Th FBI is now a tool of the democrat party, there is no doubt.

And they found out in Venezuela....the free shit no longer exists....and then they have to go out to the fields at gun point to work for their food......

Strange how that "free shit" as you call it, works in Canada, Scandanavia, most of Europe, and the rest of the First World. Only in the US, which systemically discriminates against non-whites, and ghetto-izes their poor is it a problem.
No, the Nordic Model Socialist movement is merely a welfare/government friendly version of capitalism. You might describe it as capitalism with a heavy layer of socialism on top of it. Some insist it isnt really socialism at all.
It ain't your father's FBI (then again maybe it is) The Russians gave the FBI credible information about the potential terrorist act in Boston and the FBI couldn't find two Russian terrorists before they bombed the Marathon. The FBI dropped the case on a terrorist in Florida just before he went viral. In a just and wise world the media would have asked the tough questions about the FBI's negligence even if the stodgy federal agencies are reluctant to investigate the investigators but apparently federal police agencies are off limits to mainstream media scrutiny. FBI director made a good case that Hillary should be indicted for about a dozen felonies and then he recommended that justice should not be served because of political considerations. Since Bill Clinton authorized the FBI to use poison gas and freaking military tanks against American citizens and ordered the FBI and the CIA not to share information before 9-11 and his National Security Adviser became a freaking thief by stealing documents from the National Archives it is clear that democrats will intimidate and threaten every federal agency head until they become puppets of the regime and the liberal media will pretend it's business as usual.
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And they found out in Venezuela....the free shit no longer exists....and then they have to go out to the fields at gun point to work for their food......

Strange how that "free shit" as you call it, works in Canada, Scandanavia, most of Europe, and the rest of the First World. Only in the US, which systemically discriminates against non-whites, and ghetto-izes their poor is it a problem.

Yeah.......try this...

The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism | Corey Iacono

There is no need for a minimum wage if your are following union practices and keeping wages high regardless of what the government says.

And Switzerland is not following Marxist socialism, but a humane and community pooriented capitalism that protects the interests of their own populaltion. just look at the tables for comparison.

List of European countries by average wage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sorry...Comey is no longer a Republican, he stated as much.....and by falling in with the democrats he is no longer a moral or just human being.....

yes, I know, you were expecting Comey Claus to bring you a shiny new indictment for Christmas and he didn't....

Kind of like when you wanted that BB gun as a child.

Yes....celebrate the destruction of the asswipes don't understand what the destruction of the rule of law means to a are so intent on keeping power for your favorite sociopaths so they can give you hand outs.....

^Moron of the highest order.
You make up lies about things that never happened and call the rest of us nuts for refusing to believe your bullshit.
Hillary Clinton h as repeatedly lied under oath to Congress, the FBI and others, just like her serial perjury husband.

The root problem is that Democrat shills like you just dont give a fuck as long as you get your free shit.

Simply not true.
I'll let Comey explain it.
FBI director: Clinton did not lie to FBI - CNN Video
Wow....lie and lie and more lies....the Flint water problem was caused by the local democrats.....Snyder wasn't in office when the corrupt democrats allowed the water system to fail you dumb ass.....

Wrong, wrong, and wrong. Flint was getting its water from Detroit, but joined a group of communities building a pipeline to Lake Huron. When Detroit ended their sale of water to Flint, the cost cutting budget oversight managers, appointed by Rick Snyder, decided to save money by drawing water from the Flint River, which was much cheaper than buying it from Detroit.

Then Republican Senators in Washington refused to provide assistance to the children of Flint who had been poisoned.

Nice bunch of guys with "family values" those Republican Senators.
Wow....lie and lie and more lies....the Flint water problem was caused by the local democrats.....Snyder wasn't in office when the corrupt democrats allowed the water system to fail you dumb ass.....

You epitomize the "low information voter". That you actually believe that people vote Democrat because of "free stuff" show that you are too stupid to be one person.

People vote Democrat because no Democrat President has ever "crashed the economy", but two Republican Presidents have. People vote Democrat because before Reagan changed the tax code of the country, the middle class and the working class has raises, and savings, and equity, and since Republican economics took over there have been three major stock market crashes, not to mention endless wars, increased poverty, and mega-corporations using taxpayer funded wage subsidies while posting record profits.

Since Reagan gutted anti-trust laws, mega-corporations have flourished, driving out small businesses and destroying jobs with off-shoring. NAFTA was started by Reagan as a solution to illegal immigration - if Mexicans have jobs at home, they'll stay there. It was signed by Bush 1 - the crowning achievement of free market conservatives. Yes the Clinton's supported it. But make no mistakes - the conservatives are the true open borders guys.

The wage stagnation, financial draining of the middle class, economic crashes - Democrats know whose policies made all of this possible.
Wow....lie and lie and more lies....the Flint water problem was caused by the local democrats.....Snyder wasn't in office when the corrupt democrats allowed the water system to fail you dumb ass.....

You epitomize the "low information voter". That you actually believe that people vote Democrat because of "free stuff" show that you are too stupid to be one person.

People vote Democrat because no Democrat President has ever "crashed the economy", but two Republican Presidents have. People vote Democrat because before Reagan changed the tax code of the country, the middle class and the working class has raises, and savings, and equity, and since Republican economics took over there have been three major stock market crashes, not to mention endless wars, increased poverty, and mega-corporations using taxpayer funded wage subsidies while posting record profits.

Since Reagan gutted anti-trust laws, mega-corporations have flourished, driving out small businesses and destroying jobs with off-shoring. NAFTA was started by Reagan as a solution to illegal immigration - if Mexicans have jobs at home, they'll stay there. It was signed by Bush 1 - the crowning achievement of free market conservatives. Yes the Clinton's supported it. But make no mistakes - the conservatives are the true open borders guys.

The wage stagnation, financial draining of the middle class, economic crashes - Democrats know whose policies made all of this possible.

No.....they vote democrat because they promise free stuff to as many people as possible...the latest on the list.....getting rid of student debt and free college.....

Democrats through regulation, taxation and hostility to those who build businesses have crashed the economy.....Reagan's tax cuts created a boom that lasted all the way till clinton ended them with his insane tax increases....and he almost got out of office before the economy went into recession...but he just missed it.....and then morons like you blamed Bush....
You make up lies about things that never happened and call the rest of us nuts for refusing to believe your bullshit.
Hillary Clinton h as repeatedly lied under oath to Congress, the FBI and others, just like her serial perjury husband.

The root problem is that Democrat shills like you just dont give a fuck as long as you get your free shit.

Simply not true.
I'll let Comey explain it.
FBI director: Clinton did not lie to FBI - CNN Video

Yeah...she destroyed her emails....then said she had a concussion and couldn't remember anything.....and they didn't press her.....or put her under oath, record the interview or anything else that would have put her in jeopardy.......

And yes...she did lie.....she lied about how many electronic devices she had, what she did with them, hiding emails and destroying emails....

You guys and the democrat minions in the press.......are you getting any sleep these days since covering up her lies and crimes must be a 24/7 job.....
Yeah...she destroyed her emails....then said she had a concussion and couldn't remember anything.....and they didn't press her.....or put her under oath, record the interview or anything else that would have put her in jeopardy.......

And yes...she did lie.....she lied about how many electronic devices she had, what she did with them, hiding emails and destroying emails....

You guys and the democrat minions in the press.......are you getting any sleep these days since covering up her lies and crimes must be a 24/7 job.....
2TinyGuy, you need to stick to talking about guns... when you go outside of that, you just look silly.

No.....they vote democrat because they promise free stuff to as many people as possible...the latest on the list.....getting rid of student debt and free college.....

You mean making college equally available to everyone, and not just rich twits like it was meant to be. Why, why, that's horrible.

Democrats through regulation, taxation and hostility to those who build businesses have crashed the economy.....

You see, this is the right wing delusion, that "businesses" drive the economy. What drives the economy are CONSUMERS. And Consumers - which is the rest of us - do very well when Democrats are in power and not so much when the Republicans are helping businesses to screw us.

Reagan's tax cuts created a boom that lasted all the way till clinton ended them with his insane tax increases....

Uh, right. Did you miss the 1990 Recession? I didn't. You know, the one where Bush fucked up the economy and we threw his ass out of office so Clinton could get in to fix things.

and he almost got out of office before the economy went into recession...but he just missed it.....

Actually, the economy was doing just fine until Bush came along and fucked it up for the rest of us.. but it's what he did best. That and kowtow to the Gun Nuts, something even his dad had enough integrity not to do.

and then morons like you blamed Bush....

Um, yeah, because the guy was a disaster- Wars and Recessions, brought to you by the Bush Crime Family. Given that you guys didn't nominate Jeb, even you admit this was the case.

Yeah...she destroyed her emails....then said she had a concussion and couldn't remember anything.....and they didn't press her.....or put her under oath, record the interview or anything else that would have put her in jeopardy.......

Because even they knew this was bullshit.

And yes...she did lie.....she lied about how many electronic devices she had, what she did with them, hiding emails and destroying emails....

Which no one actually cares about. It's like you guys learned nothing from the Lewinsky thing.

You guys and the democrat minions in the press.......are you getting any sleep these days since covering up her lies and crimes must be a 24/7 job.....

Naw, we just point at the Orange Nazi you guys nominated and said, "Really?"

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