Texas Open-Carry, Boys and their Deadly Toys.

My mother worked with a girl whose boyfriend broke up with her...she decided to commit suicide...she parked her car in an isolated parking lot and poured gasoline over herself and the interior of the car...lit a match and died.....she wrote a note to her family...and her boss's and coworkers...she used gas because she didn't want anyone to be able to stop her, and she didn't want to chicken out.......

I never there wouldn't be suicides, dumbass. I said the numbers drop when the guns do, which is true.

Got a link?
be careful what you post to these people. The, "...from my cold, dead, hands!" peace loving, responsible gun owners are likely to mistake you for a commie and blow you away.....

Actually, people with guns and gun permits, who own them legally are more law abiding not less.......we obey the law...but you guys know this...that is why you like gun control so much...you know law abiding people will be the ones who actually obey your stupid, useless gun laws..which is the real reason you want them..
be careful what you post to these people. The, "...from my cold, dead, hands!" peace loving, responsible gun owners are likely to mistake you for a commie and blow you away.....

You watch too many Hollywood movies.

We might TP his House...


I don't think so. Here is a group of 250 peace loving responsible gun owners who chose to arm themselves to the teeth, and then picket a Muslim house of God:

Hundreds gather in Arizona for armed anti-Muslim protest - The Washington Post
be careful what you post to these people. The, "...from my cold, dead, hands!" peace loving, responsible gun owners are likely to mistake you for a commie and blow you away.....

You watch too many Hollywood movies.

We might TP his House...


I don't think so. Here is a group of 250 peace loving responsible gun owners who chose to arm themselves to the teeth, and then picket a Muslim house of God:

Hundreds gather in Arizona for armed anti-Muslim protest - The Washington Post

The word 'Responsible' can be found in any online dictionary.

You do have an internet connection...right?

Hmmm..Japan isn't the country with the most suicide.....Greenland is or was...but...favorite method of suicide in Japan.....hanging....and they do it at twice the rate we do...good thing we don't have any rope here in the U.S...if we get rid of guns no one will kill themselves....
Suicide is a well-respected tradition in their culture, not ours. Without a gun suicide is a great deal more work. When the guns go suicides go down. That's reality.
You libtards no nothing of reality.
Don't bother starting these threads of you can't discuss the topic honestly.
I have, for about 100 posts now.

And if you can't say what a gun is for then you are as stupid as 2a, not a good thing.

OK, so historically...why were guns invented? They're basically an evolution of projectile weapons like the sling shot and the bow and arrow...which were invented to give their user the ability to stay further away from a bigger, stronger animal or adversary. They allow smaller and weaker people to defend themselves against stronger opponents or animals. To say that they aren't "defensive" weapons, Paint is a rather amusing idea because the entire concept behind them is to be able to reach out and hit a target while not putting yourself at risk. That hasn't changed from David using a sling shot against Goliath...to a modern day sniper using a .50 caliber rifle against an enemy a mile off.
accidental car deaths 2013... Over 35,000

accidental gun deaths 2013.... 505

Yeah...in a country of over 320 million, American gun owners are very responsible....
Suicides by guns, 20 to 21K. But hey, at least you're only shooting yourselves.

There you go again thinking we give a shit how someone ends their own life.
I mean seriously does the method really matter?

Because suicides can be prevented, if the methods of suicide are made more difficult. The harder it is, the less often it happens. Guns are easy, that's why so many die by them.
You are retarded.
There you go again thinking we give a shit how someone ends their own life.
I mean seriously does the method really matter?

Because suicides can be prevented, if the methods of suicide are made more difficult. The harder it is, the less often it happens. Guns are easy, that's why so many die by them.

And I just told you why thats bullshit.
Only you're wrong.

Remove the guns and we take a big bite our of this: Facts and Figures
Socialist puke.

He's afraid of guns, probably someone close to him was killed by gun, so he wants to punish all those who own one.
I own guns, but unlike you little morons I don't treat them like toys to be taken to the Walmart.

Ah yes,the usual dive for the liberal. The straw man.
Nothing straw man about it. Guns are toys to you types. I use them to kill things. You use them to play with.
Murdering socialist puke.
He's afraid of guns, probably someone close to him was killed by gun, so he wants to punish all those who own one.
I own guns, but unlike you little morons I don't treat them like toys to be taken to the Walmart.

Ah yes,the usual dive for the liberal. The straw man.
Nothing straw man about it. Guns are toys to you types. I use them to kill things. You use them to play with.

You sure make a lot of assumptions considering you dont know me.
I've had firearms since I was eight years old and I take em very serious.
The first time I saw the results of a 30.06 on a deer made it impossible to see them any other way.
Was the deer attacking you? Did you fire in self-defense? Or were you out playing brave, brave soldier of fortune, against a defenseless animal?
Hypocritical murdering socialist puke.
You murderous bastard ......
Life in the country. Guns are for killing things. Now you know.

What a simplistic answer from a simplistic mind.
I've lived in boonies that make yours look like a major metropolis. Try again.
I have no need to try again. The question has been answered. I could care less if you were raised in a West Virginia cave.

So your base lie falls apart and this is your answer?
You're no better than Rderp. Step off fool...
Your concession is noted since there is nothing like a lie in anything I posted. You just like your deadly toys, as I noted in the OP, and will defend them in all cases.
Every time you open your retarded mouth you lie.
I run a site that makes adequate money. I have no need of your petty contributions via taxes. I also have an apt house that makes me money. I'm putting a beautiful young wife thru nursing school and then post graduate training as an anethecist, so that she can send plenty of money back to her family and they can all immigrate here, LEGALLY. It will take 20 years, probably, to get all of her siblings here.
As usual, it's all about show not substance. Go git 'em Tex, the Dairy Queen will be so much safer now...


Texas legislators approve licensed open carry bill sending it to Gov. Abbott Dallas Morning News

Quaking in your boots aren't you pussy?
Life in the country. Guns are for killing things. Now you know.

What a simplistic answer from a simplistic mind.
I've lived in boonies that make yours look like a major metropolis. Try again.
I have no need to try again. The question has been answered. I could care less if you were raised in a West Virginia cave.

So your base lie falls apart and this is your answer?
You're no better than Rderp. Step off fool...
Your concession is noted since there is nothing like a lie in anything I posted. You just like your deadly toys, as I noted in the OP, and will defend them in all cases.
Every time you open your retarded mouth you lie.
I never lie here little friend, there's no need to.
My mother worked with a girl whose boyfriend broke up with her...she decided to commit suicide...she parked her car in an isolated parking lot and poured gasoline over herself and the interior of the car...lit a match and died.....she wrote a note to her family...and her boss's and coworkers...she used gas because she didn't want anyone to be able to stop her, and she didn't want to chicken out.......

I never there wouldn't be suicides, dumbass. I said the numbers drop when the guns do, which is true.

Got a link?
Yep: Australia s Gun Control Law Caused A Drop In Gun-Related Deaths And An Even Bigger Drop In Suicides ThinkProgress
As usual, it's all about show not substance. Go git 'em Tex, the Dairy Queen will be so much safer now...


Texas legislators approve licensed open carry bill sending it to Gov. Abbott Dallas Morning News

Quaking in your boots aren't you pussy?
Nope. Just waiting for the shot off toes reports to come in.

Why would that happen? You know it's actually safer to carry outside the waist band than in it right?
Don't bother starting these threads of you can't discuss the topic honestly.
I have, for about 100 posts now.

And if you can't say what a gun is for then you are as stupid as 2a, not a good thing.

OK, so historically...why were guns invented? They're basically an evolution of projectile weapons like the sling shot and the bow and arrow...which were invented to give their user the ability to stay further away from a bigger, stronger animal or adversary. They allow smaller and weaker people to defend themselves against stronger opponents or animals. To say that they aren't "defensive" weapons, Paint is a rather amusing idea because the entire concept behind them is to be able to reach out and hit a target while not putting yourself at risk. That hasn't changed from David using a sling shot against Goliath...to a modern day sniper using a .50 caliber rifle against an enemy a mile off.
And what is the point of all that? Oh right, killing something...
As usual, it's all about show not substance. Go git 'em Tex, the Dairy Queen will be so much safer now...


Texas legislators approve licensed open carry bill sending it to Gov. Abbott Dallas Morning News

Quaking in your boots aren't you pussy?
Nope. Just waiting for the shot off toes reports to come in.

Why would that happen? You know it's actually safer to carry outside the waist band than in it right?
Just wait, as people get casual about their guns, and they will, accidents will happen, even more than now. When you have a toy on your person, the natural inclination is to play with it.

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