Texas senator Ted Cruz is critisized by both parties

Good, congress is doing its job. Obama and his ideas are wrong for the country.

Well summbitch....must be why he was re-elected in an Electoral landslide then.

Congress has an approval rating hovering between head lice and cockroaches. You really think blocking everything that the very popular president wants to do is a good course of action?

52/48 is neither a landslide or a mandate. His favorability ratings are below 50%, so both of your claims are bogus.

Congress does have a low rating and they deserve it. no budget for 4 years, 1 trillion deficit every year, 8% unemployment, more on foodstamps, more in poverty. Obama and this congress have failed miserably----but we know, you love obama so nothing else matters. :cuckoo:

I said Electoral landslide, which is exactly what this was. President Obama won with a greater share of the popular vote than Bush did in his second term and yet both Bush and the RW media claimed that Bush had a mandate. I wonder if they feel the same about Obama, who won by a lot more. Somehow I doubt it.

His favorability is at 52% this week darlin'. Might want to get the info someplace other than Fox.

Even if it were below 50, it would be triple the approval of Congress. There's a reason for that. It's the same reason he was elected and the same reason that his SOTU proposals were met with overwhelming approval.

Keep obstructing and the GOP might find themselves with a negative approval.
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You just don't get it. How much do they have to spend every day to make 375 M ?

like I said, you get carried away with the zeros and ignore the %.

If not for the write offs, the price of gas would be higher. Those were given by congress to encourage energy exploration. Why is that a bad thing?

Now see, there you go. I don't think write offs for energy exploration is such a bad thing. Why do the Republicans want to STOP these "write offs" for green energy exploration while keeping them in place for big oil?

"Eradicating subsidies to fossil fuels would enhance energy security, reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollution, and bring economic benefits," said the IEA, the energy watchdog to 28 industrialized countries, in its annual World Energy Outlook. The report estimated such subsidies at $312 billion in 2009, mostly in developing countries, compared with $57 billion in subsidies for renewable energy.

President Obama has recently called for a similar action for U.S. fossil fuel subsidies. For decades, tax breaks and federal incentives have been a boon to the U.S. fossil fuels industry. Numbers compiled by the Environmental Law Institute reveal that those figures totaled $72 billion between 2002 and 2008—about $10 billion annually. Figures from the Washington-based nonprofit Oil Change International, put annual U.S. subsidies of these mature technologies somewhere between $6 billion and $39 billion annually, depending on what is included in the count.

US Republicans Propose "Inexplicable" Cuts to Renewable Energy

Why not shift some of those incentives to alternative energy solutions?

OK, are you backing off on your claim that 7% profit is "obscene" ?

Nope, I still think that their profits are obscene. I think this is even more obscene though...

We don’t want the West to go and find alternatives, because, clearly, the higher the price oil goes, the more you have incentive to go and find alternatives. ~ Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (who is the 2nd most share holder of Fox ;) )
The Senate rejected the nomination, 53-47. That means it came up for an actual vote. That's not the same as a filibuster.

Glad to see I got your attention. Now would you care to focus on the TWO Bush II nominees who were filibustered in 2006?

They weren't. The filibuster was not successful which is why this is the first time in history it has ever been done.

The filibuster of BOTH men was ATTEMPTED, the fact that it took a cloture vote PROVES that. If Hagel can't win a cloture vote that tells me that the man shouldn't BE SecDef.
Ted Cruz clearly reflects the views of the large majority in Texas, and probably America in general. However, those of us good normal Americans who subscribe to his views need to realize the strength of the evil leftist mainstream media we are swimming upstream against. Bill Clinton and Obama both got elected by sounding much less radical left than they were. Then they proceded to inflict their liberal agendas on the country. They got away with it because of the collusion of the leftist mainstream media. Conservatives like Cruz, Rubio, and others need to do the same - be a little bit slicker and less direct. That will of course be a lot more difficult for our side because of media bias, but it hopefully can be done, and it must be at least tried.
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Good, congress is doing its job. Obama and his ideas are wrong for the country.

No, the Republicans in the Senate are abusing the use of the filibuster. They've been doing it for 4 going on 5 years. It has nothing to do with Obama's "ideas" They don't give a crap about them. They could be all for his ideas and still attempt to obstruct him. It's all political.

The proof of that lies in the fact that if Romney was President and appointed Chuck Hagel for Sec of Defense, he'd sail through the confirmation hearings.

Deny that, but make sure you provide a basis for your reasoning, if you can.

what did the dems do when they rammed obamacare through without 60 votes in the middle of the night on Christmas eve before anyone had a chance to read the bill?

What does that have to do with Senate filibusters? Don't like your position on the field? Move the goal post into the locker room? Ok, I'll bite.

Vote was at 7:05 am Christmas Eve. Passed with 60 votes.

U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 111th Congress - 1st Session
as compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate
Vote Summary
Question: On Passage of the Bill (H.R. 3590 as Amended )
Vote Number: 396 Vote Date: December 24, 2009, 07:05 AM
Required For Majority: 1/2 Vote Result: Bill Passed
Measure Number: H.R. 3590 (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act )
Measure Title: An act entitled The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Vote Counts: YEAs 60
NAYs 39
Not Voting 1
Ted Cruz clearly reflects the views of the large majority in Texas, and probably America in general. However, those of us good normal Americans who subscribe to his views need to realize the strength of the evil leftist mainstream media we are swimming upstream against. Bill Clinton and Obama both got elected by sounding much less radical left than they were. Then they proceded to inflict their liberal agendas on the country. They got away with it because of the collusion of the leftist mainstream media. Conservatives like Cruz, Rubio, and others need to do the same - be a little bit slicker and less direct. That will of course be a lot more difficult for our side because of media bias, but it hopefully can be done, and it must be at least tried.

What liberal agenda, in Obama's case? Can you be more specific? You see, some of here, just left of the middle find his politics to be quite Republican lite so we're a bit confused about what you consider "liberal" in regards to Obama's policies or agenda.
Ted Cruz clearly reflects the views of the large majority in Texas, and probably America in general. However, those of us good normal Americans who subscribe to his views need to realize the strength of the evil leftist mainstream media we are swimming upstream against. Bill Clinton and Obama both got elected by sounding much less radical left than they were. Then they proceded to inflict their liberal agendas on the country. They got away with it because of the collusion of the leftist mainstream media. Conservatives like Cruz, Rubio, and others need to do the same - be a little bit slicker and less direct. That will of course be a lot more difficult for our side because of media bias, but it hopefully can be done, and it must be at least tried.

What liberal agenda, in Obama's case? Can you be more specific? You see, some of here, just left of the middle find his politics to be quite Republican lite so we're a bit confused about what you consider "liberal" in regards to Obama's policies or agenda.

The expansion of the welfare state, the legalization of illegal aliens, the takeover of healthcare, the curtailment of the Bill of Rights and the huge expansion of the National Debt, for starters...
Now see, there you go. I don't think write offs for energy exploration is such a bad thing. Why do the Republicans want to STOP these "write offs" for green energy exploration while keeping them in place for big oil?

"Eradicating subsidies to fossil fuels would enhance energy security, reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollution, and bring economic benefits," said the IEA, the energy watchdog to 28 industrialized countries, in its annual World Energy Outlook. The report estimated such subsidies at $312 billion in 2009, mostly in developing countries, compared with $57 billion in subsidies for renewable energy.

President Obama has recently called for a similar action for U.S. fossil fuel subsidies. For decades, tax breaks and federal incentives have been a boon to the U.S. fossil fuels industry. Numbers compiled by the Environmental Law Institute reveal that those figures totaled $72 billion between 2002 and 2008—about $10 billion annually. Figures from the Washington-based nonprofit Oil Change International, put annual U.S. subsidies of these mature technologies somewhere between $6 billion and $39 billion annually, depending on what is included in the count.

US Republicans Propose "Inexplicable" Cuts to Renewable Energy

Why not shift some of those incentives to alternative energy solutions?

OK, are you backing off on your claim that 7% profit is "obscene" ?

Nope, I still think that their profits are obscene. I think this is even more obscene though...

We don’t want the West to go and find alternatives, because, clearly, the higher the price oil goes, the more you have incentive to go and find alternatives. ~ Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (who is the 2nd most share holder of Fox ;) )

take off 3 zeros, is it still obscene? you just refuse to comprehend the amount of money that oil companies have to put at risk to make that 7%. Its no different than your local convenience store owner making 7%. why is that so hard for you to grasp?
Ted Cruz clearly reflects the views of the large majority in Texas, and probably America in general. However, those of us good normal Americans who subscribe to his views need to realize the strength of the evil leftist mainstream media we are swimming upstream against. Bill Clinton and Obama both got elected by sounding much less radical left than they were. Then they proceded to inflict their liberal agendas on the country. They got away with it because of the collusion of the leftist mainstream media. Conservatives like Cruz, Rubio, and others need to do the same - be a little bit slicker and less direct. That will of course be a lot more difficult for our side because of media bias, but it hopefully can be done, and it must be at least tried.

What liberal agenda, in Obama's case? Can you be more specific? You see, some of here, just left of the middle find his politics to be quite Republican lite so we're a bit confused about what you consider "liberal" in regards to Obama's policies or agenda.

The expansion of the welfare state, the legalization of illegal aliens, the takeover of healthcare, the curtailment of the Bill of Rights and the huge expansion of the National Debt, for starters...

You’ve got to be kidding.

You’re truly blinded by partisan hate and ignorance.

There is no ‘welfare state,’ you obviously have no idea what that actually means; and no liberal advocates a ‘welfare state.’

No liberal or democratic politician advocates ‘legalizing’ undocumented immigrants.

There has been no ‘takeover’ of healthcare, it remains the purview of private companies, as indeed the ACA is a republican plan.

No civil liberties have been ‘curtailed,’ in fact, liberals have long been the champions of individual liberty, from ending segregation in the 1950s to ending discrimination against homosexuals during this century. In fact, it has been conservatives and republicans hostile to the Bill of Rights, by attempting to destroy privacy rights with regard to contraception and abortion, opposing due process rights with regard to immigration, and opposing equal protection rights with regard to same-sex couples.

As for the National debt, it was a republican president who squandered a budget surplus, created a massive deficit, and expanded the size of government.

Consequently, except for the few on the partisan right, no one buys into the nonsense of a ‘liberal agenda.’
What liberal agenda, in Obama's case? Can you be more specific? You see, some of here, just left of the middle find his politics to be quite Republican lite so we're a bit confused about what you consider "liberal" in regards to Obama's policies or agenda.

The expansion of the welfare state, the legalization of illegal aliens, the takeover of healthcare, the curtailment of the Bill of Rights and the huge expansion of the National Debt, for starters...

You’ve got to be kidding.

You’re truly blinded by partisan hate and ignorance.

There is no ‘welfare state,’ you obviously have no idea what that actually means; and no liberal advocates a ‘welfare state.’

No liberal or democratic politician advocates ‘legalizing’ undocumented immigrants.

There has been no ‘takeover’ of healthcare, it remains the purview of private companies, as indeed the ACA is a republican plan.

No civil liberties have been ‘curtailed,’ in fact, liberals have long been the champions of individual liberty, from ending segregation in the 1950s to ending discrimination against homosexuals during this century. In fact, it has been conservatives and republicans hostile to the Bill of Rights, by attempting to destroy privacy rights with regard to contraception and abortion, opposing due process rights with regard to immigration, and opposing equal protection rights with regard to same-sex couples.

As for the National debt, it was a republican president who squandered a budget surplus, created a massive deficit, and expanded the size of government.

Consequently, except for the few on the partisan right, no one buys into the nonsense of a ‘liberal agenda.’

all that is just your oponion, just like you saying Most conservatives were pushing for the vaginal probe be done
so who was it who made the film, Julia?
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Quote: Originally Posted by Occamstazer View Post
Quote: Originally Posted by texasbadger View Post
Ted Cruz clearly reflects the views of the large majority in Texas, and probably America in general. However, those of us good normal Americans who subscribe to his views need to realize the strength of the evil leftist mainstream media we are swimming upstream against. Bill Clinton and Obama both got elected by sounding much less radical left than they were. Then they proceded to inflict their liberal agendas on the country. They got away with it because of the collusion of the leftist mainstream media. Conservatives like Cruz, Rubio, and others need to do the same - be a little bit slicker and less direct. That will of course be a lot more difficult for our side because of media bias, but it hopefully can be done, and it must be at least tried.
What liberal agenda, in Obama's case? Can you be more specific? You see, some of here, just left of the middle find his politics to be quite Republican lite so we're a bit confused about what you consider "liberal" in regards to Obama's policies or agenda.
The expansion of the welfare state, the legalization of illegal aliens, the takeover of healthcare, the curtailment of the Bill of Rights and the huge expansion of the National Debt, for starters...

It's a fair question and a fair but incomplete answer.

Obama clearly aims to push the country to a European-style social welfare state (I don't like calling it socialist because to me, socialism is government ownership of the means of production.) He has even stated to his base Obamacare, etc. are increments in that direction. THAT is not Republican lite. The immigration thing and the stimulus packages, etc., yeah those have been supported by many on our side. The reason I say GuyPinestra's answer is incomplete is that the most sinister part of the Obama agenda IMO is his apparent distaste for and his chipping away at American world dominance. Some on our side - the Ron Paul types - are just as bad in those areas, but I don't consider THAT Republican lite either. I speak of weakening our military, having a less assertive foreign policy, and promoting the cap in trade thing which clearly is harmful to this country.
What liberal agenda, in Obama's case? Can you be more specific? You see, some of here, just left of the middle find his politics to be quite Republican lite so we're a bit confused about what you consider "liberal" in regards to Obama's policies or agenda.

The expansion of the welfare state, the legalization of illegal aliens, the takeover of healthcare, the curtailment of the Bill of Rights and the huge expansion of the National Debt, for starters...

You’ve got to be kidding.

You’re truly blinded by partisan hate and ignorance.

There is no ‘welfare state,’ you obviously have no idea what that actually means; and no liberal advocates a ‘welfare state.’

No liberal or democratic politician advocates ‘legalizing’ undocumented immigrants.

There has been no ‘takeover’ of healthcare, it remains the purview of private companies, as indeed the ACA is a republican plan.

No civil liberties have been ‘curtailed,’ in fact, liberals have long been the champions of individual liberty, from ending segregation in the 1950s to ending discrimination against homosexuals during this century. In fact, it has been conservatives and republicans hostile to the Bill of Rights, by attempting to destroy privacy rights with regard to contraception and abortion, opposing due process rights with regard to immigration, and opposing equal protection rights with regard to same-sex couples.

As for the National debt, it was a republican president who squandered a budget surplus, created a massive deficit, and expanded the size of government.

Consequently, except for the few on the partisan right, no one buys into the nonsense of a ‘liberal agenda.’

Just because you spew it doesn't make it true, Clayton.

The lowering of qualification thresholds for welfare, food stamps and disability indeed has expanded the 'welfare state'.

Legalizing illegals has been a Democratic imperative for the last several years. Do you need me to quote some liberal Congresscritters to prove it? Of course, it has also been on the agenda of some Republican idiots, as well, but to deny that Obama himself is pushing for it is ludicrous.

If you don't consider the ACA's mandates as a takeover, that's your opinion.

The massive push for 'gun control' is certainly a curtailment of the 2nd Amendment, and it's the Democrats that are pushing the most draconian of measures, including the call for all-out bans and confiscation. The signing of the NDAA is also evidence of a curtailment of civil liberties, giving the military the right to operate within the US, to indefinitely detain US citizens and haul them off to Gitmo without right to trial or lawyer.

Your claim of a 'budget surplus' can be argued, and has been, by people who are more intimately familiar with the machinations and accounting tricks that created it, but even giving you that point you must admit that many Conservatives excoriated Bush for his massive expansion of the debt with unfunded wars and Medicare Part D, witness the birth of the TEA party.

And in the last 4 years Obama and Co. have DOUBLED DOWN on that stupidity to the point that there is NO WAY IN HELL that this debt can ever be repaid.
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The expansion of the welfare state, the legalization of illegal aliens, the takeover of healthcare, the curtailment of the Bill of Rights and the huge expansion of the National Debt, for starters...

You’ve got to be kidding.

You’re truly blinded by partisan hate and ignorance.

There is no ‘welfare state,’ you obviously have no idea what that actually means; and no liberal advocates a ‘welfare state.’

No liberal or democratic politician advocates ‘legalizing’ undocumented immigrants.

There has been no ‘takeover’ of healthcare, it remains the purview of private companies, as indeed the ACA is a republican plan.

No civil liberties have been ‘curtailed,’ in fact, liberals have long been the champions of individual liberty, from ending segregation in the 1950s to ending discrimination against homosexuals during this century. In fact, it has been conservatives and republicans hostile to the Bill of Rights, by attempting to destroy privacy rights with regard to contraception and abortion, opposing due process rights with regard to immigration, and opposing equal protection rights with regard to same-sex couples.

As for the National debt, it was a republican president who squandered a budget surplus, created a massive deficit, and expanded the size of government.

Consequently, except for the few on the partisan right, no one buys into the nonsense of a ‘liberal agenda.’

Just because you spew it doesn't make it true, Clayton.

The lowering of qualification thresholds for welfare, food stamps and disability indeed has expanded the 'welfare state'.

Legalizing illegals has been a Democratic imperative for the last several years. Do you need me to quote some liberal Congresscritters to prove it? Of course, it has also been on the agenda of some Republican idiots, as well, but to deny that Obama himself is pushing for it is ludicrous.

If you don't consider the ACA's mandates as a takeover, that's your opinion.

The massive push for 'gun control' is certainly a curtailment of the 2nd Amendment, and it's the Democrats that are pushing the most draconian of measures, including the call for all-out bans and confiscation. The signing of the NDAA is also evidence of a curtailment of civil liberties, giving the military the right to operate within the US, to indefinitely detain US citizens and haul them off to Gitmo without right to trial or lawyer.

Your claim of a 'budget surplus' can be argued, and has been, by people who are more intimately familiar with the machinations and accounting tricks that created it, but even giving you that point you must admit that many Conservatives excoriated Bush for his massive expansion of the debt with unfunded wars and Medicare Part D, witness the birth of the TEA party.

And in the last 4 years Obama and Co. have DOUBLED DOWN on that stupidity to the point that there is NO WAY IN HELL that this debt can ever be repaid.

they figure by just denying it or saying people are blinded by partisan hate means these things are not happening..that's their standard game
You’ve got to be kidding.

You’re truly blinded by partisan hate and ignorance.

There is no ‘welfare state,’ you obviously have no idea what that actually means; and no liberal advocates a ‘welfare state.’

No liberal or democratic politician advocates ‘legalizing’ undocumented immigrants.

There has been no ‘takeover’ of healthcare, it remains the purview of private companies, as indeed the ACA is a republican plan.

No civil liberties have been ‘curtailed,’ in fact, liberals have long been the champions of individual liberty, from ending segregation in the 1950s to ending discrimination against homosexuals during this century. In fact, it has been conservatives and republicans hostile to the Bill of Rights, by attempting to destroy privacy rights with regard to contraception and abortion, opposing due process rights with regard to immigration, and opposing equal protection rights with regard to same-sex couples.

As for the National debt, it was a republican president who squandered a budget surplus, created a massive deficit, and expanded the size of government.

Consequently, except for the few on the partisan right, no one buys into the nonsense of a ‘liberal agenda.’

Just because you spew it doesn't make it true, Clayton.

The lowering of qualification thresholds for welfare, food stamps and disability indeed has expanded the 'welfare state'.

Legalizing illegals has been a Democratic imperative for the last several years. Do you need me to quote some liberal Congresscritters to prove it? Of course, it has also been on the agenda of some Republican idiots, as well, but to deny that Obama himself is pushing for it is ludicrous.

If you don't consider the ACA's mandates as a takeover, that's your opinion.

The massive push for 'gun control' is certainly a curtailment of the 2nd Amendment, and it's the Democrats that are pushing the most draconian of measures, including the call for all-out bans and confiscation. The signing of the NDAA is also evidence of a curtailment of civil liberties, giving the military the right to operate within the US, to indefinitely detain US citizens and haul them off to Gitmo without right to trial or lawyer.

Your claim of a 'budget surplus' can be argued, and has been, by people who are more intimately familiar with the machinations and accounting tricks that created it, but even giving you that point you must admit that many Conservatives excoriated Bush for his massive expansion of the debt with unfunded wars and Medicare Part D, witness the birth of the TEA party.

And in the last 4 years Obama and Co. have DOUBLED DOWN on that stupidity to the point that there is NO WAY IN HELL that this debt can ever be repaid.

they figure by just denying it or saying people are blinded by partisan hate means these things are not happening..that's their standard game

Yup, and I always get a kick out of the 'partisan hate' accusation, considering that I NEVER supported Bush, NEVER voted for Bush and NEVER approved of most of his policies.
Wow the concept of a conservative Hispanic has turned the liberal world more upside down than even the idea of conservative African American.
Wow the concept of a conservative Hispanic has turned the liberal world more upside down than even the idea of conservative African American.

two of them, first Rubio and now Cruz
their racism they deny they have comes out in full force
Ted Cruz clearly reflects the views of the large majority in Texas, and probably America in general. However, those of us good normal Americans who subscribe to his views need to realize the strength of the evil leftist mainstream media we are swimming upstream against. Bill Clinton and Obama both got elected by sounding much less radical left than they were. Then they proceded to inflict their liberal agendas on the country. They got away with it because of the collusion of the leftist mainstream media. Conservatives like Cruz, Rubio, and others need to do the same - be a little bit slicker and less direct. That will of course be a lot more difficult for our side because of media bias, but it hopefully can be done, and it must be at least tried.

What liberal agenda, in Obama's case? Can you be more specific? You see, some of here, just left of the middle find his politics to be quite Republican lite so we're a bit confused about what you consider "liberal" in regards to Obama's policies or agenda.

The huge expansion of the welfare state, the legalization of illegal aliens, the takeover of healthcare, the curtailment of the Bill of Rights and the huge expansion of the National Debt, for starters...

The huge expansion of the welfare state - hyperbole and not a liberal policy. A response to the economic situation caused by the collapse and misdeeds of the financial sector - job losses, home foreclosures, loss of savings and investments. . More Americans seeking governmental assistance in time of economic instability and lack of employment opportunities. No President would allow such a large percentage of Americans to starve. Not even a conservative oneFAILed item

the legalization of illegal aliens -Umm, what legalization? As far as I know, there has been no action yet on the immigration issue. What is being proposed is a path to citizenship. This too is a FAILed item.

the takeover of healthcare - Initially, a Republican plan. Rather than a takeover, it was a huge gift to the health insurance industry. Hardly a liberal or socialist move. Liberals were calling for a single payer plan or at least a single payer option. Another FAILed item.

the curtailment of the Bill of Rights Not pleased with this but as it was curtailed equally and with the same disregard by Bush, it cannot be deemed strictly Liberal. Besides, liberals are not fans of Presidents who stomp on human rights. FAILed again.

the huge expansion of the National Debt Obama has contributed to the debt. But so did Bush. Bush did so to wage war. Obama has done so to keep the economy afloat. Is this a liberal move or a move based on economic necessity. I say it's the latter. Another FAIL.

None of your items hold water. Care to throw out a few more?

What you deem Liberal actions are not at all. You simply don't like Obama.
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What liberal agenda, in Obama's case? Can you be more specific? You see, some of here, just left of the middle find his politics to be quite Republican lite so we're a bit confused about what you consider "liberal" in regards to Obama's policies or agenda.

The huge expansion of the welfare state, the legalization of illegal aliens, the takeover of healthcare, the curtailment of the Bill of Rights and the huge expansion of the National Debt, for starters...

The huge expansion of the welfare state - hyperbole and not a liberal policy. A response to the economic situation caused by the collapse and misdeeds of the financial sector - job losses, home foreclosures, loss of savings and investments. . More Americans seeking governmental assistance in time of economic instability and lack of employment opportunities. No President would allow such a large percentage of Americans to starve. Not even a conservative oneFAILed item

the legalization of illegal aliens -Umm, what legalization? As far as I know, there has been no action yet on the immigration issue. What is being proposed is a path to citizenship. This too is a FAILed item.

the takeover of healthcare - Initially, a Republican plan. Rather than a takeover, it was a huge gift to the health insurance industry. Hardly a liberal or socialist move. Liberals were calling for a single payer plan or at least a single payer option. Another FAILed item.

the curtailment of the Bill of Rights Not pleased with this but as it was curtailed equally and with the same disregard by Bush, it cannot be deemed strictly Liberal. Besides, liberals are not fans of Presidents who stomp on human rights. FAILed again.

the huge expansion of the National Debt Obama has contributed to the debt. But so did Bush. Bush did so to wage war. Obama has done so to keep the economy afloat. Is this a liberal move or a move based on economic necessity. I say it's the latter. Another FAIL.

None of your items hold water. Care to throw out a few more?

What you deem Liberal actions are not at all. You simply don't like Obama.

I dealt with these same 'objections' from Clayton. Either you missed them, ignored them or you lack the ability to comprehend them.

You pick...
Wow the concept of a conservative Hispanic has turned the liberal world more upside down than even the idea of conservative African American.

You’re the only one mentioning race or ethnicity, opposition to Rubio is predicated solely on his advocacy of a failed and harmful conservative agenda, not his background.
Wow the concept of a conservative Hispanic has turned the liberal world more upside down than even the idea of conservative African American.

You’re the only one mentioning race or ethnicity, opposition to Rubio is predicated solely on his advocacy of a failed and harmful conservative agenda, not his background.

yeah sure, that is what people said with Obama and were told over and over they were full of it, it had to be because he was black
just wait till it thrown back in their face

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