Texas senate approves open carry law

seems like you are at least 'halfway ok' Odium !!
OMG,OMG,OMG..There's going to be shoot outs in the streets and the blood will flow like the Guadalupe after a hard rain.
I dont expect to see a lot of open carry. The intelligent will continue to keep their weapon concealed.
Hmmm..I guess there are intelligent people who are chickenshits too.

Not sure I get your point.
The intelligent dont want to draw attention to the fact they're armed.
If talking to me its just the principle 'Herewego' , if you have a Right then exercise it , let 'THEM' get used to seeing it !! ME , I generally wouldn't open carry but that's my decision . I do remember open carrying through my non Texas town 53 years ago as a 12 year old carrying an uncased .22 rifle . I do remember carrying my uncased rifle or shotgun through my parents rural but residential neighborhood as a 16 year old when I was going hunting . I remember taking my uncased rifle to school on the school bus when I was 11 or 12 . People were used to seeing me and others do that and no eyebrows were raised . Time to get THEM used to seeing it again .
nowadays a kid or young adult carrying a long gun because his parents allow him to have it would be arrested in lots of places around the country Herewego . Same for a guy in an apartment building in Dallas , guy might have swat called on him if he appears carrying a rifle as he leaves his apartment building . Best to get the general public [them] used to seeing Americans exercising their Rights as they openly display open carry of guns Herewego !!
just funny , same funny as the copper shooting himself in the foot in front of the widdle children
Does Texas need more guns?

1963 JFK Assassinated
1966 Texas Tower massacre
1991 Lubys massacre
1993 Waco massacre
2009 Ft Hood massacre
2014 Ft Hood massacre Part II

I don't think Texans and guns are a good mix
Government of Pol Pot killed 300 thousand with guns , Government lead by Hitler killed 6 - 9 million people with guns , Mao killed millions with guns , Idi Amin and his government killed thousands with his guns . HUTUS killed hundreds of thousands with machetes , knives , guns , rocks , hands and feet . Lots of ways that governments kill people with guns and by other means Rightwinger . I don't think that governments should have guns because of the numbers of people that they kill with those guns . Not true actually , I like USA government having all the guns they have at this point in time .
Government of Pol Pot killed 300 thousand with guns , Government lead by Hitler killed 6 - 9 million people with guns , Mao killed millions with guns , Idi Amin and his government killed thousands with his guns . HUTUS killed hundreds of thousands with machetes , knives , guns , rocks , hands and feet . Lots of ways that governments kill people with guns and by other means Rightwinger . I don't think that governments should have guns because of the numbers of people that they kill with those guns . Not true actually , I like USA government having all the guns they have at this point in time .

You know what?

That makes no fucking sense
might not make sense to you Rightwinger but my post about Government killing its citizens was accurate , I'm happy that the USA is an armed citizens or taxpayers society . I'm happy with this open carry deal in Texas . More guns on the street is a good thing in my opinion . An armed society is a polite society .
A couple of years ago we went to a pub for lunch in Flagstaff, AZ. On the door was a sign, no guns allowed. The place was packed, it didn't seems to effect the owners business and the waitress said she felt safer now that those served alcohol were not armed.

I understand there are two sides to this argument, what I don't understand is why so many people feel the need to carry a gun all of the time. My first job in LE required us to carry a gun, on the clock and off. It was a pain in the ass going surfing, going to the gym and playing softball and basketball.
I understand there are two sides to this argument, what I don't understand is why so many people feel the need to carry a gun all of the time.
And because -you- do not understand this, people should not be able to exercise their right to do so?

I have no problem with following the law, I do believe anyone who owns, possesses or has in his custody or control a gun needs to have insurance and have completed a background check to verify he or she is sane, sober and has never been convicted of a crime of violence - misdemeanor or felony. I wonder if you could pass such a check.
I understand there are two sides to this argument, what I don't understand is why so many people feel the need to carry a gun all of the time.
And because -you- do not understand this, people should not be able to exercise their right to do so?
I have no problem with following the law,
And so, you have no issue with open carry, where legal.
Thank you.

That is correct. But I stand by my comment, anyone who openly carries or conceals a gun which is unloaded is stupid (unless of course the person has a legitimate explanation, i.e. going to or coming from the range, hunting or other credible reasons). As I said, it can be a pain in the ass under some circumstances.

Q. Do you ever leave a firearm in car, locked of course, when the car will be out of your sight?
I understand there are two sides to this argument, what I don't understand is why so many people feel the need to carry a gun all of the time.
And because -you- do not understand this, people should not be able to exercise their right to do so?
I have no problem with following the law,
And so, you have no issue with open carry, where legal.
Thank you.
That is correct. But I stand by my comment, anyone who openly carries or conceals a gun which is unloaded is stupid
There's no reason to have gun on you unless you are able to use it immediately.

Q. Do you ever leave a firearm in car, locked of course, when the car will be out of your sight?
Ever? Yes -- like when I walk into the post office. No choice.
Texas has a long way to go to be the emblem of firearms freedom. They're still far behind the curve. In Idaho, as well as many other gun friendly states, a CCW is not necessary for open carry. And Idaho is very close to passing Constitutional Carry like Wyoming and Arizona. Texas is late to the game on this and even being late, they came up short.

Woe to the Republic! (of Texas)

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