Texas governor doesn't care how many die

Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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Lying hack, TX is NOT open for business as usual, but hey, let's not let facts get in the way of good propaganda, eh comrade?


The white house's own guidelines call for 14 days of reduced infection rates before any reduction of restrictions. We haven't had 1 day yet.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall.

Texas has had 888 deaths out of a population of 29 million. They rank 40 out of 50 states in deaths per million.

How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?

How many more will unnecessarily die due to poverty, domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, mental health issues, and non-related COVID-19 medical conditions so you can keep people on lock down, destroy their local economy, and score partisan political points?

If you want to discuss all those things, you should start a thread.

Why don't you answer the question, clown, since you're so quick to judge everybody else's motives?

As soon as you ask one on this subject, I will.

What's wrong? You can dish your bullshit out, but you can't take it when it's thrown back at you?

Come on, chucklehead, answer the question. How many more should die because of your partisan politics?

Just because right wingers only see things in terms of politics doesn't make that the case, dumb ass. The experts in the field have more credibility than what you might have heard on Fox and Friends.

Tell me this isn't only seeing things in terms of politics. From your OP commie:
How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?


It's responding to the right's politically based actions. When your decisions are based on politics more than what scientists advise, as the right is doing, that is by definition politically based.
Typical Trump supporter response. You can't relate to anything more complex than your relationship with Walmart.
Typical MaObama supporter response. You can't comprehend constitutional government or anything short of government coddling you cradle to grave.

It has nothing to do with government coddling. All those "No Shirt, No Shoes, No service" signs are there to prevent the spread of disease. The lunch lady's hair net and gloves are there to prevent the spread of disease. The Covid-19 virus is a new disease that takes different precautions to prevent it's spread. Waiting until infection rates start falling, like the medical experts advised is a reasonable precaution.

Since the antibody tests are showing over 20% of the population already had it, then the infection rate was much higher than we thought before, but now we are just juggling the newly discovered but actually OLD infections.
So it only looks like the number is not dropping. In reality it the number of new infections is greatly dropping.

Great. Which qualified medical professional told you that?
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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Cumulative cases means exactly squat...

How many were admitted into the hospital needing intervention? Is that number growing and at what rate?
So you are clueless as to the LOAD on our hospitals vs the overall infection rate... We are increaseing testing so the number of infected is going TO GO UP! The real test is how many are enetering the hosp[ital system and how many need advance life support. With 98.9% of the population having little or no issues with the virus the numbers of infected mean very little.

Sorry, but I'll take the advice of the experts who have spent years studying epidemics over some anonymous dumb ass on the internet.

All the medical experts I know or have read are saying the Lock Down only slows the spread down but results in everyone still getting infected until we achieve herd immunity.
If we were on the verge of a vaccine, then the Lock Down might be worth it.
But with the vaccine 2 years away, the way to reduce the death total is not to slow it down, but instead try to speed it up to achieve herd immunity as quickly as possible.
Ideally we should have gotten 55% of the population that was young and healthy to volunteer to be infected with the strain of COVID-19 that is not lethal.
Then everyone would be safe in 2 weeks.

Sounds like a plan Norm and Cliff might come up with. You got a credible link that agrees with you?
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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A better question is how many families are you willing to bankrupt so that the economy doesn't look good going into the Fall election? Do any of you liberals care about those people? They don't have any money. They have bills to pay. They need to feed their families. But you want to keep the nation closed down for as long as you can to make Trump look bad!

Here's the thing, Bulldog...

Those States that are opening back up now? They're going to be the ones who's economy bounces back the quickest. States like Michigan? With a Governor that wants to string this out for as long as she can? People that live there are FUCKED!!! See how that translates come November. Why would you vote for people that put politics above people?
Liberals love the poor...It's the very definition of being a Liberal.
Then the Liberals try to get professionals to pay more taxes to support the poor.

It's the very definition of a mature society and Christianity.
Wrong. You lefties are confusing the government with the church.

Nope. It's just that you right wingers are so fond of spouting about your claimed moral superiority. Of course, I can see how that might be a problem with our current president.
Christians ARE superior to you filthy heathen. Jesus never taught people to depend on the government to meet their needs. You're confused.
Show me the Scripture that says the government is supposed to care for the poor.
Its in US constitution.
But if you want it from the bible,
its in these verses.
Oh my god, you're so full of shit. So where does the Constitution say the government is supposed to take care of the poor?

That is easy.
The Declaration of Independence says it best, that we are all endowed with the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
And clearly now that we have eliminated the frontier and open range, things like health care and prevention of starvation from lack of employment is a right.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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So, what percentage of those diagnoses resulted in death?

Or are we conveniently leaving out that part?

He is leaving out the part where experts say we should wait till infection rates fall. Sorry, but you just don't have the credibility of the people who actually know what they are talking about.
Talk about a self fulfilling prophecy. LOL
Typical Trump supporter response. You can't relate to anything more complex than your relationship with Walmart.
Typical MaObama supporter response. You can't comprehend constitutional government or anything short of government coddling you cradle to grave.

It has nothing to do with government coddling. All those "No Shirt, No Shoes, No service" signs are there to prevent the spread of disease. The lunch lady's hair net and gloves are there to prevent the spread of disease. The Covid-19 virus is a new disease that takes different precautions to prevent it's spread. Waiting until infection rates start falling, like the medical experts advised is a reasonable precaution.

Since the antibody tests are showing over 20% of the population already had it, then the infection rate was much higher than we thought before, but now we are just juggling the newly discovered but actually OLD infections.
So it only looks like the number is not dropping. In reality it the number of new infections is greatly dropping.

Great. Which qualified medical professional told you that?

{... In New York City, 21 percent of residents had antibodies for coronavirus ...}

Not the source I got it from, but first hit on a search right now.
We originally had very bad testing, so missed a lot of people who already had it, were done with it, and did not even know it.
Remember there were a lot of ordinary flu cases back in Jan - March, so lots of people did not realize they had COVID-19. It is nothing for most people.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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Lying hack, TX is NOT open for business as usual, but hey, let's not let facts get in the way of good propaganda, eh comrade?


The white house's own guidelines call for 14 days of reduced infection rates before any reduction of restrictions. We haven't had 1 day yet.

What do you not understand about guidelines, they aren't laws. It's up to the State governments to decide the best way forward. No one is telling you to get out of your house, that's your choice. I'm going on 70 and I haven't had the luxury to stay home, I have to shop for two households. How many businesses have to go belly up before you're satisfied?

Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall.

Texas has had 888 deaths out of a population of 29 million. They rank 40 out of 50 states in deaths per million.

How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?

How many more will unnecessarily die due to poverty, domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, mental health issues, and non-related COVID-19 medical conditions so you can keep people on lock down, destroy their local economy, and score partisan political points?

If you want to discuss all those things, you should start a thread.

Why don't you answer the question, clown, since you're so quick to judge everybody else's motives?

As soon as you ask one on this subject, I will.

What's wrong? You can dish your bullshit out, but you can't take it when it's thrown back at you?

Come on, chucklehead, answer the question. How many more should die because of your partisan politics?

Just because right wingers only see things in terms of politics doesn't make that the case, dumb ass. The experts in the field have more credibility than what you might have heard on Fox and Friends.

Tell me this isn't only seeing things in terms of politics. From your OP commie:
How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?


It's responding to the right's politically based actions. When your decisions are based on politics more than what scientists advise, as the right is doing, that is by definition politically based.

One word, "BULLSHIT"!

Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
View attachment 331665
Cumulative cases means exactly squat...

How many were admitted into the hospital needing intervention? Is that number growing and at what rate?
So you are clueless as to the LOAD on our hospitals vs the overall infection rate... We are increaseing testing so the number of infected is going TO GO UP! The real test is how many are enetering the hosp[ital system and how many need advance life support. With 98.9% of the population having little or no issues with the virus the numbers of infected mean very little.

Sorry, but I'll take the advice of the experts who have spent years studying epidemics over some anonymous dumb ass on the internet.

All the medical experts I know or have read are saying the Lock Down only slows the spread down but results in everyone still getting infected until we achieve herd immunity.
If we were on the verge of a vaccine, then the Lock Down might be worth it.
But with the vaccine 2 years away, the way to reduce the death total is not to slow it down, but instead try to speed it up to achieve herd immunity as quickly as possible.
Ideally we should have gotten 55% of the population that was young and healthy to volunteer to be infected with the strain of COVID-19 that is not lethal.
Then everyone would be safe in 2 weeks.

Sounds like a plan Norm and Cliff might come up with. You got a credible link that agrees with you?

Yes, Sweden.
As the rest of the world has hunkered down to weather the COVID-19 pandemic, Sweden has remained remarkably open. .... Yet restaurants, schools and parks remain open. Consequently, Sweden’s ambassador to the U.S., Karin Ulrika Olofsdotter, said the country’s capital, Stockholm, could reach herd immunity sometime this month.

Herd immunity is how a society collectively fights off infections to keep the transmission of disease low. The Swedish approach may sound appealing in countries like the U.S., where lockdown measures have crippled the economy. But remaining open has had costs, with elderly people making up 86 percent of Sweden’s more than 2,000 deaths so far.

The only deciding factor is if we were on the verge of a vaccine.
If so, then vaccination is the safest way to get herd immunity.
But if the vaccine is 2 years away or more, as I suspect, then the safest way is 55% of the healthy population volunteering.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
View attachment 331667
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Lying hack, TX is NOT open for business as usual, but hey, let's not let facts get in the way of good propaganda, eh comrade?


The white house's own guidelines call for 14 days of reduced infection rates before any reduction of restrictions. We haven't had 1 day yet.

Those guidelines are to avoid liability.
The reality is that if a vaccine is going to take years, then instead of slowing the rate of infection, we want to achieve 55% herd immunity as quickly as possible.
That causes the least amount of deaths, if a vaccine is not forthcoming.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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Here you are on day by day basis. You are pretty much flat.

Have you dug a hole under your mothers house so you can hide.

It's coming to get you.

Typical Trump supporter response. You can't relate to anything more complex than your relationship with Walmart.
Typical MaObama supporter response. You can't comprehend constitutional government or anything short of government coddling you cradle to grave.

It has nothing to do with government coddling. All those "No Shirt, No Shoes, No service" signs are there to prevent the spread of disease. The lunch lady's hair net and gloves are there to prevent the spread of disease. The Covid-19 virus is a new disease that takes different precautions to prevent it's spread. Waiting until infection rates start falling, like the medical experts advised is a reasonable precaution.

Since the antibody tests are showing over 20% of the population already had it, then the infection rate was much higher than we thought before, but now we are just juggling the newly discovered but actually OLD infections.
So it only looks like the number is not dropping. In reality it the number of new infections is greatly dropping.

Great. Which qualified medical professional told you that?

{... In New York City, 21 percent of residents had antibodies for coronavirus ...}

Not the source I got it from, but first hit on a search right now.
We originally had very bad testing, so missed a lot of people who already had it, were done with it, and did not even know it.
Remember there were a lot of ordinary flu cases back in Jan - March, so lots of people did not realize they had COVID-19. It is nothing for most people.

So you give me a link that doesn't say what you claimed, and hope that's good enough? The test for antibodies isn't accurate, and immunity is not guaranteed if they were., We don't even know how long immunity might last if it does exist.. Your own link says that
Typical Trump supporter response. You can't relate to anything more complex than your relationship with Walmart.
Typical MaObama supporter response. You can't comprehend constitutional government or anything short of government coddling you cradle to grave.

It has nothing to do with government coddling. All those "No Shirt, No Shoes, No service" signs are there to prevent the spread of disease. The lunch lady's hair net and gloves are there to prevent the spread of disease. The Covid-19 virus is a new disease that takes different precautions to prevent it's spread. Waiting until infection rates start falling, like the medical experts advised is a reasonable precaution.

Since the antibody tests are showing over 20% of the population already had it, then the infection rate was much higher than we thought before, but now we are just juggling the newly discovered but actually OLD infections.
So it only looks like the number is not dropping. In reality it the number of new infections is greatly dropping.

Great. Which qualified medical professional told you that?

{... In New York City, 21 percent of residents had antibodies for coronavirus ...}

Not the source I got it from, but first hit on a search right now.
We originally had very bad testing, so missed a lot of people who already had it, were done with it, and did not even know it.
Remember there were a lot of ordinary flu cases back in Jan - March, so lots of people did not realize they had COVID-19. It is nothing for most people.

So you give me a link that doesn't say what you claimed, and hope that's good enough? The test for antibodies isn't accurate, and immunity is not guaranteed if they were., We don't even know how long immunity might last if it does exist.. Your own link says that

The test for antibodies was terrible 2 months ago, but is very good now.
Nothing is guaranteed, but not only have all viruses imparted acquired immunity, but the animal that is the source of COVID-19 clearly develops immunity when it gets it, or it would be extinct by now.
And clearly humans are acquiring immunity we know for sure because antibody transfusions have been successfully used to cure others with the virus.
As for how long immunity lasts, that depend upon how fast the virus mutates and hybrids into something else.
But then the vaccine we are working on would also be junk, so then herd immunity is still the only viable option.
The point of the NYC high antibody count shows that many more people have been infected and developed immunity than we realize. That means we are much closer to herd immunity than we knew.
And you know that has to be true since China, Italy, Israel, etc., have all peaked and are pretty much over it.
Typical Trump supporter response. You can't relate to anything more complex than your relationship with Walmart.
Typical MaObama supporter response. You can't comprehend constitutional government or anything short of government coddling you cradle to grave.

It has nothing to do with government coddling. All those "No Shirt, No Shoes, No service" signs are there to prevent the spread of disease. The lunch lady's hair net and gloves are there to prevent the spread of disease. The Covid-19 virus is a new disease that takes different precautions to prevent it's spread. Waiting until infection rates start falling, like the medical experts advised is a reasonable precaution.

Since the antibody tests are showing over 20% of the population already had it, then the infection rate was much higher than we thought before, but now we are just juggling the newly discovered but actually OLD infections.
So it only looks like the number is not dropping. In reality it the number of new infections is greatly dropping.

Great. Which qualified medical professional told you that?

{... In New York City, 21 percent of residents had antibodies for coronavirus ...}

Not the source I got it from, but first hit on a search right now.
We originally had very bad testing, so missed a lot of people who already had it, were done with it, and did not even know it.
Remember there were a lot of ordinary flu cases back in Jan - March, so lots of people did not realize they had COVID-19. It is nothing for most people.

So you give me a link that doesn't say what you claimed, and hope that's good enough? The test for antibodies isn't accurate, and immunity is not guaranteed if they were., We don't even know how long immunity might last if it does exist.. Your own link says that

The whole point of the shutdown was to keep from overwhelming the hospitals, TX is and was never close to that point. The governor says the hospitals have to reserve 15% of their capacity for covid patients, none of the hospitals are exceeding that. But hey, keep spewing the commie talking points, it's fun to watch.

Typical Trump supporter response. You can't relate to anything more complex than your relationship with Walmart.
Typical MaObama supporter response. You can't comprehend constitutional government or anything short of government coddling you cradle to grave.

It has nothing to do with government coddling. All those "No Shirt, No Shoes, No service" signs are there to prevent the spread of disease. The lunch lady's hair net and gloves are there to prevent the spread of disease. The Covid-19 virus is a new disease that takes different precautions to prevent it's spread. Waiting until infection rates start falling, like the medical experts advised is a reasonable precaution.

Since the antibody tests are showing over 20% of the population already had it, then the infection rate was much higher than we thought before, but now we are just juggling the newly discovered but actually OLD infections.
So it only looks like the number is not dropping. In reality it the number of new infections is greatly dropping.

Great. Which qualified medical professional told you that?

{... In New York City, 21 percent of residents had antibodies for coronavirus ...}

Not the source I got it from, but first hit on a search right now.
We originally had very bad testing, so missed a lot of people who already had it, were done with it, and did not even know it.
Remember there were a lot of ordinary flu cases back in Jan - March, so lots of people did not realize they had COVID-19. It is nothing for most people.

So you give me a link that doesn't say what you claimed, and hope that's good enough? The test for antibodies isn't accurate, and immunity is not guaranteed if they were., We don't even know how long immunity might last if it does exist.. Your own link says that

The whole point of the shutdown was to keep from overwhelming the hospitals, TX is and was never close to that point. The governor says the hospitals have to reserve 15% of their capacity for covid patients, none of the hospitals are exceeding that. But hey, keep spewing the commie talking points, it's fun to watch.


In fact, hospitals are so deserted because people are avoiding going there, that they are having to lay off half the staff.
Despite the constant increase in Covid 19 virus, cases, Greg Abbot thinks it is more important to bow to Trump and open the state for business as usual than it is to listen to the experts and wait until infection rates start to fall. How many more will unnecessarily die just so Abbot can get his brownie points from Trump?
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The death count is not a concern by those who wish to push that argument. Its an excuse to reopen the economy which does show fear of many when faced with not having money and living on borrowed time. People really must want to eat at there favorite restaurant. They will ignore the real issues which is lack of a treatment, inability to test large number of people, lack of a cure. and the fact we are still in a learning curve with this virus. It is a safe bet. There is strong evidence that having a hardy immune system can defeat the virus. Eventually one day they will have enough knowledge to treat this virus. Still it is an individual choice of how you interact in this world and at this point in time. The shutdown was across political lines. How fast we get back on track will have political ramifications but will change no ones mind. The long term effects of having the virus is unknown. Humans are born with fear and it motivates avoidance of certain dangers and strategies to deal with the fear. Republican fear that trump will lose is higher than the fear of dying from this virus. A safe bet either way.
Like everybody else, I have to go out occasionally for groceries and other things that can't be put off. Higher rates of infection means more chance of me being infected.
Well Becky, NYC is an option you can feel comfortable with, or maybe Los Angeles. No COVID and governments more in line with your way of thinking.
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