Texasss police chief shot dead at stop light

Just ignore Ashtrashy. She ain't nothin'.

Awe, Gracie. I remember how nice you were to me when I first showed up here. I thought you were someone young and interesting. I quickly discovered that you are instead some decrepit, cranky old crone.

I've met some low class humans before. You take the cake. You're trash. You are a child that gets a thrill from sock/shock value. Welcome to fucking ignore.

We've never met.

I don't know who you are, as I don't think I've ever noticed you at all. You must not be very significant around here.

Nevertheless, here's one big ass Hallelulah to a Mundane who will never respond to my posts again:

And to that worthless piece of shit cop who got shot down like the pig he was... who found out the hard way that he was not fit for combat.

At all.

How disgraceful he must have felt in his last moments...

a Mundane?.....go back to reading Mortal Instruments....geezus.....its a fantasy book....yea i know....hard to believe....

I've met some low class humans before. You take the cake. You're trash. You are a child that gets a thrill from sock/shock value. Welcome to fucking ignore.

We've never met.

I don't know who you are, as I don't think I've ever noticed you at all. You must not be very significant around here.

Nevertheless, here's one big ass Hallelulah to a Mundane who will never respond to my posts again:

And to that worthless piece of shit cop who got shot down like the pig he was... who found out the hard way that he was not fit for combat.

At all.

How disgraceful he must have felt in his last moments...

Another internet

I've met some low class humans before. You take the cake. You're trash. You are a child that gets a thrill from sock/shock value. Welcome to fucking ignore.

We've never met.

I don't know who you are, as I don't think I've ever noticed you at all. You must not be very significant around here.

Nevertheless, here's one big ass Hallelulah to a Mundane who will never respond to my posts again:

And to that worthless piece of shit cop who got shot down like the pig he was... who found out the hard way that he was not fit for combat.

At all.

How disgraceful he must have felt in his last moments...

I hate cops...but I sincerely, fervently hope you get pulled over and make a false move. No great loss.

I've met some low class humans before. You take the cake. You're trash. You are a child that gets a thrill from sock/shock value. Welcome to fucking ignore.

We've never met.

I don't know who you are, as I don't think I've ever noticed you at all. You must not be very significant around here.

Nevertheless, here's one big ass Hallelulah to a Mundane who will never respond to my posts again:

And to that worthless piece of shit cop who got shot down like the pig he was... who found out the hard way that he was not fit for combat.

At all.

How disgraceful he must have felt in his last moments...

a Mundane?.....go back to reading Mortal Instruments....geezus.....its a fantasy book....yea i know....hard to believe....

I've never heard of that.

You should put down the fantasy novels and go read some O9A MSS


Last edited:
Just ignore Ashtrashy. She ain't nothin'.

Awe, Gracie. I remember how nice you were to me when I first showed up here. I thought you were someone young and interesting. I quickly discovered that you are instead some decrepit, cranky old crone.

Only the young can be 'interesting' and the deaths of those who risk their lives to protect others is AOK.........not amusing; thus null & void.
Guns were not useless when the cop protected himself from Mike Brown

A black kid running away from a cop is what the Ferguson P.D. calls "target practice".

If you punch a LEO it's a felony.
If you touch his weapon, it's a felony.

Section 563.046 Missouri Statutes authorizes a law enforcement officer to use “deadly force” “when he reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest and also reasonably believes that the person to be arrested has committed or attempted to commit a felony.”

saint michael of brown, just like saint trayvon of martin should have kept his hands to himself.
Good shoot.
Good riddance.

I've met some low class humans before. You take the cake. You're trash. You are a child that gets a thrill from sock/shock value. Welcome to fucking ignore.

We've never met.

I don't know who you are, as I don't think I've ever noticed you at all. You must not be very significant around here.

Nevertheless, here's one big ass Hallelulah to a Mundane who will never respond to my posts again:

And to that worthless piece of shit cop who got shot down like the pig he was... who found out the hard way that he was not fit for combat.

At all.

How disgraceful he must have felt in his last moments...

Well, since no one else has deemed it necessary to call a spade a spade, allow me...

You're a piece of shit, a waste of oxygen and I don't give a flying rhinoceros shit if you know who I am or not. I've seen quite a few scumbag assholes come through this place in seven years, but you take the cake. You are truly a disgrace to mankind and I'd bet that you are gross disappointment to your parents, if they acknowledge your existence at all.

I'd say there is a special place in hell for shit-for-brains like you, but I'm guessing you'd like that, you ignorant fuck. Your death will make the world a better place and it can't come soon enough.

I've met some low class humans before. You take the cake. You're trash. You are a child that gets a thrill from sock/shock value. Welcome to fucking ignore.

We've never met.

I don't know who you are, as I don't think I've ever noticed you at all. You must not be very significant around here.

Nevertheless, here's one big ass Hallelulah to a Mundane who will never respond to my posts again:

And to that worthless piece of shit cop who got shot down like the pig he was... who found out the hard way that he was not fit for combat.

At all.

How disgraceful he must have felt in his last moments...

Well, since no one else has deemed it necessary to call a spade a spade, allow me...

You're a piece of shit, a waste of oxygen and I don't give a flying rhinoceros shit if you know who I am or not. I've seen quite a few scumbag assholes come through this place in seven years, but you take the cake. You are truly a disgrace to mankind and I'd bet that you are gross disappointment to your parents, if they acknowledge your existence at all.

I'd say there is a special place in hell for shit-for-brains like you, but I'm guessing you'd like that, you ignorant fuck. Your death will make the world a better place and it can't come soon enough.

watch yourself Mick....she is going to put a spell on you....if you feel some pains in your chest.....

I've met some low class humans before. You take the cake. You're trash. You are a child that gets a thrill from sock/shock value. Welcome to fucking ignore.

We've never met.

I don't know who you are, as I don't think I've ever noticed you at all. You must not be very significant around here.

Nevertheless, here's one big ass Hallelulah to a Mundane who will never respond to my posts again:

And to that worthless piece of shit cop who got shot down like the pig he was... who found out the hard way that he was not fit for combat.

At all.

How disgraceful he must have felt in his last moments...

a Mundane?.....go back to reading Mortal Instruments....geezus.....its a fantasy book....yea i know....hard to believe....

I've never heard of that.

You should put down the fantasy novels and go read some O9A MSS


go read some O9A MSS
what the fuck for?....so i can look as stupid as you do?....
Just ignore Ashtrashy. She ain't nothin'.

Awe, Gracie. I remember how nice you were to me when I first showed up here. I thought you were someone young and interesting. I quickly discovered that you are instead some decrepit, cranky old crone.
Boo fuckin' hoo.
I'm nice to everyone until they show they are not worthy of it. You showed you were not as open minded as you pretend to be and are instead a deceitful, disgusting skank/sock.

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