Texas says Withdrawing from US Refugee Resettlement Program

Because you're intellectually weak and incapable of reading and comprehending; my links simply pulled data from state and federal penal agencies. But like most liberals, you lack the brainpower and honesty/integrity to admit a claim you made is false.

Says the guy who can't even figure out what the OP is about.

As for intellectually weak and being dishonest, you didn't read Taz's link did you? Moron.

Honey, as in your own words, shouting how much respect you have is total bullshit. What you've shown in this thread is total idiocy, and you have earned neither the respect nor trust of anyone else posting.

Sweetpea, you saying I don't have respect, or that you are God of the Links, is like David Hasselhoff trying to persuade the world he can act.
Quit acting so ignorant if your so smart, oh and it matters not how long you been here ok. The stuff I write about everyone already knows, but your acting ignorant is a tactic here, because unless you live under a rock, you can't be this unlearned in life. Your welcome to prove anything I say as wrong or a lie, but you can't do it or you just won't do it because actually your the lazy one.

So you posting shit on a messageboard is your standard of what is right and wrong? I don't need to prove it because you haven't posted any proof of links. Nothing. Debating 101 - you make the claim, your prove it. I'm not sitting here going "Oh, Beagleboy posted his opinion with nothing to back it up. Must be true!" Idiot.
Quit acting so ignorant if your so smart, oh and it matters not how long you been here ok. The stuff I write about everyone already knows, but your acting ignorant is a tactic here, because unless you live under a rock, you can't be this unlearned in life. Your welcome to prove anything I say as wrong or a lie, but you can't do it or you just won't do it because actually your the lazy one.

So you posting shit on a messageboard is your standard of what is right and wrong? I don't need to prove it because you haven't posted any proof of links. Nothing. Debating 101 - you make the claim, your prove it. I'm not sitting here going "Oh, Beagleboy posted his opinion with nothing to back it up. Must be true!" Idiot.
. So it's a war about who will post the links first then, and I guess this link posting only starts because someone doesn't believe what the other one says right ?? So your saying I'm a liar, but you refuse to put up a link that proves otherwise ?? Who made you the rule maker over who puts up a link first ? I had someone in another OP doing the same thing as you, and after this same kind of back and forth, I finally posted a link in which he or she never thought (like you), that I had in order to back me up. But I tire of providing back up to demons who will just spin and spin and spin no matter how many links one post. Never heard from the other poster again, because his jaw unhinged when he knew that the spin was over for his trying to accuse me of lying.
Just a reminder of just how stupid it is to import Syrians or any other Muslim demographic to a country where they can't handle having to behave as if non-Muslims have rights and aren't forced to kowtow to their sick political hate mindset, and 'assimilation' is forbidden to them.

Polls of Islamic Beliefs Made Over Several Years

And yet again let's point out there are dozens of Muslim countries these faux 'refugees' can relocate to, and the U.S. has no obligation, moral or otherwise, of any kind to take any of them in, not even one.
And they will be treated like shit and forced to leave, until at least scumbag obama is gone in January and then this whole fucking nonsense will end. Another year of it and the BLM riots will looks like a sunday picnic; people are getting REALLY angry about this where I am and my city/state are quite liberal. The democraps have overplayed their hand badly on this, importing voters at all costs.

Indeed. And, these vermin do not have the 'widespread support' of black adults as they claim to have, or they wouldn't have to send all those paid thugs around to generate the violence; this is Democratic Party ordered street violence, plain and simple. If they can get the police depts. of various cities to stand down, they can have free rein to control polling stations, stuff boxes, intimidate voters, and we end up with what the Weimar Republic was in the years leading up to Hitler's seizing power. These people are pure vermin, and will stop at nothing.
So it's a war about who will post the links first then, and I guess this link posting only starts because someone doesn't believe what the other one says right ?? So your saying I'm a liar, but you refuse to put up a link that proves otherwise ?? Who made you the rule maker over who puts up a link first ? I had someone in another OP doing the same thing as you, and after this same kind of back and forth, I finally posted a link in which he or she never thought (like you), that I had in order to back me up. But I tire of providing back up to demons who will just spin and spin and spin no matter how many links one post. Never heard from the other poster again, because his jaw unhinged when he knew that the spin was over for his trying to accuse me of lying.

I don't have to put up the link. I'm not the one stating the opinion. You are. If I state something on a messageboard, I'll back it up with links and proof.
The title of the OP is "Texas says withdrawing from US refugee resettlement program".

As I said before idiot c-nt, ANYONE can call themselves a refugee for whatever reason they feel like. And TX felt these people were not being properly vetted by the federal government, which is THEIR RIGHT. That worthless, leftist turds DEMAND that rights for local people like the fakestinians be respected - but but but deny them when those people desire something that does not fit your agenda/narrative. You are hypocritical, worthless, clueless filth.

Taz has already posted the link that shows that immigrants commit less crime.

Asshole, I've posted MULTIPLE links showing illegal immigrants commit FAR more crime than citizens. You just keep trying to cry like a 2 year old about not approving those sites - even though they simply listed GOVERNMENT data. You're bordering on the mentally ill here, you're so fucking delusionally stupid.
So it's a war about who will post the links first then, and I guess this link posting only starts because someone doesn't believe what the other one says right ?? So your saying I'm a liar, but you refuse to put up a link that proves otherwise ?? Who made you the rule maker over who puts up a link first ? I had someone in another OP doing the same thing as you, and after this same kind of back and forth, I finally posted a link in which he or she never thought (like you), that I had in order to back me up. But I tire of providing back up to demons who will just spin and spin and spin no matter how many links one post. Never heard from the other poster again, because his jaw unhinged when he knew that the spin was over for his trying to accuse me of lying.

You're wasting your time with an idiot, who cannot even begin to defend their claims. Not worth the time; I'm just skipping over the retarded idiot's posts.
Texas says withdrawing from U.S. refugee resettlement program

Texas gave notice on Wednesday that it was withdrawing from participating in the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement's program, citing security concerns after failing in federal court to halt the inflow of Syrian refugees into the state.

The Texas State Refugee Coordinator sent a letter to the agency, giving 120 days notice of its intention to withdraw, charging the program was riddled with problems that present security risks, Republican Governor Greg Abbott said.

"Despite multiple requests by the State of Texas, the federal government lacks the capability or the will to distinguish the dangerous from the harmless, and Texas will not be an accomplice to such dereliction of duty to the American people," Abbott said in a statement.

Texas, a bellwether state for conservative policies, has seen other Republican-led states follow its lead in challenging the Obama administration's refugee resettlement plans in and out of the courts.

Officials from the Office of Refugee Resettlement were not available for comment. U.S. officials have said refugees are carefully vetted before entering.

The U.S. Justice Department has argued in court filings that the federal government sets policies for international immigration and states do not have authority to halt federal plans.

The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, a leading resettlement agency, expressed disapproval of Texas' action.

"The decision to pull out of the refugee resettlement program after nearly 40 years of participation is misguided and inconsistent with that state's proud history of welcoming refugees," it said in a statement.

Since Jan. 1, 2011, there have been 1,104 Syrian refugees resettled in Texas, according to the U.S. State Department-affiliated Refugee Processing Center. That is less than the 1,610 people resettled in California and the 1,515 sent to Michigan.

The Obama administration said on Aug. 29 it would meet its goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees during the current fiscal year a month ahead of schedule and was working with Congress to increase the target by a few thousand during 2017.

U.S. admission of Syrian refugees has been a hot button issue in the 2016 presidential race.

The civil war in Syria has led to a flood of refugees. The United States has offered refuge to far fewer than many of its allies. Germany has taken in over a million refugees from Syria, North Africa and Asia in the last year, while Canada admitted nearly 30,000 between November last year and May 1.
So did Texas agree to this earlier and are now changing their minds?
The title of the OP is "Texas says withdrawing from US refugee resettlement program".

As I said before idiot c-nt, ANYONE can call themselves a refugee for whatever reason they feel like. And TX felt these people were not being properly vetted by the federal government, which is THEIR RIGHT. That worthless, leftist turds DEMAND that rights for local people like the fakestinians be respected - but but but deny them when those people desire something that does not fit your agenda/narrative. You are hypocritical, worthless, clueless filth.

Taz has already posted the link that shows that immigrants commit less crime.

Asshole, I've posted MULTIPLE links showing illegal immigrants commit FAR more crime than citizens. You just keep trying to cry like a 2 year old about not approving those sites - even though they simply listed GOVERNMENT data. You're bordering on the mentally ill here, you're so fucking delusionally stupid.

how many times am I going to have to tell you we aren't talking about illegals? Fuck, you are permanently stuck on 'dumb'.
If Texas wants to be part of the Union they'll do as they're fucking told or fuck off. Last time they left the Union they went bankrupt and scraped and begged to be let back in.
Texas says withdrawing from U.S. refugee resettlement program

Texas gave notice on Wednesday that it was withdrawing from participating in the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement's program, citing security concerns after failing in federal court to halt the inflow of Syrian refugees into the state.

The Texas State Refugee Coordinator sent a letter to the agency, giving 120 days notice of its intention to withdraw, charging the program was riddled with problems that present security risks, Republican Governor Greg Abbott said.

"Despite multiple requests by the State of Texas, the federal government lacks the capability or the will to distinguish the dangerous from the harmless, and Texas will not be an accomplice to such dereliction of duty to the American people," Abbott said in a statement.

Texas, a bellwether state for conservative policies, has seen other Republican-led states follow its lead in challenging the Obama administration's refugee resettlement plans in and out of the courts.

Officials from the Office of Refugee Resettlement were not available for comment. U.S. officials have said refugees are carefully vetted before entering.

The U.S. Justice Department has argued in court filings that the federal government sets policies for international immigration and states do not have authority to halt federal plans.

The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, a leading resettlement agency, expressed disapproval of Texas' action.

"The decision to pull out of the refugee resettlement program after nearly 40 years of participation is misguided and inconsistent with that state's proud history of welcoming refugees," it said in a statement.

Since Jan. 1, 2011, there have been 1,104 Syrian refugees resettled in Texas, according to the U.S. State Department-affiliated Refugee Processing Center. That is less than the 1,610 people resettled in California and the 1,515 sent to Michigan.

The Obama administration said on Aug. 29 it would meet its goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees during the current fiscal year a month ahead of schedule and was working with Congress to increase the target by a few thousand during 2017.

U.S. admission of Syrian refugees has been a hot button issue in the 2016 presidential race.

The civil war in Syria has led to a flood of refugees. The United States has offered refuge to far fewer than many of its allies. Germany has taken in over a million refugees from Syria, North Africa and Asia in the last year, while Canada admitted nearly 30,000 between November last year and May 1.
So did Texas agree to this earlier and are now changing their minds?

That I don't know....had seen the headline & shared
The title of the OP is "Texas says withdrawing from US refugee resettlement program".

As I said before idiot c-nt, ANYONE can call themselves a refugee for whatever reason they feel like. And TX felt these people were not being properly vetted by the federal government, which is THEIR RIGHT. That worthless, leftist turds DEMAND that rights for local people like the fakestinians be respected - but but but deny them when those people desire something that does not fit your agenda/narrative. You are hypocritical, worthless, clueless filth.

Taz has already posted the link that shows that immigrants commit less crime.

Asshole, I've posted MULTIPLE links showing illegal immigrants commit FAR more crime than citizens. You just keep trying to cry like a 2 year old about not approving those sites - even though they simply listed GOVERNMENT data. You're bordering on the mentally ill here, you're so fucking delusionally stupid.

how many times am I going to have to tell you we aren't talking about illegals? Fuck, you are permanently stuck on 'dumb'.
If Texas wants to be part of the Union they'll do as they're fucking told or fuck off. Last time they left the Union they went bankrupt and scraped and begged to be let back in.
. How sad it is that no one can leave the Trueman Story's world in order to realize that we are all just pawns in a wicked game now ?

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