Texas man shoots and kills girlfriend because she had an abortion he opposed

Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock killed about 50 people in a Country Concert that the media described as a Trump rally but the incredible psychological evidence technicians in the FBI couldn't come up with a motive even today. A nut case in Texas shoots a girlfriend in a domestic dispute and the media plays the abortion card and turns it into a federal case. No surprises here.
But she is a Texan and abortions are illegal in Texas.
I was wrong. The murder was committed in Texas. My guess is the man who murdered his girlfriend will go to jail for life or earn a seat in a chair. Murder is a really terrible crime. he didn't have the right to kill his girlfriend. Nobody does. If the man was full of hate because of her less than beautiful mistake, and he was, he isn't gonna walk.
Apparently you lack the courage to do so.
Apparently, you are just another pervert looking for attention. Perhaps you need counseling to determine why you seem to need attention from me. I'm not a child and should not be subject to your interest. Why don't you just let it go? I will never give you validation.
Is she a Texan? Gabriella Gonzalez is Hispanic, likely Mexican. There's just no crime here.
Her decision to abort her child is her sin. She paid the ultimate price for doing so. He, on the other hand, murdered a woman. He is not gonna walk. He is going to jail for murdering his girlfriend, and he's not going to get a lollipop.
Her decision to abort her child is her sin. She paid the ultimate price for doing so. He, on the other hand, murdered a woman. He is not gonna walk. He is going to jail for murdering his girlfriend, and he's not going to get a lollipop.
He disposed of vermin. No crime. 5,000 just like her crossed the border this week. He can buy a new one. Just make sure the next girlfriend is spayed.
He disposed of vermin. No crime. 5,000 just like her crossed the border this week. He can buy a new one. Just make sure the next girlfriend is spayed.
Vermin do not have rights. Human beings do. In this nation, we think that human beings have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. She had none. Something he did caused her to dispose of their unborn child. My guess is she told him they were through. And it's only a guess.
Vermin do not have rights. Human beings do. In this nation, we think that human beings have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. She had none. Something he did caused her to dispose of their unborn child. My guess is she told him they were through. And it's only a guess.
To quote you. Vermin do not have rights. She had none. See how easy that was.

She had an abortion which means a tax savings right there. He committed no crime.

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