Th Death of Liberalism


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
I wanted to just pull a quote from this for my sigline but there were so many good ones, I decided to devote a thread to them. This is a paraphrasing of R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. book, The Death of Liberalism. It's awesome.

"The difference between a free Government and a Government which is not free is principally this -- that a Government which is not free interferes with everything it can, and a free Government interferes with nothing except what it must.*

Rational political actors do not get drunk and leave a girl in a car to drown then resume a lifelong Senate career as if nothing untoward had happened.

*Paying off a pregnant mistress with tax-deductible funds after exhibiting one's streak of anti-Semitism by musing aloud to a reporter about New York City as "Hymietown" shouldn't make one a serious player in a serious political party. Not to mention that fiddling with an intern and lying about it to a grand jury should cause more than an "ahem" from a party that insists it is fighting some grand war for women.

The plagiarism scandal of Joe Biden has elevated him to the vice-presidency."
Liberalism is failing in broad daylight in Greece, Spain, Italy and France. Adopting their failed ideas is like selling First Class passes to the Titanic after it hit the iceberg.
No rational person bothers "ripping" American Spectator.

FDR: Allowed Pearl Harbor to happen on his watch,

I thought this was a joke but it goes ON....before you take the test to become a US citizen, you will be taught US history.

Like Baby Bush & 9/11, but 0FDR Depression was worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years

Roosevelt became President three years, three months after the Depression began; the name "Hoovervilles" will mean something to you if you become a citizen.

, Joe McCarthy warned us that US State and WH Staff reported directly to Moscow, handed China and Eastern Europe to his pals, history's 2 biggest mass murderers Mao and Uncle Joe, Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments, Japanese Internment.

McCarthy died a drunken bum just as he lived his life.

WW II is over, your side LOST.
The interesting thing is there is no such thing as ‘liberalism,’ it’s merely a label used to identify those who aren’t conservative.

No rational person bothers "ripping" American Spectator.

Or reading it, for that matter. It’s a place for the right to stick its collective head deeper into the echo chamber.
Romney should use the tanking of California as an example of what is going to happen to the USA if Butthead gets re-elected.
Liberalism is failing in broad daylight in Greece, Spain, Italy and France. Adopting their failed ideas is like selling First Class passes to the Titanic after it hit the iceberg.

Yep cutting government spending and austerity is totally liberalism
You know when Ed Spacer supports your ideas, you need to reevaluate the choices you've made in your life.

The interesting thing is there is no such thing as ‘liberalism,’ it’s merely a label used to identify those who aren’t conservative.

False. Libertarians aren't liberals, but they aren't conservatives either. However, virtually all the brainwashed drones who defend scumbags like Obama, Nazi Pelosi and Harry Reid are liberals. In short, they are morons.
The interesting thing is there is no such thing as ‘liberalism,’ it’s merely a label used to identify those who aren’t conservative.

No rational person bothers "ripping" American Spectator.

Or reading it, for that matter. It’s a place for the right to stick its collective head deeper into the echo chamber.

And this is why you are a stupid liberal moron;

You should read everything. Both sides. All sides.

The point is not about the site but the book which describes in detail the very death of liberalism.

Liberalism has become a joke. It "evolved" into lunatic "enfantiles".

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