Texas says Withdrawing from US Refugee Resettlement Program

I have yet to hear anyone from USMB, that supports refugee resettlement, willing to take any into their own homes.......neighborhoods, yes...homes, not so much

I would agree and since fifty three percent of American's don't want them here and thirty one States don't want them I doubt anyone will be knocking down the doors asking for them in their neighborhoods.
. They should have been fought for in their own countries being fled from. It's obsurd that we are so ignorant now, that we think that the displacing of millions of citizens into this strange country from their country is somehow the right thing to do for them, is flat outright arrogant idiotic thinking on our part. What ever happened to answering the distress call from another nation to go and help that nation rid itself of a bad government there ? Especially a bad government who is attempting to displace millions of it's citizens to where ever, and all in order to create some kind of utopia for some within the fled from country, while the undesirables are then ousted ? We can't bring the world's citizens here, and it's got to stop. How stupid can we be ?

The lies that you read in the "news" media - more like democratic party public relations/PR flacks are just appaling; how the central/south americans are "fleeing war and violence", yet they left their children there to take jobs in the US, or that the arab muslims leaving syria and afghanistan are "families fleeing war and violence", yet every video/picture I've seen is of young men by the tens of thousands, or women holding infants.

Explain how people "fleeing for their lives" are popping out babies - they must have missed the illegal alien memo that only the US allows anchor babies, not Europe.
. It's all lies, and these lying libs are going to pay dearly at the polls for it. They better do everything they can to stop the Americans who will be voting the captive interest of the libs out of that office, and to replace that interest with the American united interest once again.
Mental lighweight douchebag, there are multiple polls showing terrorism enjoys widespread support amongst arab muslims. There have been hundreds of terrorist attacks in the last few years in the West by muslims, there is simply no comparison.

And someone who posts lies like this:

"Read Taz's post. Immigrants are much less likely to have a criminal record than native born Americans. Immigrants are not the problem."

which is absolutely false or idiocies like this:

"only two things come from Texas, steers and queers. And you ain't got horns..."

is way, way too fucking stupid to be taken seriously. STFU and go focus on how Australia stole its land from the Aborigines, idiot.

I should add it is hilarious that some c-nt aussie with no facts nor brains is complaining about how the US handles immigrants while Aus ships them to Nauru to be raped and tortured. Glass house, asswipe?

Hey Mental Midget post the polls. Take your time.
You underlining your opinion doesn't make it a fact. Prove your point or STFU. Screaming something at the top of your lungs doesn't make it a fact, it just means you're acting like a loon.

I live in Australia but am not Australian fuckface. And I agree, with the treatment of people in Nauru, who, if you want to get your facts straight are not immigrants. They are supposedly refugees, although some of them are economic refugees, and have jumped the queue, which is why they have been sent there. Doesn't make what the Aussie govt has done is right.

The wind my dog just passed has shown more signs of facts than any drivel you've posted ...
We need a revolution alright, and it ain't the one that the idiot libs want that's for sure.
It's all lies, and these lying libs are going to pay dearly at the polls for it. They better do everything they can to stop the Americans who will be voting the captive interest of the libs out of that office, and to replace that interest with the American united interest once again.

I'm no longer young, and do not like nor belong to either major US party, but learned a long, long time ago - liberals need to frequently lie because they know their claims rearely, if ever, hold up under scrutiny.

Just look at this thread; in the last two pages I've corrected what, four of them in just a few minutes?
Says the moron with a picture of Clinton picking her nose as its avatar...

I guess after getting your ass handed to you, its obvious your only option isn't even personal attacks - its to discuss my....AVATAR. When someone in your family acquires some facts and can actually debate, come back to the thread - your 6-shot magazine was emptied a long time ago.
Mental lighweight douchebag, there are multiple polls showing terrorism enjoys widespread support amongst arab muslims. There have been hundreds of terrorist attacks in the last few years in the West by muslims, there is simply no comparison.

And someone who posts lies like this:

"Read Taz's post. Immigrants are much less likely to have a criminal record than native born Americans. Immigrants are not the problem."

which is absolutely false or idiocies like this:

"only two things come from Texas, steers and queers. And you ain't got horns..."

is way, way too fucking stupid to be taken seriously. STFU and go focus on how Australia stole its land from the Aborigines, idiot.

I should add it is hilarious that some c-nt aussie with no facts nor brains is complaining about how the US handles immigrants while Aus ships them to Nauru to be raped and tortured. Glass house, asswipe?

Hey Mental Midget post the polls. Take your time.
You underlining your opinion doesn't make it a fact. Prove your point or STFU. Screaming something at the top of your lungs doesn't make it a fact, it just means you're acting like a loon.

I live in Australia but am not Australian fuckface. And I agree, with the treatment of people in Nauru, who, if you want to get your facts straight are not immigrants. They are supposedly refugees, although some of them are economic refugees, and have jumped the queue, which is why they have been sent there. Doesn't make what the Aussie govt has done is right.

The wind my dog just passed has shown more signs of facts than any drivel you've posted ...
. Wow, now this was an uneducated, idiotic riddled, uninformative post that shows just how intimidated you are of this poster.
. Says an idiot falling for the crooked Hillary. Of course you do, because she's all you libs got left. A lying snake oil sales lady being pimped out by every con-artist agenda riddled lib that there is.

For the zillionth time, I think Hillary is okay at best. Rubio would have been better. However, what I'm not falling for is the Faux News BS. And as per usual the righties never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Well done! And I'm not a liberal. I am against abortion and affirmative action. yeah, real liberal planks....
. Wow, now this was an uneducated, idiotic riddled, uninformative post that shows just how intimidated you are of this poster.

Wow. A non answer...how surprising <sarcasm - I know I need to spell it out for you>
I have yet to hear anyone from USMB, that supports refugee resettlement, willing to take any into their own homes.......neighborhoods, yes...homes, not so much

I would agree and since fifty three percent of American's don't want them here and thirty one States don't want them I doubt anyone will be knocking down the doors asking for them in their neighborhoods.
. They should have been fought for in their own countries being fled from. It's obsurd that we are so ignorant now, that we think that the displacing of millions of citizens into this strange country from their country is somehow the right thing to do for them, is flat outright arrogant idiotic thinking on our part. What ever happened to answering the distress call from another nation to go and help that nation rid itself of a bad government there ? Especially a bad government who is attempting to displace millions of it's citizens to where ever, and all in order to create some kind of utopia for some within the fled from country, while the undesirables are then ousted ? We can't bring the world's citizens here, and it's got to stop. How stupid can we be ?

The lies that you read in the "news" media - more like democratic party public relations/PR flacks are just appaling; how the central/south americans are "fleeing war and violence", yet they left their children there to take jobs in the US, or that the arab muslims leaving syria and afghanistan are "families fleeing war and violence", yet every video/picture I've seen is of young men by the tens of thousands, or women holding infants.

Explain how people "fleeing for their lives" are popping out babies - they must have missed the illegal alien memo that only the US allows anchor babies, not Europe.

Every vid I've seen of these 'impoverished latinos fleeing poverty' shows most of them to be obese, and dressed better than a lot of American kids I've seen, and they somehow come up with thousands in cash to pay these gangster vermin to smuggle them in.
Says the moron with a picture of Clinton picking her nose as its avatar...

I guess after getting your ass handed to you, its obvious your only option isn't even personal attacks - its to discuss my....AVATAR. When someone in your family acquires some facts and can actually debate, come back to the thread - your 6-shot magazine was emptied a long time ago.

Mate, you've handed my arse to me like Donald Trump has a sense of humour - ie, not likely.
You;ve offered nothing but opinion. Taz posted a well-research document showing that immigrants are less likely to cause crimes. Your answer? A well researched document showing otherwise? No. Links to credible sites saying otherwise? Nada. Oh, that's right - this is your rebuttal - "which is absolutely false"

I couldn't make this shit up. You're to great debating what John Candy was to weightwatchers - ie not much...
Texas can't stop federal placement of refugees. All it can do is remove it's self from the process. The federal government gives money to the state to fund the relocation, and Texas determines how it is spent. Texas doesn't have to participate. The federal government will still spend the money to relocate refugees in Texas, and the federal government will decide how the money is spent. Texas will have no say in what happens.
Texas tried to go it alone once before. They went bankrupt and came back tot he union with their tails between their legs. I say let them go again. See how long they last..
I have yet to hear anyone from USMB, that supports refugee resettlement, willing to take any into their own homes.......neighborhoods, yes...homes, not so much

I would agree and since fifty three percent of American's don't want them here and thirty one States don't want them I doubt anyone will be knocking down the doors asking for them in their neighborhoods.
. They should have been fought for in their own countries being fled from. It's obsurd that we are so ignorant now, that we think that the displacing of millions of citizens into this strange country from their country is somehow the right thing to do for them, is flat outright arrogant idiotic thinking on our part. What ever happened to answering the distress call from another nation to go and help that nation rid itself of a bad government there ? Especially a bad government who is attempting to displace millions of it's citizens to where ever, and all in order to create some kind of utopia for some within the fled from country, while the undesirables are then ousted ? We can't bring the world's citizens here, and it's got to stop. How stupid can we be ?

The lies that you read in the "news" media - more like democratic party public relations/PR flacks are just appaling; how the central/south americans are "fleeing war and violence", yet they left their children there to take jobs in the US, or that the arab muslims leaving syria and afghanistan are "families fleeing war and violence", yet every video/picture I've seen is of young men by the tens of thousands, or women holding infants.

Explain how people "fleeing for their lives" are popping out babies - they must have missed the illegal alien memo that only the US allows anchor babies, not Europe.

Every vid I've seen of these 'impoverished latinos fleeing poverty' shows most of them to be obese, and dressed better than a lot of American kids I've seen, and they somehow come up with thousands in cash to pay these gangster vermin to smuggle them in.
. It all traces right back here to the drawing in of these people by forces here, and these forces might be paying the money to these smugglers in which keeps them in business, and keeps the wagon trains rolling in.
Hey Mental Midget post the polls.

Here you go, imbecile:

Where Terrorism Finds Support in the Muslim World

The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority - Breitbart

FIFTY-SEVEN PERCENT in Jordan, FORTY PERCENT in Lebanon...still talking, shit for brains?

Take your time.

Don't need to, I know the facts. And you're way, way out of your league here.

Elusive Crime Wave Data Shows Frightening Toll Of Illegal Immigrant Criminals

"There are approximately 2.1 million legal or illegal immigrants with criminal convictions living free or behind bars in the U.S., according to ICE's Secure Communities office. Each year, about 900,000 legal and illegal immigrants are arrested, and 700,000 are released from jail, prison, or probation. ICE estimates that there are more than 1.2 million criminal aliens at large in the U.S."

" In California, there were 128,543 inmates in custody as of Aug. 12, but the state, which has been criticized for its leniency toward illegal immigrants, no longer keeps track of the citizenship status of inmates. As of July 31, 2013, the last time figures were documented, there were as many as 18,000 “foreign-born” citizens in California state prisons of 133,000 incarcerated."

Since basic math is above your skill set...18K/133K = 13%. 35 MM illegals/350 MM Americans = 10%

13% > 10%

These are stats coming from state and federal sources, so you can suck it, weak moron. You lose, I win - get used to it.
Hey Mental Midget post the polls.

Here you go, imbecile:

Where Terrorism Finds Support in the Muslim World

The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority - Breitbart

FIFTY-SEVEN PERCENT in Jordan, FORTY PERCENT in Lebanon...still talking, shit for brains?

Take your time.

Don't need to, I know the facts. And you're way, way out of your league here.

Elusive Crime Wave Data Shows Frightening Toll Of Illegal Immigrant Criminals

"There are approximately 2.1 million legal or illegal immigrants with criminal convictions living free or behind bars in the U.S., according to ICE's Secure Communities office. Each year, about 900,000 legal and illegal immigrants are arrested, and 700,000 are released from jail, prison, or probation. ICE estimates that there are more than 1.2 million criminal aliens at large in the U.S."

" In California, there were 128,543 inmates in custody as of Aug. 12, but the state, which has been criticized for its leniency toward illegal immigrants, no longer keeps track of the citizenship status of inmates. As of July 31, 2013, the last time figures were documented, there were as many as 18,000 “foreign-born” citizens in California state prisons of 133,000 incarcerated."

Since basic math is above your skill set...18K/133K = 13%. 35 MM illegals/350 MM Americans = 10%

13% > 10%

These are stats coming from state and federal sources, so you can suck it, weak moron. You lose, I win - get used to it.

For a start you have changed the goal posts. This thread is about refugees and immigrants not illegals.

That aside, give me the parameters. Criminals in what matters? Vagrancy? Being an illegal? There is no context to the above figures. Just alarmist pap. Foreign born? What does that mean? The guy who immigrated to the US with his parents when he was six months old and got caught shop lifting when he was 50? is that part of the figures or not?

Also, this link is from an 'expert' who has put figures together. In what sense? what were the parameters? where did they get all the figures from. What are they in prison for? Murder? Being an illegal immigrant? What?

If you're gonna debate the best, bring your A game or go home....
Says the moron with a picture of Clinton picking her nose as its avatar...

I guess after getting your ass handed to you, its obvious your only option isn't even personal attacks - its to discuss my....AVATAR. When someone in your family acquires some facts and can actually debate, come back to the thread - your 6-shot magazine was emptied a long time ago.

Mate, you've handed my arse to me like Donald Trump has a sense of humour - ie, not likely.
You;ve offered nothing but opinion. Taz posted a well-research document showing that immigrants are less likely to cause crimes. Your answer? A well researched document showing otherwise? No. Links to credible sites saying otherwise? Nada. Oh, that's right - this is your rebuttal - "which is absolutely false"

I couldn't make this shit up. You're to great debating what John Candy was to weightwatchers - ie not much...
Why should he or she (?) have to post extensive research that everyone already knows ?? This stuff has been extensively researched beyond belief by the MSM, and then we have people like you trying to suggest to us by a very small amount of information gathered, that tons of extensively researched information is wrong ?? LOL.
Why should he or she (?) have to post extensive research that everyone already knows ?? This stuff has been extensively researched beyond belief by the MSM, and then we have people like you trying to suggest to us by a very small amount of information gathered, that tons of extensively researched information is wrong ?? LOL.

I'm trying to think of a bigger cop out I've seen on this board and I'm struggling.
Er, no. Repeating Faux News BS is not extensive research. Either post it, or STFU.
I can go around shouting that Tiny Tim was the best recording artist in the world. Doesn't make it so...

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