Texas threatens Lawyers with prosecution for paying staff transport costs if they travel for abortions.

You go right ahead you stupid asshole like I will have any effect on me. Ignorance and stupidity is all you post.

Denying the harm being done women isn’t going to change the harm being done to women and none of your lies will make it right. Every day.

You’re just denying that anything bad is happening because you’re want women to die.

It wasn't my headline, but you're right that the Bar Association will be doing the disbarment proceedings, not the legislature, but the threat is VERY valid.
haha it was your headline…you posted it

you posed TMZ stuff! haha.

sorry you can’t be taken seriously…you just eat your all the dembot propagandist and parrot this nonsense

good little dembot cultist
You go right ahead you stupid asshole like I will have any effect on me. Ignorance and stupidity is all you post.

Denying the harm being done women isn’t going to change the harm being done to women and none of your lies will make it right. Every day.

You’re just denying that anything bad is happening because you’re want women to die.

It wasn't my headline, but you're right that the Bar Association will be doing the disbarment proceedings, not the legislature, but the threat is VERY valid.
Cry harder. YOU are the one posting ignorance, stupidity, and outright lies Nazi. Where did I say I want women to die dumbfuck? Another lie from you. Your hopes of women dying just shows what an ignorant fuck you are. A ghoul who wants women’s deaths just to virtue signal. Disgusting and pathetic.
Cry harder. YOU are the one posting ignorance, stupidity, and outright lies Nazi. Where did I say I want women to die dumbfuck? Another lie from you. Your hopes of women dying just shows what an ignorant fuck you are. A ghoul who wants women’s deaths just to virtue signal. Disgusting and pathetic.

You want to see women denied reproductive care. Hundreds of women are being denied care for miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and other pregnancy complications. I posted links and you called me names.

Your the lying piece of shit here lantern. Virtue signalling is opposing women's rights to self determination, you ignorant asshole, or even proper medical care in an effort to control women's lives.

You clearly have no idea of what you're talking about because your can't even parrot your talking points properly. I've have 3 children and two miscarriages and know a lot more about this stuff than your stupid ignorant ass.
I live in Texas ( not much longer ) and have to say if Texas does do anything like what has been written it should be tossed by the USSC seeing Texas does not have jurisdiction in another State.

Texas has attempted to go across borders in the past and were warned by New Mexico and Oklahoma about the sovereignty of their States and Texas need to be reminded agains their laws end at their State border and they have no jurisdiction in another State that allows abortion…

The implications of this obviously havent been thought through.
How on earth are the state going to enforce this nonsense ? They cant even keep the lights on.

Texas is becoming a version of East Germany.

They will get their asses sued if they try it.
You know nothing about Texas, what goes on here, what happens here, or how we do things here.

So I suggest you shut up and mind your own business, since you obviously believe ALL the bullshit and lies the media shoves down your throat!

You apparently know nothing about the US Constitution. Try it and you will get a lesson in constitutional law.
You know nothing about Texas, what goes on here, what happens here, or how we do things here.

So I suggest you shut up and mind your own business, since you obviously believe ALL the bullshit and lies the media shoves down your throat!
You couldn't sound like a bigger bitch. 😄
Let me guess: You believe your betters in the United States should have "red flag" laws? But you accuse others of being "informers on your neighbors?"

When employers break the law, in order to perpetuate a genocide on the unborn, your stance is that employees should be good little Nazis and not report them?
Abortion is a right that should be available on demand for whatever reason the woman sees fit.
Its none of your fucking business.

Texas and a few other places have gone feudal and they need to be stamped on before this nonsense causes lasting damage.
Abortion is a right that should be available on demand for whatever reason the woman sees fit.
Its none of your fucking business.

Texas and a few other places have gone feudal and they need to be stamped on before this nonsense causes lasting damage.
A Brit calling a US State feudal is the epitome of hypocrisy.
The freedoms US citizens have are laid out in the Constitution anything not in the document is for the states to decide or the people.
Yet the states cannot tell other states what to do or pursue actions against citizens in other states. Thats what Texas is violating.
You want to see women denied reproductive care. Hundreds of women are being denied care for miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and other pregnancy complications. I posted links and you called me names.

Your the lying piece of shit here lantern. Virtue signalling is opposing women's rights to self determination, you ignorant asshole, or even proper medical care in an effort to control women's lives.

You clearly have no idea of what you're talking about because your can't even parrot your talking points properly. I've have 3 children and two miscarriages and know a lot more about this stuff than your stupid ignorant ass.
you get the news from TMZ nobody takes you seriously
Abortion is a right that should be available on demand for whatever reason the woman sees fit.
Its none of your fucking business.
Like they have in Wales?
Texas and a few other places have gone feudal and they need to be stamped on before this nonsense causes lasting damage.
Who's going to do the stamping, you?

Take care of your own cesspool of an English possession before you worry about the Great Sovereign State of Texas. Has your prince visited lately, with his skag of a homewrecking wife? Did you get close enough to kiss his ring, or were you directed to the rear?

The implications of this obviously havent been thought through.
How on earth are the state going to enforce this nonsense ? They cant even keep the lights on.

Texas is becoming a version of East Germany.
Poor Tammy, democracy in practice makes him mad.
You want to see women denied reproductive care
Abortion is not “reproductive care”. I think you don’t know what that word means. Reproducing is the act of creating new life. Abortion is the exact opposite, it’s destroying a life already created.
You want to see women denied reproductive care. Hundreds of women are being denied care for miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and other pregnancy complications. I posted links and you called me names.

Your the lying piece of shit here lantern. Virtue signalling is opposing women's rights to self determination, you ignorant asshole, or even proper medical care in an effort to control women's lives.

You clearly have no idea of what you're talking about because your can't even parrot your talking points properly. I've have 3 children and two miscarriages and know a lot more about this stuff than your stupid ignorant ass.
An abortion is a form of birth control in your mind? So much for your respect for life.
No real letter. No actual evidence. Just a story in the Daily Beast based on "a report". It must be getting desperate out there is left field.
The issue of abortion has been returned to where it should have been the entire time, to the States. You see Tommy the US is a Constitutional Republic and since abortion is not mentioned anywhere in the document that is the law of the land the 10th Amendment applies. I suggest reading that before anymore comments.

What I would like to know is when you Brits are going to the polls and electing a minority King or Queen ? Oh right your country is still a ass backwards monarchy.
Bullshit. It should be returned to the people, not a state. Decide for yourself dumbass.

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