Texas Shooting - Illegal Control Or Gun Control?

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
I assume you've all heard about the Texas shooting near Houston by now where an illegal used an AR15 to kill five neighbors. So, what is the solution?

Illegal Control

Gun Control

Would it have happened if we had illegal control?

Would it have happened if we banned AR15 type weapons?

What say you?

I say if we had illegal control this guy would not have been there to do it. If we had banned AR15 type weapons, it would have probably still happened. Possibly with an AR15, or with another weapon. Maybe less people would have been killed but the shooting would have still happened. If we had illegal control, no one would have died.

There's also a third option - passing gun control legislation that would not allow illegals to have or buy weapons except that if we can't figure out how to keep this illegal from coming back here after being deported 5 times then how in the hell are we going to make sure he doesn't get a gun?
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