Texas governor: Washington taking care of Alabama, not Texas

Maybe texans should stop giving the Federal governement any money. Then they would have plenty of money to take care of this situation. I guess Washington forgets where it gets its money.

That sounds like an excellent Idea...they should do that.

If it would keep me from suffering absolute fools like you, I'd be all for it.

Btw ... you gotten all comfy with that ID you stole from another member being the lowlife ass you are?

I'm thinking about fixing that little situation.
Maybe Washington doesn't want to spend limited federal resources in a state that's going to succeed from the union. I'm just saying....

I was under the impression that Tex-ass and it's Governor really didn't want the U.S. to involved in what are purely State Matters.

Maybe Chuckles Norris can lend him some money.

That the best dumbass shit you could come up with? Or is there a toddler nearby writing your material?
Totally agree on that. They've got their Texas Pride...it's very important.

and we got YOUR f-ing debt.

Make up your minds, commies ... you want to play the socialist shit or not?

Let me sum this thread up for you so far:

I'm NOT exempt from your socialist taxes and handout programs; yet,

I AM exempt from any services they might render simply because some pusswad on a PC in momma's basement wants to take things out of context and repeat a lie until they believe it's true.

Hypocrites. Guess why I'm NOT surprised.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Texas Pride indeed...

At least we have something to be proud of and don't steal other people's names to hide behind.

Keep going and you'll be logging in under ILoveTheTeaParty for a userID.

These Texicans sure do get defensive when someone starts dumping on their beloved wasteland of a state.

At least they're NOT the economic disaster that MOST Blue states run by Statist Democrats are...and that the Statists have run into the ground with their welfare mentalities.

And BTW? Texas is a beautiful State, and I'm glad that we kicked Mexico's ass to grab it.

These Texicans sure do get defensive when someone starts dumping on their beloved wasteland of a state.

If it's such a wasteland, how come we're being so f-ing invaded by f-ing jobless yankees it ain't funny?

Stay in your jobless, welfare state. Then YOU can be proud about going down the bowl with the flush like the rest of the shit.
Maybe Washington doesn't want to spend limited federal resources in a state that's going to succeed from the union. I'm just saying....

Here I sit my cheeks a flexin'

giving birth to another Texan :lol:

You ain't got the genetics to give birth to a Texan, pissant. Just more pissants.

Come on, you know we have to guard the Red River to keep the riff raff from coming north. :lol:
Alabama is primarily conservative, but you've got to remember there's a HUGE democrat base here too. Many, but not all of course, being African American. There are a lot of AA's here, as opposed to other states.

That being said, there's been no discussion here about the federal guidelines and criteria for what constitutes disaster relief necessity. That's right. I said it. Perhaps one state qualified...and the other didn't. Happens all the time.

Someone bitching about Texas' need want to chime in with some relevant law and data? I doubt you will.

Is Disaster Relief in the Constitution or does it fall under the General Welfare clause?

Uhmmm...that would be a huge...NO.

These Texicans sure do get defensive when someone starts dumping on their beloved wasteland of a state.

If it's such a wasteland, how come we're being so f-ing invaded by f-ing jobless yankees it ain't funny?

Stay in your jobless, welfare state. Then YOU can be proud about going down the bowl with the flush like the rest of the shit.

Yankees invading from the north, Mexicans invading from the south, what's a good Texan to do?
Alabama is primarily conservative, but you've got to remember there's a HUGE democrat base here too. Many, but not all of course, being African American. There are a lot of AA's here, as opposed to other states.

That being said, there's been no discussion here about the federal guidelines and criteria for what constitutes disaster relief necessity. That's right. I said it. Perhaps one state qualified...and the other didn't. Happens all the time.

Someone bitching about Texas' need want to chime in with some relevant law and data? I doubt you will.

Is Disaster Relief in the Constitution or does it fall under the General Welfare clause?

DisasterAssistance.gov provides information on how you might be able to get help from the U.S. Government before, during and after a disaster.

If the President of the United States makes help available to individuals in your community after a disaster, you can visit this site to apply online.

This site helps you:
Learn what help you might be able to apply for from 17 government agencies in Spanish and English
Reduce the number of forms you have to fill out
Shorten the time it takes to apply for aid
Check the progress of your applications online
Continue to receive benefits from government programs even if you have to leave your home
Apply for help from FEMA online
Learn about Small Business Administration loans using an online application
Have your Social Security benefits sent to a new address
Find federal disaster recovery centers near your current address
Search a list of housing available for rent
Get information about your federal student loan
Get help from the Department of State if you are affected by a disaster while living or traveling outside the U.S.
Disasterassistance.gov also provides information to help you prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters. You can:

Get the latest news on declared disasters
Find information about:
Finding shelter
Getting food and water
Getting medical services
Locating loved ones
Recovering and rebuilding the areas of your life that were affected by the disaster
Locate resources in your community that can help you move forward.

DisasterAssistance.gov - About Us
Here I sit my cheeks a flexin'

giving birth to another Texan :lol:

You ain't got the genetics to give birth to a Texan, pissant. Just more pissants.

Come on, you know we have to guard the Red River to keep the riff raff from coming north. :lol:

More like other way around. Half of Detroit and Cleveland now lives in SA where they opened a Toyota plant.

These Texicans sure do get defensive when someone starts dumping on their beloved wasteland of a state.

If it's such a wasteland, how come we're being so f-ing invaded by f-ing jobless yankees it ain't funny?

Stay in your jobless, welfare state. Then YOU can be proud about going down the bowl with the flush like the rest of the shit.

Yankees invading from the north, Mexicans invading from the south, what's a good Texan to do?

Keep buying more bullets and exercise my Second Amendment Rights.

These Texicans sure do get defensive when someone starts dumping on their beloved wasteland of a state.

If State Pride is an unusual concept for you, then you're not from TX.

Lemme guess: Iowa?

These Texicans sure do get defensive when someone starts dumping on their beloved wasteland of a state.

If it's such a wasteland, how come we're being so f-ing invaded by f-ing jobless yankees it ain't funny?

Stay in your jobless, welfare state. Then YOU can be proud about going down the bowl with the flush like the rest of the shit.

Yankees invading from the north, Mexicans invading from the south, what's a good Texan to do?

The yankees aren't invading...their on a mass EXODUS from the BLUE HELL of the North, and the Statist regimes. As for the Mexicans from the South...at least you got that part correct...you get 1/2 of a bronze star for effort.
If it's such a wasteland, how come we're being so f-ing invaded by f-ing jobless yankees it ain't funny?

Stay in your jobless, welfare state. Then YOU can be proud about going down the bowl with the flush like the rest of the shit.

Yankees invading from the north, Mexicans invading from the south, what's a good Texan to do?

Keep buying more bullets and exercise my Second Amendment Rights.

There you go!

When in doubt, shoot somebody.
Maybe Washington doesn't want to spend limited federal resources in a state that's going to succeed from the union. I'm just saying....

Nah, all it does is confirm how petty Obama is....

Perry has called him out several times now and he acts like a child, no real surprise....

As for Alabama and the other states devastated by the tornado's, they deserve all the help we can give them, but I am certain that was not the point you where trying to get across....

But it doesn't take much for you to prove your an idiot, you accomplished that real well....
Not me. But I really, really can't believe after all the devastation in Alabama that he is whining like this...what a flipping hypocritical turd.

He's not whining. Can't wait to hear from YOU ... whenever you get communications back -- next time another Andrew waxes your dumb ass.
:lol: Piss off you idiot.

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