouldn't be dead otherwise into one pile, and circled all their grieving families around them, How big of an area do you think they would need? Would that be something that would seem significant to you?

900 China Virus deaths out of 29,000,000

Versus the following for 2017, deaths in Texas:

Heart Disease: 45,346 deaths

Cancer: 40,668 Deaths

Stoke: 10,790 Deaths

Accidents: 10,763

CLRD: 10,650


There are 5 more causes of deaths of at least 4,000 dead people, in the link.

Surely it YOU who is blowing the China Virus deaths way out of proportion.

You are failing badly here...…..

And there is much vigorous effort to reduce the number of deaths by each of those things. I don't hear anybody whining about ending those efforts, or saying those deaths just don't count, so what is the point of your comparison?

You still don't understand my post.....? increadible!

You make such a freaking deal over 900 deaths for obvious political reasons, but ignore that it isn't even in the top FIFTEEN causes of deaths in the state of Texas. Here is the number of INFANT Deaths for 2017: 2083, did you grieve over them, did you castigate the Governor over it then?


This is from post one YOU posted these words to start of your politically motivated attack on the Governor:

"Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?"


There have been a number of medical reports in last couple weeks showing that infection rates in America is actually in the MILLIONS, yet hardly any of them get sick enough for a hospital visit. This greatly drop the death rate considerably to probably less than 1%

You have NOTHING of substance to offer here.

I'm not aware of anything the governor is doing to increase the number of infant deaths. If I was, I would oppose him for that too. Your comparison makes no sense.

Ha ha, again you fail to understand the obvious here, the death rate of China Virus, isn't worth YOUR politically motivated attack on him, You post news of a small number of new infections (around 1,000) in a state of 29,000,000 people, where most of them infected will never be sick enough to matter, I have already mentioned that the death rate is negligible, even at the international level, it is TINY that they will reach critical care level:

Active Cases

Currently Infected Patients
2,233,231 (98%)
in Mild Condition

47,972 (2%)
Serious or Critical


Millions every year in America get the Flu, most of them recover, many never required medical care.

You are too dumb to realize YOU are making a mountain of a hornet hole.
Stats of the State of Texas
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

Death rate out of total state population is a whopping .008%


If they piled up all those dead people who wouldn't be dead otherwise into one pile, and circled all their grieving families around them, How big of an area do you think they would need? Would that be something that would seem significant to you?

900 China Virus deaths out of 29,000,000

Versus the following for 2017, deaths in Texas:

Heart Disease: 45,346 deaths

Cancer: 40,668 Deaths

Stoke: 10,790 Deaths

Accidents: 10,763

CLRD: 10,650


There are 5 more causes of deaths of at least 4,000 dead people, in the link.

Surely it YOU who is blowing the China Virus deaths way out of proportion.

You are failing badly here...…..

And there is much vigorous effort to reduce the number of deaths by each of those things. I don't hear anybody whining about ending those efforts, or saying those deaths just don't count, so what is the point of your comparison?

You still don't understand my post.....? increadible!

You make such a freaking deal over 900 deaths for obvious political reasons, but ignore that it isn't even in the top FIFTEEN causes of deaths in the state of Texas. Here is the number of INFANT Deaths for 2017: 2083, did you grieve over them, did you castigate the Governor over it then?


This is from post one YOU posted these words to start of your politically motivated attack on the Governor:

"Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?"


There have been a number of medical reports in last couple weeks showing that infection rates in America is actually in the MILLIONS, yet hardly any of them get sick enough for a hospital visit. This greatly drop the death rate considerably to probably less than 1%

You have NOTHING of substance to offer here.

I'm not aware of anything the governor is doing to increase the number of infant deaths. If I was, I would oppose him for that too. Your comparison makes no sense.

Ha ha, again you fail to understand the obvious here, the death rate of China Virus, isn't worth YOUR politically motivated attack on him, You post news of a small number of new infections (around 1,000) in a state of 29,000,000 people, where most of them infected will never be sick enough to matter, I have already mentioned that the death rate is negligible, even at the international level, it is TINY that they will reach critical care level:

Active Cases

Currently Infected Patients
2,233,231 (98%)
in Mild Condition

47,972 (2%)
Serious or Critical


Millions every year in America get the Flu, most of them recover, many never required medical care.

You are too dumb to realize YOU are making a mountain of a hornet hole.

So you think the Covid-19 virus is just a tiny problem? The entire world seems to disagree with you. I knew you crazy Trump supporters had your own separate reality, but I didn't know you were that far away from anything real.
The left is going to go full "end of the world!!!" on this! They don't have a choice. If people figure out that this was an overblown farce that cost thirty million people their jobs because you guys thought a shitty economy would hurt Trump then they're going to go postal on your asses!

You own this now...ride the tiger!

The left is going by what the experts in the field say. Unfortunately, the right refuses to accept that science is the best way to deal with events such as this.
Would those be the same "experts" in New York that sent elderly patients with Covid 19 back to their nursing homes after they'd tested positive in hospitals? Are THOSE the "experts" you're referring to, Bulldog?

I'm not sure the top experts were even aware of the new York policy to return patients who had tested positive to nursing homes until the deaths rose so drastically. Obviously, it was not a nation wide policy as would be expected if the federal task force had instituted it. Mistakes have been made with horrific results, but that is still no reason to abandon the advice of the most studied among us and just go with a gut feeling.
It's obvious that Cuomo didn't have a clue about the policy that his "experts" had put in place and it's also obvious that those "experts" were IDIOTS! Mistakes that have "horrific results" are exactly why we should abandon the advice of the idiots that made those mistakes! You want to blindly follow the advice of people that put a policy in place that killed tens of thousands of elderly people that didn't need to die!

You mean like you blindly follow Trump
I don't blindly follow ANYONE and that includes the so called "experts" that got this pandemic so wrong! I want someone to give me facts...not projections based on wild guesses. I want someone to make intelligent decisions...like NOT sending elderly patients diagnosed with Covid 19 back to nursing homes because they were convinced that hospital beds would be needed for the coming wave of virus patients! I want intelligent leaders like the Governor of South Dakota who didn't impose a shelter in place order on her citizens but instead treated them like grown ups!

And you know what I REALLY want? I want a news media that doesn't play politics with a problem that faces the country!
The left is going to go full "end of the world!!!" on this! They don't have a choice. If people figure out that this was an overblown farce that cost thirty million people their jobs because you guys thought a shitty economy would hurt Trump then they're going to go postal on your asses!
Exactly. Sure some people are going to die, but they already have one foot in the grave anyway. We need to reopen the economy now! This lib crap of hiding under our beds has to end.
Time to stop acting like a frightened nanny state director and release us from this 0.1% “killer” horseshit lockdown
900 China Virus deaths out of 29,000,000

Versus the following for 2017, deaths in Texas:

Heart Disease: 45,346 deaths

Cancer: 40,668 Deaths

Stoke: 10,790 Deaths

Accidents: 10,763

CLRD: 10,650

Have you seen what is happening in New York? 19,000 deaths in less than two months...with social distancing in place.

Which one of these illnesses do you think has the greater potential to explode? Coronavirus, Heart Disease, Cancer, or Strokes?
Last edited:
900 China Virus deaths out of 29,000,000

Versus the following for 2017, deaths in Texas:

Heart Disease: 45,346 deaths

Cancer: 40,668 Deaths

Stoke: 10,790 Deaths

Accidents: 10,763

CLRD: 10,650

Have you seen what is happening in New York? 19,000 deaths in less than two months...with social distancing in place.

Which one of these illnesses do you think has the greater potential to explode? Coronavirus, Heart Disease, Cancer, or Strokes?
It’s NYC.

Thank you for admitting that just like Trump, you don't care how many die. That seems odd considering that you once were so concerned about 4 deaths till you demanded 9 different investigations when there wasn't any wrong doing.
You want a depression?
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

So, what percentage of those diagnoses resulted in death?

Or are we conveniently leaving out that part?

He is leaving out the part where experts say we should wait till infection rates fall. Sorry, but you just don't have the credibility of the people who actually know what they are talking about.
Experts said we would have 2.2 MILLION dead.

one it is not finished and that was the do nothing number...

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