Texas governor doesn't care how many die

Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.

What's the hurry, right ?
Cause, heck, the government can just keep sending out those checks every month to every American, and maybe in a couple years when it's completely safe, we can think about actually working for a paycheck.

There's a right way and a disastrous way to do this. Texas chose poorly.
Come to Texas so we can teach you how we deal with commie liars.

In this case, it seems we made one governor.
In this case, if you don't live there, fuck off!

I was born here bitch

Do you live there now? If not, shut up!

You STFU. I am and always have been a Texan. You don't have to be an idiot Trump supporter to be a Texan dumb ass. I still miss Ann Richards.

Not what I said, you fucking dumbass! I have spent quite a while in Killeen. Does that make me a Texan?

Do you live there now?

I already told you I do dumb ass.

So, I am a Texan?

I have no idea if you are a Texan. Don't really care. I'm positive you are just another dumb Trump supporter.
You know what the interesting thing about having the States decide on how to handle this is going to be? It's going to show which philosophy is better...hiding at home for months...or coming out and starting our lives again.
What do you think is going to happen to all you bed wetters when the States run by Republicans start recovering faster than the States run by Democrats? Ouch! Leading up to the election? OMG!!! That's not good for Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden, Bulldog! That's not good for ANY Democrats! Oh, sure...the main stream media will do it's level best to portray it as something it's not...but you know what? People in those States that HAVEN'T recovered are going to know the truth!

Do you always count your chickens before they hatch?
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.

What's the hurry, right ?
Cause, heck, the government can just keep sending out those checks every month to every American, and maybe in a couple years when it's completely safe, we can think about actually working for a paycheck.

There's a right way and a disastrous way to do this. Texas chose poorly.
Come to Texas so we can teach you how we deal with commie liars.

In this case, it seems we made one governor.
In this case, if you don't live there, fuck off!

I was born here bitch

Do you live there now? If not, shut up!

You STFU. I am and always have been a Texan. You don't have to be an idiot Trump supporter to be a Texan dumb ass. I still miss Ann Richards.

Not what I said, you fucking dumbass! I have spent quite a while in Killeen. Does that make me a Texan?

Do you live there now?

I already told you I do dumb ass.

So, I am a Texan?

I have no idea if you are a Texan. Don't really care. I'm positive you are just another dumb Trump supporter.
You know what the interesting thing about having the States decide on how to handle this is going to be? It's going to show which philosophy is better...hiding at home for months...or coming out and starting our lives again.
What do you think is going to happen to all you bed wetters when the States run by Republicans start recovering faster than the States run by Democrats? Ouch! Leading up to the election? OMG!!! That's not good for Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden, Bulldog! That's not good for ANY Democrats! Oh, sure...the main stream media will do it's level best to portray it as something it's not...but you know what? People in those States that HAVEN'T recovered are going to know the truth!

Do you always count your chickens before they hatch?

Admit it, Bulldog...you can see it coming...can't you? You on the left thought this pandemic was going to be your ticket for getting rid of Trump! Kill the economy and kill his chances of being reelected? You know you did!
But what's going to happen if the economy starts to rebound in Republican led States and doesn't in Democratically controlled ones? How do you blame THAT on the GOP and Trump? You can't...and you know it!
Show me the Scripture that says the government is supposed to care for the poor.
Its in US constitution.
Uh, no it’s not. Quite the contrary, the founders were adamant that the federal government was explicitly limited to 18 enumerated powers and that charity was not one of those powers. Imbecile. :eusa_doh:
View attachment 332215

The discussion is about whether or not government is supposed to help the poor, not that it should be federal as opposed to state or local. That is an entirely different discussion.
And this brings forward the example of how the oppressed can become the oppressors.

When any help to the poor is mandatory by government force, it a,ways results in the oppression of the productive because it is no different than the oppressed gaining power to oppress and exercising that power via government.

Its our economic system oppressing opportunity for them to make their own way.
So, your solution would be to remove the natural forms of trade, where rich and powerful people benefit from monopolies or consolidated market shares mainly because government is too powerful, and replace those natural forms with a system where government is even more powerful and even fewer rich and powerful have a complete, absolute monopoly with no alternatives whatsoever?

No thanks. The solution is limited government, not communism/socialism (theft by government).

Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.

What's the hurry, right ?
Cause, heck, the government can just keep sending out those checks every month to every American, and maybe in a couple years when it's completely safe, we can think about actually working for a paycheck.

There's a right way and a disastrous way to do this. Texas chose poorly.
Come to Texas so we can teach you how we deal with commie liars.

In this case, it seems we made one governor.
In this case, if you don't live there, fuck off!

I was born here bitch

Do you live there now? If not, shut up!

You STFU. I am and always have been a Texan. You don't have to be an idiot Trump supporter to be a Texan dumb ass. I still miss Ann Richards.

Not what I said, you fucking dumbass! I have spent quite a while in Killeen. Does that make me a Texan?

Do you live there now?

I already told you I do dumb ass.

So, I am a Texan?

I have no idea if you are a Texan. Don't really care. I'm positive you are just another dumb Trump supporter.
You know what the interesting thing about having the States decide on how to handle this is going to be? It's going to show which philosophy is better...hiding at home for months...or coming out and starting our lives again.
What do you think is going to happen to all you bed wetters when the States run by Republicans start recovering faster than the States run by Democrats? Ouch! Leading up to the election? OMG!!! That's not good for Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden, Bulldog! That's not good for ANY Democrats! Oh, sure...the main stream media will do it's level best to portray it as something it's not...but you know what? People in those States that HAVEN'T recovered are going to know the truth!

Do you always count your chickens before they hatch?

Admit it, Bulldog...you can see it coming...can't you? You on the left thought this pandemic was going to be your ticket for getting rid of Trump! Kill the economy and kill his chances of being reelected? You know you did!
But what's going to happen if the economy starts to rebound in Republican led States and doesn't in Democratically controlled ones? How do you blame THAT on the GOP and Trump? You can't...and you know it!

If I was unethical as you seem to think is normal, I would kill myself.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.

What's the hurry, right ?
Cause, heck, the government can just keep sending out those checks every month to every American, and maybe in a couple years when it's completely safe, we can think about actually working for a paycheck.

There's a right way and a disastrous way to do this. Texas chose poorly.
Come to Texas so we can teach you how we deal with commie liars.

In this case, it seems we made one governor.
In this case, if you don't live there, fuck off!

I was born here bitch

Do you live there now? If not, shut up!

You STFU. I am and always have been a Texan. You don't have to be an idiot Trump supporter to be a Texan dumb ass. I still miss Ann Richards.

Not what I said, you fucking dumbass! I have spent quite a while in Killeen. Does that make me a Texan?

Do you live there now?

I already told you I do dumb ass.

So, I am a Texan?

I have no idea if you are a Texan. Don't really care. I'm positive you are just another dumb Trump supporter.
You know what the interesting thing about having the States decide on how to handle this is going to be? It's going to show which philosophy is better...hiding at home for months...or coming out and starting our lives again.
What do you think is going to happen to all you bed wetters when the States run by Republicans start recovering faster than the States run by Democrats? Ouch! Leading up to the election? OMG!!! That's not good for Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden, Bulldog! That's not good for ANY Democrats! Oh, sure...the main stream media will do it's level best to portray it as something it's not...but you know what? People in those States that HAVEN'T recovered are going to know the truth!

Do you always count your chickens before they hatch?

Admit it, Bulldog...you can see it coming...can't you? You on the left thought this pandemic was going to be your ticket for getting rid of Trump! Kill the economy and kill his chances of being reelected? You know you did!
But what's going to happen if the economy starts to rebound in Republican led States and doesn't in Democratically controlled ones? How do you blame THAT on the GOP and Trump? You can't...and you know it!

If I was unethical as you seem to think is normal, I would kill myself.
You might want to stock up on meds now, Bulldog! You'll need them in November!
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.

What's the hurry, right ?
Cause, heck, the government can just keep sending out those checks every month to every American, and maybe in a couple years when it's completely safe, we can think about actually working for a paycheck.

There's a right way and a disastrous way to do this. Texas chose poorly.
Come to Texas so we can teach you how we deal with commie liars.

In this case, it seems we made one governor.
In this case, if you don't live there, fuck off!

I was born here bitch

Do you live there now? If not, shut up!

You STFU. I am and always have been a Texan. You don't have to be an idiot Trump supporter to be a Texan dumb ass. I still miss Ann Richards.

Not what I said, you fucking dumbass! I have spent quite a while in Killeen. Does that make me a Texan?

Do you live there now?

I already told you I do dumb ass.

So, I am a Texan?

I have no idea if you are a Texan. Don't really care. I'm positive you are just another dumb Trump supporter.
You know what the interesting thing about having the States decide on how to handle this is going to be? It's going to show which philosophy is better...hiding at home for months...or coming out and starting our lives again.
What do you think is going to happen to all you bed wetters when the States run by Republicans start recovering faster than the States run by Democrats? Ouch! Leading up to the election? OMG!!! That's not good for Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden, Bulldog! That's not good for ANY Democrats! Oh, sure...the main stream media will do it's level best to portray it as something it's not...but you know what? People in those States that HAVEN'T recovered are going to know the truth!

Do you always count your chickens before they hatch?

Admit it, Bulldog...you can see it coming...can't you? You on the left thought this pandemic was going to be your ticket for getting rid of Trump! Kill the economy and kill his chances of being reelected? You know you did!
But what's going to happen if the economy starts to rebound in Republican led States and doesn't in Democratically controlled ones? How do you blame THAT on the GOP and Trump? You can't...and you know it!

If I was unethical as you seem to think is normal, I would kill myself.
Sanctimonious twat.

Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.

What's the hurry, right ?
Cause, heck, the government can just keep sending out those checks every month to every American, and maybe in a couple years when it's completely safe, we can think about actually working for a paycheck.

There's a right way and a disastrous way to do this. Texas chose poorly.
Come to Texas so we can teach you how we deal with commie liars.

In this case, it seems we made one governor.
In this case, if you don't live there, fuck off!

I was born here bitch

Do you live there now? If not, shut up!

You STFU. I am and always have been a Texan. You don't have to be an idiot Trump supporter to be a Texan dumb ass. I still miss Ann Richards.

Not what I said, you fucking dumbass! I have spent quite a while in Killeen. Does that make me a Texan?

Do you live there now?

I already told you I do dumb ass.

So, I am a Texan?

I have no idea if you are a Texan. Don't really care. I'm positive you are just another dumb Trump supporter.
You know what the interesting thing about having the States decide on how to handle this is going to be? It's going to show which philosophy is better...hiding at home for months...or coming out and starting our lives again.
What do you think is going to happen to all you bed wetters when the States run by Republicans start recovering faster than the States run by Democrats? Ouch! Leading up to the election? OMG!!! That's not good for Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden, Bulldog! That's not good for ANY Democrats! Oh, sure...the main stream media will do it's level best to portray it as something it's not...but you know what? People in those States that HAVEN'T recovered are going to know the truth!

Do you always count your chickens before they hatch?

Admit it, Bulldog...you can see it coming...can't you? You on the left thought this pandemic was going to be your ticket for getting rid of Trump! Kill the economy and kill his chances of being reelected? You know you did!
But what's going to happen if the economy starts to rebound in Republican led States and doesn't in Democratically controlled ones? How do you blame THAT on the GOP and Trump? You can't...and you know it!

If I was unethical as you seem to think is normal, I would kill myself.
Sanctimonious twat.


No need to label yourself as such. We've all read your posts.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.

What's the hurry, right ?
Cause, heck, the government can just keep sending out those checks every month to every American, and maybe in a couple years when it's completely safe, we can think about actually working for a paycheck.

There's a right way and a disastrous way to do this. Texas chose poorly.
Come to Texas so we can teach you how we deal with commie liars.

In this case, it seems we made one governor.
In this case, if you don't live there, fuck off!

I was born here bitch

Do you live there now? If not, shut up!

You STFU. I am and always have been a Texan. You don't have to be an idiot Trump supporter to be a Texan dumb ass. I still miss Ann Richards.

Not what I said, you fucking dumbass! I have spent quite a while in Killeen. Does that make me a Texan?

Do you live there now?

I already told you I do dumb ass.

So, I am a Texan?

I have no idea if you are a Texan. Don't really care. I'm positive you are just another dumb Trump supporter.
You know what the interesting thing about having the States decide on how to handle this is going to be? It's going to show which philosophy is better...hiding at home for months...or coming out and starting our lives again.
What do you think is going to happen to all you bed wetters when the States run by Republicans start recovering faster than the States run by Democrats? Ouch! Leading up to the election? OMG!!! That's not good for Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden, Bulldog! That's not good for ANY Democrats! Oh, sure...the main stream media will do it's level best to portray it as something it's not...but you know what? People in those States that HAVEN'T recovered are going to know the truth!

Do you always count your chickens before they hatch?

Admit it, Bulldog...you can see it coming...can't you? You on the left thought this pandemic was going to be your ticket for getting rid of Trump! Kill the economy and kill his chances of being reelected? You know you did!
But what's going to happen if the economy starts to rebound in Republican led States and doesn't in Democratically controlled ones? How do you blame THAT on the GOP and Trump? You can't...and you know it!

If I was unethical as you seem to think is normal, I would kill myself.
Sanctimonious twat.


No need to label yourself as such. We've all read your posts.
Did you just hit me with the I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I retort?

I’m rubber, you’re glue?

Abbot confirms he doesn't care how many die.
Abbot confirms he doesn't care how many die.
View attachment 332614

Of course he didn't do anything of the sort, but hey, if it helps push your narrative, right?
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.

What's the hurry, right ?
Cause, heck, the government can just keep sending out those checks every month to every American, and maybe in a couple years when it's completely safe, we can think about actually working for a paycheck.

There's a right way and a disastrous way to do this. Texas chose poorly.
Come to Texas so we can teach you how we deal with commie liars.

In this case, it seems we made one governor.
In this case, if you don't live there, fuck off!

I was born here bitch

Do you live there now? If not, shut up!

You STFU. I am and always have been a Texan. You don't have to be an idiot Trump supporter to be a Texan dumb ass. I still miss Ann Richards.

Not what I said, you fucking dumbass! I have spent quite a while in Killeen. Does that make me a Texan?

Do you live there now?

I already told you I do dumb ass.

So, I am a Texan?

I have no idea if you are a Texan. Don't really care. I'm positive you are just another dumb Trump supporter.
You know what the interesting thing about having the States decide on how to handle this is going to be? It's going to show which philosophy is better...hiding at home for months...or coming out and starting our lives again.
What do you think is going to happen to all you bed wetters when the States run by Republicans start recovering faster than the States run by Democrats? Ouch! Leading up to the election? OMG!!! That's not good for Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden, Bulldog! That's not good for ANY Democrats! Oh, sure...the main stream media will do it's level best to portray it as something it's not...but you know what? People in those States that HAVEN'T recovered are going to know the truth!

Recover faster?
Nearly every one of them is opening while the number of cases is growing, fool.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.

What's the hurry, right ?
Cause, heck, the government can just keep sending out those checks every month to every American, and maybe in a couple years when it's completely safe, we can think about actually working for a paycheck.

There's a right way and a disastrous way to do this. Texas chose poorly.
Come to Texas so we can teach you how we deal with commie liars.

In this case, it seems we made one governor.
In this case, if you don't live there, fuck off!

I was born here bitch

Do you live there now? If not, shut up!

You STFU. I am and always have been a Texan. You don't have to be an idiot Trump supporter to be a Texan dumb ass. I still miss Ann Richards.

Not what I said, you fucking dumbass! I have spent quite a while in Killeen. Does that make me a Texan?

Do you live there now?

I already told you I do dumb ass.

So, I am a Texan?

I have no idea if you are a Texan. Don't really care. I'm positive you are just another dumb Trump supporter.
You know what the interesting thing about having the States decide on how to handle this is going to be? It's going to show which philosophy is better...hiding at home for months...or coming out and starting our lives again.
What do you think is going to happen to all you bed wetters when the States run by Republicans start recovering faster than the States run by Democrats? Ouch! Leading up to the election? OMG!!! That's not good for Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden, Bulldog! That's not good for ANY Democrats! Oh, sure...the main stream media will do it's level best to portray it as something it's not...but you know what? People in those States that HAVEN'T recovered are going to know the truth!

Recover faster?
Nearly every one of them is opening while the number of cases is growing, fool.
You're lying.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.

What's the hurry, right ?
Cause, heck, the government can just keep sending out those checks every month to every American, and maybe in a couple years when it's completely safe, we can think about actually working for a paycheck.

There's a right way and a disastrous way to do this. Texas chose poorly.
Come to Texas so we can teach you how we deal with commie liars.

In this case, it seems we made one governor.
In this case, if you don't live there, fuck off!

I was born here bitch

Do you live there now? If not, shut up!

You STFU. I am and always have been a Texan. You don't have to be an idiot Trump supporter to be a Texan dumb ass. I still miss Ann Richards.

Not what I said, you fucking dumbass! I have spent quite a while in Killeen. Does that make me a Texan?

Do you live there now?

I already told you I do dumb ass.

So, I am a Texan?

I have no idea if you are a Texan. Don't really care. I'm positive you are just another dumb Trump supporter.

You are an incredible dumbass liberal, Texan or not!
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.

What's the hurry, right ?
Cause, heck, the government can just keep sending out those checks every month to every American, and maybe in a couple years when it's completely safe, we can think about actually working for a paycheck.

There's a right way and a disastrous way to do this. Texas chose poorly.
Come to Texas so we can teach you how we deal with commie liars.

In this case, it seems we made one governor.
In this case, if you don't live there, fuck off!

I was born here bitch

Do you live there now? If not, shut up!

You STFU. I am and always have been a Texan. You don't have to be an idiot Trump supporter to be a Texan dumb ass. I still miss Ann Richards.

Not what I said, you fucking dumbass! I have spent quite a while in Killeen. Does that make me a Texan?

Do you live there now?

I already told you I do dumb ass.

So, I am a Texan?

I have no idea if you are a Texan. Don't really care. I'm positive you are just another dumb Trump supporter.
You know what the interesting thing about having the States decide on how to handle this is going to be? It's going to show which philosophy is better...hiding at home for months...or coming out and starting our lives again.
What do you think is going to happen to all you bed wetters when the States run by Republicans start recovering faster than the States run by Democrats? Ouch! Leading up to the election? OMG!!! That's not good for Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden, Bulldog! That's not good for ANY Democrats! Oh, sure...the main stream media will do it's level best to portray it as something it's not...but you know what? People in those States that HAVEN'T recovered are going to know the truth!

Recover faster?
Nearly every one of them is opening while the number of cases is growing, fool.

Oh, bullshit! The number of cases is growing only because more people are getting tested. You far left Democrats are DESPERATE to keep the economy closed down for a few more months no matter how many people's lives are destroyed in the process! This isn't about a thought out response to a pandemic...it's a political ploy to turn the electorate against Donald Trump. We need to reopen the economy and we need to do so now! The elderly and the infirm need to remain isolated. Other healthy people need to return to work so that we have a country left by the time this is over!
Three cheers for the Texas salon owner who had the guts to stand up to the judge who allowed the government to shut down her business.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.

What's the hurry, right ?
Cause, heck, the government can just keep sending out those checks every month to every American, and maybe in a couple years when it's completely safe, we can think about actually working for a paycheck.

There's a right way and a disastrous way to do this. Texas chose poorly.
Come to Texas so we can teach you how we deal with commie liars.

In this case, it seems we made one governor.
In this case, if you don't live there, fuck off!

I was born here bitch

Do you live there now? If not, shut up!

You STFU. I am and always have been a Texan. You don't have to be an idiot Trump supporter to be a Texan dumb ass. I still miss Ann Richards.

Not what I said, you fucking dumbass! I have spent quite a while in Killeen. Does that make me a Texan?

Do you live there now?

I already told you I do dumb ass.

So, I am a Texan?

I have no idea if you are a Texan. Don't really care. I'm positive you are just another dumb Trump supporter.
You know what the interesting thing about having the States decide on how to handle this is going to be? It's going to show which philosophy is better...hiding at home for months...or coming out and starting our lives again.
What do you think is going to happen to all you bed wetters when the States run by Republicans start recovering faster than the States run by Democrats? Ouch! Leading up to the election? OMG!!! That's not good for Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden, Bulldog! That's not good for ANY Democrats! Oh, sure...the main stream media will do it's level best to portray it as something it's not...but you know what? People in those States that HAVEN'T recovered are going to know the truth!

Recover faster?
Nearly every one of them is opening while the number of cases is growing, fool.

Oh, bullshit! The number of cases is growing only because more people are getting tested. You far left Democrats are DESPERATE to keep the economy closed down for a few more months no matter how many people's lives are destroyed in the process! This isn't about a thought out response to a pandemic...it's a political ploy to turn the electorate against Donald Trump. We need to reopen the economy and we need to do so now! The elderly and the infirm need to remain isolated. Other healthy people need to return to work so that we have a country left by the time this is over!

The white house's own plan called for waiting until new cases fell for 14 consecutive days. You think the white house is involved in a ploy to oust Trump?
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.

What's the hurry, right ?
Cause, heck, the government can just keep sending out those checks every month to every American, and maybe in a couple years when it's completely safe, we can think about actually working for a paycheck.

There's a right way and a disastrous way to do this. Texas chose poorly.
Come to Texas so we can teach you how we deal with commie liars.

In this case, it seems we made one governor.
In this case, if you don't live there, fuck off!

I was born here bitch

Do you live there now? If not, shut up!

You STFU. I am and always have been a Texan. You don't have to be an idiot Trump supporter to be a Texan dumb ass. I still miss Ann Richards.

Not what I said, you fucking dumbass! I have spent quite a while in Killeen. Does that make me a Texan?

Do you live there now?

I already told you I do dumb ass.

So, I am a Texan?

I have no idea if you are a Texan. Don't really care. I'm positive you are just another dumb Trump supporter.
You know what the interesting thing about having the States decide on how to handle this is going to be? It's going to show which philosophy is better...hiding at home for months...or coming out and starting our lives again.
What do you think is going to happen to all you bed wetters when the States run by Republicans start recovering faster than the States run by Democrats? Ouch! Leading up to the election? OMG!!! That's not good for Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden, Bulldog! That's not good for ANY Democrats! Oh, sure...the main stream media will do it's level best to portray it as something it's not...but you know what? People in those States that HAVEN'T recovered are going to know the truth!

Recover faster?
Nearly every one of them is opening while the number of cases is growing, fool.

Oh, bullshit! The number of cases is growing only because more people are getting tested. You far left Democrats are DESPERATE to keep the economy closed down for a few more months no matter how many people's lives are destroyed in the process! This isn't about a thought out response to a pandemic...it's a political ploy to turn the electorate against Donald Trump. We need to reopen the economy and we need to do so now! The elderly and the infirm need to remain isolated. Other healthy people need to return to work so that we have a country left by the time this is over!

The white house's own plan called for waiting until new cases fell for 14 consecutive days. You think the white house is involved in a ploy to oust Trump?

If the only reason that new cases are "rising" is that more people are being tested then what difference does it make? If the hospitals aren't close to being overwhelmed and the number of people who are dying from Covid is going down then we need to reopen the economy...NOW...not later!

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