Texas sheriff illegal alien choked two search and rescue dogs to death


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Two search-and-rescue dogs were choked to death by an illegal alien Saturday during a police chase, a Texas sheriff has said.
Texas Sheriff: Illegal Alien Choked Two Search-and-Rescue Dogs to Death

We keep telling you pathetic leftist morons how those coming from these third world nations have no regard for ANY LIFE human, animals etc. In most of these countries which are muslims go figure they think dogs are filthy just like western women who wear daisy dukes, or swim suites.

You shee can't seem to comprehend these levels of living no matter what's put in front of your faces. The ones who are here and half way civil it's an act until the go ahead comes just like France, just like Italy sooner or later you stupid asses will get a taste of reality like it or not , deny it or not it's not going away thanks to your brain damaged communsit who just can't seem to figure out that's what you are lol.
Question. Why were they using search and rescue dogs to pursue a suspect? I mean, isn’t that a little bit wasteful? Search and Rescue dogs are meant to be in close proximity to the Handler, the human at the end of the leash. Not tearing and running about without any human in attendance. We aren’t talking about an episode of Lassie here.

So the one thing that makes sense is that as usual, the cops are manipulating the narrative to make everyone hate someone who isn’t a cop. Again. It’s good to see that this obvous manipulation isn’t hitting home with people, I mean they’re obviously smart enough to see when they are being manipulated. Oh wait. Never mind. Carry on with your rant.
What does an illegal alien killing two rescue dogs in Texas have to do with muslims in Europe? .... :dunno:
Two search-and-rescue dogs were choked to death by an illegal alien Saturday during a police chase, a Texas sheriff has said.
Texas Sheriff: Illegal Alien Choked Two Search-and-Rescue Dogs to Death

We keep telling you pathetic leftist morons how those coming from these third world nations have no regard for ANY LIFE human, animals etc. In most of these countries which are muslims go figure they think dogs are filthy just like western women who wear daisy dukes, or swim suites.

You shee can't seem to comprehend these levels of living no matter what's put in front of your faces. The ones who are here and half way civil it's an act until the go ahead comes just like France, just like Italy sooner or later you stupid asses will get a taste of reality like it or not , deny it or not it's not going away thanks to your brain damaged communsit who just can't seem to figure out that's what you are lol.

Texas sheriff illegal alien choked two search and rescue dogs to death

Your thread title indicates that the Texas sheriff was an illegal alien who choked two search and rescue dogs to death.

Do you even read what you write? Why not hire a middle schooler to proofread for you?
How could they if :

but we consciously avoid deploying them off leash in environments like this.

So the cops watched them snuff the life out of the dogs?

believed to be in this country illegally,
Not only do illegal aliens endanger Americans, they bring their fucking problems with them, the motherfuckers do not belong here.
Don’t you take your illegal aliens and shove them up your fucking ass
I wonder if those police would have sent humans that were completely untrained for that situation like they did to those dogs
Hang the illegals. Not from a gallows where the floor drops and they break,their necks. No. Hang them where they are raised slowly kicking and choking. In fact, let them down and do it a time or two or three more.
Hang the illegals. Not from a gallows where the floor drops and they break,their necks. No. Hang them where they are raised slowly kicking and choking. In fact, let them down and do it a time or two or three more.


Now it does not suffice with murdering human beings .... what scourge these savages are!:mad-61:
The dogs were not attack dogs. Just tracking dogs that were used to locate people with demencia or alzheimers.

The dogs were both very friendly and would never have attacked anyone. The used their collars to choke them to death.

The sheriff should have used police dogs to track those idiots. If they had tried to choke one of those dogs they would have gotten their faces ripped off.

Two good dogs lost because illegals are in America.

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