Texas mass killer is an ILLEGAL ALIEN

And yet, Colorado went from the worst Mass Shootings to zero shootings just by passing common sense laws and requiring citizens to follow them or go to prison. We broke the AR Cult without banning the AR.

In total murders very few die in mass murders compared to all murders. Do you really think some psycho says "If I had an AR I'd kill a bunch of people, but since I don't, I'll just watch reruns of Lassy?"
Illegals can't buy guns without a second person with a background check in colorado. Yet, in Texas, as I stated, I can buy guns in the parking lot of Dennys and some sellers won't even ask to see my ID. We lock those sellers up in Colorado. The only real thing Texas does is . well.. nothing.
Any gun purchase, legal or illegal, requires at least two people. Colorado may have background checks, but you and their state government are ignorant enough to believe that an illegal can't and doesn't purchase firearms in Colorado. John Doe, who can make a few dollars, can perform an illegal private sell outside the boundaries of Colorado (or any other state) state law.

Seriously? Because there is a law people don't break them ? Did Colorado have zero murders in 2022?
And yet, Colorado went from the worst Mass Shootings to zero shootings just by passing common sense laws and requiring citizens to follow them or go to prison. We broke the AR Cult without banning the AR.
So the trans guy in Colorado Springs who shot up a bunch of trannies in 2022 didn't really happen?
You keep your head stuck up your own ass and ignore the facts. Meanwhile, those in NY City have half the murder rate that Texas State. Regardless of the reasons.
Texas has a substantially higher rate of illegal aliens pouring across the border. New York only has them delivered by bus at a much lower rate.

You should really think about your argument before you continue spouting ridiculous, Don Lemon level content.
You're the one who stated it's easy to obtain illegally purchased weapons in Red states ... and the reality is .. it's easy to obtain illegal firearms in ANY state .. regardless of their support of the Second Amendment. You don't have to bring any emotion into the conversation .. the fact is .. buying illegal firearms is easy in ANY state.

Sure it is. In Colorado, that private seller just might be a CBI Agent.

Been deported 5 times. Thanks to our revolving door policy 5 people are DEAD.

Build the wall and lock down the damn border.
Deported 4 times and say, just how did law enforcement/government in texas allow him to own an AR-15?

Inquiring minds need to know.
So the trans guy in Colorado Springs who shot up a bunch of trannies in 2022 didn't really happen?

Sure it did. But not a mass shooting. One person shot and killed another on a hiking trail. Yah, I know, some want to call it a Mass Shooting but it was one shooter and one victim. Hardly a mass shooting but it was a murder. Since it was a drive by shooting that pretty well excludes using an AR type weapon. One killed and one wounded.

Of do you mean the attempt at a mass killing in the LBQT Club Q where 5 people were killed and 19 wounded before the patrons stopped him cold. Weapon used? An AR-15. Time from start to stop is a matter of seconds.
Or just another illegal seller that you imagine doesn't exist because there's a law against that .... just like in every other state.

The difference is, we take our laws seriously. And the chances of having that illegal weapon is almost zero. A couple of months ago, that shooting you MAGAts and gunnutters keep bringing up, all weapons were legal.
Any gun purchase, legal or illegal, requires at least two people. Colorado may have background checks, but you and their state government are ignorant enough to believe that an illegal can't and doesn't purchase firearms in Colorado. John Doe, who can make a few dollars, can perform an illegal private sell outside the boundaries of Colorado (or any other state) state law.

Seriously? Because there is a law people don't break them ? Did Colorado have zero murders in 2022?

YOu can't change the fact that Texas and Arizona are the illegal procurement states of America.
Sure it did. But not a mass shooting. One person shot and killed another on a hiking trail. Yah, I know, some want to call it a Mass Shooting but it was one shooter and one victim. Hardly a mass shooting but it was a murder. Since it was a drive by shooting that pretty well excludes using an AR type weapon. One killed and one wounded.

Of do you mean the attempt at a mass killing in the LBQT Club Q where 5 people were killed and 19 wounded before the patrons stopped him cold. Weapon used? An AR-15. Time from start to stop is a matter of seconds.
Yes .. the trans individual who had a violent outbreak and slaughtered more trans people in Colorado Springs .. You know .. the one that CNN, MSNBC, NPR and other news sources call ... a mass shooting.
The difference is, we take our laws seriously. And the chances of having that illegal weapon is almost zero. A couple of months ago, that shooting you MAGAts and gunnutters keep bringing up, all weapons were legal.
LOL .. yes .. there are no laws broken by anyone in Colorado .. the first state ever to have a truly crime free environment. Guess you don't realize how ridiculous your assertions are .. illegal guns are sold in Colorado .. regardless of how "serious" you take your laws.
YOu can't change the fact that Texas and Arizona are the illegal procurement states of America.
Yes .. I can .. when you have a Democrat administration who is essentially inviting illegals to flow across the border ... it's hard to change that fact .. Record high illegal encounters, and Title 42 is ending next week. Get the Anheuser Trans-Busch beer ready to celebrate!
Yes .. the trans individual who had a violent outbreak and slaughtered more trans people in Colorado Springs .. You know .. the one that CNN, MSNBC, NPR and other news sources call ... a mass shooting.

One problem, the shooter wasn't LBQT. That's something you MAGAts read into it. The shooter is charged with a bias shooting. That's a nice and legal way of saying "LBTQ shooting from a straight person".
Yes .. I can .. when you have a Democrat administration who is essentially inviting illegals to flow across the border ... it's hard to change that fact .. Record high illegal encounters, and Title 42 is ending next week. Get the Anheuser Trans-Busch beer ready to celebrate!

Then you are attempting to change reality without make a real change.
One problem, the shooter wasn't LBQT. That's something you MAGAts read into it. The shooter is charged with a bias shooting. That's a nice and legal way of saying "LBTQ shooting from a straight person".
The shooter identified as non-binary .. why are you questioning its identity?
I read the police report and there is zero mention of his sexual preference. You MAGAts are reading into it.
Don't you hate when you make an ass out of yourself?

Defense: Colorado gay club shooting suspect is nonbinary

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — The alleged gunman facing possible hate crime charges in the fatal shooting of five people at a Colorado Springs gay nightclub is nonbinary, the suspect’s defense team says in court filings.

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