Texas governor says state facing 'massive' COVID-19 outbreak

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that the state is facing a “massive outbreak” in the coronavirus pandemic as the numbers of new cases and hospitalizations hit record highs, and that some new local restrictions may be needed to protect hospital space for new patients.

Texas health officials reported a record-high 5,551 new coronavirus cases Wednesday, and another record of 4,389 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. Texas also reported 29 new fatalities and saw its rate of positive tests reach 10.4%, its highest level since mid-April when Texas was still under stay-at-home orders.

Texas had just passed the 4,000 mark of daily new cases over the weekend and has seen cases and hospitalizations surge since then.

I recall that the Gov was not a big fan of the lockdown.
Those are big numbers. Maybe they should stop testing in order to bring it under control ?

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that the state is facing a “massive outbreak” in the coronavirus pandemic as the numbers of new cases and hospitalizations hit record highs, and that some new local restrictions may be needed to protect hospital space for new patients.

Texas health officials reported a record-high 5,551 new coronavirus cases Wednesday, and another record of 4,389 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. Texas also reported 29 new fatalities and saw its rate of positive tests reach 10.4%, its highest level since mid-April when Texas was still under stay-at-home orders.

Texas had just passed the 4,000 mark of daily new cases over the weekend and has seen cases and hospitalizations surge since then.

I recall that the Gov was not a big fan of the lockdown.
Those are big numbers. Maybe they should stop testing in order to bring it under control ?
You have some real issues there you lover of rag heads. When you can control your own fucking country, then come talk to US.

Major incident declared after thousands flock to UK beaches in sweltering heat
Despite advice to stay away from the area, it was overrun with cars and sunbathers, leading to gridlock, illegal parking and anti-social behavior. By Thursday morning, more than 40 tons of waste had been removed from the coastline.
Council leader Vikki Slade said she was "absolutely appalled" by the scenes.
"The irresponsible behavior and actions of so many people is just shocking and our services are stretched to the absolute hilt trying to keep everyone safe," said Slade in the statement. "We have had no choice now but to declare a major incident and initiate an emergency response."
Hey, taxASS Gov. You kissed the great DOUCHE Ass. See what it got you.

I NO LONGER GIVE A DAMN.................

0.2% rate..............you can't stop the dang Flu or common cold .........so you can't stop this from running it's course.

To hell with the FEAR MONGERING that has destroyed so many jobs..........which in the end will be worse than the dang virus................

Oh and they are padding the COVID DEATHS...........I know people who had relatives die FROM COVID......both old...............One had Cancer with 1 to 2 months to live......COVID KILLED HIM..........and another Diabetes..............GANG GREEN from lack of circulation...........amputated the leg.......Gang Green still there...............HE DIED OF COVID........

Blow me FEAR MONGERS and those padding the death count.

Here's another COVID DEATH

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that the state is facing a “massive outbreak” in the coronavirus pandemic as the numbers of new cases and hospitalizations hit record highs, and that some new local restrictions may be needed to protect hospital space for new patients.

Texas health officials reported a record-high 5,551 new coronavirus cases Wednesday, and another record of 4,389 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. Texas also reported 29 new fatalities and saw its rate of positive tests reach 10.4%, its highest level since mid-April when Texas was still under stay-at-home orders.

Texas had just passed the 4,000 mark of daily new cases over the weekend and has seen cases and hospitalizations surge since then.

I recall that the Gov was not a big fan of the lockdown.
Those are big numbers. Maybe they should stop testing in order to bring it under control ?

Maybe you should care more about Brits kneeling at soccer games, than what's happening in Texas.

I don't see you complaining UK having 20 times more death than Texas, but hey, Texas is the problem, right faggot?

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that the state is facing a “massive outbreak” in the coronavirus pandemic as the numbers of new cases and hospitalizations hit record highs, and that some new local restrictions may be needed to protect hospital space for new patients.

Texas health officials reported a record-high 5,551 new coronavirus cases Wednesday, and another record of 4,389 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. Texas also reported 29 new fatalities and saw its rate of positive tests reach 10.4%, its highest level since mid-April when Texas was still under stay-at-home orders.

Texas had just passed the 4,000 mark of daily new cases over the weekend and has seen cases and hospitalizations surge since then.

I recall that the Gov was not a big fan of the lockdown.
Those are big numbers. Maybe they should stop testing in order to bring it under control ?

Maybe you should care more about Brits kneeling at soccer games, than what's happening in Texas.

I don't see you complaining UK having 20 times more death than Texas, but hey, Texas is the problem, right faggot?
Nope, our incompetent right wing government is as bad as yours. The world is dying because of shit populists.

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that the state is facing a “massive outbreak” in the coronavirus pandemic as the numbers of new cases and hospitalizations hit record highs, and that some new local restrictions may be needed to protect hospital space for new patients.

Texas health officials reported a record-high 5,551 new coronavirus cases Wednesday, and another record of 4,389 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. Texas also reported 29 new fatalities and saw its rate of positive tests reach 10.4%, its highest level since mid-April when Texas was still under stay-at-home orders.

Texas had just passed the 4,000 mark of daily new cases over the weekend and has seen cases and hospitalizations surge since then.

I recall that the Gov was not a big fan of the lockdown.
Those are big numbers. Maybe they should stop testing in order to bring it under control ?

And yet deaths from the virus are flat........the real story. But let's not tell the truth about what is going on or that even with the deaths, most of them are among people who are elderly and dying from other causes....and also had the Chinese Flu.......
“Texas governor says state facing 'massive' COVID-19 outbreak”

The consequence of a reckless, irresponsible rush to ‘reopen’ motivated by politics, not facts.

The fact.........the death rate is flat.....the people getting sick are not dying from it....you doofus.
You guys lied to me to score a cheap political point. Shame on you.
And do it til what you troll...................shut the country down more.....to delay what is coming no matter how much you complain about it.............

Now you will go pushing the deaths.......which are far lower than the fear mongering up front......and as you ignore those who run out of the so called Free money and lose everything they have...........We are at 10% of our people at work..................'This will continue til next year is the word..............FOR WHAT...........

Kill more jobs.........people lose everything like 2008......for a dang virus THAT WILL KEEP COMING BACK. until it runs it's course...................

All we did was delay what will come no matter what we do..............So SUCK IT UP COWARD and get on with your life.................if it's your time then it's your time.........Be a man and face it...........Stop being a COWARD.............

Now .....troll how's the weather in that Cave in the sandy lands these days............Hot I bet......poor thing.

You aren't english

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