Texas troopers told to push children into Rio Grande, deny water to migrants

Excuse me? What existing laws are not being enforced?

This is controlled by Title 8. Get back to us
U.S. Const, Art. IV, Sec. 4 ("The United States SHALL ... protect each [State] against invasion")
U.S. Const., Art. II, Sec. 3 (“[The President] SHALL take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”)
8 USC 1325 ("Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States . . . SHALL . . . be fined . . . or imprisoned . . . or both")
8 USC 1324 (”Any person who…(iv) encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States…; or (v)(I) . . . conspir[es]…or (II) aids or abets [these] acts, SHALL be punished…for each alien.”)
8 USC 1324 ("Any person who . . . conceals, harbors, or shields [an] alien . . . SHALL be imprisoned not more than 5 years.”)

If the law was applied equally, most of our politicians would be in jail
What are they? I keep asking but can't get a straight answer.

Are you SURE it's not just made up bs?
Biden's first day in office he issued Executive Orders ceasing Trump's Stay in Mexico policy...stopping construction of the border wall...and implementing a 100 day moratorium on deportations. All of which sent the message out to the world that our border was open...come on in! What has happened since is the result of Biden's short sighted policies.

Texas troopers told to push children into Rio Grande, deny water to migrants

Abbott and his cronies have crossed the line. This un-American behavior needs to stp immediately. The abbott administration must be removed.
“Due to the extreme heat, the order to not give people water needs to be immediately reversed as well,” the trooper wrote, later adding: “I believe we have stepped over a line into the inhumane.” ibid
And the hateful, racist right supports and defends the inhumane policy.
Why don't you ever mention the Drug Cartels who put those people into life threatening situations? Or the Mexican government that turned their country into an immigrant expressway? Or the Democratic Party that encourages the massive migration with rubber stamp entry into our country? You Dimocrats are so simple minded, all you do is react to what is presented to you by your Democratic leaders. You never think about cause and effect.
Biden could put an end to all of this nonsense, Crepitus. All he needs to do is reimpose the Trump border policies that were in place when he took office and the problem is solved. You know it...I know it...the Main Stream Media knows it. Pretending you "care" about the suffering of illegals is crying crocodile tears after more of them have died under the Biden Administration than under any other administration in US history!
The tRump border policies are what caused this.

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