Texas Officials Illuminate Crosses After Atheists’ Call for Removal

Another ABNORMAL that cant handle the truth....go back to Africa and see if you can stop Muslim slavery of your people there instead of showing what a useless turd you are!
Go back to Europe you sniveling little piss aunt.
I hate all you lying sob's.
I welcome your hatred.

Self-proclaimed conservatives cheering on more anti-constitutional stuff once again.

Not surprised.

One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.

I was told by a Judge that "We have the right to religious beliefs" those guarantees do not extend to religious actions or the promotion or display of religious symbols, unless the courts determines the Actions legal. I'm okay with the crosses, they are being complained about by some outsiders who have a leftist Cohort in the area.
It's settled law that the government cannot establish a religion or accord any religion favored status.

What is all this talk about "freedom of expression," anyway. There is not a soul around. It looks like this photo was taken at midnight. Anyone responsible for putting the cross there was most likely asleep, not "expressing."

The view of history expressed by some of those commenting on this thread is interesting. They overlook the fact that the Christian inhabitants of the colonies squabbled incessantly over religious matters.They couldn't agree on whether it was raining. They hanged four Quakers on Boston Common because of their beliefs. They only whipped the others.Then there were the Salem witch trials. One big, happy family.
Another ABNORMAL that cant handle the truth....go back to Africa and see if you can stop Muslim slavery of your people there instead of showing what a useless turd you are!
Go back to Europe you sniveling little piss aunt.
See you just dont give a fuck muslims are keeping you blacks as slaves in Africa....but you'll complain like the whiny little pissant you are about American slavery centuries ago....too faced piece of shit!....A worthless turd as are all ABNORMALS!

You brought it up with your Muslim bullshit...moron!
Yes, because it's a religion, that's widely practiced in America, just like Christianity.

Which is what this thread is about.

But you're too dumb to understand this.

I have no problemo with the muslims. I recognize they are officially required to hate me, but I don't think its really in their hearts. I've bought incense and final call newspapers from them, and never really got bad vibes from them.

However, America is a Christian country. No doubt about it. Christopher Columbus planted the cross on American soil claiming the continents for Christ. A fresco depicting Christopher Columbus planting the cross in the New World.
One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?

Maybe we should allow for religious symbols to be displayed and suppress religious Speech! The guys at the corner with the bull horns are really annoying. They could hold a silent "SIGN" just as easily right!:highfive:
Look back at Muslim slavery and tell me they dont want that here for all white and non muslims!
One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
We already do. That terrorist in Minnesota wears Muslim garb with the specific intent of reflecting her commitment to Islam while representing the people of her district to the US Congress.
You tell her to remove it while she’s on the clock.

So you are saying that no one can wear religiously-inspired jewelry, lapel pins, or headgear while "on the clock"? What happened to the "religious freedom" thing?

Hey Lysistrata
If Obama and half of Congress can vote in their political BELIEF that health care is a right
and supercede Constitutional beliefs that an Amendment ratified by States is required first,
then anything goes.

Anyone if they bully and insist hard enough can argue for their right to express their beliefs,
the same as Trump and Cortez, regardless if this violates the equal beliefs of others under the Constitution.

Anything goes these days thanks to the liberals and media
who will push health care beliefs, LGBT beliefs, etc. through govt.

Even penalizing business owners for not supporting LGBT practices
that violate their beliefs.

Why can't Christians demand the same protection
as LGBT and be included in Govt if they can?

The fight to include LGBT beliefs equally in public policy opens the door for Right to Life and Christian beliefs to demand equal inclusion and expression through public institutions as well,
if we are letting LGBT and health care beliefs get established despite Constitutional limits against govt used this way!
One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
/—-/ It demands the Gubmint stay out of religion not that religion stay out of Gubmint

The government is forbidden as an entity from endorsing any particular religion. However, government officials do not lose their individual 1st Amendment rights of free expression simply because they serve said government.
You brought it up with your Muslim bullshit...moron!
Yes, because it's a religion, that's widely practiced in America, just like Christianity.

Which is what this thread is about.

But you're too dumb to understand this.

I have no problemo with the muslims. I recognize they are officially required to hate me, but I don't think its really in their hearts. I've bought incense and final call newspapers from them, and never really got bad vibes from them.

However, America is a Christian country. No doubt about it. Christopher Columbus planted the cross on American soil claiming the continents for Christ. A fresco depicting Christopher Columbus planting the cross in the New World.

But Columbus did not have the right to do squat.

The U.S. is not a "Christian country." We have never had an official religion. It was designed that way.
One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
We already do. That terrorist in Minnesota wears Muslim garb with the specific intent of reflecting her commitment to Islam while representing the people of her district to the US Congress.
You tell her to remove it while she’s on the clock.

So you are saying that no one can wear religiously-inspired jewelry, lapel pins, or headgear while "on the clock"? What happened to the "religious freedom" thing?

Hey Lysistrata
If Obama and half of Congress can vote in their political BELIEF that health care is a right
and supercede Constitutional beliefs that an Amendment ratified by States is required first,
then anything goes.

Anyone if they bully and insist hard enough can argue for their right to express their beliefs,
the same as Trump and Cortez, regardless if this violates the equal beliefs of others under the Constitution.

Anything goes these days thanks to the liberals and media
who will push health care beliefs, LGBT beliefs, etc. through govt.

Even penalizing business owners for not supporting LGBT practices
that violate their beliefs.

Why can't Christians demand the same protection
as LGBT and be included in Govt if they can?

The fight to include LGBT beliefs equally in public policy opens the door for Right to Life and Christian beliefs to demand equal inclusion and expression through public institutions as well,
if we are letting LGBT and health care beliefs get established despite Constitutional limits against govt used this way!
You brought it up with your Muslim bullshit...moron!
Yes, because it's a religion, that's widely practiced in America, just like Christianity.

Which is what this thread is about.

But you're too dumb to understand this.

I have no problemo with the muslims. I recognize they are officially required to hate me, but I don't think its really in their hearts. I've bought incense and final call newspapers from them, and never really got bad vibes from them.

However, America is a Christian country. No doubt about it. Christopher Columbus planted the cross on American soil claiming the continents for Christ. A fresco depicting Christopher Columbus planting the cross in the New World.

But Columbus did not have the right to do squat.

The U.S. is not a "Christian country."

Indeed, but it is overwhelmingly a nation of Christians.
One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
We already do. That terrorist in Minnesota wears Muslim garb with the specific intent of reflecting her commitment to Islam while representing the people of her district to the US Congress.
You tell her to remove it while she’s on the clock.

So you are saying that no one can wear religiously-inspired jewelry, lapel pins, or headgear while "on the clock"? What happened to the "religious freedom" thing?

Hey Lysistrata
If Obama and half of Congress can vote in their political BELIEF that health care is a right
and supercede Constitutional beliefs that an Amendment ratified by States is required first,
then anything goes.

Anyone if they bully and insist hard enough can argue for their right to express their beliefs,
the same as Trump and Cortez, regardless if this violates the equal beliefs of others under the Constitution.

Anything goes these days thanks to the liberals and media
who will push health care beliefs, LGBT beliefs, etc. through govt.

Even penalizing business owners for not supporting LGBT practices
that violate their beliefs.

Why can't Christians demand the same protection
as LGBT and be included in Govt if they can?

The fight to include LGBT beliefs equally in public policy opens the door for Right to Life and Christian beliefs to demand equal inclusion and expression through public institutions as well,
if we are letting LGBT and health care beliefs get established despite Constitutional limits against govt used this way!

You are deliberately misusing the word "belief." There is no such thing as a "health care belief" or an "LGBT belief." Do you have a "belief" about repairing the potholes on Main Street? You are very confused.
You brought it up with your Muslim bullshit...moron!
Yes, because it's a religion, that's widely practiced in America, just like Christianity.

Which is what this thread is about.

But you're too dumb to understand this.

I have no problemo with the muslims. I recognize they are officially required to hate me, but I don't think its really in their hearts. I've bought incense and final call newspapers from them, and never really got bad vibes from them.

However, America is a Christian country. No doubt about it. Christopher Columbus planted the cross on American soil claiming the continents for Christ. A fresco depicting Christopher Columbus planting the cross in the New World.

But Columbus did not have the right to do squat.

The U.S. is not a "Christian country." We have never had an official religion. It was designed that way.
One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
We already do. That terrorist in Minnesota wears Muslim garb with the specific intent of reflecting her commitment to Islam while representing the people of her district to the US Congress.
You tell her to remove it while she’s on the clock.

So you are saying that no one can wear religiously-inspired jewelry, lapel pins, or headgear while "on the clock"? What happened to the "religious freedom" thing?

Hey Lysistrata
If Obama and half of Congress can vote in their political BELIEF that health care is a right
and supercede Constitutional beliefs that an Amendment ratified by States is required first,
then anything goes.

Anyone if they bully and insist hard enough can argue for their right to express their beliefs,
the same as Trump and Cortez, regardless if this violates the equal beliefs of others under the Constitution.

Anything goes these days thanks to the liberals and media
who will push health care beliefs, LGBT beliefs, etc. through govt.

Even penalizing business owners for not supporting LGBT practices
that violate their beliefs.

Why can't Christians demand the same protection
as LGBT and be included in Govt if they can?

The fight to include LGBT beliefs equally in public policy opens the door for Right to Life and Christian beliefs to demand equal inclusion and expression through public institutions as well,
if we are letting LGBT and health care beliefs get established despite Constitutional limits against govt used this way!

Fair enough, but this is about the libs trying to press the government into being antagonistic toward people practicing their religion. Not making Christianity "official".
One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
We already do. That terrorist in Minnesota wears Muslim garb with the specific intent of reflecting her commitment to Islam while representing the people of her district to the US Congress.
You tell her to remove it while she’s on the clock.

So you are saying that no one can wear religiously-inspired jewelry, lapel pins, or headgear while "on the clock"? What happened to the "religious freedom" thing?

Hey Lysistrata
If Obama and half of Congress can vote in their political BELIEF that health care is a right
and supercede Constitutional beliefs that an Amendment ratified by States is required first,
then anything goes.

Anyone if they bully and insist hard enough can argue for their right to express their beliefs,
the same as Trump and Cortez, regardless if this violates the equal beliefs of others under the Constitution.

Anything goes these days thanks to the liberals and media
who will push health care beliefs, LGBT beliefs, etc. through govt.

Even penalizing business owners for not supporting LGBT practices
that violate their beliefs.

Why can't Christians demand the same protection
as LGBT and be included in Govt if they can?

The fight to include LGBT beliefs equally in public policy opens the door for Right to Life and Christian beliefs to demand equal inclusion and expression through public institutions as well,
if we are letting LGBT and health care beliefs get established despite Constitutional limits against govt used this way!

You are deliberately misusing the word "belief." There is no such thing as a "health care belief" or an "LGBT belief." Do you have a "belief" about repairing the potholes on Main Street? You are very confused.

Belief in Governmental Health Care and Gay Marriage are parts of the Religious Left policy they seek to impose on us as part of a liberal theocracy.

Look at websites of Jim Wallis or other religious left hierarchs and you'll see their doctrines.
You brought it up with your Muslim bullshit...moron!
Yes, because it's a religion, that's widely practiced in America, just like Christianity.

Which is what this thread is about.

But you're too dumb to understand this.

I have no problemo with the muslims. I recognize they are officially required to hate me, but I don't think its really in their hearts. I've bought incense and final call newspapers from them, and never really got bad vibes from them.

However, America is a Christian country. No doubt about it. Christopher Columbus planted the cross on American soil claiming the continents for Christ. A fresco depicting Christopher Columbus planting the cross in the New World.

But Columbus did not have the right to do squat.

The U.S. is not a "Christian country."

Indeed, but it is overwhelmingly a nation of Christians.

Of those who identify as Christians, there is a very wide variety of beliefs and practices. In 2016, did you choose a non-observant Presbyterian over a fairly active Methodist? You can't just say "Christian" anymore. There are too many variations.
/—-/ It demands the Gubmint stay out of religion not that religion stay out of Gubmint
That's your interpretation.

That said.

Based on your interpretation, do you want Muslim practices, symbols conducted and/or seen on government buildings, properties, etc.?
/—-/ No dumbazz. The Constitution puts limits on government not on citizens. So once again, it demands Gubmint stay out of religion not that religion stay out of Gubmint.
Last edited:
You brought it up with your Muslim bullshit...moron!
Yes, because it's a religion, that's widely practiced in America, just like Christianity.

Which is what this thread is about.

But you're too dumb to understand this.

I have no problemo with the muslims. I recognize they are officially required to hate me, but I don't think its really in their hearts. I've bought incense and final call newspapers from them, and never really got bad vibes from them.

However, America is a Christian country. No doubt about it. Christopher Columbus planted the cross on American soil claiming the continents for Christ. A fresco depicting Christopher Columbus planting the cross in the New World.

But Columbus did not have the right to do squat.

The U.S. is not a "Christian country."

Indeed, but it is overwhelmingly a nation of Christians.

Of those who identify as Christians, there is a very wide variety of beliefs and practices. In 2016, did you choose a non-observant Presbyterian over a fairly active Methodist? You can't just say "Christian" anymore. There are too many variations.

Maybe you can't.

There have been variations throughout the history of Christianity, yet they all call themselves Christian, and are recorded as such.

Frankly, it's not your call to make.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
We already do. That terrorist in Minnesota wears Muslim garb with the specific intent of reflecting her commitment to Islam while representing the people of her district to the US Congress.
You tell her to remove it while she’s on the clock.

So you are saying that no one can wear religiously-inspired jewelry, lapel pins, or headgear while "on the clock"? What happened to the "religious freedom" thing?

Hey Lysistrata
If Obama and half of Congress can vote in their political BELIEF that health care is a right
and supercede Constitutional beliefs that an Amendment ratified by States is required first,
then anything goes.

Anyone if they bully and insist hard enough can argue for their right to express their beliefs,
the same as Trump and Cortez, regardless if this violates the equal beliefs of others under the Constitution.

Anything goes these days thanks to the liberals and media
who will push health care beliefs, LGBT beliefs, etc. through govt.

Even penalizing business owners for not supporting LGBT practices
that violate their beliefs.

Why can't Christians demand the same protection
as LGBT and be included in Govt if they can?

The fight to include LGBT beliefs equally in public policy opens the door for Right to Life and Christian beliefs to demand equal inclusion and expression through public institutions as well,
if we are letting LGBT and health care beliefs get established despite Constitutional limits against govt used this way!

You are deliberately misusing the word "belief." There is no such thing as a "health care belief" or an "LGBT belief." Do you have a "belief" about repairing the potholes on Main Street? You are very confused.

Belief in Governmental Health Care and Gay Marriage are parts of the Religious Left policy they seek to impose on us as part of a liberal theocracy.

Look at websites of Jim Wallis or other religious left hierarchs and you'll see their doctrines.

What theocracy? The two issues that you mention are matters of public policy and civil law that pertain to society generally. What is being "imposed" on you? You can choose whatever healthcare you want and you can choose not to marry someone of your own gender.

You are complaining of "theocracy" when it is you who is demanding that all public policy be shaped according to your specific "doctrines."
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
We already do. That terrorist in Minnesota wears Muslim garb with the specific intent of reflecting her commitment to Islam while representing the people of her district to the US Congress.
You tell her to remove it while she’s on the clock.

Members of Congress are government buildings, are they? :lol:
Yes. In their official representation.

As representatives they are government buildings. :rofl:

So Mitch McConnell is a government building?

This thread is getting amusing. The right-wingers are arguing both for and against religious expression in government buildings, sometimes in the same paragraph.I take it that the Sargeant at Arms is supposed to collect all religious regalia before allowing a member of Congress to enter, hijabs go in one drawer, yarmulkes in another, the cross necklaces in another, along with the lapel pins. Sheesh.

This thread is about the appropriateness of a permanent installation of a sectarian religious symbol on a government building, not wearing apparel.

It seems that, according to RoshawnMarkwees, McConnell IS a government building. All our representatives are, apparently. :lol:

Actually saying that representatives are government buildings is a new one for me, but I can't get over how funny it is! :D

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