Texas says Withdrawing from US Refugee Resettlement Program

Texas says withdrawing from U.S. refugee resettlement program

Texas gave notice on Wednesday that it was withdrawing from participating in the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement's program, citing security concerns after failing in federal court to halt the inflow of Syrian refugees into the state.

The Texas State Refugee Coordinator sent a letter to the agency, giving 120 days notice of its intention to withdraw, charging the program was riddled with problems that present security risks, Republican Governor Greg Abbott said.

"Despite multiple requests by the State of Texas, the federal government lacks the capability or the will to distinguish the dangerous from the harmless, and Texas will not be an accomplice to such dereliction of duty to the American people," Abbott said in a statement.

Texas, a bellwether state for conservative policies, has seen other Republican-led states follow its lead in challenging the Obama administration's refugee resettlement plans in and out of the courts.

Officials from the Office of Refugee Resettlement were not available for comment. U.S. officials have said refugees are carefully vetted before entering.

The U.S. Justice Department has argued in court filings that the federal government sets policies for international immigration and states do not have authority to halt federal plans.

The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, a leading resettlement agency, expressed disapproval of Texas' action.

"The decision to pull out of the refugee resettlement program after nearly 40 years of participation is misguided and inconsistent with that state's proud history of welcoming refugees," it said in a statement.

Since Jan. 1, 2011, there have been 1,104 Syrian refugees resettled in Texas, according to the U.S. State Department-affiliated Refugee Processing Center. That is less than the 1,610 people resettled in California and the 1,515 sent to Michigan.

The Obama administration said on Aug. 29 it would meet its goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees during the current fiscal year a month ahead of schedule and was working with Congress to increase the target by a few thousand during 2017.

U.S. admission of Syrian refugees has been a hot button issue in the 2016 presidential race.

The civil war in Syria has led to a flood of refugees. The United States has offered refuge to far fewer than many of its allies. Germany has taken in over a million refugees from Syria, North Africa and Asia in the last year, while Canada admitted nearly 30,000 between November last year and May 1.

Good for Texas and lets hope the other thirty one States that didn't want them do the same.

Let em all land in douchebags back yard. Good place for them. DC will love it.

Bet we don't see the obamas or the clintons or any of the other open border advocates take in any refugees in their neighborhoods. Trump's the only one who can stop this insanity.
Texas says withdrawing from U.S. refugee resettlement program

Texas gave notice on Wednesday that it was withdrawing from participating in the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement's program, citing security concerns after failing in federal court to halt the inflow of Syrian refugees into the state.

The Texas State Refugee Coordinator sent a letter to the agency, giving 120 days notice of its intention to withdraw, charging the program was riddled with problems that present security risks, Republican Governor Greg Abbott said.

"Despite multiple requests by the State of Texas, the federal government lacks the capability or the will to distinguish the dangerous from the harmless, and Texas will not be an accomplice to such dereliction of duty to the American people," Abbott said in a statement.

Texas, a bellwether state for conservative policies, has seen other Republican-led states follow its lead in challenging the Obama administration's refugee resettlement plans in and out of the courts.

Officials from the Office of Refugee Resettlement were not available for comment. U.S. officials have said refugees are carefully vetted before entering.

The U.S. Justice Department has argued in court filings that the federal government sets policies for international immigration and states do not have authority to halt federal plans.

The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, a leading resettlement agency, expressed disapproval of Texas' action.

"The decision to pull out of the refugee resettlement program after nearly 40 years of participation is misguided and inconsistent with that state's proud history of welcoming refugees," it said in a statement.

Since Jan. 1, 2011, there have been 1,104 Syrian refugees resettled in Texas, according to the U.S. State Department-affiliated Refugee Processing Center. That is less than the 1,610 people resettled in California and the 1,515 sent to Michigan.

The Obama administration said on Aug. 29 it would meet its goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees during the current fiscal year a month ahead of schedule and was working with Congress to increase the target by a few thousand during 2017.

U.S. admission of Syrian refugees has been a hot button issue in the 2016 presidential race.

The civil war in Syria has led to a flood of refugees. The United States has offered refuge to far fewer than many of its allies. Germany has taken in over a million refugees from Syria, North Africa and Asia in the last year, while Canada admitted nearly 30,000 between November last year and May 1.

Go Texas go.
So your idea is to replace the white trailer park trash with them eh ? How would you feel if you were looked to be replaced by another race of people over time ? It's happening, but that's ok with you right ?

Read Taz's post. Immigrants are much less likely to have a criminal record than native born Americans. Immigrants are not the problem.
Because they are trying to protect themselves from islamic terror, they are "racist." Wow, you're a fucking idiot.

No because their logic is fucked and anybody who doesn't see that is a fucking retard.

Their logic thus follows: Tim McVeigh was a white man and a terrorist. Therefore all white men must be terrorists.

And you call me an idiot? You're a certifiable moron. But I may be doing morons a disservice.

And you call yourself Rhodescholar. How about Sesame St professor. That sounds more like it.
No because their logic is fucked and anybody ....(garbage deleted).

Mental lighweight douchebag, there are multiple polls showing terrorism enjoys widespread support amongst arab muslims. There have been hundreds of terrorist attacks in the last few years in the West by muslims, there is simply no comparison.

And someone who posts lies like this:

"Read Taz's post. Immigrants are much less likely to have a criminal record than native born Americans. Immigrants are not the problem."

which is absolutely false or idiocies like this:

"only two things come from Texas, steers and queers. And you ain't got horns..."

is way, way too fucking stupid to be taken seriously. STFU and go focus on how Australia stole its land from the Aborigines, idiot.

I should add it is hilarious that some c-nt aussie with no facts nor brains is complaining about how the US handles immigrants while Aus ships them to Nauru to be raped and tortured. Glass house, asswipe?
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every place that lets them in gets a LARGE upswing in islamic crime and terror
No more federal aid of any kind to Texas then.
then they can't be taxed either.


Immigration and Crime – What the Research Says

Are we talking about legal immigrants or illegal aliens? As for the CATO institute, I find it hilarious that the same liberals who blister it on EVERY other topic quote it when it comes to the pet issue of both the dems-who want the votes - and the repubs, who want the cheap labor. CATO is in the pockets of the corporates, who want endless legal AND illegal immigration, so their credibility on this issue is nonexistent.

As for the facts, illegal alien crime is WAY above their percentage of the population, even if their real numbers - like 30-40 million - are taken into account.
Hope their days of con artistry played out upon everyone is finally over that's for sure.

The biggest con artist is Trump and a lot are people are falling for his snake oil. Are you one of those people?
. Says an idiot falling for the crooked Hillary. Of course you do, because she's all you libs got left. A lying snake oil sales lady being pimped out by every con-artist agenda riddled lib that there is.
I have yet to hear anyone from USMB, that supports refugee resettlement, willing to take any into their own homes.......neighborhoods, yes...homes, not so much

I would agree and since fifty three percent of American's don't want them here and thirty one States don't want them I doubt anyone will be knocking down the doors asking for them in their neighborhoods.
. They should have been fought for in their own countries being fled from. It's obsurd that we are so ignorant now, that we think that the displacing of millions of citizens into this strange country from their country is somehow the right thing to do for them, is flat outright arrogant idiotic thinking on our part. What ever happened to answering the distress call from another nation to go and help that nation rid itself of a bad government there ? Especially a bad government who is attempting to displace millions of it's citizens to where ever, and all in order to create some kind of utopia for some within the fled from country, while the undesirables are then ousted ? We can't bring the world's citizens here, and it's got to stop. How stupid can we be ?

The lies that you read in the "news" media - more like democratic party public relations/PR flacks are just appaling; how the central/south americans are "fleeing war and violence", yet they left their children there to take jobs in the US, or that the arab muslims leaving syria and afghanistan are "families fleeing war and violence", yet every video/picture I've seen is of young men by the tens of thousands, or women holding infants.

Explain how people "fleeing for their lives" are popping out babies - they must have missed the illegal alien memo that only the US allows anchor babies, not Europe.
Story breaking today over Obama having the USIS rubber stamp these vermin and get them registered to vote by November. So much for his lie about 'vetting'.

The bastard clintons did the same thing in 1996:

From Ann Coulter's FANTASTIC book, Adios America, page 35:

“A year before the 1996 presidential election, the Clinton administration undertook a major initiative to make 1 million immigrants citizens in time to vote. The White House demanded that applications be processed twelve hours a day, seven days a week. Criminal background checks were jettisoned for hundreds of thousands of applicants, resulting in citizenship being granted to at least seventy thousand immigrants with FBI criminal records and ten thousand with felony records.15 Murderers, robbers, and rapists were all made citizens so that the Democrats would have a million foreign voters on the rolls by Election Day.16 The Washington Post reported—after Clinton was safely reelected—that the citizenship initiative was intended to create “a potent new bloc of Democratic voters.” Even the INS had objected to “running a pro-Democrat voter mill.”17 Democrats didn’t care. Clinton’s reelection was more important than the country.”

Excerpt From: Ann Coulter. “Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole.” iBooks.

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