Texas To Supreme Court: Strike Down The Voting Rights Act So That We Can Suppress The


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
The Voting Rights Act forbids state laws that place a heavier burden on minority voters than on other members of the electorate. Additionally, Section 5 of the law requires many parts of the country to “preclear” new voting rules with DOJ or a federal court in order to ensure that they do not violate the Voting Rights Act’s protections for minority voters. The Supreme Court is currently considering a challenge to Section 5.

Last week, the state of Texas submitted an amicus brief calling up the justices to strike down this landmark voting rights law. Ironically, however, the brief does far more to explain why Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act is still necessary. Texas’ primary argument is that the nation’s most important voting rights law must be gutted because it prevents the state from enacting a law that suppresses the minority vote:

Texas To Supreme Court: Strike Down The Voting Rights Act So That We Can Suppress The Vote | ThinkProgress
We just want "White Men" to vote, better yet "White Men" who own land. Like our Fore Fathers did.
Democrats just want to make sure that those white men are outvoted by people who have the ability to vote themselves funds that the white men contribute.
The left believes that poor minorities are too stupid to comply with the law.
The left believes that poor minorities are too stupid to comply with the law.

No, the expenses imposed on the poor to obtain the ID required are often onerous. And for those in rural areas, who would have to travel to obtain the ID the expense is a hardship. For the elderly, whose births may not have been registered with the state, it can be difficult to obtain this ID since witnesses and affidavits necessary would be hard to obtain as those in attendance at the birth would be very elderly, if not dead.
The good news is the south is starting to look a lot more like the north on the voting rights issue.

The really bad news is this is because Republican vote suppression attempts have now become common in northern states as well.

Hence, the Voting Rights Act is more important than ever.
Democrats just want to make sure that those white men are outvoted by people who have the ability to vote themselves funds that the white men contribute.

Suggesting that only white men contribute taxes is about as racist and sexist as you can possible get. Everyone who works pays payroll taxes and witholding. Everyone - blacks, Asians, Hispanics, women - all those people who voted for Obama, pay taxes.

OTOH, all of the states where Romney's 47% make up the bulk of the population, voted for him. Imagine that!
The left believes that poor minorities are too stupid to comply with the law.

No, the expenses imposed on the poor to obtain the ID required are often onerous. And for those in rural areas, who would have to travel to obtain the ID the expense is a hardship. For the elderly, whose births may not have been registered with the state, it can be difficult to obtain this ID since witnesses and affidavits necessary would be hard to obtain as those in attendance at the birth would be very elderly, if not dead.

Many democratic voters actually are dead. Miraculously, the dead rise on election day to vote in major urban areas.

The lax voter ID laws are an invitation to vote early and often that democrats are happy to answer. After all, it's their patriotic duty.
Many democratic voters actually are dead. Miraculously, the dead rise on election day to vote in major urban areas.

The lax voter ID laws are an invitation to vote early and often that democrats are happy to answer. After all, it's their patriotic duty.

Perhaps in the 1960's when Chicago was run by Boss Dailey, but that hasn't been true for generations.

What is true is that in the recent election True The Vote has been systematically attempting to remove legimate voters from voter registration rolls in heavily Democrat voting districts. In Florida voting registration groups affiliated with the Republican party are facing charges in several jurisdictions for obtaining information as to party affiliation in a state where it's not required for voter registration, and then discarding voter registration applications from Democrats.

Between the gerrymandering, which a former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough recently admitted is the only reason they retained the House, the voter suppression legislation in Republican states, and the efforts of Republicans to remove qualified Democrats from the voting roles, you have to wonder why it is that conservatives are always screaming about other people stealing elections. Methinks they doth protest too much. Perhaps to divert attention from their overwhelming efforts to thwart the will of American voters, and prevent those who would vote against them from getting to the polls.
The left believes that poor minorities are too stupid to comply with the law.

No, the expenses imposed on the poor to obtain the ID required are often onerous. And for those in rural areas, who would have to travel to obtain the ID the expense is a hardship. For the elderly, whose births may not have been registered with the state, it can be difficult to obtain this ID since witnesses and affidavits necessary would be hard to obtain as those in attendance at the birth would be very elderly, if not dead.

Every single one of these laws has ways for everyone to get an ID.

and when it comes to driving, if you are so gung ho about it, get in your car and drive them to the DMV.

Amazingly they seem to have no issues getting to the polling places....
I believe if the voter has to pay for the ID themselves, that would be considered a poll tax which is illegal.
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