Texas Governor Greg Abbott Is Needlessly Concerned


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Texas Governor Greg Abbott Is Needlessly Concerned

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the coronavirus is spreading at an unacceptable rate in his state.

Why is a Republican governor concerned over the spread of a disease, which, the impeached president trump has assured his fellow Republicans, is no worse than a common cold?

Conservatives began protests against stay-at-home orders while the death toll from the novel coronavirus was still rising rapidly. Right-wingers are certain in their knowledge the Founding Fathers wrote into the United States Constitution, that, no government agency or official may, for any reason, infringe upon conservatives’ specific right to spread deadly diseases willy-nilly.

So confident are they in this constitutional protection, armed right-wingers stormed the office of Michigan’s Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. This was just one, of many, demonstrations by angry conservatives demanding their freedom.

So, Governor Abbott, shut you pie hole and do the job you were elected to do. Which is, to follow the orders you are given by Big Business and the billionaire class, and stop rocking the boat that could lead to a loss in profits. A few hundred-thousand deaths of insignificant Americans must not be permitted to interfere with business as usual, anywhere.

Texas Governor: Coronavirus Spreading at ‘Unacceptable Rate’ in State

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Is Needlessly Concerned

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the coronavirus is spreading at an unacceptable rate in his state.

Why is a Republican governor concerned over the spread of a disease, which, the impeached president trump has assured his fellow Republicans, is no worse than a common cold?

Conservatives began protests against stay-at-home orders while the death toll from the novel coronavirus was still rising rapidly. Right-wingers are certain in their knowledge the Founding Fathers wrote into the United States Constitution, that, no government agency or official may, for any reason, infringe upon conservatives’ specific right to spread deadly diseases willy-nilly.

So confident are they in this constitutional protection, armed right-wingers stormed the office of Michigan’s Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. This was just one, of many, demonstrations by angry conservatives demanding their freedom.

So, Governor Abbott, shut you pie hole and do the job you were elected to do. Which is, to follow the orders you are given by Big Business and the billionaire class, and stop rocking the boat that could lead to a loss in profits. A few hundred-thousand deaths of insignificant Americans must not be permitted to interfere with business as usual, anywhere.

Texas Governor: Coronavirus Spreading at ‘Unacceptable Rate’ in State

His Lt. Gov has yet to give his life for his grandchildren, what a self centered man...
Texas Governor Greg Abbott Is Needlessly Concerned

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the coronavirus is spreading at an unacceptable rate in his state.

Why is a Republican governor concerned over the spread of a disease, which, the impeached president trump has assured his fellow Republicans, is no worse than a common cold?

Conservatives began protests against stay-at-home orders while the death toll from the novel coronavirus was still rising rapidly. Right-wingers are certain in their knowledge the Founding Fathers wrote into the United States Constitution, that, no government agency or official may, for any reason, infringe upon conservatives’ specific right to spread deadly diseases willy-nilly.

So confident are they in this constitutional protection, armed right-wingers stormed the office of Michigan’s Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. This was just one, of many, demonstrations by angry conservatives demanding their freedom.

So, Governor Abbott, shut you pie hole and do the job you were elected to do. Which is, to follow the orders you are given by Big Business and the billionaire class, and stop rocking the boat that could lead to a loss in profits. A few hundred-thousand deaths of insignificant Americans must not be permitted to interfere with business as usual, anywhere.

Texas Governor: Coronavirus Spreading at ‘Unacceptable Rate’ in State

No matter what you liars say, it don't matter. But if a conservative runs against Abbott they have my vote.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott Is Needlessly Concerned

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the coronavirus is spreading at an unacceptable rate in his state.

Why is a Republican governor concerned over the spread of a disease, which, the impeached president trump has assured his fellow Republicans, is no worse than a common cold?

Conservatives began protests against stay-at-home orders while the death toll from the novel coronavirus was still rising rapidly. Right-wingers are certain in their knowledge the Founding Fathers wrote into the United States Constitution, that, no government agency or official may, for any reason, infringe upon conservatives’ specific right to spread deadly diseases willy-nilly.

So confident are they in this constitutional protection, armed right-wingers stormed the office of Michigan’s Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. This was just one, of many, demonstrations by angry conservatives demanding their freedom.

So, Governor Abbott, shut you pie hole and do the job you were elected to do. Which is, to follow the orders you are given by Big Business and the billionaire class, and stop rocking the boat that could lead to a loss in profits. A few hundred-thousand deaths of insignificant Americans must not be permitted to interfere with business as usual, anywhere.

Texas Governor: Coronavirus Spreading at ‘Unacceptable Rate’ in State


COVID deaths in Texas at this point are 2200. 2018 flu deaths Texas were 3500. Were they over-capacity in 2018? Calls for lockdowns, social distancing, contact tracing?
Why was 3500 deaths in Texas in 2018 was not an emergency, but 2200 deaths is now?


source Is There Really a Crisis? COVID Deaths Compared to 2018 Flu Deaths, State by State
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Right-wingers are certain in their knowledge the Founding Fathers wrote into the United States Constitution, that, no government agency or official may, for any reason, infringe upon conservatives’ specific right to spread deadly diseases willy-nilly.
I don't subscribe to the left/right bullshit, but, I can read, and nowhere in the constitution is the power, or authority, granted to restrict Liberty based on assertion, most of which are unconfirmed in this case.
Now, if a "left winger" can point out the verbiage they want to assert, go right ahead.
I dare you to try.
Abbott and the big city Democrats are at war right now.

They are daring him to order a shut down and to order state wide mask wearing, he is not doing it but letting them do it in their individual cities, and everybody is pointing the finger at everybody else.

He is only saying this to counter the bullshit from the big city Democrats.

This is all political maneuvering. He will not likely issue any more orders.
Abbott and the big city Democrats are at war right now.

They are daring him to order a shut down and to order state wide mask wearing, he is not doing it but letting them do it in their individual cities, and everybody is pointing the finger at everybody else.

He is only saying this to counter the bullshit from the big city Democrats.

This is all political maneuvering. He will not likely issue any more orders.
Yeah, the infamous Harris County Judge (all 29 years of her) Lina Hidalgo is educated waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy beyond her intellect, as are most of the Empty Suit brigades across the Country.

But, I kinda, sorta, but not much, feel sorry for her- she's just a tool and too intellectually void to realize it.
Hell, they'll probably run her for governor-
Abbott just got done reassuring everyone there was nothing to worry about the other day

And now...he's concerned...

He LET this happen. It's on HIM

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