Texas governor doesn't care how many die

Show me the Scripture that says the government is supposed to care for the poor.
Its in US constitution.
Uh, no it’s not. Quite the contrary, the founders were adamant that the federal government was explicitly limited to 18 enumerated powers and that charity was not one of those powers. Imbecile. :eusa_doh:
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

We're witnessing the biggest fabrication in world history.


The Texas governor removed safety precautions despite experts advising him to wait. What part of that is fabricated?
The part where the 1,000 new cases a day are somehow related to the expiration of the stay-at-home orders, when there's a 14-day incubation period.

You can admit to the bullshit. It's okay. We all already know.


Do you think the infection rate will fall by removing the stay at home order?
Of course not! Do you think you can keep healthy people quarantined in their homes until the virus goes away? Those people need to work now! Not two weeks from now. Not a month from now. Not three months from now! They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!
If you'll recall the original reason for the stay at home orders was so the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed. Even in NYC that didn't happen and that's the epicenter of Covid 19 for America! So what's the reason for stay at home orders now?
They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!

They aren't earning a living on 25% of the tips they used to make. No one is.
And you ghouls want to keep hurting people.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

So, what percentage of those diagnoses resulted in death?

Or are we conveniently leaving out that part?

He is leaving out the part where experts say we should wait till infection rates fall. Sorry, but you just don't have the credibility of the people who actually know what they are talking about.
Experts or bullshit artists looking out for their own interests? What passes for medical practice these days is nothing more than malpractice by check box. The assholes have become the most callous and insincere, two faced bastards on the face of the earth.

It's a shame the right has turned it's back on science.

Nobody has turned their back on science. We simply don't feel the need to go along with your pandemic fear tactics that shut down our entire economy. Science is showing us that the original estimates were grossly inflated.

The original estimates were for a scenario where we did nothing to mitigate the spread, dope.
So you agree Trump's actions saved over 2 million lives.
It's not over yet and Trump is pushing really hard for actions that will greatly increase the number of dead.
The state governors are the ones doing it and in Texas it's what we want LIAR!

Trump's not pushing to open?
Trumps is in charge of the Executive branch of the federal government, he isn't in charge of TX, liar.
I never said he was in charge of Texas. Try reading what I responded to, dope.
What is "STFU you leftist faggot" for $500, Alex.
What is "STFU you leftist faggot" for $500, Alex.
You mad, bro?
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

We're witnessing the biggest fabrication in world history.


The Texas governor removed safety precautions despite experts advising him to wait. What part of that is fabricated?
The part where the 1,000 new cases a day are somehow related to the expiration of the stay-at-home orders, when there's a 14-day incubation period.

You can admit to the bullshit. It's okay. We all already know.


Do you think the infection rate will fall by removing the stay at home order?
Of course not! Do you think you can keep healthy people quarantined in their homes until the virus goes away? Those people need to work now! Not two weeks from now. Not a month from now. Not three months from now! They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!
If you'll recall the original reason for the stay at home orders was so the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed. Even in NYC that didn't happen and that's the epicenter of Covid 19 for America! So what's the reason for stay at home orders now?
They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!

They aren't earning a living on 25% of the tips they used to make. No one is.
And you ghouls want to keep hurting people.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

So, what percentage of those diagnoses resulted in death?

Or are we conveniently leaving out that part?

He is leaving out the part where experts say we should wait till infection rates fall. Sorry, but you just don't have the credibility of the people who actually know what they are talking about.
Experts or bullshit artists looking out for their own interests? What passes for medical practice these days is nothing more than malpractice by check box. The assholes have become the most callous and insincere, two faced bastards on the face of the earth.

It's a shame the right has turned it's back on science.

Nobody has turned their back on science. We simply don't feel the need to go along with your pandemic fear tactics that shut down our entire economy. Science is showing us that the original estimates were grossly inflated.

The original estimates were for a scenario where we did nothing to mitigate the spread, dope.
So you agree Trump's actions saved over 2 million lives.
It's not over yet and Trump is pushing really hard for actions that will greatly increase the number of dead.
The state governors are the ones doing it and in Texas it's what we want LIAR!

Trump's not pushing to open?
Trumps is in charge of the Executive branch of the federal government, he isn't in charge of TX, liar.
I never said he was in charge of Texas. Try reading what I responded to, dope.
Classic dimtard babble. You shit stains need a new coach.
Classic dimtard babble. You shit stains need a new coach.
IOW you are not up to the task.
Good job, loser.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

We're witnessing the biggest fabrication in world history.


The Texas governor removed safety precautions despite experts advising him to wait. What part of that is fabricated?
The part where the 1,000 new cases a day are somehow related to the expiration of the stay-at-home orders, when there's a 14-day incubation period.

You can admit to the bullshit. It's okay. We all already know.


Do you think the infection rate will fall by removing the stay at home order?
Of course not! Do you think you can keep healthy people quarantined in their homes until the virus goes away? Those people need to work now! Not two weeks from now. Not a month from now. Not three months from now! They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!
If you'll recall the original reason for the stay at home orders was so the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed. Even in NYC that didn't happen and that's the epicenter of Covid 19 for America! So what's the reason for stay at home orders now?
They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!

They aren't earning a living on 25% of the tips they used to make. No one is.
And you ghouls want to keep hurting people.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

So, what percentage of those diagnoses resulted in death?

Or are we conveniently leaving out that part?

He is leaving out the part where experts say we should wait till infection rates fall. Sorry, but you just don't have the credibility of the people who actually know what they are talking about.
Experts or bullshit artists looking out for their own interests? What passes for medical practice these days is nothing more than malpractice by check box. The assholes have become the most callous and insincere, two faced bastards on the face of the earth.

It's a shame the right has turned it's back on science.

Nobody has turned their back on science. We simply don't feel the need to go along with your pandemic fear tactics that shut down our entire economy. Science is showing us that the original estimates were grossly inflated.

The original estimates were for a scenario where we did nothing to mitigate the spread, dope.
So you agree Trump's actions saved over 2 million lives.
It's not over yet and Trump is pushing really hard for actions that will greatly increase the number of dead.
The state governors are the ones doing it and in Texas it's what we want LIAR!

Trump's not pushing to open?
Trumps is in charge of the Executive branch of the federal government, he isn't in charge of TX, liar.
I never said he was in charge of Texas. Try reading what I responded to, dope.
Classic dimtard babble. You shit stains need a new coach.
Classic dimtard babble. You shit stains need a new coach.
IOW you are not up to the task.
Good job, loser.
Why do talk so badly about yourself so frequently? Depression?
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.
I'll agree with that last statement. We Republicans ARE more concerned with the economy than those that will die because of the reopening! So should you be. Having young, healthy people return to work while using social distancing and good hygiene simply makes sense. Keeping the economy shut down at this point is going to do far more damage than the virus will. I predict the number of people dying from Covid 19 from this point out isn't going to be much higher than the number of people who would normally die from complications due to the flu in any other year.
I'll agree with that last statement. We Republicans ARE more concerned with the economy than those that will die because of the reopening! So should you be.
So ....What are you arguing about then?

Texas governor doesn't care how many die

The OP was correct. None of you righties care.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

We're witnessing the biggest fabrication in world history.


The Texas governor removed safety precautions despite experts advising him to wait. What part of that is fabricated?
The part where the 1,000 new cases a day are somehow related to the expiration of the stay-at-home orders, when there's a 14-day incubation period.

You can admit to the bullshit. It's okay. We all already know.


Do you think the infection rate will fall by removing the stay at home order?
Of course not! Do you think you can keep healthy people quarantined in their homes until the virus goes away? Those people need to work now! Not two weeks from now. Not a month from now. Not three months from now! They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!
If you'll recall the original reason for the stay at home orders was so the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed. Even in NYC that didn't happen and that's the epicenter of Covid 19 for America! So what's the reason for stay at home orders now?
They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!

They aren't earning a living on 25% of the tips they used to make. No one is.
And you ghouls want to keep hurting people.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

So, what percentage of those diagnoses resulted in death?

Or are we conveniently leaving out that part?

He is leaving out the part where experts say we should wait till infection rates fall. Sorry, but you just don't have the credibility of the people who actually know what they are talking about.
Experts or bullshit artists looking out for their own interests? What passes for medical practice these days is nothing more than malpractice by check box. The assholes have become the most callous and insincere, two faced bastards on the face of the earth.

It's a shame the right has turned it's back on science.

Nobody has turned their back on science. We simply don't feel the need to go along with your pandemic fear tactics that shut down our entire economy. Science is showing us that the original estimates were grossly inflated.

The original estimates were for a scenario where we did nothing to mitigate the spread, dope.
So you agree Trump's actions saved over 2 million lives.
It's not over yet and Trump is pushing really hard for actions that will greatly increase the number of dead.
The state governors are the ones doing it and in Texas it's what we want LIAR!

Trump's not pushing to open?
Trumps is in charge of the Executive branch of the federal government, he isn't in charge of TX, liar.
I never said he was in charge of Texas. Try reading what I responded to, dope.
Classic dimtard babble. You shit stains need a new coach.
Classic dimtard babble. You shit stains need a new coach.
IOW you are not up to the task.
Good job, loser.
Why do talk so badly about yourself so frequently? Depression?
Another one not up to the task.
Good job, loser.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A staggering death rate of .027% OH MY GOD EVERYBODY IN TEXAS IS GOING TO DIE !!!!
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

We're witnessing the biggest fabrication in world history.


The Texas governor removed safety precautions despite experts advising him to wait. What part of that is fabricated?
The part where the 1,000 new cases a day are somehow related to the expiration of the stay-at-home orders, when there's a 14-day incubation period.

You can admit to the bullshit. It's okay. We all already know.


Do you think the infection rate will fall by removing the stay at home order?
Of course not! Do you think you can keep healthy people quarantined in their homes until the virus goes away? Those people need to work now! Not two weeks from now. Not a month from now. Not three months from now! They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!
If you'll recall the original reason for the stay at home orders was so the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed. Even in NYC that didn't happen and that's the epicenter of Covid 19 for America! So what's the reason for stay at home orders now?
They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!

They aren't earning a living on 25% of the tips they used to make. No one is.
And you ghouls want to keep hurting people.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

So, what percentage of those diagnoses resulted in death?

Or are we conveniently leaving out that part?

He is leaving out the part where experts say we should wait till infection rates fall. Sorry, but you just don't have the credibility of the people who actually know what they are talking about.
Experts or bullshit artists looking out for their own interests? What passes for medical practice these days is nothing more than malpractice by check box. The assholes have become the most callous and insincere, two faced bastards on the face of the earth.

It's a shame the right has turned it's back on science.

Nobody has turned their back on science. We simply don't feel the need to go along with your pandemic fear tactics that shut down our entire economy. Science is showing us that the original estimates were grossly inflated.

The original estimates were for a scenario where we did nothing to mitigate the spread, dope.
So you agree Trump's actions saved over 2 million lives.
It's not over yet and Trump is pushing really hard for actions that will greatly increase the number of dead.
The state governors are the ones doing it and in Texas it's what we want LIAR!

Trump's not pushing to open?
Trumps is in charge of the Executive branch of the federal government, he isn't in charge of TX, liar.
I never said he was in charge of Texas. Try reading what I responded to, dope.
Classic dimtard babble. You shit stains need a new coach.
Classic dimtard babble. You shit stains need a new coach.
IOW you are not up to the task.
Good job, loser.
Why do talk so badly about yourself so frequently? Depression?
Another one not up to the task.
Good job, loser.
When you post a coherent argument, I will gladly debate you.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

We're witnessing the biggest fabrication in world history.


The Texas governor removed safety precautions despite experts advising him to wait. What part of that is fabricated?
The part where the 1,000 new cases a day are somehow related to the expiration of the stay-at-home orders, when there's a 14-day incubation period.

You can admit to the bullshit. It's okay. We all already know.


Do you think the infection rate will fall by removing the stay at home order?
Of course not! Do you think you can keep healthy people quarantined in their homes until the virus goes away? Those people need to work now! Not two weeks from now. Not a month from now. Not three months from now! They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!
If you'll recall the original reason for the stay at home orders was so the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed. Even in NYC that didn't happen and that's the epicenter of Covid 19 for America! So what's the reason for stay at home orders now?
They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!

They aren't earning a living on 25% of the tips they used to make. No one is.
And you ghouls want to keep hurting people.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

So, what percentage of those diagnoses resulted in death?

Or are we conveniently leaving out that part?

He is leaving out the part where experts say we should wait till infection rates fall. Sorry, but you just don't have the credibility of the people who actually know what they are talking about.
Experts or bullshit artists looking out for their own interests? What passes for medical practice these days is nothing more than malpractice by check box. The assholes have become the most callous and insincere, two faced bastards on the face of the earth.

It's a shame the right has turned it's back on science.

Nobody has turned their back on science. We simply don't feel the need to go along with your pandemic fear tactics that shut down our entire economy. Science is showing us that the original estimates were grossly inflated.

The original estimates were for a scenario where we did nothing to mitigate the spread, dope.
So you agree Trump's actions saved over 2 million lives.
It's not over yet and Trump is pushing really hard for actions that will greatly increase the number of dead.
The state governors are the ones doing it and in Texas it's what we want LIAR!

Trump's not pushing to open?
Trumps is in charge of the Executive branch of the federal government, he isn't in charge of TX, liar.
I never said he was in charge of Texas. Try reading what I responded to, dope.
Classic dimtard babble. You shit stains need a new coach.
Classic dimtard babble. You shit stains need a new coach.
IOW you are not up to the task.
Good job, loser.
Why do talk so badly about yourself so frequently? Depression?
Another one not up to the task.
Good job, loser.
When you post a coherent argument, I will gladly debate you.
When you post a coherent argument, I will gladly debate you.
It's there.
If not for your incompetence, you might see it.
Good job, loser.:thup:
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

We're witnessing the biggest fabrication in world history.


The Texas governor removed safety precautions despite experts advising him to wait. What part of that is fabricated?
The part where the 1,000 new cases a day are somehow related to the expiration of the stay-at-home orders, when there's a 14-day incubation period.

You can admit to the bullshit. It's okay. We all already know.


Do you think the infection rate will fall by removing the stay at home order?
Of course not! Do you think you can keep healthy people quarantined in their homes until the virus goes away? Those people need to work now! Not two weeks from now. Not a month from now. Not three months from now! They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!
If you'll recall the original reason for the stay at home orders was so the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed. Even in NYC that didn't happen and that's the epicenter of Covid 19 for America! So what's the reason for stay at home orders now?
They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!

They aren't earning a living on 25% of the tips they used to make. No one is.
And you ghouls want to keep hurting people.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

So, what percentage of those diagnoses resulted in death?

Or are we conveniently leaving out that part?

He is leaving out the part where experts say we should wait till infection rates fall. Sorry, but you just don't have the credibility of the people who actually know what they are talking about.
Experts or bullshit artists looking out for their own interests? What passes for medical practice these days is nothing more than malpractice by check box. The assholes have become the most callous and insincere, two faced bastards on the face of the earth.

It's a shame the right has turned it's back on science.

Nobody has turned their back on science. We simply don't feel the need to go along with your pandemic fear tactics that shut down our entire economy. Science is showing us that the original estimates were grossly inflated.

The original estimates were for a scenario where we did nothing to mitigate the spread, dope.
So you agree Trump's actions saved over 2 million lives.
It's not over yet and Trump is pushing really hard for actions that will greatly increase the number of dead.
The state governors are the ones doing it and in Texas it's what we want LIAR!

Trump's not pushing to open?
Trumps is in charge of the Executive branch of the federal government, he isn't in charge of TX, liar.
I never said he was in charge of Texas. Try reading what I responded to, dope.
Classic dimtard babble. You shit stains need a new coach.
Classic dimtard babble. You shit stains need a new coach.
IOW you are not up to the task.
Good job, loser.
Why do talk so badly about yourself so frequently? Depression?
Another one not up to the task.
Good job, loser.
When you post a coherent argument, I will gladly debate you.
When you post a coherent argument, I will gladly debate you.
It's there.
If not for your incompetence, you might see it.
Good job, loser.:thup:
You and coherent argument...mutually exclusive. All you do is call people "loser"....4th grade is calling, it wants its insult back.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

We're witnessing the biggest fabrication in world history.


The Texas governor removed safety precautions despite experts advising him to wait. What part of that is fabricated?
The part where the 1,000 new cases a day are somehow related to the expiration of the stay-at-home orders, when there's a 14-day incubation period.

You can admit to the bullshit. It's okay. We all already know.


Do you think the infection rate will fall by removing the stay at home order?
Of course not! Do you think you can keep healthy people quarantined in their homes until the virus goes away? Those people need to work now! Not two weeks from now. Not a month from now. Not three months from now! They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!
If you'll recall the original reason for the stay at home orders was so the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed. Even in NYC that didn't happen and that's the epicenter of Covid 19 for America! So what's the reason for stay at home orders now?
They're broke NOW and they need to make a living!

They aren't earning a living on 25% of the tips they used to make. No one is.
And you ghouls want to keep hurting people.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

So, what percentage of those diagnoses resulted in death?

Or are we conveniently leaving out that part?

He is leaving out the part where experts say we should wait till infection rates fall. Sorry, but you just don't have the credibility of the people who actually know what they are talking about.
Experts or bullshit artists looking out for their own interests? What passes for medical practice these days is nothing more than malpractice by check box. The assholes have become the most callous and insincere, two faced bastards on the face of the earth.

It's a shame the right has turned it's back on science.

Nobody has turned their back on science. We simply don't feel the need to go along with your pandemic fear tactics that shut down our entire economy. Science is showing us that the original estimates were grossly inflated.

The original estimates were for a scenario where we did nothing to mitigate the spread, dope.
So you agree Trump's actions saved over 2 million lives.
It's not over yet and Trump is pushing really hard for actions that will greatly increase the number of dead.
The state governors are the ones doing it and in Texas it's what we want LIAR!

Trump's not pushing to open?
Trumps is in charge of the Executive branch of the federal government, he isn't in charge of TX, liar.
I never said he was in charge of Texas. Try reading what I responded to, dope.
Classic dimtard babble. You shit stains need a new coach.
Classic dimtard babble. You shit stains need a new coach.
IOW you are not up to the task.
Good job, loser.
You're more confused than a termite in a yo yo.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.
I'll agree with that last statement. We Republicans ARE more concerned with the economy than those that will die because of the reopening! So should you be. Having young, healthy people return to work while using social distancing and good hygiene simply makes sense. Keeping the economy shut down at this point is going to do far more damage than the virus will. I predict the number of people dying from Covid 19 from this point out isn't going to be much higher than the number of people who would normally die from complications due to the flu in any other year.
I'll agree with that last statement. We Republicans ARE more concerned with the economy than those that will die because of the reopening! So should you be.
So ....What are you arguing about then?

Texas governor doesn't care how many die

The OP was correct. None of you righties care.
Yes, there is NO WAY IN HELL this extreme hyperbole will come back to bite you.....


Looks like the California governor want to kill people too huh!
They just can't help but walk right into it, every single time.

Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.
I'll agree with that last statement. We Republicans ARE more concerned with the economy than those that will die because of the reopening! So should you be. Having young, healthy people return to work while using social distancing and good hygiene simply makes sense. Keeping the economy shut down at this point is going to do far more damage than the virus will. I predict the number of people dying from Covid 19 from this point out isn't going to be much higher than the number of people who would normally die from complications due to the flu in any other year.
I'll agree with that last statement. We Republicans ARE more concerned with the economy than those that will die because of the reopening! So should you be.
So ....What are you arguing about then?

Texas governor doesn't care how many die

The OP was correct. None of you righties care.
Yes, there is NO WAY IN HELL this extreme hyperbole will come back to bite you.....


Looks like the California governor want to kill people too huh!
They just can't help but walk right into it, every single time.

You all prove it with each post, dope.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665

The death count is not a concern by those who wish to push that argument. Its an excuse to reopen the economy which does show fear of many when faced with not having money and living on borrowed time. People really must want to eat at there favorite restaurant. They will ignore the real issues which is lack of a treatment, inability to test large number of people, lack of a cure. and the fact we are still in a learning curve with this virus. It is a safe bet. There is strong evidence that having a hardy immune system can defeat the virus. Eventually one day they will have enough knowledge to treat this virus. Still it is an individual choice of how you interact in this world and at this point in time. The shutdown was across political lines. How fast we get back on track will have political ramifications but will change no ones mind. The long term effects of having the virus is unknown. Humans are born with fear and it motivates avoidance of certain dangers and strategies to deal with the fear. Republican fear that trump will lose is higher than the fear of dying from this virus. A safe bet either way.

But from all the viruses in the past and the experience we have with COVID-19 all over the world, the least deaths happen when you achieve herd immunity the quickest.

Lock downs only slow down infection rates, so can not ever possibly save any lives.
Lock downs instead instead the death total by slowing down infection rate, so that herd immunity takes longer.
And the longer it takes, the more die.
That is because we have to sequester the vulnerable in the mean time, and as time goes on, that fails.

You do not need or want a treatment because there almost NEVER is any treatment for any virus.
There will never be a cure, as there is no cure for any virus.
Testing would be nice, and we could have it because China has it, but we refuse to use the China testing.
But we don't need testing in order to achieve herd immunity.
And we know for certain herd immunity works.
Not only has it always worked, but the animal that it came from has to have immunity or else it would be extinct.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election?
Forget the fact that the entire world is doing the same thing and not just to make trump look bad and realize the economy is already fucked going into the fall and will remain so long after.

There is no quick recovery for either the virus or the economy.
I never claimed there would be a quick recovery from either. I'm simply pointing out that people NEED to go back to work or THEY will be fucked! That's not even open for debate. We can't sustain what we've done for the past month. It's not economically feasible.
You claimed it was to make Trump look bad, liar.
Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Explain to me why Republican Governors are opening faster than Democratic ones are, Hutch? Then explain to those people in Democratically controlled States why THEY'RE not going to have a job because their leaders aren't doing the same thing!

Because the Republicans are more concerned with the economy than with those that will die as a result of opening too soon. You just made that clear in your post.
I'll agree with that last statement. We Republicans ARE more concerned with the economy than those that will die because of the reopening! So should you be. Having young, healthy people return to work while using social distancing and good hygiene simply makes sense. Keeping the economy shut down at this point is going to do far more damage than the virus will. I predict the number of people dying from Covid 19 from this point out isn't going to be much higher than the number of people who would normally die from complications due to the flu in any other year.
I'll agree with that last statement. We Republicans ARE more concerned with the economy than those that will die because of the reopening! So should you be.
So ....What are you arguing about then?

Texas governor doesn't care how many die

The OP was correct. None of you righties care.
Yes, there is NO WAY IN HELL this extreme hyperbole will come back to bite you.....


Looks like the California governor want to kill people too huh!
They just can't help but walk right into it, every single time.

You all prove it with each post, dope.
Do you even know what hyperbole is?

"Texas governor wants to murder babies"

Show me the Scripture that says the government is supposed to care for the poor.
Its in US constitution.
You know you’re dead wrong when someone says “show me in scripture” and you respond with “it’s in the U.S. Constitution”. :eusa_doh: #SpecialKindOfRetard

Not really true.
The scriptures were an ancient way of trying to express inherent truths as they thought they existed back then.
The Constitution is just the most modern attempt to express those same inherent truths about human nature.
Rights are not necessarily endowed by God, but it hardly matters if it is just our DNA and evolution that created those concepts. They still exist and are what we should go by.

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