Texas senate approves open carry law

Have you gone to an NRA safety course......they talk about gun safes.....we are talking to children who may come across a gun when an adult isn't around......
And the adult responsible for bringing that gun home is TOTALLY CULPABLE in any accident or death. Bringing in a hazardous piece of equipment carries great responsibility. That equipment must be secured and stored responsibly.

And yet you want more guns in more homes.

For the sake of the innocent children not yet swept off their feet by the glamor and testosterone of the gun culture, unload, secure and lock away your arsenal.

Wow.....really....why hadn't the gun safe industry ever thought of that.....considering how many different types of gun safe are sold......and you should tell that to the guys running the NRA gun safety courses on safety in the home....they probably didn't think of that either....

Of course.....you do know that with more people owning and carrying guns....child gun deaths are going down....not up.....you know that...right?
Using that logic, we should start charging fire extinguishers with gasoline. More errant guns means more child deaths by irresponsible gun owners.

More gun owners mean more gun classes on safe handling....as has been shown with the actual statistics in the actual world...not some anti gunner fantasy......more people own and carry guns than ever before...and the gun murder rate is going down, not up....and the gun accident rate is going down, not up....and the child gun death rate is going down not up.....

If you guys would allow actual safety training for kids.....more of their lives would be saved.......you do want that...right? or is the propaganda benefit of a dead child just too useful.......?
Are gun safety classes MANDATORY UNDER LAW? Or are they merely CYA window dressing?

In some places yes....other places no.....but that is the reality of a right vs. a privilege....mandating more and more fees, disguised as concern for public safety is one way anti gunners seek to inhibit the right to own guns....that is the truth....

I know, you will doubt the truth of this....however....

I support and preach gun safety education......that is why I believe it should be taught in schools......where it would reach the most vulnerable children...for free...or as free as police or fireman are when they present safety programs in schools...

anti gun people.....say they want children safe from guns......but then fight against these simple gun safety lessons for children....and then they make owning guns more and more expensive, pricing gun safety and instruction out of the ability of people to afford it.......

It doesn't take much to teach gun safety....it isn't complicated.....a friend or relative can do it very easily.......and it can be taught to children as well...especially the NRA kid safety program....

mandating it....means one more obstacle used to deny ownership...

We know how anti gunners think.....we know what they want....
And the adult responsible for bringing that gun home is TOTALLY CULPABLE in any accident or death. Bringing in a hazardous piece of equipment carries great responsibility. That equipment must be secured and stored responsibly.

And yet you want more guns in more homes.

For the sake of the innocent children not yet swept off their feet by the glamor and testosterone of the gun culture, unload, secure and lock away your arsenal.

Wow.....really....why hadn't the gun safe industry ever thought of that.....considering how many different types of gun safe are sold......and you should tell that to the guys running the NRA gun safety courses on safety in the home....they probably didn't think of that either....

Of course.....you do know that with more people owning and carrying guns....child gun deaths are going down....not up.....you know that...right?
Using that logic, we should start charging fire extinguishers with gasoline. More errant guns means more child deaths by irresponsible gun owners.

More gun owners mean more gun classes on safe handling....as has been shown with the actual statistics in the actual world...not some anti gunner fantasy......more people own and carry guns than ever before...and the gun murder rate is going down, not up....and the gun accident rate is going down, not up....and the child gun death rate is going down not up.....

If you guys would allow actual safety training for kids.....more of their lives would be saved.......you do want that...right? or is the propaganda benefit of a dead child just too useful.......?
Are gun safety classes MANDATORY UNDER LAW? Or are they merely CYA window dressing?

In some places yes....other places no.....but that is the reality of a right vs. a privilege....mandating more and more fees, disguised as concern for public safety is one way anti gunners seek to inhibit the right to own guns....that is the truth....

I know, you will doubt the truth of this....however....

I support and preach gun safety education......that is why I believe it should be taught in schools......where it would reach the most vulnerable children...for free...or as free as police or fireman are when they present safety programs in schools...

anti gun people.....say they want children safe from guns......but then fight against these simple gun safety lessons for children....and then they make owning guns more and more expensive, pricing gun safety and instruction out of the ability of people to afford it.......

It doesn't take much to teach gun safety....it isn't complicated.....a friend or relative can do it very easily.......and it can be taught to children as well...especially the NRA kid safety program....

mandating it....means one more obstacle used to deny ownership...

We know how anti gunners think.....we know what they want....
So nothing is on the table. No mandatory gun safety course, open carry, no back ground checks, no waiting period.

Just guns, guns and more guns. And a further glamorizations of guns and a general promotion of a gun culture.

Seems the pro gun nuts want everything and dead kids is the price we pay for their warped, violent gun culture.
And because -you- do not understand this, people should not be able to exercise their right to do so?

I have no problem with following the law, I do believe anyone who owns, possesses or has in his custody or control a gun needs to have insurance and have completed a background check to verify he or she is sane, sober and has never been convicted of a crime of violence - misdemeanor or felony. I wonder if you could pass such a check.

Other than "having insurance on your firearm", all the rest IS checked before you can legally buy a firearm in the US.
Federal form 4473, and it is a felony to lie of that form.
NICS that "qualifies" you are legally eligible to buy a firearm BEFORE you can take possession of it.

We all know private party sales are rarely lawful. IMO, If gun owners were licensed and sold a firearm to someone not licensed they would lose their license and be arrested, charged and if convicted lose their first amendment rights.
Pure ignorance. Not a bit of that is true.

The only truth in your comment is your inability to read with comprehension. IMO means In My Opinion. Thus, IMO your biases prevent understanding, Now, is that willfully or otherwise?
Dumbass, you stated "IMO" followed by claims that can only be true or untrue. So no, I didn't misspeak.
Guns are fine, it's the people that that have guns that need to be controlled. How do we control people? Well drivers must be licensed, as do doctors and lawyers and teachers and pilots and tour guides and insurance sales persons, and all of these people have some training and have demonstrated some competence and abilities to handle the responsibility assoicated with their vocation or avocation.
None of these are rights, and so none of these examples support your argument.
Why do we not require the same from those who want to own, possess or want to have in their custody and control a gun?
Owning and using a gun us a right protected from infringement by the Constitution.
Aside from that.... under the Constitution, the government cannot require you to ask it permission or meet some arbitrary of competence before you can exercise ANY right.
If the answer is the Second Amendment, maybe its time - 2 + centuries after it was signed into the law - to modify this law in a minor manner?
See: US Constitution, article V.
Good luck.
Until you change it, you don't get to pretend its not there.
Let's allow the individual states the authority to require a license of anyone who wants to own, etc. a firearm.
You;d have to change the 14th amendment then, as the rights, privileges and immunities of US citizens are protected from actions by the states.
I have no problem with following the law,
And so, you have no issue with open carry, where legal.
Thank you.
That is correct. But I stand by my comment, anyone who openly carries or conceals a gun which is unloaded is stupid
There's no reason to have gun on you unless you are able to use it immediately.

Q. Do you ever leave a firearm in car, locked of course, when the car will be out of your sight?
Ever? Yes -- like when I walk into the post office. No choice.
I agree, there is no reason to openly carry an unloaded gun. And yet, many kooks were flooding coffee houses armed with supposedly unloaded guns.
Nothing I saw in that regard indicated the rifles were unloaded.
They may not have had a round in the chamber, but that's no the same thing.
If it does not have a round in the chamber, it is not loaded.
I understand there are two sides to this argument, what I don't understand is why so many people feel the need to carry a gun all of the time.
And because -you- do not understand this, people should not be able to exercise their right to do so?

I have no problem with following the law, I do believe anyone who owns, possesses or has in his custody or control a gun needs to have insurance and have completed a background check to verify he or she is sane, sober and has never been convicted of a crime of violence - misdemeanor or felony. I wonder if you could pass such a check.

Other than "having insurance on your firearm", all the rest IS checked before you can legally buy a firearm in the US.
Federal form 4473, and it is a felony to lie of that form.
NICS that "qualifies" you are legally eligible to buy a firearm BEFORE you can take possession of it.
It is a felony to lie on the form.

My son ran the gun department at an Academy store.

BATF did NOTHING to the hundreds he denied sales to, for lying or using obvious straw buyers.

Ah! Handguns! Is there no problem they cannot solve? Wait til road rage, drunken hillbillies, incompetent marksmen, stooges who leave their penises, er ah handguns in the reach of their children, domestic disputes, bar fights and minor disagreements that flare out of control because someone has a gun and that makes him feel like Dirty Harry! At least there will be a self appointed vigilante with a gun strapped to his waist on hand to show the world what consequences his lack of judgment may wrought.

And just how many people with CCW's, outta 10 to 15 million CCW's in the USA, do the outrageous shit that you spew above?

How many really needed the gun, and more importantly, how many put themselves in predicaments they might not if they had not been armed?

Swallowing your pride and walking away doesn't seem to be much of an option when you are carrying a gun
Not much of an option when someone is going to rape, rob or rough you up either.
And so, you have no issue with open carry, where legal.
Thank you.
That is correct. But I stand by my comment, anyone who openly carries or conceals a gun which is unloaded is stupid
There's no reason to have gun on you unless you are able to use it immediately.

Q. Do you ever leave a firearm in car, locked of course, when the car will be out of your sight?
Ever? Yes -- like when I walk into the post office. No choice.
I agree, there is no reason to openly carry an unloaded gun. And yet, many kooks were flooding coffee houses armed with supposedly unloaded guns.
Nothing I saw in that regard indicated the rifles were unloaded.
They may not have had a round in the chamber, but that's no the same thing.
If it does not have a round in the chamber, it is not loaded.
If you have a loaded mag inserted, it is loaded.
If you do not have a round in the chamber, it may or may not be ready to fire, but that's not the same thing.
OMG,OMG,OMG..There's going to be shoot outs in the streets and the blood will flow like the Guadalupe after a hard rain.
I dont expect to see a lot of open carry. The intelligent will continue to keep their weapon concealed.
I'm starting a grave digger business..
But guns don't fit that category....since on average guns stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives 1.6 million times a year.....over the gun murder rate of 8-9,000 a year and over the accidental gun death rate of 6-700 a year......

You can do math...right?
collateral damage is acceptable so long as we have guns on the streets and on the persons lacking training and forethought? That's simply not acceptable. Guns are designed to kill. What other products with poor safety records are still on the shelves? Certainly none of those defective products were exclusively designed to kill.

What collateral damage...you have been given the numbers.....more people are carrying guns, over 11.1 million and the gun murder rate is going down and the gun accident rate is going down, not up...you are wrong...and talking out of your ass......and you aren't even as good as Jim Carrey when you do it....

What collateral damage? How many kids are killed by errant guns that someone without enough responsibility to own a cat left in their reach? How many accidental shootings could have been prevented had the wounded not been around a gun at the time?

You cite that fantastic number 1.6 million times a year. But I'm skeptical. Gun lobbies have carefully crafted A message of fear and suspicion into their 'buy a gun today' meme. 1.6 million times a year could account for all the crimes committed, even the crime of irresponsible gun owners wishing their darkest fantasy would come true and a 'bad guy' appears in their homes, just like the movies.

Actually....the Clinton Justice Department...clinton a gun grabber, the justice dept. a gun grabbing agency....researched the defensive use of guns...and their number as to how many times a year guns are used in self defense.....1.5 million times a year.........

Obama, in 2013.....ordered the CDC to study the issue and gave them 10 million dollars.....they studied all the research, all the studies....and found that guns are used between 500,000 and 3 million times a year to stop or prevent violent criminal attack....and obama is a gun grabber as is the CDC...

There are over 16 different studies, done over a 40 year period, by both public and private researchers, many of them anti gun, others neutral on the issue, who found, when I average all their results, 1.6 million times a year.....

So not carefully crafted, carefully researched, over an extended period of time by sometimes hostile researchers.......

How many kids are killed by errant guns that someone without enough responsibility to own a cat left in their reach?

Less than 100 a year....pools kill more, as do cars.....
Violent baby daddies kill more kids than gun accidents.

No biggie though.
collateral damage is acceptable so long as we have guns on the streets and on the persons lacking training and forethought? That's simply not acceptable. Guns are designed to kill. What other products with poor safety records are still on the shelves? Certainly none of those defective products were exclusively designed to kill.

What collateral damage...you have been given the numbers.....more people are carrying guns, over 11.1 million and the gun murder rate is going down and the gun accident rate is going down, not up...you are wrong...and talking out of your ass......and you aren't even as good as Jim Carrey when you do it....

What collateral damage? How many kids are killed by errant guns that someone without enough responsibility to own a cat left in their reach? How many accidental shootings could have been prevented had the wounded not been around a gun at the time?

You cite that fantastic number 1.6 million times a year. But I'm skeptical. Gun lobbies have carefully crafted A message of fear and suspicion into their 'buy a gun today' meme. 1.6 million times a year could account for all the crimes committed, even the crime of irresponsible gun owners wishing their darkest fantasy would come true and a 'bad guy' appears in their homes, just like the movies.

Actually....the Clinton Justice Department...clinton a gun grabber, the justice dept. a gun grabbing agency....researched the defensive use of guns...and their number as to how many times a year guns are used in self defense.....1.5 million times a year.........

Obama, in 2013.....ordered the CDC to study the issue and gave them 10 million dollars.....they studied all the research, all the studies....and found that guns are used between 500,000 and 3 million times a year to stop or prevent violent criminal attack....and obama is a gun grabber as is the CDC...

There are over 16 different studies, done over a 40 year period, by both public and private researchers, many of them anti gun, others neutral on the issue, who found, when I average all their results, 1.6 million times a year.....

So not carefully crafted, carefully researched, over an extended period of time by sometimes hostile researchers.......

How many kids are killed by errant guns that someone without enough responsibility to own a cat left in their reach?

Less than 100 a year....pools kill more, as do cars.....
Violent baby daddies kill more kids than gun accidents.

No biggie though.
Around here it's alcohol and guns..
Cars are not weapons. Yet we recognize the hazards of driving and thus require licenses, insurance training and age verification in order to legally drive.

Swimming pools are not weapons. Yet owning a swimming pool brings many responsibilities. Additional riders on home insurance policies, fencing and monitoring all come along with pool ownership.

And no one balks at any of those additional requirements involved in automobile or swimming pool ownership. Hazards are recognized and addressed so far as law permits.

Guns are weapons. They are designed to propel lead at high velocity. They are designed to kill, they are not modes of transportation. Yet we have no such insurance or licensing requirements to own and operate a deadly weapon.

Who's fooling who with this inept and inappropriate comparison between weaponry and transportation?

Well, in the real world you guys would be more upset that everyday, ordinary objects kill so many people.....but no....you complain the most about the object that kills fewer children, not more children.........
You seem unnaturally at ease with dead children.

No....I want them protected from gun accidents.......it is you anti gunners that don't want to teach gun safety to children.....why would that be? Considering how you say that is one of your primary concerns about guns...and yet.....you guys fight tooth and nail to keep it out of grade schools.....

And we simply want to use the 4 steps created and taught by the NRA....

1) stop
2) don't touch
3) leave the room
4) find an adult.....

And yet you guys find that too radical........and the children who could be saved...aren't.....
Try to teach those four points in a public school and see what happens.
OMG,OMG,OMG..There's going to be shoot outs in the streets and the blood will flow like the Guadalupe after a hard rain.
I dont expect to see a lot of open carry. The intelligent will continue to keep their weapon concealed.
I'm starting a grave digger business..

Hope your willing to starve..you'll never beat out cheap immigrant labor.
And so, you have no issue with open carry, where legal.
Thank you.
That is correct. But I stand by my comment, anyone who openly carries or conceals a gun which is unloaded is stupid
There's no reason to have gun on you unless you are able to use it immediately.

Q. Do you ever leave a firearm in car, locked of course, when the car will be out of your sight?
Ever? Yes -- like when I walk into the post office. No choice.
I agree, there is no reason to openly carry an unloaded gun. And yet, many kooks were flooding coffee houses armed with supposedly unloaded guns.
Nothing I saw in that regard indicated the rifles were unloaded.
They may not have had a round in the chamber, but that's no the same thing.
If it does not have a round in the chamber, it is not loaded.

That's not true in CA, I posted the CA Penal Code Section already.

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