Texas Officials Illuminate Crosses After Atheists’ Call for Removal

A courthouse is supposed to be neutral territory open to all. This display shows the sick mindset of these people in Texas who call themselves "Christians", but apparently have no loyalty to their country. They are trying to trash both the Christian faith and American values at the same time.

This demonstrates what I have long suspected these dirty cults have been up to.

If tolerance means that Christians have to hide their culture and heritage,

then everything said about "tolerance", "diversity" and "Multiculturalism" has been a lie.

Nobody is asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage." You are greatly exaggerating. And this situation has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. Just the opposite.

The people who put up this cross did so to be rude. They know the rules. They are abusing a religious symbol. You can have a service on public property, but you have to take everything with you when you leave. We had Easter sunrise service at the village band shell every year when I was growing up, but we left nothing behind. The same applied to other religions.

What is the purpose of this sudden craze among some Christians of "decorating" courthouses, anyhow? They make Christians look like a bunch of jerks.

No American government, federal or state, has any legal authority to limit, adjust or otherwise modify the "free expression" clause of the 1st Amendment short of a ratified modifying amendment.

This isn't about First Amendment freedom of speech. The government may impose restrictions on the time, place, and manner of speech, but government at all levels is supposed to remain religiously neutral.

There is enough tax-exempt real estate out there if someone wants to put up a religious symbol.

You say that now, but in a year or two, when the issue is that tax exemption, you will be saying that giving them the tax exemption is a violation of Church and state, and want to take it away.

And then the next time some anti-Christian bigot comes up with bullshit reason that what the Christians are doing, is bad,

you will be right there agreeing no matter how silly.

And the time after that, ect ect ect.

Because you are a bigot.
A courthouse is supposed to be neutral territory open to all. This display shows the sick mindset of these people in Texas who call themselves "Christians", but apparently have no loyalty to their country. They are trying to trash both the Christian faith and American values at the same time.

This demonstrates what I have long suspected these dirty cults have been up to.

If tolerance means that Christians have to hide their culture and heritage,

then everything said about "tolerance", "diversity" and "Multiculturalism" has been a lie.

Nobody is asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage." You are greatly exaggerating. And this situation has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. Just the opposite.

The people who put up this cross did so to be rude. They know the rules. They are abusing a religious symbol. You can have a service on public property, but you have to take everything with you when you leave. We had Easter sunrise service at the village band shell every year when I was growing up, but we left nothing behind. The same applied to other religions.

What is the purpose of this sudden craze among some Christians of "decorating" courthouses, anyhow? They make Christians look like a bunch of jerks.

When you lefties are offended and push against any display of Christian culture or heritage in the public square, which you do,

then you are indeed asking Christians to hide their culture and heritage.

You misrepresent what I said. Why do you use a political term, "leftist," in a discussion that is not about politics?

What is this nonsense about asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage" in the public square? People do it daily.

What I said, clearly, is that people may wear what they wish, but there should be no PERMANENT sectarian monuments put up.

There still has been no cogent explanation for why these people do what they do. The show-boating is gross, even if it were legal. Why reduce important religious symbols to the status of graffiti? What does this accomplish?
That is a state courthouse, not a Federal court building; state govts. have every right to put Christian symbols anywhere they want. The 'Establishment' clause was aimed at restricting the Federal govt. from establishing a national religious sect, i.e. as in Anglican, Presbyterian, etc., as would be expected from an assembly that would have to get colonies formed by different religious sects to agree to form a union. The states themselves were not bound by the Establishment clause, and several had established religions, complete with taxing powers, mostly for paying for public schools. The last state to dis-establish its state sect was Massachusetts, around 1834; like the others who gradually dis-established theirs, it was the change in state demographics that led to their dis-establishment, not some Supreme Court ruling, and dis-establishment of a sect is not even remotely the same as banning Christian symbols in general, as is claimed by assorted deviant vermin and dope-addled idiots.

In fact, if you want to ban Christianity from our laws, you would have to do away with the Constitution and laws in general, particularly the 'Establishment' clause, which comes directly from the founding platforms of the Baptist sect, an Evul Fundie Evangelical sect.. Ironic isn't it ... lol
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One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
We already do. That terrorist in Minnesota wears Muslim garb with the specific intent of reflecting her commitment to Islam while representing the people of her district to the US Congress.
You tell her to remove it while she’s on the clock.

So you are saying that no one can wear religiously-inspired jewelry, lapel pins, or headgear while "on the clock"? What happened to the "religious freedom" thing?
I didn’t say she couldn’t. I pointed out the parallel to those who think that’s ok but a Christian display isn’t. See?

You are totally misrepresenting the point, which is that sectarian religious displays should not be on or in public governmental buildings that are used by all, see?

If it is a government-ordered restriction, it constitutes "prohibiting the free exercise thereof", and is unconstitutional. Now what?
A courthouse is supposed to be neutral territory open to all. This display shows the sick mindset of these people in Texas who call themselves "Christians", but apparently have no loyalty to their country. They are trying to trash both the Christian faith and American values at the same time.

This demonstrates what I have long suspected these dirty cults have been up to.

If tolerance means that Christians have to hide their culture and heritage,

then everything said about "tolerance", "diversity" and "Multiculturalism" has been a lie.

Nobody is asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage." You are greatly exaggerating. And this situation has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. Just the opposite.

The people who put up this cross did so to be rude. They know the rules. They are abusing a religious symbol. You can have a service on public property, but you have to take everything with you when you leave. We had Easter sunrise service at the village band shell every year when I was growing up, but we left nothing behind. The same applied to other religions.

What is the purpose of this sudden craze among some Christians of "decorating" courthouses, anyhow? They make Christians look like a bunch of jerks.

When you lefties are offended and push against any display of Christian culture or heritage in the public square, which you do,

then you are indeed asking Christians to hide their culture and heritage.

You misrepresent what I said. Why do you use a political term, "leftist," in a discussion that is not about politics?

What is this nonsense about asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage" in the public square? People do it daily.

What I said, clearly, is that people may wear what they wish, but there should be no PERMANENT sectarian monuments put up.

There still has been no cogent explanation for why these people do what they do. The show-boating is gross, even if it were legal. Why reduce important religious symbols to the status of graffiti? What does this accomplish?

1. It is incredibly dishonest of you to pretend this is not a political issue. We will keep in mind that you are dishonest for the rest of this thread.

2. I have addressed your claim that this is not asking people to hide their culture and heritage. That you just restate your position without addressing my rebuttal is dishonest and cowardly of you. My point stands.

3. Culture and heritage is not limited to what people wear. That is more dishonestly from you, about what is going on here and your lib intentions.

4. Our entire system of right and wrong, is based heavily upon the religion(s) that have been a central part of our civilization for thousands of years. It is insanely dishonest of you to pretend to not understand why some symbols of that might be put on a courthouse.

5. It is legal.

6. Your pretense that you care about the respect show to religious symbols is a laughable lie. Stop lying.
A courthouse is supposed to be neutral territory open to all. This display shows the sick mindset of these people in Texas who call themselves "Christians", but apparently have no loyalty to their country. They are trying to trash both the Christian faith and American values at the same time.

This demonstrates what I have long suspected these dirty cults have been up to.

If tolerance means that Christians have to hide their culture and heritage,

then everything said about "tolerance", "diversity" and "Multiculturalism" has been a lie.

Nobody is asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage." You are greatly exaggerating. And this situation has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. Just the opposite.

The people who put up this cross did so to be rude. They know the rules. They are abusing a religious symbol. You can have a service on public property, but you have to take everything with you when you leave. We had Easter sunrise service at the village band shell every year when I was growing up, but we left nothing behind. The same applied to other religions.

What is the purpose of this sudden craze among some Christians of "decorating" courthouses, anyhow? They make Christians look like a bunch of jerks.

When you lefties are offended and push against any display of Christian culture or heritage in the public square, which you do,

then you are indeed asking Christians to hide their culture and heritage.

You misrepresent what I said. Why do you use a political term, "leftist," in a discussion that is not about politics?

What is this nonsense about asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage" in the public square? People do it daily.

What I said, clearly, is that people may wear what they wish, but there should be no PERMANENT sectarian monuments put up.

There still has been no cogent explanation for why these people do what they do. The show-boating is gross, even if it were legal. Why reduce important religious symbols to the status of graffiti? What does this accomplish?

1. It is incredibly dishonest of you to pretend this is not a political issue. We will keep in mind that you are dishonest for the rest of this thread.

2. I have addressed your claim that this is not asking people to hide their culture and heritage. That you just restate your position without addressing my rebuttal is dishonest and cowardly of you. My point stands.

3. Culture and heritage is not limited to what people wear. That is more dishonestly from you, about what is going on here and your lib intentions.

4. Our entire system of right and wrong, is based heavily upon the religion(s) that have been a central part of our civilization for thousands of years. It is insanely dishonest of you to pretend to not understand why some symbols of that might be put on a courthouse.

5. It is legal.

6. Your pretense that you care about the respect show to religious symbols is a laughable lie. Stop lying.

I have not been dishonest, but you have.

You have not explained at any time why prohibiting the installation of permanent sectarian monuments amounts to telling people to "hide their culture and heritage." Moreover, no one is interfering with people exhibiting their particular culture and heritage, so long as it is not permanently expressed on government property.

It is not "dishonest" of me to oppose the installation of permanent monuments on public buildings, no matter what some people's "religion" are.

You continue to defend these unidentified persons who are responsible without even being able t3o explain what their motive is. They are just spoiled, grandstanding asses trying to start something. Attention whores, basically.

[The overstrike is do to a computer flaw.
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One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
We already do. That terrorist in Minnesota wears Muslim garb with the specific intent of reflecting her commitment to Islam while representing the people of her district to the US Congress.
You tell her to remove it while she’s on the clock.

So you are saying that no one can wear religiously-inspired jewelry, lapel pins, or headgear while "on the clock"? What happened to the "religious freedom" thing?
I didn’t say she couldn’t. I pointed out the parallel to those who think that’s ok but a Christian display isn’t. See?

You are totally misrepresenting the point, which is that sectarian religious displays should not be on or in public governmental buildings that are used by all, see? This is a very limited concept. People put up religious displays all over the place. You can't deny that. Moreover, people can wear religious regalia in public buildings as long as it goes with them when they leave.

I do not know the motive behind this display. The people behind it have neither been identified nor spoken. This kind of thing is not required in the Christian faith, and this "decorate the courthouse" fad seems to be just some "king of the hill" game, which actually cheapens faith and makes Christians look like disrespectful, arrogant jerks.

But what do you care about Christians of any sort, anyway, given that your nasty crack in post #95 indicates that you do not have a belief system?
That court represents that district the same way a prominent Muslim congressman represents her district while wearing a Muslim uniform. It’s the same thing.
ACLU should make sure they appeal all decisions made at that courthouse against anyone not an obviously professing so-called christian on grounds of bias.
One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
There is no concept of "separation of church and state" in the Constitution. It was invented by a democrat former KKK member appointed to the Supreme Court by FDR. Democrats have been expanding on the fake issue since 1947 to the point that a drooling atheist can file a lawsuit to bulldoze a Korean War monument that offended him. Democrats have turned the 1st Amendment upside down.
That is a state courthouse, not a Federal court building; state govts. have every right to put Christian symbols anywhere they want. The 'Establishment' clause was aimed at restricting the Federal govt. from establishing a national religious sect, i.e. as in Anglican, Presbyterian, etc., as would be expected from an assembly that would have to get colonies formed by different religious sects to agree to form a union. The states themselves were not bound by the Establishment clause, and several had established religions, complete with taxing powers, mostly for paying for public schools. The last state to dis-establish its state sect was Massachusetts, around 1834; like the others who gradually dis-established theirs, it was the change in state demographics that led to their dis-establishment, not some Supreme Court ruling, and dis-establishment of a sect is not even remotely the same as banning Christian symbols in general, as is claimed by assorted deviant vermin and dope-addled idiots.

In fact, if you want to ban Christianity from our laws, you would have to do away with the Constitution and laws in general, particularly the 'Establishment' clause, which comes directly from the founding platforms of the Baptist sect, an Evul Fundie Evangelical sect.. Ironic isn't it ... lol

No religion has a central position in our laws, and therefore, cannot be banned. That is ridiculous.

References to history don't hold any weight as evidence. Those who were Christian in the colonies squabbled incessantly, sect against sect. The Anglicans and Baptists in Virginia were part of these squabbles, as well as the Puritans and Quakers in Massachusetts.

BTW: my perception of the Baptist religion is that it is now, and has been since colonial times, splintered. Martin Luther King Jr., Al Sharpton are ordained ministers in the Baptist faith. So is Franklin Graham. So was Jerry Falwel, Sr. (not sure about the junior)l.The Baptist faith has some notable adherents, such as Jimmy Carter. It's hard to know what is going on with Baptists.They have a very confusing history.
One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
There is no concept of "separation of church and state" in the Constitution. It was invented by a democrat former KKK member appointed to the Supreme Court by FDR. Democrats have been expanding on the fake issue since 1947 to the point that a drooling atheist can file a lawsuit to bulldoze a Korean War monument that offended him. Democrats have turned the 1st Amendment upside down.

What is this BS about the KKK member on the Supreme Court (I assume that you refer to Justice Hugo Black, who resigned from the KKK in 1925)? More fractured history on USMB.

Thomas Jefferson explained the concept of separation of church and state in his letter to Danbury Baptists dated Jan. 1, 1802, long before the KKK was founded.
The Constitution states a SEPARATION of church and state.

Do you want to see Muslim symbols on government buildings as well dumb dumb?
We already do. That terrorist in Minnesota wears Muslim garb with the specific intent of reflecting her commitment to Islam while representing the people of her district to the US Congress.
You tell her to remove it while she’s on the clock.

So you are saying that no one can wear religiously-inspired jewelry, lapel pins, or headgear while "on the clock"? What happened to the "religious freedom" thing?
I didn’t say she couldn’t. I pointed out the parallel to those who think that’s ok but a Christian display isn’t. See?

You are totally misrepresenting the point, which is that sectarian religious displays should not be on or in public governmental buildings that are used by all, see? This is a very limited concept. People put up religious displays all over the place. You can't deny that. Moreover, people can wear religious regalia in public buildings as long as it goes with them when they leave.

I do not know the motive behind this display. The people behind it have neither been identified nor spoken. This kind of thing is not required in the Christian faith, and this "decorate the courthouse" fad seems to be just some "king of the hill" game, which actually cheapens faith and makes Christians look like disrespectful, arrogant jerks.

But what do you care about Christians of any sort, anyway, given that your nasty crack in post #95 indicates that you do not have a belief system?
That court represents that district the same way a prominent Muslim congressman represents her district while wearing a Muslim uniform. It’s the same thing.

I am addressing the placement of a permanent monument to a sectarian group, not articles of religious-inspired clothing that leaves the building when the individual wearing it does. The two do not equate.

You must come from a very poor, ineffective educational system. There is no such thing as a "Muslim uniform." Wearing a hijab is optional, as is the wearing of a yarmulka.The Muslim women around here who choose to wear a hijab usually pair it with a pair of slacks or jeans, a sweater, and sneakers.

Where does your level of ignorance come from? This reminds me of the assholes who think that a Sikh wearing a turban is Muslim, even though the two religions have nothing to do with each other.
If tolerance means that Christians have to hide their culture and heritage,

then everything said about "tolerance", "diversity" and "Multiculturalism" has been a lie.

Nobody is asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage." You are greatly exaggerating. And this situation has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. Just the opposite.

The people who put up this cross did so to be rude. They know the rules. They are abusing a religious symbol. You can have a service on public property, but you have to take everything with you when you leave. We had Easter sunrise service at the village band shell every year when I was growing up, but we left nothing behind. The same applied to other religions.

What is the purpose of this sudden craze among some Christians of "decorating" courthouses, anyhow? They make Christians look like a bunch of jerks.

When you lefties are offended and push against any display of Christian culture or heritage in the public square, which you do,

then you are indeed asking Christians to hide their culture and heritage.

You misrepresent what I said. Why do you use a political term, "leftist," in a discussion that is not about politics?

What is this nonsense about asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage" in the public square? People do it daily.

What I said, clearly, is that people may wear what they wish, but there should be no PERMANENT sectarian monuments put up.

There still has been no cogent explanation for why these people do what they do. The show-boating is gross, even if it were legal. Why reduce important religious symbols to the status of graffiti? What does this accomplish?

1. It is incredibly dishonest of you to pretend this is not a political issue. We will keep in mind that you are dishonest for the rest of this thread.

2. I have addressed your claim that this is not asking people to hide their culture and heritage. That you just restate your position without addressing my rebuttal is dishonest and cowardly of you. My point stands.

3. Culture and heritage is not limited to what people wear. That is more dishonestly from you, about what is going on here and your lib intentions.

4. Our entire system of right and wrong, is based heavily upon the religion(s) that have been a central part of our civilization for thousands of years. It is insanely dishonest of you to pretend to not understand why some symbols of that might be put on a courthouse.

5. It is legal.

6. Your pretense that you care about the respect show to religious symbols is a laughable lie. Stop lying.

I have not been dishonest, but you have.

You have not explained at any time why prohibiting the installation of permanent sectarian monuments amounts to telling people to "hide their culture and heritage." Moreover, no one is interfering with people exhibiting their particular culture and heritage, so long as it is not permanently expressed on government property.

It is not "dishonest" of me to oppose the installation of permanent monuments on public buildings, no matter what some people's "religion" are.

You continue to defend these unidentified persons who are responsible without even being able t3o explain what their motive is. They are just spoiled, grandstanding asses trying to start something. Attention whores, basically.

[The overstrike is do to a computer flaw.

1. It is certainly dishonest of you to pretend this is not a political issue.

2. I have addressed your claim that this is not asking people to hide their culture and heritage. That you just restate your position without addressing my rebuttal is dishonest and cowardly of you. My point stands.

3. I did not accuse you of being dishonest for opposing the inclusion of Christian symbols on a public building. I explained each time I accused you of being dishonest. That you are confused about those accusations, is not credible. This is just a dishonest and cowardly deflection from you.

4. Our entire system of right and wrong, is based heavily upon the religion(s) that have been a central part of our civilization for thousands of years. It is insanely dishonest of you to pretend to not understand why some symbols of that might be put on a courthouse.
Nobody is asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage." You are greatly exaggerating. And this situation has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. Just the opposite.

The people who put up this cross did so to be rude. They know the rules. They are abusing a religious symbol. You can have a service on public property, but you have to take everything with you when you leave. We had Easter sunrise service at the village band shell every year when I was growing up, but we left nothing behind. The same applied to other religions.

What is the purpose of this sudden craze among some Christians of "decorating" courthouses, anyhow? They make Christians look like a bunch of jerks.

When you lefties are offended and push against any display of Christian culture or heritage in the public square, which you do,

then you are indeed asking Christians to hide their culture and heritage.

You misrepresent what I said. Why do you use a political term, "leftist," in a discussion that is not about politics?

What is this nonsense about asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage" in the public square? People do it daily.

What I said, clearly, is that people may wear what they wish, but there should be no PERMANENT sectarian monuments put up.

There still has been no cogent explanation for why these people do what they do. The show-boating is gross, even if it were legal. Why reduce important religious symbols to the status of graffiti? What does this accomplish?

1. It is incredibly dishonest of you to pretend this is not a political issue. We will keep in mind that you are dishonest for the rest of this thread.

2. I have addressed your claim that this is not asking people to hide their culture and heritage. That you just restate your position without addressing my rebuttal is dishonest and cowardly of you. My point stands.

3. Culture and heritage is not limited to what people wear. That is more dishonestly from you, about what is going on here and your lib intentions.

4. Our entire system of right and wrong, is based heavily upon the religion(s) that have been a central part of our civilization for thousands of years. It is insanely dishonest of you to pretend to not understand why some symbols of that might be put on a courthouse.

5. It is legal.

6. Your pretense that you care about the respect show to religious symbols is a laughable lie. Stop lying.

I have not been dishonest, but you have.

You have not explained at any time why prohibiting the installation of permanent sectarian monuments amounts to telling people to "hide their culture and heritage." Moreover, no one is interfering with people exhibiting their particular culture and heritage, so long as it is not permanently expressed on government property.

It is not "dishonest" of me to oppose the installation of permanent monuments on public buildings, no matter what some people's "religion" are.

You continue to defend these unidentified persons who are responsible without even being able t3o explain what their motive is. They are just spoiled, grandstanding asses trying to start something. Attention whores, basically.

[The overstrike is do to a computer flaw.

1. It is certainly dishonest of you to pretend this is not a political issue.

2. I have addressed your claim that this is not asking people to hide their culture and heritage. That you just restate your position without addressing my rebuttal is dishonest and cowardly of you. My point stands.

3. I did not accuse you of being dishonest for opposing the inclusion of Christian symbols on a public building. I explained each time I accused you of being dishonest. That you are confused about those accusations, is not credible. This is just a dishonest and cowardly deflection from you.

4. Our entire system of right and wrong, is based heavily upon the religion(s) that have been a central part of our civilization for thousands of years. It is insanely dishonest of you to pretend to not understand why some symbols of that might be put on a courthouse.

You have never even indicated that you know the meaning of the word "permanent." You have never explained why your sect can't erect your symbols on the enormous amount of property available to you. You have never explained how anyone is asking you to "hide your culture and heritage." You have never explained why your sect is doing this "decorate the courthouse" thing in the first place.

I'm old enough to remember when we all got along without it nicely, and all of a sudden these groups appear that don't want to play by the rules.What is wrong with them? They behave so arrogant and trashy. What are they trying to prove?
When you lefties are offended and push against any display of Christian culture or heritage in the public square, which you do,

then you are indeed asking Christians to hide their culture and heritage.

You misrepresent what I said. Why do you use a political term, "leftist," in a discussion that is not about politics?

What is this nonsense about asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage" in the public square? People do it daily.

What I said, clearly, is that people may wear what they wish, but there should be no PERMANENT sectarian monuments put up.

There still has been no cogent explanation for why these people do what they do. The show-boating is gross, even if it were legal. Why reduce important religious symbols to the status of graffiti? What does this accomplish?

1. It is incredibly dishonest of you to pretend this is not a political issue. We will keep in mind that you are dishonest for the rest of this thread.

2. I have addressed your claim that this is not asking people to hide their culture and heritage. That you just restate your position without addressing my rebuttal is dishonest and cowardly of you. My point stands.

3. Culture and heritage is not limited to what people wear. That is more dishonestly from you, about what is going on here and your lib intentions.

4. Our entire system of right and wrong, is based heavily upon the religion(s) that have been a central part of our civilization for thousands of years. It is insanely dishonest of you to pretend to not understand why some symbols of that might be put on a courthouse.

5. It is legal.

6. Your pretense that you care about the respect show to religious symbols is a laughable lie. Stop lying.

I have not been dishonest, but you have.

You have not explained at any time why prohibiting the installation of permanent sectarian monuments amounts to telling people to "hide their culture and heritage." Moreover, no one is interfering with people exhibiting their particular culture and heritage, so long as it is not permanently expressed on government property.

It is not "dishonest" of me to oppose the installation of permanent monuments on public buildings, no matter what some people's "religion" are.

You continue to defend these unidentified persons who are responsible without even being able t3o explain what their motive is. They are just spoiled, grandstanding asses trying to start something. Attention whores, basically.

[The overstrike is do to a computer flaw.

1. It is certainly dishonest of you to pretend this is not a political issue.

2. I have addressed your claim that this is not asking people to hide their culture and heritage. That you just restate your position without addressing my rebuttal is dishonest and cowardly of you. My point stands.

3. I did not accuse you of being dishonest for opposing the inclusion of Christian symbols on a public building. I explained each time I accused you of being dishonest. That you are confused about those accusations, is not credible. This is just a dishonest and cowardly deflection from you.

4. Our entire system of right and wrong, is based heavily upon the religion(s) that have been a central part of our civilization for thousands of years. It is insanely dishonest of you to pretend to not understand why some symbols of that might be put on a courthouse.

You have never even indicated that you know the meaning of the word "permanent."

Correct. That that building is permanent is irrelevant.

You have never explained why your sect can't erect your symbols on the enormous amount of property available to you.

Because we can. YOur desire for me to explain why we CAN'T, makes no sense.

You have never explained how anyone is asking you to "hide your culture and heritage."

Yes, I did, repeatedly.

You have never explained why your sect is doing this "decorate the courthouse" thing in the first place.

Yes, I did, repeatedly.

I'm old enough to remember when we all got along without it nicely, and all of a sudden these groups appear that don't want to play by the rules.What is wrong with them? They behave so arrogant and trashy. What are they trying to prove?

You people changed the rules, so that Christians who want to express themselves in the public square, are attacked for doing so.

Your expectation that they would just take that, was wrong.

You want a return to civility? Stop attacking your fellow Americans for bullshit reasons.
There is no concept of "separation of church and state" in the Constitution. It was invented by a democrat former KKK member appointed to the Supreme Court by FDR. Democrats have been expanding on the fake issue since 1947 to the point that a drooling atheist can file a lawsuit to bulldoze a Korean War monument that offended him. Democrats have turned the 1st Amendment upside down.
Not according to your beloved founding father, Thomas Jefferson, hack.

Separation of church and state in the United States - Wikipedia
Not according to your beloved founding father, Thomas Jefferson, hack.
Is Jefferson a racist slave master and therefor not entitled to any credibility or influence?
Or is his note to a friend justification for treating a cross in a building or square like Dracula treats a shaft of sun light (something we shrink away from in horror and loathing)?

Make up your mind: Jefferson is a repugnant swine not due any respect? Or is he so wise and wonderful that his private once mentioned opinion is something to be enshrined and turned into secular dogma?

Be careful how you answer.
You misrepresent what I said. Why do you use a political term, "leftist," in a discussion that is not about politics?

What is this nonsense about asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage" in the public square? People do it daily.

What I said, clearly, is that people may wear what they wish, but there should be no PERMANENT sectarian monuments put up.

There still has been no cogent explanation for why these people do what they do. The show-boating is gross, even if it were legal. Why reduce important religious symbols to the status of graffiti? What does this accomplish?

1. It is incredibly dishonest of you to pretend this is not a political issue. We will keep in mind that you are dishonest for the rest of this thread.

2. I have addressed your claim that this is not asking people to hide their culture and heritage. That you just restate your position without addressing my rebuttal is dishonest and cowardly of you. My point stands.

3. Culture and heritage is not limited to what people wear. That is more dishonestly from you, about what is going on here and your lib intentions.

4. Our entire system of right and wrong, is based heavily upon the religion(s) that have been a central part of our civilization for thousands of years. It is insanely dishonest of you to pretend to not understand why some symbols of that might be put on a courthouse.

5. It is legal.

6. Your pretense that you care about the respect show to religious symbols is a laughable lie. Stop lying.

I have not been dishonest, but you have.

You have not explained at any time why prohibiting the installation of permanent sectarian monuments amounts to telling people to "hide their culture and heritage." Moreover, no one is interfering with people exhibiting their particular culture and heritage, so long as it is not permanently expressed on government property.

It is not "dishonest" of me to oppose the installation of permanent monuments on public buildings, no matter what some people's "religion" are.

You continue to defend these unidentified persons who are responsible without even being able t3o explain what their motive is. They are just spoiled, grandstanding asses trying to start something. Attention whores, basically.

[The overstrike is do to a computer flaw.

1. It is certainly dishonest of you to pretend this is not a political issue.

2. I have addressed your claim that this is not asking people to hide their culture and heritage. That you just restate your position without addressing my rebuttal is dishonest and cowardly of you. My point stands.

3. I did not accuse you of being dishonest for opposing the inclusion of Christian symbols on a public building. I explained each time I accused you of being dishonest. That you are confused about those accusations, is not credible. This is just a dishonest and cowardly deflection from you.

4. Our entire system of right and wrong, is based heavily upon the religion(s) that have been a central part of our civilization for thousands of years. It is insanely dishonest of you to pretend to not understand why some symbols of that might be put on a courthouse.

You have never even indicated that you know the meaning of the word "permanent."

Correct. That that building is permanent is irrelevant.

You have never explained why your sect can't erect your symbols on the enormous amount of property available to you.

Because we can. YOur desire for me to explain why we CAN'T, makes no sense.

You have never explained how anyone is asking you to "hide your culture and heritage."

Yes, I did, repeatedly.

You have never explained why your sect is doing this "decorate the courthouse" thing in the first place.

Yes, I did, repeatedly.

I'm old enough to remember when we all got along without it nicely, and all of a sudden these groups appear that don't want to play by the rules.What is wrong with them? They behave so arrogant and trashy. What are they trying to prove?

You people changed the rules, so that Christians who want to express themselves in the public square, are attacked for doing so.

Your expectation that they would just take that, was wrong.

You want a return to civility? Stop attacking your fellow Americans for bullshit reasons.
You misrepresent what I said. Why do you use a political term, "leftist," in a discussion that is not about politics?

What is this nonsense about asking anyone to "hide their culture and heritage" in the public square? People do it daily.

What I said, clearly, is that people may wear what they wish, but there should be no PERMANENT sectarian monuments put up.

There still has been no cogent explanation for why these people do what they do. The show-boating is gross, even if it were legal. Why reduce important religious symbols to the status of graffiti? What does this accomplish?

1. It is incredibly dishonest of you to pretend this is not a political issue. We will keep in mind that you are dishonest for the rest of this thread.

2. I have addressed your claim that this is not asking people to hide their culture and heritage. That you just restate your position without addressing my rebuttal is dishonest and cowardly of you. My point stands.

3. Culture and heritage is not limited to what people wear. That is more dishonestly from you, about what is going on here and your lib intentions.

4. Our entire system of right and wrong, is based heavily upon the religion(s) that have been a central part of our civilization for thousands of years. It is insanely dishonest of you to pretend to not understand why some symbols of that might be put on a courthouse.

5. It is legal.

6. Your pretense that you care about the respect show to religious symbols is a laughable lie. Stop lying.

I have not been dishonest, but you have.

You have not explained at any time why prohibiting the installation of permanent sectarian monuments amounts to telling people to "hide their culture and heritage." Moreover, no one is interfering with people exhibiting their particular culture and heritage, so long as it is not permanently expressed on government property.

It is not "dishonest" of me to oppose the installation of permanent monuments on public buildings, no matter what some people's "religion" are.

You continue to defend these unidentified persons who are responsible without even being able t3o explain what their motive is. They are just spoiled, grandstanding asses trying to start something. Attention whores, basically.

[The overstrike is do to a computer flaw.

1. It is certainly dishonest of you to pretend this is not a political issue.

2. I have addressed your claim that this is not asking people to hide their culture and heritage. That you just restate your position without addressing my rebuttal is dishonest and cowardly of you. My point stands.

3. I did not accuse you of being dishonest for opposing the inclusion of Christian symbols on a public building. I explained each time I accused you of being dishonest. That you are confused about those accusations, is not credible. This is just a dishonest and cowardly deflection from you.

4. Our entire system of right and wrong, is based heavily upon the religion(s) that have been a central part of our civilization for thousands of years. It is insanely dishonest of you to pretend to not understand why some symbols of that might be put on a courthouse.

You have never even indicated that you know the meaning of the word "permanent."

Correct. That that building is permanent is irrelevant.

You have never explained why your sect can't erect your symbols on the enormous amount of property available to you.

Because we can. YOur desire for me to explain why we CAN'T, makes no sense.

You have never explained how anyone is asking you to "hide your culture and heritage."

Yes, I did, repeatedly.

You have never explained why your sect is doing this "decorate the courthouse" thing in the first place.

Yes, I did, repeatedly.

I'm old enough to remember when we all got along without it nicely, and all of a sudden these groups appear that don't want to play by the rules.What is wrong with them? They behave so arrogant and trashy. What are they trying to prove?

You people changed the rules, so that Christians who want to express themselves in the public square, are attacked for doing so.

Your expectation that they would just take that, was wrong.

You want a return to civility? Stop attacking your fellow Americans for bullshit reasons.

Why are you being such a jerk. I know damned well that the building is permanent. The religious sectarian religious symbol is not.. This discussion is about a building, not just "the public square." What is it that you can't express?

All the rules apply to everyone across the board, regardless of religion or sect. There is no singling out of Christians of any variety for any special prohibition.

Attacking people for being spoiled rotten, arrogant assholes in public is nowhere near attacking my fellow Americans "for bullshit reasons." What do you idiots actually mean to accomplish by leaving your stuff all over the place? All your cult shows is that its members are arrogant and vain. Why can't you folks act like normal people?
Is Jefferson a racist slave master and therefor not entitled to any credibility or influence?
Or is his note to a friend justification for treating a cross in a building or square like Dracula treats a shaft of sun light (something we shrink away from in horror and loathing)?

Make up your mind: Jefferson is a repugnant swine not due any respect? Or is he so wise and wonderful that his private once mentioned opinion is something to be enshrined and turned into secular dogma?

Be careful how you answer.
You dunce, I stated "YOUR beloved founding father." You really are a retard.


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Not according to your beloved founding father, Thomas Jefferson, hack.
Is Jefferson a racist slave master and therefor not entitled to any credibility or influence?
Or is his note to a friend justification for treating a cross in a building or square like Dracula treats a shaft of sun light (something we shrink away from in horror and loathing)?

Make up your mind: Jefferson is a repugnant swine not due any respect? Or is he so wise and wonderful that his private once mentioned opinion is something to be enshrined and turned into secular dogma?

Be careful how you answer.

Jefferson was responding to a letter sent to him by the Danbury Baptist Association, not writing to a friend.

I guess we have to discount everything said and done by the "Founders." Bunch of slave owners, who denied all women, including their female relatives, the right to participate in "democracy," even though the subject was brought up, and discounted Native Americans totally, in addition to their racist views.

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