Texas man shoots and kills girlfriend because she had an abortion he opposed

What do you mean? I do not teach ten year old students. Say what you mean, if you have the courage to do so.
I don't have to say jack shit to you. What the fuck do you think you're entitled to? Stick your thumb up your stretched out ass and rotate.
That is simply false. All I'm asking is that they State their position. Of course if it is pro-abortion I'm going to disagree with it. But that's not the same as rejecting it out of hand. I saw and heard with my own eyes and ears several Biden nominees asked by Senators whether they support abortion up to the moment of birth. Zero of them were willing to answer that. Instead they said it's very rare as a way to dodge the question.

Case in point.

I never said anything like that. Please argue against my statements, not against the ones you imagine me saying.

It is a hypothetical question. Of course it is highly unlikely that woman is going to carry a baby all the way to the point of contractions and then want an abortion.

The point of the question is whether there is some point before the birth that you believe the baby has the right to life. If the answer is no just say so. That would mean if that hypothetical situation ever did happen then you fully support the woman's right to say "let's abort this kid before it comes out."

Right up until the moment of birth regardless of whether there is a health reason or not? You should be able to answer that, since you are not nominated for anything.

Nearly all babies who are to be aborted are viable. Just leave them alone. Don't pull them apart with forceps, don't poison them with saline, don't poison them with hormones, and they will survive just fine.

Arguing that welfare has become too generous, and that the supposed safety net is now being used as a hammock, is not the same as wanting to starve babies. Very typical emotional language used by democrats.

Again, just to be clear, you say that you support a woman's right to choose an abortion say on the day before her due date, correct? I mean you would have to believe that. Because the alternative is to believe that a woman should be forced to carry a baby for a whole day and then go through the process of birth.

Let me guess, because bodily autonomy? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you were and are completely in favor of force vaccinations.

In your case I’d support your Mother having a retroactive Abortion.
All the more reason why we need an absolute ban on abortion nationwide and the scum who do this need to be in prison for life or executed.

Also, how the fuck could this have even happened, abortion is banned in Dallas?

Edit: Oh, she drove to Colorado.
Well, bye, bitch. Good riddance. The world is better off without you, and you're better off in hell or oblivion where you belong.
Once again, the reprehensible right attempts to defend the indefensible.

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