Texas threatens Lawyers with prosecution for paying staff transport costs if they travel for abortions.

You know nothing about Texas, what goes on here, what happens here, or how we do things here.

So I suggest you shut up and mind your own business, since you obviously believe ALL the bullshit and lies the media shoves down your throat!
We know what goes on in Texas. Children get massacred in their own school and you guys do nothing about the availability of guns to make sure it won't happen again.

The implications of this obviously havent been thought through.
How on earth are the state going to enforce this nonsense ? They cant even keep the lights on.

Texas is becoming a version of East Germany.
The issue of abortion has been returned to where it should have been the entire time, to the States. You see Tommy the US is a Constitutional Republic and since abortion is not mentioned anywhere in the document that is the law of the land the 10th Amendment applies. I suggest reading that before anymore comments.

What I would like to know is when you Brits are going to the polls and electing a minority King or Queen ? Oh right your country is still a ass backwards monarchy.
We know what goes on in Texas. Children get massacred in their own school and you guys do nothing about the availability of guns to make sure it won't happen again.
So Texas is no different than any other state including California, Washington, Oregon, Nee York or Massachusetts? Good to know, I guess.
No, Tommy. Stasis is who I spent my young adulthood protecting your silly ass from.

If they pass a law that forbids employers from paying for their employees to kill their babies and avoid pregnancy and childbirth/child rearing expenses, in order to violate that law companies would have to notify pregnant women that such an option is available.

Since the overwhelming majority of pregnant women love the new life they carry inside of them, enough would be outraged to Simply turn their Employers in. The only question is how quickly the death penalty could be applied.
You are all informers on your neighbours and that is not a heakthy society.
You strike me as an extremist on this issue.
The issue of abortion has been returned to where it should have been the entire time, to the States. You see Tommy the US is a Constitutional Republic and since abortion is not mentioned anywhere in the document that is the law of the land the 10th Amendment applies. I suggest reading that before anymore comments.

What I would like to know is when you Brits are going to the polls and electing a minority King or Queen ? Oh right your country is still a ass backwards monarchy.
History shows that the states are very poor at protecting basic freedoms. This is the latest example.
You know nothing about Texas, what goes on here, what happens here, or how we do things here.

So I suggest you shut up and mind your own business, since you obviously believe ALL the bullshit and lies the media shoves down your throat!

I suggest you get your governor to straighten up and stop stripping women of their rights. Even Republican voters don't want this ridiculous law of his.

On the other hand, his chances of re-election are going into the toilet every day he continues with his insanity. He's been below 50% approval for over a year now, and the numbers are still trending downward, especially after Uvalde.

The implications of this obviously havent been thought through.
How on earth are the state going to enforce this nonsense ? They cant even keep the lights on.

Texas is becoming a version of East Germany.
well right off the bat there is a problem with your headline…legislatures can’t prosecute nor can they disbar

so…i call this more click bait propaganda

really you are getting political news from TMZ?

and you wonder why people call you are cult?
No, Tommy. Stasis is who I spent my young adulthood protecting your silly ass from.

If they pass a law that forbids employers from paying for their employees to kill their babies and avoid pregnancy and childbirth/child rearing expenses, in order to violate that law companies would have to notify pregnant women that such an option is available.

Since the overwhelming majority of pregnant women love the new life they carry inside of them, enough would be outraged to Simply turn their Employers in. The only question is how quickly the death penalty could be applied.

Abortion is a medical and economic issue. It has NOTHING to do with not loving or wanting a child, but the cold economic decision that their already living children and their family take priority over EVERYTHING, including the possibility of more children.

Misogynistic assholes like you wouldn't understand fiscal responsibility. Not once have you mentioned anyone but the fetus, when you spout your anti-choice bullshit and rhetoric. The living don't matter to you in the slightest. Only the precious "unborn" have your attention.

That so sick, twisted and perverted that it's form of mental illness. Women are literally dying in Texas because they cannot get care for a miscarriage because of these stupid laws. You're celebrating their abuse and their deaths.
Abortion is a medical and economic issue. It has NOTHING to do with not loving or wanting a child, but the cold economic decision that their already living children and their family take priority over EVERYTHING, including the possibility of more children.

Misogynistic assholes like you wouldn't understand fiscal responsibility. Not once have you mentioned anyone but the fetus, when you spout your anti-choice bullshit and rhetoric. The living don't matter to you in the slightest. Only the precious "unborn" have your attention.

That so sick, twisted and perverted that it's form of mental illness. Women are literally dying in Texas because they cannot get care for a miscarriage because of these stupid laws. You're celebrating their abuse and their deaths.
Shut the hell up you lying Nazi. You know NOTHING about this country or any laws here. Killing a child means you don’t want it retard. An asshole like you just wants unlimited rights to kill a child because YOU were a shithead who was too stupid to use protection. Women are not dying in Texas because of this. You’re just a liar. As usual.
well right off the bat there is a problem with your headline…legislatures can’t prosecute nor can they disbar

so…i call this more click bait propaganda

really you are getting political news from TMZ?

and you wonder why people call you are cult?

Well you're wrong across the board. Grounds for disbarrment include: theft, misapplication of fiduciary property, or the failure to return, after demand, a clearly unearned fee; or. The misconduct has resulted in a substantial injury to the client, the public, the legal system, or the profession. The last sentence is so vaguely worded as to mean "anything the State deems a substantial injury"/

So yes, Texas really can disbar lawyers who are sued for helping their staff get abortions.

Struth: The name the "daily beast" was included in the link you quoted. Not TMZ, as you asked this poster Why don't you try googling shit instead of making yourself look like a complete idiot posting shit that has no basis in reality.
Well you're wrong across the board. Grounds for disbarrment include: theft, misapplication of fiduciary property, or the failure to return, after demand, a clearly unearned fee; or. The misconduct has resulted in a substantial injury to the client, the public, the legal system, or the profession. The last sentence is so vaguely worded as to mean "anything the State deems a substantial injury"/

So yes, Texas really can disbar lawyers who are sued for helping their staff get abortions.

Struth: The name the "daily beast" was included in the link you quoted. Not TMZ, as you asked this poster Why don't you try googling shit instead of making yourself look like a complete idiot posting shit that has no basis in reality.
haha the state legislature can’t disbar people you idiot…did you read your headline???

did you not read your link? the daily beast (which is trash) was quoting “as reported from the TmZ” geez you just keep looking stupid
Shut the hell up you lying Nazi. You know NOTHING about this country or any laws here. Killing a child means you don’t want it retard. An asshole like you just wants unlimited rights to kill a child because YOU were a shithead who was too stupid to use protection. Women are not dying in Texas because of this. You’re just a liar. As usual.

Who the fuck do you think you are telling me to shut up. YOU have no idea what I know and do not know, and You have no power or authority over anyone but you own self. YOU know nothing about pregnancy or child birth, so you're in no position to comment about ANY of this.

How many pregnancies and live births have YOU had, FuckBoi????? What do you know about pregnancy or women's reproductive health, you ignorant asshole.

Nobody is "killing a child" and if you weren't such a gullible moron you wouldn't even post such shit. But women are being denied miscarriage care because of the laws.

Read the links you stupid asshole.
Who the fuck do you think you are telling me to shut up. YOU have no idea what I know and do not know, and You have no power or authority over anyone but you own self. YOU know nothing about pregnancy or child birth, so you're in no position to comment about ANY of this.

How many pregnancies and live births have YOU had, FuckBoi????? What do you know about pregnancy or women's reproductive health, you ignorant asshole.

Nobody is "killing a child" and if you weren't such a gullible moron you wouldn't even post such shit. But women are being denied miscarriage care because of the laws.

Read the links you stupid asshole.
we know you get your political news from TMZ
Who the fuck do you think you are telling me to shut up. YOU have no idea what I know and do not know, and You have no power or authority over anyone but you own self. YOU know nothing about pregnancy or child birth, so you're in no position to comment about ANY of this.

How many pregnancies and live births have YOU had, FuckBoi????? What do you know about pregnancy or women's reproductive health, you ignorant asshole.

Nobody is "killing a child" and if you weren't such a gullible moron you wouldn't even post such shit. But women are being denied miscarriage care because of the laws.

Read the links you stupid asshole.
Triggered much dumbfuck? I’ll tell you to STFU all day every day you lying fucktard. Hey asswipe, my wife and I are PROUD to have children. My wife happens to be a nurse in maternity/sonography. Thus I know plenty you ignorant KanucKK. Yes, children are being killed. Not interested in a bunch of lies you’re peddling. Women aren’t denied miscarriage care. Any more bullshit to spew?
Triggered much dumbfuck? I’ll tell you to STFU all day every day you lying fucktard. Hey asswipe, my wife and I are PROUD to have children. My wife happens to be a nurse in maternity/sonography. Thus I know plenty you ignorant KanucKK. Yes, children are being killed. Not interested in a bunch of lies you’re peddling. Women aren’t denied miscarriage care. Any more bullshit to spew?

You go right ahead you stupid asshole like I will have any effect on me. Ignorance and stupidity is all you post.

Denying the harm being done women isn’t going to change the harm being done to women and none of your lies will make it right. Every day.

You’re just denying that anything bad is happening because you’re want women to die.

haha the state legislature can’t disbar people you idiot…did you read your headline???

did you not read your link? the daily beast (which is trash) was quoting “as reported from the TmZ” geez you just keep looking stupid

It wasn't my headline, but you're right that the Bar Association will be doing the disbarment proceedings, not the legislature, but the threat is VERY valid.
You ignorant dumb lessers will never be bright enough to promote contraception because you I'll reputes think somehow contraception is bad. Sick you are. Beyond dumb you are.
Young married couples NOT having kids should be rewarded for such an unselfish decision.
Abortion is a medical and economic issue. It has NOTHING to do with not loving or wanting a child, but the cold economic decision that their already living children and their family take priority over EVERYTHING, including the possibility of more children.
When does the life of a new human begin, and what is the scientific basis for your answer?
Misogynistic assholes like you wouldn't understand fiscal responsibility. Not once have you mentioned anyone but the fetus, when you spout your anti-choice bullshit and rhetoric. The living don't matter to you in the slightest. Only the precious "unborn" have your attention.
Well, of course I focus on the fetus because he or she is the only someone who is killed in an abortion. Unless some mal-practicing late-term abortion butcher accidently kills both of his patients. But that "doctor" need not fear any consequences. Not with people like yourself ever ready to defend him, like an illegal alien defending her child's rapist.
That so sick, twisted and perverted that it's form of mental illness. Women are literally dying in Texas because they cannot get care for a miscarriage because of these stupid laws. You're celebrating their abuse and their deaths.
Name three women who have died because Texas law prevents them from getting care for a miscarriage. No answer is an admission that you are lying.
You are all informers on your neighbours and that is not a heakthy society.
You strike me as an extremist on this issue.
Let me guess: You believe your betters in the United States should have "red flag" laws? But you accuse others of being "informers on your neighbors?"

When employers break the law, in order to perpetuate a genocide on the unborn, your stance is that employees should be good little Nazis and not report them?

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