Texas Officials Illuminate Crosses After Atheists’ Call for Removal

Supreme Court
United Trinity Church vs United States
Opinion rendered by Judge Brewer

If we examine the constitutions of the various states, we find in them a constant recognition of religious obligations. Every constitution of every one of the 44 states contains language which, either directly or by clear implication, recognizes a profound reverence for religion, and an assumption that its influence in all human affairs is essential to the well-being of the community. This recognition may be in the preamble, such as is found in the constitution of Illinois, 1870: "We, the people of the state of Illinois, grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political, and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing upon our endeavors to secure and transmit the same unimpaired to succeeding generations," etc....

...If we pass beyond these matters to a view of American life, as expressed by its laws, its business, its customs, and its society, we find everywhere a clear recognition of the same truth. Among other matters note the following: The form of oath universally prevailing, concluding with an appeal to the Almighty; the custom of opening sessions of all deliberative bodies and most conventions with prayer; the prefatory words of all wills, "In the name of God, amen;" the laws respecting the observance of the Sabbath, with the general cessation of all secular business, and the closing of courts, legislatures, and other similar public assemblies on that day; the churches and church organizations which abound in every city, town, and hamlet; the multitude of charitable organizations existing everywhere under Christian auspices; the gigantic missionary associations, with general support, and aiming to establish Christian missions in every quarter of the globe. These and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation. In the face of all these, shall it be believed that a congress of the United States intended to make it a misdemeanor for a church of this country to contract for the services of a Christian minister residing in another nation?

[143 U.S. 457, 472] Suppose, in the congress that passed this act, some member had offered a bill which in terms declared that, if any Roman Catholic church in this country should contract with Cardinal Manning to come to this country, and enter into its service as pastor and priest, or any Episcopal church should enter into a like contract with Canon Farrar, or any Baptist church should make similar arrangements with Rev. Mr. Spurgeon, or any Jewish synagogue with some eminent rabbi, such contract should be adjudged unlawful and void, and the church making it be subject to prosecution and punishment. Can it be believed that it would have received a minute of approving thought or a single vote? Yet it is contended that such was, in effect, the meaning of this statute. The construction invoked cannot be accepted as correct. It is a case where there was presented a definite evil, in view of which the legislature used general terms with the purpose of reaching all phases of that evil; and thereafter, unexpectedly, it is developed that the general language thus employed is broad enough to reach cases and acts which the whole history and life of the country affirm could not have been intentionally legislated against. It is the duty of the courts, under those circumstances, to say that, however {517} broad the language of the statute may be, the act, although within the letter, is not with the intention of the legislature, and therefore cannot be within the statute.
Holy Trinity Church v. U.S. (1892)
One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Where? Text please.
Don't live somewhere where authorities believe in magic and witchcraft and shit

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

Or do. Either way, you won't be missed.

A courthouse is supposed to be neutral territory open to all. This display shows the sick mindset of these people in Texas who call themselves "Christians", but apparently have no loyalty to their country. They are trying to trash both the Christian faith and American values at the same time.

This demonstrates what I have long suspected these dirty cults have been up to.

If tolerance means that Christians have to hide their culture and heritage,

then everything said about "tolerance", "diversity" and "Multiculturalism" has been a lie.
Not even religious in any sense, yet I find Atheists to generally be douches.
A courthouse is supposed to be neutral territory open to all. This display shows the sick mindset of these people in Texas who call themselves "Christians", but apparently have no loyalty to their country. They are trying to trash both the Christian faith and American values at the same time.

This demonstrates what I have long suspected these dirty cults have been up to.

If tolerance means that Christians have to hide their culture and heritage,

then everything said about "tolerance", "diversity" and "Multiculturalism" has been a lie.

Nobody is asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage." You are greatly exaggerating. And this situation has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. Just the opposite.

The people who put up this cross did so to be rude. They know the rules. They are abusing a religious symbol. You can have a service on public property, but you have to take everything with you when you leave. We had Easter sunrise service at the village band shell every year when I was growing up, but we left nothing behind. The same applied to other religions.

What is the purpose of this sudden craze among some Christians of "decorating" courthouses, anyhow? They make Christians look like a bunch of jerks.
A courthouse is supposed to be neutral territory open to all. This display shows the sick mindset of these people in Texas who call themselves "Christians", but apparently have no loyalty to their country. They are trying to trash both the Christian faith and American values at the same time.

This demonstrates what I have long suspected these dirty cults have been up to.

If tolerance means that Christians have to hide their culture and heritage,

then everything said about "tolerance", "diversity" and "Multiculturalism" has been a lie.

Nobody is asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage." You are greatly exaggerating. And this situation has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. Just the opposite.

The people who put up this cross did so to be rude. They know the rules. They are abusing a religious symbol. You can have a service on public property, but you have to take everything with you when you leave. We had Easter sunrise service at the village band shell every year when I was growing up, but we left nothing behind. The same applied to other religions.

What is the purpose of this sudden craze among some Christians of "decorating" courthouses, anyhow? They make Christians look like a bunch of jerks.

No American government, federal or state, has any legal authority to limit, adjust or otherwise modify the "free expression" clause of the 1st Amendment short of a ratified modifying amendment.
A courthouse is supposed to be neutral territory open to all. This display shows the sick mindset of these people in Texas who call themselves "Christians", but apparently have no loyalty to their country. They are trying to trash both the Christian faith and American values at the same time.

This demonstrates what I have long suspected these dirty cults have been up to.

If tolerance means that Christians have to hide their culture and heritage,

then everything said about "tolerance", "diversity" and "Multiculturalism" has been a lie.

Nobody is asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage." You are greatly exaggerating. And this situation has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. Just the opposite.

The people who put up this cross did so to be rude. They know the rules. They are abusing a religious symbol. You can have a service on public property, but you have to take everything with you when you leave. We had Easter sunrise service at the village band shell every year when I was growing up, but we left nothing behind. The same applied to other religions.

What is the purpose of this sudden craze among some Christians of "decorating" courthouses, anyhow? They make Christians look like a bunch of jerks.
/——/ Christianity is under attack. This is how we fight back vs. Muslims who chop peoples heads off for the slightest offense.
Self-proclaimed conservatives cheering on more anti-constitutional stuff once again.

Not surprised.
You don't understand the issue. Not surprised.

The US has no state preferred religion and the retention of crosses as a cultural and historic relic is perfectly legal and acceptable. Sorry you got triggered.
One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
We already do. That terrorist in Minnesota wears Muslim garb with the specific intent of reflecting her commitment to Islam while representing the people of her district to the US Congress.
You tell her to remove it while she’s on the clock.

Members of Congress are government buildings, are they? :lol:
Yes. In their official representation.

As representatives they are government buildings. :rofl:
Don't mess with Texas.

Perhaps the left would have been happier if the atheists would have just burned the thing to the ground like in Louisiana? They were oddly quiet on those 3 incidents.
A courthouse is supposed to be neutral territory open to all. This display shows the sick mindset of these people in Texas who call themselves "Christians", but apparently have no loyalty to their country. They are trying to trash both the Christian faith and American values at the same time.

This demonstrates what I have long suspected these dirty cults have been up to.

If tolerance means that Christians have to hide their culture and heritage,

then everything said about "tolerance", "diversity" and "Multiculturalism" has been a lie.

Nobody is asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage." You are greatly exaggerating. And this situation has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. Just the opposite.

The people who put up this cross did so to be rude. They know the rules. They are abusing a religious symbol. You can have a service on public property, but you have to take everything with you when you leave. We had Easter sunrise service at the village band shell every year when I was growing up, but we left nothing behind. The same applied to other religions.

What is the purpose of this sudden craze among some Christians of "decorating" courthouses, anyhow? They make Christians look like a bunch of jerks.

No American government, federal or state, has any legal authority to limit, adjust or otherwise modify the "free expression" clause of the 1st Amendment short of a ratified modifying amendment.

This isn't about First Amendment freedom of speech. The government may impose restrictions on the time, place, and manner of speech, but government at all levels is supposed to remain religiously neutral.

There is enough tax-exempt real estate out there if someone wants to put up a religious symbol.
GOD BLESS TEXAS!!!!! It matters who we elect...Nice job Texas! More people should fight back - take a stand - like that


COLDSPRING, TX – Elected officials in an East Texas community defiantly illuminated the crosses on their courthouse after an atheist organization told them to take them down. The move came after the county judge and commissioners voted unanimously to keep the four crosses on the county building.

Breitbart News reported that the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) complained to San Jacinto County public officials about the prominent display of the “Latin cross[es].” The self-described “state/church watchdog” claims it has over 30,000 members.

The foundation issued an “Action Alert” to its supporters on May 7th saying, “A concerned Coldspring resident reported to FFRF that San Jacinto County has the crosses up all year round and even lights the crosses during the holiday season.” The organization that calls itself a “nonprophet nonprofit” asked members to “Tell San Jacinto commissioners to remove courthouse crosses.”

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...
So....they are putting everyone on notice that unless you are a so-called christian, you cannot get a fair legal shake at their courts.
GOD BLESS TEXAS!!!!! It matters who we elect...Nice job Texas! More people should fight back - take a stand - like that


COLDSPRING, TX – Elected officials in an East Texas community defiantly illuminated the crosses on their courthouse after an atheist organization told them to take them down. The move came after the county judge and commissioners voted unanimously to keep the four crosses on the county building.

Breitbart News reported that the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) complained to San Jacinto County public officials about the prominent display of the “Latin cross[es].” The self-described “state/church watchdog” claims it has over 30,000 members.

The foundation issued an “Action Alert” to its supporters on May 7th saying, “A concerned Coldspring resident reported to FFRF that San Jacinto County has the crosses up all year round and even lights the crosses during the holiday season.” The organization that calls itself a “nonprophet nonprofit” asked members to “Tell San Jacinto commissioners to remove courthouse crosses.”

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...
Yeah...at last they're fighting back against oppression and marginalisation of Christians!!!

On a completely unrelated note...I really enjoyed my federal Easter holidays this year
So you liked all those pagan symbols......eggs, bunnies, etc.
A courthouse is supposed to be neutral territory open to all. This display shows the sick mindset of these people in Texas who call themselves "Christians", but apparently have no loyalty to their country. They are trying to trash both the Christian faith and American values at the same time.

This demonstrates what I have long suspected these dirty cults have been up to.

If tolerance means that Christians have to hide their culture and heritage,

then everything said about "tolerance", "diversity" and "Multiculturalism" has been a lie.

Nobody is asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage." You are greatly exaggerating. And this situation has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. Just the opposite.

The people who put up this cross did so to be rude. They know the rules. They are abusing a religious symbol. You can have a service on public property, but you have to take everything with you when you leave. We had Easter sunrise service at the village band shell every year when I was growing up, but we left nothing behind. The same applied to other religions.

What is the purpose of this sudden craze among some Christians of "decorating" courthouses, anyhow? They make Christians look like a bunch of jerks.

No American government, federal or state, has any legal authority to limit, adjust or otherwise modify the "free expression" clause of the 1st Amendment short of a ratified modifying amendment.

This isn't about First Amendment freedom of speech. The government may impose restrictions on the time, place, and manner of speech, but government at all levels is supposed to remain religiously neutral.

There is enough tax-exempt real estate out there if someone wants to put up a religious symbol.

No, it's about freedom of religious expression.

What does "Congress shall make no law" mean?

No, government is not to establish a religion.

Who paid for the building?
A courthouse is supposed to be neutral territory open to all. This display shows the sick mindset of these people in Texas who call themselves "Christians", but apparently have no loyalty to their country. They are trying to trash both the Christian faith and American values at the same time.

This demonstrates what I have long suspected these dirty cults have been up to.

If tolerance means that Christians have to hide their culture and heritage,

then everything said about "tolerance", "diversity" and "Multiculturalism" has been a lie.

Nobody is asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage." You are greatly exaggerating. And this situation has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. Just the opposite.

The people who put up this cross did so to be rude. They know the rules. They are abusing a religious symbol. You can have a service on public property, but you have to take everything with you when you leave. We had Easter sunrise service at the village band shell every year when I was growing up, but we left nothing behind. The same applied to other religions.

What is the purpose of this sudden craze among some Christians of "decorating" courthouses, anyhow? They make Christians look like a bunch of jerks.
This is funny. The response is, "you are greatly exaggerating their motive", and then go on to "greatly exaggerate the motive of others."

The whole point is that there are NO RULES prohibiting this and it is simply the reaction of the butt-hurt to having their intolerance thwarted.
One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
We already do. That terrorist in Minnesota wears Muslim garb with the specific intent of reflecting her commitment to Islam while representing the people of her district to the US Congress.
You tell her to remove it while she’s on the clock.

Members of Congress are government buildings, are they? :lol:
Yes. In their official representation.

As representatives they are government buildings. :rofl:
/—-/ You don’t have to be Christian to enter the building and do business unlike the old UK where you had to be a member of the Church of England in good standing for recognition in court or to get a job with the government.
One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
/—-/ It demands the Gubmint stay out of religion not that religion stay out of Gubmint

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