Texas senate approves open carry law

Twice the reported violent crime, if that is the case, and one quarter the intentional homicide rate.

I know where one would feel more protected whether carrying a handgun or not. But this is hardly to the point. Enough of you obviously like the vicious society you have constructed, so far be it from me to tell you guys how to live, I just know what I prefer.

edit...Oh, and I do enjoy the open carry follies, they're pretty amusing if one doesn't have to put up with them.

Actually, violent crime in America is more an inner city problem.....most of the 8-9,000 gun crimes are committed by gangs in very small, multi block areas, the worst of which are in democrat controlled cities...

So in 95% of the United States....we have the crime rate of lower of Europe......stay out of those hell holes, don't engage in criminal behavior, and don't abuse drugs and alcohol and your chance of dying by gun is the same as that in Europe.....

And again....guns in America are used 1.6 million times a year to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives...vs...8-9,000 gun murders a year....and that rate is dropping...as is the gun accident rate.....

So...we didn't give up our guns and our gun murder rate is going down, not up......and if European criminals decide to start using guns then the citizens over there will know what it is like to be unarmed.....well...they already know that since the violent crime in Britain is twice that here.....they are just expected to quietly submit to the rapes, robberies, beatings and murders.....in fact....I think I read that they are encouraged not to cry out for help....I'll have to look that up.....
In that case I assume the open carry enthusiasts are spending all their time in inner city hellholes and engage in criminal behavior and abuse drugs and alcohol. Oh well, I can see why you think you need to carry handguns to feel safe, but you could just change your behaviour.
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I understand there are two sides to this argument, what I don't understand is why so many people feel the need to carry a gun all of the time.
And because -you- do not understand this, people should not be able to exercise their right to do so?

I have no problem with following the law, I do believe anyone who owns, possesses or has in his custody or control a gun needs to have insurance and have completed a background check to verify he or she is sane, sober and has never been convicted of a crime of violence - misdemeanor or felony. I wonder if you could pass such a check.

Other than "having insurance on your firearm", all the rest IS checked before you can legally buy a firearm in the US.
Federal form 4473, and it is a felony to lie of that form.
NICS that "qualifies" you are legally eligible to buy a firearm BEFORE you can take possession of it.

We all know private party sales are rarely lawful.

And your evidence of this is...what?


IMO, If gun owners were licensed and sold a firearm to someone not licensed they would lose their license and be arrested, charged and if convicted lose their first amendment rights.

Are you stoned?
Ah! Handguns! Is there no problem they cannot solve? Wait til road rage, drunken hillbillies, incompetent marksmen, stooges who leave their penises, er ah handguns in the reach of their children, domestic disputes, bar fights and minor disagreements that flare out of control because someone has a gun and that makes him feel like Dirty Harry! At least there will be a self appointed vigilante with a gun strapped to his waist on hand to show the world what consequences his lack of judgment may wrought.

And just how many people with CCW's, outta 10 to 15 million CCW's in the USA, do the outrageous shit that you spew above?

How many really needed the gun, and more importantly, how many put themselves in predicaments they might not if they had not been armed?

Swallowing your pride and walking away doesn't seem to be much of an option when you are carrying a gun
The reason they buy guns and want so desperately to use them is because they have bought into the culture of fear the gun lobby and culture has so carefully crafted. Everyone wants to be a hero. Dirty Harry coolly taking aim at a 'bad guy'. Rambo coming into a situation guns a'blazin'. And they all think that they live on the set of Escape from New York. Criminals are an everyday occurrence according to these gun nuts.

Now, when was the last time anyone actually faced a life or death situation on the streets of America? It happens all the time, in the movies. But when has anyone actually NEEDED a gun for defense?

My uncle is ALIVE because he carries a gun. Without it, he would certainly be crippled and would probably be dead.
We do everything we can to make pools safer. We even make pool owner carry insurance in case someone is injured in the pool

When a child is killed by a gun, we just shrug and say......too fucking bad

I feel that everyone that owns a gun should be required to carry insurance.

If they had to carry insurance, they could not afford guns

Most gun owners-me included-DO carry insurance. Anything else you want to bee wrong about today, pisshead?
In that case I assume the open carry enthusiasts are spending all their time in inner city hellholes and engage in criminal behavior and abuse drugs and alcohol. Oh well, I can see why you think you need to carry handguns to feel safe, but you could just change your behaviour.
Do you think that you supposedly feeling safe wherever it is you are has any meaningful bearing on the right to carry a gun for personal defense?
And that the idea that some people may want to exercise this right means that they must live in some unnaturally violent place?
If talking to me its just the principle 'Herewego' , if you have a Right then exercise it , let 'THEM' get used to seeing it !! ME , I generally wouldn't open carry but that's my decision . I do remember open carrying through my non Texas town 53 years ago as a 12 year old carrying an uncased .22 rifle . I do remember carrying my uncased rifle or shotgun through my parents rural but residential neighborhood as a 16 year old when I was going hunting . I remember taking my uncased rifle to school on the school bus when I was 11 or 12 . People were used to seeing me and others do that and no eyebrows were raised . Time to get THEM used to seeing it again .
Me and my friend used to hitchhike with our 303's when we were ten. We'd get dropped off up in the Alberta foothills near Exshaw. A week of elk hunting and camping in the fall weather. Yes ten!
When we (always) shot an elk or two one of us would hike back to the highway (five miles) and hitch hike back to our farm/s. Then the men folk would drive a truck out nearest to our campsite and we'd take the elk back home. Happened for years with every farm boy.
there you go Danny !! I used to take my .22 on the school bus to school I the middle 60s . Walk home thorough downtown and then into the woods as I was going home .
[...] And that the idea that some people may want to exercise this right means that they must live in some unnaturally violent place?
No, I just think they're deluded paranoids perfectly within their rights to behave so, some of whom provide amusement for the rest of us.

But really that was a response to the argument that the US is as safe as Europe (where handguns are not considered necessary for protection) except for certain parts and except for the participants in certain activities; and was therefore not a vicious society more akin to a feeding frenzy where a handgun was needed to feel safe.
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[...] And that the idea that some people may want to exercise this right means that they must live in some unnaturally violent place?
No, I just think they're deluded paranoids...
Oh. So the level of violent crime, especially violent crime involving guns, in the US does not rise to the level where people have a reasonable need to carry firearms for personal protection?
Oh. So the level of violent crime, especially violent crime involving guns, in the US does not rise to the level where people have a reasonable need to carry firearms for personal protection?
Only in inner city hellholes and among people who engage in criminal behavior and abuse drugs and alcohol according to a poster who seems to know better than I. Everywhere else is as safe as Europe, where the carry of handguns is not necessary.
Texas Senate approves open carry of handguns

Texas Senate approves open carry of handguns

Suck it libturd gun control bitches
I love Texas

Can't wait to kill a darkie, can ya?

My guess is open carry won't apply to black kids with BB guns.
Just to make it clear, I've reloaded for rifle and shotgun, put through thousands of rounds on rifle ranges and clay target grounds; and slaughtered thousands of animals if rabbit and possum count, only hundreds otherwise

Still, if you're happy for your streets to be battle grounds it's nothing to me.
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Oh. So the level of violent crime, especially violent crime involving guns, in the US does not rise to the level where people have a reasonable need to carry firearms for personal protection?
Only in inner city hellholes and among people who engage in criminal behavior and abuse drugs and alcohol according to a poster who seems to know better than I. Everywhere else is as safe as Europe, where the carry of handguns is not necessary.
If the level of violent crime, especially violent crime involving guns, in the US does not rise to the level where people have a reasonable need to carry firearms for personal protection - as you suggest - why is it necessary to enact additional gun control?
If the level of violent crime, especially violent crime involving guns, in the US does not rise to the level where people have a reasonable need to carry firearms for personal protection - as you suggest -
Oh, 2aguy suggested that. Here:
Actually, violent crime in America is more an inner city problem.....most of the 8-9,000 gun crimes are committed by gangs in very small, multi block areas, the worst of which are in democrat controlled cities...

So in 95% of the United States....we have the crime rate of lower of Europe......stay out of those hell holes, don't engage in criminal behavior, and don't abuse drugs and alcohol and your chance of dying by gun is the same as that in Europe.....[...]
- why is it necessary to enact additional gun control?
I suppose because the need to carry handguns would not be reasonable.

But preventing handgun carry may slow down the production of amusing Youtube clips, I'm not sure that would be reasonable. Hey, if you want to view your society as a feeding frenzy and don't feel comfortable unarmed in it, go to it, it's your society after all.
If the level of violent crime, especially violent crime involving guns, in the US does not rise to the level where people have a reasonable need to carry firearms for personal protection - as you suggest - why is it necessary to enact additional gun control?
I suppose because the need to carry handguns would not be reasonable.
Not sure how this is a valid response to my question.
Please explain.
If the level of violent crime, especially violent crime involving guns, in the US does not rise to the level where people have a reasonable need to carry firearms for personal protection - as you suggest -
Oh, 2aguy suggested that. Here:
Actually, violent crime in America is more an inner city problem.....most of the 8-9,000 gun crimes are committed by gangs in very small, multi block areas, the worst of which are in democrat controlled cities...

So in 95% of the United States....we have the crime rate of lower of Europe......stay out of those hell holes, don't engage in criminal behavior, and don't abuse drugs and alcohol and your chance of dying by gun is the same as that in Europe.....[...]
- why is it necessary to enact additional gun control?
I suppose because the need to carry handguns would not be reasonable.

But preventing handgun carry may slow down the production of amusing Youtube clips, I'm not sure that would be reasonable. Hey, if you want to view your society as a feeding frenzy and don't feel comfortable unarmed in it, go to it, it's your society after all.

The feeding frenzy is created by government welfare policy and democrat governing policies......not guns.

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