Texas Officials Illuminate Crosses After Atheists’ Call for Removal

A courthouse is supposed to be neutral territory open to all. This display shows the sick mindset of these people in Texas who call themselves "Christians", but apparently have no loyalty to their country. They are trying to trash both the Christian faith and American values at the same time.

This demonstrates what I have long suspected these dirty cults have been up to.

Hey nose bone, the Constitution guarantees you freedom OF religion not freedom FROM religion! All you ass-wipes perennially get this wrong on purpose or you are just dense as lead. THIS IS A CHRISTIAN NATION founded on Christianity and it is in government buildings, on our money, everywhere. That doesn't stop you from believing anything you want. In fact, it is your right to believe as you choose that allowed you to be raised a godless heathen atheistic knucklehead.

No, this is definitely NOT a Christian nation, scream all you want and insult people. Your comment shows your lack of faith. Who says I was "raised a godless heathen atheistic knucklehead"? Just because I don't suck up to asswipes like graham or focus on the funnies? You have no idea how I was raised. But I'm not a cult-head like you.

In the U.S. we get plenty of religion every day. Just keep monuments out of public buildings that are used by all and don't put anyone in a position of being forced to listen to your religious speech or to live by your rules. This is a religiously neutral nation; to each his own.

You can go back to playing on your computer now until mommy calls you for lunch.
No, this is definitely NOT a Christian nation,
That's an interesting view considering that during the time this continent was being settled by Europeans and the nation founded, an estimated 75 to 80 percent of the population attended churches, which were being built at a headlong pace.

Just keep monuments out of public buildings
You mean all those buildings that have always HAD symbols of Christianity in them? Like I said, you're free to believe whatever you want, but this is a country in which IN GOD WE TRUST.
Self-proclaimed conservatives cheering on more anti-constitutional stuff once again.

Not surprised.

One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
Here is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about anything serious:
Job 34:30--That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared.
Self-proclaimed conservatives cheering on more anti-constitutional stuff once again.

Not surprised.

One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
^ believes in magicks and eats flesh on sundays

^got his Xbox taken away so he is grumpy.
A courthouse is supposed to be neutral territory open to all. This display shows the sick mindset of these people in Texas who call themselves "Christians", but apparently have no loyalty to their country. They are trying to trash both the Christian faith and American values at the same time.

This demonstrates what I have long suspected these dirty cults have been up to.

Hey nose bone, the Constitution guarantees you freedom OF religion not freedom FROM religion! All you ass-wipes perennially get this wrong on purpose or you are just dense as lead. THIS IS A CHRISTIAN NATION founded on Christianity and it is in government buildings, on our money, everywhere. That doesn't stop you from believing anything you want. In fact, it is your right to believe as you choose that allowed you to be raised a godless heathen atheistic knucklehead.

No, this is definitely NOT a Christian nation, scream all you want and insult people. Your comment shows your lack of faith. Who says I was "raised a godless heathen atheistic knucklehead"? Just because I don't suck up to asswipes like graham or focus on the funnies? You have no idea how I was raised. But I'm not a cult-head like you.

In the U.S. we get plenty of religion every day. Just keep monuments out of public buildings that are used by all and don't put anyone in a position of being forced to listen to your religious speech or to live by your rules. This is a religiously neutral nation; to each his own.

You can go back to playing on your computer now until mommy calls you for lunch.
Enough of you. They need to get machine guns if need be and kill you if you attempt to keep this up. Those Christians are fools if they think they are not going to end up in labor camps one day.
No, this is definitely NOT a Christian nation,
That's an interesting view considering that during the time this continent was being settled by Europeans and the nation founded, an estimated 75 to 80 percent of the population attended churches, which were being built at a headlong pace.

Just keep monuments out of public buildings
You mean all those buildings that have always HAD symbols of Christianity in them? Like I said, you're free to believe whatever you want, but this is a country in which IN GOD WE TRUST.

When talking about whether the US is a Christian country, one needs to define what that means. Does it mean the majority of the populace are Christian? If so, then yes, this is and has always been a Christian country. Does it mean that Christianity is the official religion? If so, then no, this country is not and has never been a Christian country.

Has the San Jacinto courthouse had crosses displayed since it was built? I haven't seen that information given anywhere as of yet; I've tried looking at a couple of articles and didn't see how long the crosses have been displayed. At this point I have no idea if this building has "always HAD symbols of Christianity in" it. The courthouse appears to have been built in 1917. San Jacinto County Courthouse - TexasCourtHouses.com

In God We Trust actually wasn't part of US currency until the 1800s. History of 'In God We Trust'
Correct. That that building is permanent is irrelevant.

Because we can. YOur desire for me to explain why we CAN'T, makes no sense.

Yes, I did, repeatedly.

Yes, I did, repeatedly.

You people changed the rules, so that Christians who want to express themselves in the public square, are attacked for doing so.

Your expectation that they would just take that, was wrong.

You want a return to civility? Stop attacking your fellow Americans for bullshit reasons.
Correct. That that building is permanent is irrelevant.

Because we can. YOur desire for me to explain why we CAN'T, makes no sense.

Yes, I did, repeatedly.

Yes, I did, repeatedly.

You people changed the rules, so that Christians who want to express themselves in the public square, are attacked for doing so.

Your expectation that they would just take that, was wrong.

You want a return to civility? Stop attacking your fellow Americans for bullshit reasons.

Why are you being such a jerk. I know damned well that the building is permanent. The religious sectarian religious symbol is not.. This discussion is about a building, not just "the public square." What is it that you can't express?

All the rules apply to everyone across the board, regardless of religion or sect. There is no singling out of Christians of any variety for any special prohibition.

Attacking people for being spoiled rotten, arrogant assholes in public is nowhere near attacking my fellow Americans "for bullshit reasons." What do you idiots actually mean to accomplish by leaving your stuff all over the place? All your cult shows is that its members are arrogant and vain. Why can't you folks act like normal people?

It is normal to include cultural and religious symbols in architecture.

That you would deny that of Christians is anti-Christian bigotry.

This was not incorporated into the architecture of the building. It was put up much later than the building. How can Christians be guilty of "anti-Christian bigotry." Many of us are Christians who disapprove of this brand of arrogance and snobbery in the U.S. of A.

Just what are you arrogant, spoiled folks trying to prove? Your cult is way out of line with this. Let's hear from the people who are actually responsible. Why are some "Christians" misbehaving so suddenly?


You ask how a Christian can be guilty of anti-Christian bigotry, then spend the rest of the thread attacking Christians who practice their faith differently than you.

I've said it before, and I will say it again.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant. A DEAD potted plant.


Your trash cult attacks Christians and non-Christians alike. You don't just "practice your faith differently." You actively interfere with your fellow Americans, attack their civil rights, generally act obnoxiously, and actively ignore anything and everything that Jesus had to say.

Your little monkey graham first ran around saying that Islam was not a religion, and then attacked an LGBT Christian on the basis of religion for saying that pigpence had a very bad record on LGBT rights when he was governor of Indiana, but pigpence's record indeed was very poor. pigpence is a politician who seeks to abuse others, instead of representing them and protecting their rights as is his duty as a public servant, all to impose impose his brand of religion on the general public. pigpence's hostility toward women has been obvious. Why can't other Christians stand up to this sort of nonsense.

1. You are welcome to stand up to people that you disagree with on politics. You should do it though, based on the issues, instead of attacking THEM, for their faith.

2. When you smear whole groups, such as calling them, a "trash cult", you are being a bigot.

3. That you characterize, ever political difference as your opponent being some sort of bad person, is just you having a closed mind, unable to appreciate other points of view. Which, btw, fits in nicely with the idea that you are a bigot.
1. It is certainly dishonest of you to pretend this is not a political issue.

2. I have addressed your claim that this is not asking people to hide their culture and heritage. That you just restate your position without addressing my rebuttal is dishonest and cowardly of you. My point stands.

3. I did not accuse you of being dishonest for opposing the inclusion of Christian symbols on a public building. I explained each time I accused you of being dishonest. That you are confused about those accusations, is not credible. This is just a dishonest and cowardly deflection from you.

4. Our entire system of right and wrong, is based heavily upon the religion(s) that have been a central part of our civilization for thousands of years. It is insanely dishonest of you to pretend to not understand why some symbols of that might be put on a courthouse.

You have never even indicated that you know the meaning of the word "permanent."

Correct. That that building is permanent is irrelevant.

You have never explained why your sect can't erect your symbols on the enormous amount of property available to you.

Because we can. YOur desire for me to explain why we CAN'T, makes no sense.

You have never explained how anyone is asking you to "hide your culture and heritage."

Yes, I did, repeatedly.

You have never explained why your sect is doing this "decorate the courthouse" thing in the first place.

Yes, I did, repeatedly.

I'm old enough to remember when we all got along without it nicely, and all of a sudden these groups appear that don't want to play by the rules.What is wrong with them? They behave so arrogant and trashy. What are they trying to prove?

You people changed the rules, so that Christians who want to express themselves in the public square, are attacked for doing so.

Your expectation that they would just take that, was wrong.

You want a return to civility? Stop attacking your fellow Americans for bullshit reasons.
1. It is certainly dishonest of you to pretend this is not a political issue.

2. I have addressed your claim that this is not asking people to hide their culture and heritage. That you just restate your position without addressing my rebuttal is dishonest and cowardly of you. My point stands.

3. I did not accuse you of being dishonest for opposing the inclusion of Christian symbols on a public building. I explained each time I accused you of being dishonest. That you are confused about those accusations, is not credible. This is just a dishonest and cowardly deflection from you.

4. Our entire system of right and wrong, is based heavily upon the religion(s) that have been a central part of our civilization for thousands of years. It is insanely dishonest of you to pretend to not understand why some symbols of that might be put on a courthouse.

You have never even indicated that you know the meaning of the word "permanent."

Correct. That that building is permanent is irrelevant.

You have never explained why your sect can't erect your symbols on the enormous amount of property available to you.

Because we can. YOur desire for me to explain why we CAN'T, makes no sense.

You have never explained how anyone is asking you to "hide your culture and heritage."

Yes, I did, repeatedly.

You have never explained why your sect is doing this "decorate the courthouse" thing in the first place.

Yes, I did, repeatedly.

I'm old enough to remember when we all got along without it nicely, and all of a sudden these groups appear that don't want to play by the rules.What is wrong with them? They behave so arrogant and trashy. What are they trying to prove?

You people changed the rules, so that Christians who want to express themselves in the public square, are attacked for doing so.

Your expectation that they would just take that, was wrong.

You want a return to civility? Stop attacking your fellow Americans for bullshit reasons.

Why are you being such a jerk. I know damned well that the building is permanent. The religious sectarian religious symbol is not.. This discussion is about a building, not just "the public square." What is it that you can't express?

All the rules apply to everyone across the board, regardless of religion or sect. There is no singling out of Christians of any variety for any special prohibition.

Attacking people for being spoiled rotten, arrogant assholes in public is nowhere near attacking my fellow Americans "for bullshit reasons." What do you idiots actually mean to accomplish by leaving your stuff all over the place? All your cult shows is that its members are arrogant and vain. Why can't you folks act like normal people?

It is normal to include cultural and religious symbols in architecture.

That you would deny that of Christians is anti-Christian bigotry.
Ah..so a Roman instrument of torture and execution is a cultural symbol.....very interesting.

Your pretense of being ignorant, on how that symbol has changed, over the LAST TWO THOUSAND years, is noted and held as evidence of how insanely dishonest you are.
The right wing are worse. They prefer their bigotry while alleging morals.

Show us the Express Immigration clause, right wingers. No false witness bearing, every time you have to argue with me; I resort to the fewest fallacies.
Why are you being such a jerk. I know damned well that the building is permanent. The religious sectarian religious symbol is not.. This discussion is about a building, not just "the public square." What is it that you can't express?

All the rules apply to everyone across the board, regardless of religion or sect. There is no singling out of Christians of any variety for any special prohibition.

Attacking people for being spoiled rotten, arrogant assholes in public is nowhere near attacking my fellow Americans "for bullshit reasons." What do you idiots actually mean to accomplish by leaving your stuff all over the place? All your cult shows is that its members are arrogant and vain. Why can't you folks act like normal people?

It is normal to include cultural and religious symbols in architecture.

That you would deny that of Christians is anti-Christian bigotry.

This was not incorporated into the architecture of the building. It was put up much later than the building. How can Christians be guilty of "anti-Christian bigotry." Many of us are Christians who disapprove of this brand of arrogance and snobbery in the U.S. of A.

Just what are you arrogant, spoiled folks trying to prove? Your cult is way out of line with this. Let's hear from the people who are actually responsible. Why are some "Christians" misbehaving so suddenly?


You ask how a Christian can be guilty of anti-Christian bigotry, then spend the rest of the thread attacking Christians who practice their faith differently than you.

I've said it before, and I will say it again.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant. A DEAD potted plant.


Your trash cult attacks Christians and non-Christians alike. You don't just "practice your faith differently." You actively interfere with your fellow Americans, attack their civil rights, generally act obnoxiously, and actively ignore anything and everything that Jesus had to say.

Your little monkey graham first ran around saying that Islam was not a religion, and then attacked an LGBT Christian on the basis of religion for saying that pigpence had a very bad record on LGBT rights when he was governor of Indiana, but pigpence's record indeed was very poor. pigpence is a politician who seeks to abuse others, instead of representing them and protecting their rights as is his duty as a public servant, all to impose impose his brand of religion on the general public. pigpence's hostility toward women has been obvious. Why can't other Christians stand up to this sort of nonsense.

1. You are welcome to stand up to people that you disagree with on politics. You should do it though, based on the issues, instead of attacking THEM, for their faith.

2. When you smear whole groups, such as calling them, a "trash cult", you are being a bigot.

3. That you characterize, ever political difference as your opponent being some sort of bad person, is just you having a closed mind, unable to appreciate other points of view. Which, btw, fits in nicely with the idea that you are a bigot.

What "faith" are you talking about? I oppose people who complain of "bigotry" while being bigots who attack other people and using "faith" to do so. If you want to attack other people, women, LGBTs, Muslims, anyone, do not use the Christian faith to do it..
The right wing are worse. They prefer their bigotry while alleging morals.

Show us the Express Immigration clause, right wingers. No false witness bearing, every time you have to argue with me; I resort to the fewest fallacies.

And use the fewest brain cells.
It is normal to include cultural and religious symbols in architecture.

That you would deny that of Christians is anti-Christian bigotry.

This was not incorporated into the architecture of the building. It was put up much later than the building. How can Christians be guilty of "anti-Christian bigotry." Many of us are Christians who disapprove of this brand of arrogance and snobbery in the U.S. of A.

Just what are you arrogant, spoiled folks trying to prove? Your cult is way out of line with this. Let's hear from the people who are actually responsible. Why are some "Christians" misbehaving so suddenly?


You ask how a Christian can be guilty of anti-Christian bigotry, then spend the rest of the thread attacking Christians who practice their faith differently than you.

I've said it before, and I will say it again.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant. A DEAD potted plant.


Your trash cult attacks Christians and non-Christians alike. You don't just "practice your faith differently." You actively interfere with your fellow Americans, attack their civil rights, generally act obnoxiously, and actively ignore anything and everything that Jesus had to say.

Your little monkey graham first ran around saying that Islam was not a religion, and then attacked an LGBT Christian on the basis of religion for saying that pigpence had a very bad record on LGBT rights when he was governor of Indiana, but pigpence's record indeed was very poor. pigpence is a politician who seeks to abuse others, instead of representing them and protecting their rights as is his duty as a public servant, all to impose impose his brand of religion on the general public. pigpence's hostility toward women has been obvious. Why can't other Christians stand up to this sort of nonsense.

1. You are welcome to stand up to people that you disagree with on politics. You should do it though, based on the issues, instead of attacking THEM, for their faith.

2. When you smear whole groups, such as calling them, a "trash cult", you are being a bigot.

3. That you characterize, ever political difference as your opponent being some sort of bad person, is just you having a closed mind, unable to appreciate other points of view. Which, btw, fits in nicely with the idea that you are a bigot.

What "faith" are you talking about? I oppose people who complain of "bigotry" while being bigots who attack other people and using "faith" to do so. If you want to attack other people, women, LGBTs, Muslims, anyone, do not use the Christian faith to do it..

What ever faith you are, you are the one calling religions you don't like, "trash cult".

I personally don't care.

Your rationalizations for your bigotry, are noted and dismissed.
This was not incorporated into the architecture of the building. It was put up much later than the building. How can Christians be guilty of "anti-Christian bigotry." Many of us are Christians who disapprove of this brand of arrogance and snobbery in the U.S. of A.

Just what are you arrogant, spoiled folks trying to prove? Your cult is way out of line with this. Let's hear from the people who are actually responsible. Why are some "Christians" misbehaving so suddenly?


You ask how a Christian can be guilty of anti-Christian bigotry, then spend the rest of the thread attacking Christians who practice their faith differently than you.

I've said it before, and I will say it again.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant. A DEAD potted plant.


Your trash cult attacks Christians and non-Christians alike. You don't just "practice your faith differently." You actively interfere with your fellow Americans, attack their civil rights, generally act obnoxiously, and actively ignore anything and everything that Jesus had to say.

Your little monkey graham first ran around saying that Islam was not a religion, and then attacked an LGBT Christian on the basis of religion for saying that pigpence had a very bad record on LGBT rights when he was governor of Indiana, but pigpence's record indeed was very poor. pigpence is a politician who seeks to abuse others, instead of representing them and protecting their rights as is his duty as a public servant, all to impose impose his brand of religion on the general public. pigpence's hostility toward women has been obvious. Why can't other Christians stand up to this sort of nonsense.

1. You are welcome to stand up to people that you disagree with on politics. You should do it though, based on the issues, instead of attacking THEM, for their faith.

2. When you smear whole groups, such as calling them, a "trash cult", you are being a bigot.

3. That you characterize, ever political difference as your opponent being some sort of bad person, is just you having a closed mind, unable to appreciate other points of view. Which, btw, fits in nicely with the idea that you are a bigot.

What "faith" are you talking about? I oppose people who complain of "bigotry" while being bigots who attack other people and using "faith" to do so. If you want to attack other people, women, LGBTs, Muslims, anyone, do not use the Christian faith to do it..

What ever faith you are, you are the one calling religions you don't like, "trash cult".

I personally don't care.

Your rationalizations for your bigotry, are noted and dismissed.
Only trash cults attack other people. I don't like ISIS, either. It's disgusting when people use religion to abuse others.
Self-proclaimed conservatives cheering on more anti-constitutional stuff once again.

Not surprised.

One of the most bizarre creations of the Godless left wrong is the idea that the First Amendment allows, and in some cases, even requires the censorship and suppression of religious beliefs and symbols; in direct opposition to what the First Amendment actually says.

Just one more datum to demonstrate that LIbEralism is a mental disease.
Here is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about anything serious:
Job 34:30--That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared.

The funny thing is absolutely nobody with an ounce of sense takes you seriously.
Why are you being such a jerk. I know damned well that the building is permanent. The religious sectarian religious symbol is not.. This discussion is about a building, not just "the public square." What is it that you can't express?

All the rules apply to everyone across the board, regardless of religion or sect. There is no singling out of Christians of any variety for any special prohibition.

Attacking people for being spoiled rotten, arrogant assholes in public is nowhere near attacking my fellow Americans "for bullshit reasons." What do you idiots actually mean to accomplish by leaving your stuff all over the place? All your cult shows is that its members are arrogant and vain. Why can't you folks act like normal people?

It is normal to include cultural and religious symbols in architecture.

That you would deny that of Christians is anti-Christian bigotry.

This was not incorporated into the architecture of the building. It was put up much later than the building. How can Christians be guilty of "anti-Christian bigotry." Many of us are Christians who disapprove of this brand of arrogance and snobbery in the U.S. of A.

Just what are you arrogant, spoiled folks trying to prove? Your cult is way out of line with this. Let's hear from the people who are actually responsible. Why are some "Christians" misbehaving so suddenly?


You ask how a Christian can be guilty of anti-Christian bigotry, then spend the rest of the thread attacking Christians who practice their faith differently than you.

I've said it before, and I will say it again.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant. A DEAD potted plant.


Your trash cult attacks Christians and non-Christians alike. You don't just "practice your faith differently." You actively interfere with your fellow Americans, attack their civil rights, generally act obnoxiously, and actively ignore anything and everything that Jesus had to say.

Your little monkey graham first ran around saying that Islam was not a religion, and then attacked an LGBT Christian on the basis of religion for saying that pigpence had a very bad record on LGBT rights when he was governor of Indiana, but pigpence's record indeed was very poor. pigpence is a politician who seeks to abuse others, instead of representing them and protecting their rights as is his duty as a public servant, all to impose impose his brand of religion on the general public. pigpence's hostility toward women has been obvious. Why can't other Christians stand up to this sort of nonsense.

1. You are welcome to stand up to people that you disagree with on politics. You should do it though, based on the issues, instead of attacking THEM, for their faith.

2. When you smear whole groups, such as calling them, a "trash cult", you are being a bigot.

3. That you characterize, ever political difference as your opponent being some sort of bad person, is just you having a closed mind, unable to appreciate other points of view. Which, btw, fits in nicely with the idea that you are a bigot.

Didn't you already smear all liberals in this thread? :eusa_think:

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