Texas sent one bus to Chicago today, El Paso tells Chicago and New York to get ready for a flood

You are wrong again loser boy.

The proclamation line was not intended to be a permanent boundary between the colonists and Native American lands, but rather a temporary boundary that could be extended further west in an orderly, lawful manner.....

British colonists and land speculators objected to the proclamation boundary since the British government had already assigned land grants to them. Including the wealthy owners of the Ohio company who protested the line to the governor of Virginia, as they had plans for settling the land to grow business.[15] Many settlements already existed beyond the proclamation line,[16] some of which had been temporarily evacuated during Pontiac's War, and there were many already granted land claims yet to be settled. For example, George Washington and his Virginia soldiers had been granted lands past the boundary. Prominent American colonials joined with the land speculators in Britain to lobby the government to move the line further west.[3][17]

The colonists' demands were met and the boundary line was adjusted in a series of treaties with the Native Americans.[18] The first two of these treaties were completed in 1768; the Treaty of Fort Stanwix adjusted the border with the Iroquois Confederacy in the Ohio Country and the Treaty of Hard Labour adjusted the border with the Cherokee in the Carolinas.[19][20] The Treaty of Hard Labour was followed by the Treaty of Lochaber in 1770, adjusting the border between Virginia and the Cherokee.[21] These agreements opened much of what is now Kentucky and West Virginia to British settlement.[22] The land granted by the Virginian and North Carolinian government heavily favored the land companies, seeing as they had more wealthy backers than the poorer settlers who wanted to settle west to hopefully gain a fortune.[23]

In other words, those illegally violating the proclamation had had no room to talk, and all the whining over it was pointless.
In other words, those illegally violating the proclamation had had no room to talk, and all the whining over it was pointless.
That had plenty of room and talk, and it worked. The proclomation was followed by a series of new ones allowing settlers to move west as I posted.
That had plenty of room and talk, and it worked. The proclomation was followed by a series of new ones allowing settlers to move west as I posted.
All of which occurred years after the initial proclamation, during which time settlement had continued.
Dude, everything west of the Appalachians was set up by illegal settlement in the first place.

And you want to chuck those people out of an aircraft at thirty thousand feet. Hmm……so much for your supposed concern.
USA was made by LEGAL aliens..you liar
Dude, everything west of the Appalachians was set up by illegal settlement in the first place.

And you want to chuck those people out of an aircraft at thirty thousand feet. Hmm……so much for your supposed concern.
You’re too much of a dimwit to see the USA becoming a 4th world with an invasion of tens of millions
It’s useful idiots like you that destroy America
Have you seen todays America
Mostly a country of crime ,poverty, gangs , drugs
3rd world and close to 4th
The calculated cruelty of today’s Republican Party.
Try again. What is the reason these people are in El Paso to begin with? That's right--DEMOCRATS HAVE NO IMMIGRATION POLICY. They should send every one of these illegals to DC--the democrats housed Nat'l Guard troops in parking garages there, it should be good enough for illegal immigrants. BTW, El Paso mayor Oscar Leeser is a democrat.
Always interesting to see the sheer, unhinged hatred conservatives have for people who, in large part, are fleeing their countries because of the legacy of policies implemented by conservative heroes like Reagan.
You need to do your homework. El Paso mayor, Oscar Leeser is a democrat.
Wrong, as I already documented.
Wrong the vast and overwhelming west of the appalachians population happened long after 1763 retard and even before then it was legal. 1763 was nothing more than a temporary hold. You are trying to say the dam thing was illegal lol.

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