Texas Man Cleared of Shooting Burglars

And that is the most horrible of all the arguments the pro-abortionists have for promoting abortion. That the babies deserve to die because they'll all be criminals. You think shooting someone in the back when they're committing a crime is bad? I think it's much worse to dismember babies before they've done anything wrong at all. Based upon the assumption that those babies are bad.

yes, shooting someone IN THE BACK, when they are committing an UNARMED crime is bad.....where are your morals?

AND Mr horn did NOT shoot them WHEN they were committing a crime, why twist the facts....

mr horn shot them in the back, AFTER they had already committed the crime, after the cops were called and even after the cops were already there it turns out, he shot them in the BACK WITH NO WARNING WHATSOEVER AND WITH NO ILLEGAL DEADLY FORCE PUT UPON HIM by the burglars....

HE SHOT THEM IN COLD BLOOD....for a tv of a neighbor he didn't care about or know....He lost his marbles, was not reasonable in his actions....imo.

you and others ON this thread that seem to think this is fine and dandy, honestly disgust me with your stances on this particular incident, (which I don't usually express such type emotions when posting, i usually stay reserved but in this particular case, i so vehemently disagree that i could not stop myself,) and this makes me think of end times prophesy that speaks of people's ''feelings being WAXED COLD'' during the Latter days..... in other words, lacking Christ's compassion for humanity Allie! That is what is going on here imo and i view it as evil.....pure evil.

I have no problems whatsoever, in a person killing another in self defense of their own life, or the life of another.

I will ALWAYS have problems with someone killing another human being that was not threatening their life, by shooting them in the back with no warning, just a gleeful, ''BOOM, you're dead'' said by mr. horn....cold, calculated killings.

mr horn should have been tried, if he is innocent, he could have shown this at a trial, with a jury of his peers.....the prosecutor's grand jury was wrong allie imo....

The authorities disagree with you.
That makes you wrong.

Actually, the authorities did no such thing. The authorities convened a grand jury which meant THEY believed a crime was committed.

The grand jury CHOSE to ignore the fact that two fleeing men were shot in the back. I'm figuring if it was the good ole boy who was running and got shot in the back, the shooter would have been indicted.
I've no problem with homeowners protecting their homes. That isn't what this guy did.
Because protecting your neighbor or neighbor's property from crime is SO wrong... :cuckoo:

If we abort all babies crime will decrease as well.
And if we eliminate all liberals we will stop having pansy law enforcement restrictions and pandering for criminals... or for that matter, less violent criminals... lord knows we know which party welfare handout takers and violent criminals want in office
He did warn them, he told them to stop. They moved towards him and when they saw he had a gun, they turned.

Sorry, I don't think it's "moral" to insist that people who are being intimidated by criminals carefully check to make sure a person isn't armed before defending themselves. Nor do I think they should take the chance of dying themselves if they can't tell.

With children, there's an understanding that kids will sometimes kill because they PERCEIVE themselves to be in a life or death situation.....though adults can see that there is no such immediate danger, it doesn't matter because the perception of a child who has been traumatized is such that they honestly believe it's kill or be killed. When you have a situation like this where people are uncertain and afraid, I don't think it's realistic to accuse someone of "murder" if they think they are defending themselves. The bad guys were the burglars. The guy with the gun told the 911 operator he "wasn't going to die over this" when the operator told him not to do anything. That says to me he apparently felt he was in danger. Was he? Who knows? The criminals shouldn't have been there. They scared him and he shot them.
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Because protecting your neighbor or neighbor's property from crime is SO wrong... :cuckoo:

No, that isn't wrong. And it also isn't what the guy did.

And if we eliminate all liberals we will stop having pansy law enforcement restrictions and pandering for criminals... or for that matter, less violent criminals... lord knows we know which party welfare handout takers and violent criminals want in office
Yes, if we eliminate liberals everything will be perfect.
Because protecting your neighbor or neighbor's property from crime is SO wrong... :cuckoo:

Yeah, by shooting them in the back when the police told you to stay in your house.

And if we eliminate all liberals we will stop having pansy law enforcement restrictions and pandering for criminals... or for that matter, less violent criminals... lord knows we know which party welfare handout takers and violent criminals want in office

pansy laws?

proof positive that gun wackos confuse guns with their genitalia.....

(and no, i'm not talking about normal gun owners).

welfare? blah blah blah blah....

and if you get rid of democracy, you won't ever have to worry about someone voting in disagreement with you.

Yippie cahyay!! woooo hoooo!

He did warn them, he told them to stop. They moved towards him and when they saw he had a gun, they turned.

Sorry, I don't think it's "moral" to insist that people who are being intimidated by criminals carefully check to make sure a person isn't armed before you defend yourself from them.

With children, there's an understanding that kids will sometimes kill because they PERCEIVE themselves to be in a life or death situation.....though adults can see that there is no such immediate danger, it doesn't matter because the perception of a child who has been traumatized is such that they honestly believe it's kill or be killed. When you have a situation like this where people are uncertain and afraid, I don't think it's realistic to accuse someone of "murder" if they think they are defending themselves. The bad guys were the burglars. The guy with the gun told the 911 operator he "wasn't going to die over this" when the operator told him not to do anything. That says to me he apparently felt he was in danger. Was he? Who knows? The criminals shouldn't have been there. They scared him and he shot them.

there was no STOP on the tape I heard... there was ONLY SHOTS by mr horn as he immediately stepped outside. I will listen to the tape again to verify, but i have listened to it twice....the shots were immediate.

Mr Horn was told 14 times by the Police dispatch NOT TO GO OUTSIDE, and not to use his shotgun on them, property was not worth killing over, by the police dispatch.

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The ONLY THING, Mr Horn said when he went outside was "BOOM, YOU'RE DEAD"....

I just listened to the tape again, Mr Horn gave no warning, why are YOU saying that he did? Am I listening to a version that is doctored somehow?

there wasn't even a second of lapse after him saying that to his shooting his shotgun....

listened again....

maybe he is saying Move, you're dead, not Boom, you're dead? Very hard to tell, gonna listen again....

Regardless, there was NO ATTEMPT by the suspects to go towards him, mr horn told the dispatch that he shot them because they were crossing his yard, they were gonna get away.... NOTHING WAS SAID by mr horn about them trying to kill him.

This man was completely off his rocker....
No, that isn't wrong. And it also isn't what the guy did.

Yes, if we eliminate liberals everything will be perfect.

It is what the guy did.... neighbors house was being robbed...

And hey... the statement was not more ludicrous than your abortion one... just showing you anyone can put out blather like that... and how ridiculous it sounds in an argument
Yeah, by shooting them in the back when the police told you to stay in your house.

pansy laws?

proof positive that gun wackos confuse guns with their genitalia.....

(and no, i'm not talking about normal gun owners).

welfare? blah blah blah blah....

and if you get rid of democracy, you won't ever have to worry about someone voting in disagreement with you.

Yippie cahyay!! woooo hoooo!


No... the dispatcher told him to stay in his house... a typical SAFETY precaution in their training

and yes... pansy laws that try and limit law abiding citizens and weaken them in comparison with the criminals...

and for confusion about weaponry and genitalia.... even in Basic training we learned "This is my weapon, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this one's for fun."... weapons are not to prove manhood or to compensate... they are for hunting, sport, and protection.... you know... protecting yourself, your property, your neighbor, you neighbor's property... ooopps, that is what this guy DID... stopped a criminal invading and stealing his neighbor's property....

and lest you not forget... the US is not a Democracy... it is a constitutional republic with democratically elected officials.... it was set up that way to defend against the inherent tyranny that can resort by popular whim
you are idiots...

the LAW STATES that an actor CAN NOT use DEADLY FORCE against a perp, UNLESS for self defense. PERIOD.

he shot the dudes IN THE BACK, IN COLD BLOOD.
No... the dispatcher told him to stay in his house... a typical SAFETY precaution in their training

and yes... pansy laws that try and limit law abiding citizens and weaken them in comparison with the criminals...

and for confusion about weaponry and genitalia.... even in Basic training we learned "This is my weapon, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this one's for fun."... weapons are not to prove manhood or to compensate... they are for hunting, sport, and protection.... you know... protecting yourself, your property, your neighbor, you neighbor's property... ooopps, that is what this guy DID... stopped a criminal invading and stealing his neighbor's property....

and lest you not forget... the US is not a Democracy... it is a constitutional republic with democratically elected officials.... it was set up that way to defend against the inherent tyranny that can resort by popular whim
no, the police told him TO STAY INSIDE 14 FRICKING TIMES, not once, not twice, not three times, not 4 times, not even 5 times, BUT 14 FRICKING TIMES....the police dispatch told mr horn to stay in the house, ALONG with telling mr HORN that killing someone over property WAS NOT WORTH IT....

THE DISPATCH WAS COMMUNICATING with the police on the way to scene and on the scene too, they told him to keep mr horn in the house....


STOP LYING to minimize mr horn's actions, STOP making up shit about what happened or LEAVING shit out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you say "the police" do you mean the 911 operator, who wasn't there, who couldn't see what was going on? And who isn't a cop?

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