Th FBI is now a tool of the democrat party, there is no doubt.

She trafficked in government classified materials on a secret, illegal server...then destroyed the evidence that was under subpoena.........

You guys are nuts.....

Okay, I realize that exaggeration is all you guys have...

Except Comey came to a different conclusion.

Here's the real problem. You can't beat Mrs. Clinton on an argument over the issues... so you have to come up with this shit, and hope Misogyny gets you the rest of the way.

No....we beat the twit on the issues.....every single time......every city controlled by democrats is a hell hole....and obamacare is a nightmare with prices going up in some places over 50%.....and her foriegn policy has created the greatest refugee crisis since World War 2...........

But...she is a woman and a that is good enough for the brain dead like you....
Asswipe.....emails from an illegal server that were under subpoena.....

Okay, so you don't actually have a case where someone used his own server and then didn't have info that someone asked for years later... Got it.

The rest of your post is classic Clinton Derangement Syndrome...

She trafficked in government classified materials on a secret, illegal server...then destroyed the evidence that was under subpoena.........

You guys are nuts.....

You make up lies about things that never happened and call the rest of us nuts for refusing to believe your bullshit.
No....we beat the twit on the issues.....every single time......

Then how come you can't win elections without stealing them?

every city controlled by democrats is a hell hole....

So are cities run by Republicans... in regards to the fact that they are cities. Crowd a bunch of people together and they are always goingto be miserable.

and obamacare is a nightmare with prices going up in some places over 50%

Yawn.... Funny, my health care is just fine and so are most other people. It amazes me how people who aren't affected by ObamaCare at all are so upset about it.

and her foriegn policy has created the greatest refugee crisis since World War 2...........

Right. It's Hillary's fault that the Syrian People rose up against Assad and the rest of the region supported them. Totally her fault. Not Bush'f fault at all for destabilzing the region in the first place.

You keep telling yourself that 2TinyGuy...

But...she is a woman and a that is good enough for the brain dead like you....

You guys had every opportunity to nominate a plausible alternative... and you nominated Trump instead.
the FBI released their notes on the Hilary Clinton interviews on a Friday before a three day weekend.....Labor Day no less.......showing once and for all that the FBI is now completely controlled by the democrat party......

Releasing damaging documents...showing really damaging information about Hilary, in the most political way possible now shows that they are trying to protect her.....this tactic is the way corrupt politicians try to hide bad news from the public...a long used and well known tactic.....and to have the FBI do really a blow to law enforcement in this country.......we can no longer think that the FBI is a credible law enforcement agency...........a legacy now of the slime of the Clinton family...ho ruin everything they touch.....

There was never any reason to trust in the even handedness of Obama Just-us Department anyway.

Now the FBI seems to have surrendered to the political culture there, and that is bad news for normal every day Americans. When they hammered the whistle blowers instead of the people in charge of the "Fast and Furious" fiasco, we all should have known what sort of creature the FBI had become by now.
You make up lies about things that never happened and call the rest of us nuts for refusing to believe your bullshit.
Hillary Clinton h as repeatedly lied under oath to Congress, the FBI and others, just like her serial perjury husband.

The root problem is that Democrat shills like you just dont give a fuck as long as you get your free shit.
You make up lies about things that never happened and call the rest of us nuts for refusing to believe your bullshit.
Hillary Clinton h as repeatedly lied under oath to Congress, the FBI and others, just like her serial perjury husband.

The root problem is that Democrat shills like you just dont give a fuck as long as you get your free shit.

And they found out in Venezuela....the free shit no longer exists....and then they have to go out to the fields at gun point to work for their food......
And they found out in Venezuela....the free shit no longer exists....and then they have to go out to the fields at gun point to work for their food......

Strange how that "free shit" as you call it, works in Canada, Scandanavia, most of Europe, and the rest of the First World. Only in the US, which systemically discriminates against non-whites, and ghetto-izes their poor is it a problem.
And they found out in Venezuela....the free shit no longer exists....and then they have to go out to the fields at gun point to work for their food......

Strange how that "free shit" as you call it, works in Canada, Scandanavia, most of Europe, and the rest of the First World. Only in the US, which systemically discriminates against non-whites, and ghetto-izes their poor is it a problem. doesn't........they started out wealthy, and with a strong work their young people don't want to work, which is why they had to import all the they have to deal with immigrants who go on welfare...and are hostile to their values....

The only one putting blacks in ghettos is the democrat party....they have been since Republicans forced them to free blacks as slaves...
And they found out in Venezuela....the free shit no longer exists....and then they have to go out to the fields at gun point to work for their food......

Strange how that "free shit" as you call it, works in Canada, Scandanavia, most of Europe, and the rest of the First World. Only in the US, which systemically discriminates against non-whites, and ghetto-izes their poor is it a problem.

Yeah.......try this...

The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism | Corey Iacono
Asswipe.....emails from an illegal server that were under subpoena.....

Okay, so you don't actually have a case where someone used his own server and then didn't have info that someone asked for years later... Got it.

The rest of your post is classic Clinton Derangement Syndrome...

She trafficked in government classified materials on a secret, illegal server...then destroyed the evidence that was under subpoena.........

You guys are nuts.....

No she didn't. It's no us guys that are nuts.

25 years, 100 million dollars. If there was anything to find, Ken Starr, or any number of Republican lead investigations would have found it. But this is the problem when you make shit up and then convince people to investigate your rumours. There's no facts of evidence to back them up.

There is no crime. There never has been. There's only Republicans, making shit up and pretending it really happened. doesn't........they started out wealthy, and with a strong work their young people don't want to work, which is why they had to import all the they have to deal with immigrants who go on welfare...and are hostile to their values....

The only one putting blacks in ghettos is the democrat party....they have been since Republicans forced them to free blacks as slaves...

Bullshit from the right-wing blogosphere. Why are these people among the happiest, healthiest, best educated in the World? Why is the US falling further and further behind the socialist countries in terms of quality of life, education, medical care?
Yes....celebrate the destruction of the asswipes don't understand what the destruction of the rule of law means to a are so intent on keeping power for your favorite sociopaths so they can give you hand outs.....

I would like nothing better than to be rid of the FBI as an organization... but no such luck.

Here's the thing. I would much rather prosecute the Bush Crime Family for War Crimes, because you know, people actually fucking died.

But sorry, guy, we have a remedy, and it's called a ballot box. If you guys didn't nominate a Cheeto-colored Nazi this year, you'd have had a reasonable chance of beating Mrs. Clinton.
when all the courts rely on the fbi to solve crimes, and you want to get rid of the fbi, you know what that suggests to people? and you want hillary to squat over them, drown them in smelly emails, just because you don't like bush? maybe somebody can explain to you how irresponsible that is, somebody who you'll actually listen to, somebody's talking points memo.
And here we have insight and agreement.....

Blog: FBI holiday weekend document drop is devastating to Hillary

The decision to wait for late Friday on Labor Day weekend to release the FBI’s investigation notes of Hillary Clinton’s email practices offers further evidence of the politicization of the agency. As the United States slides into a banana republic, we now know that a political thumb is on the scale at the two most feared federal agencies: the IRS and the FBI.

Still, one can understand why the Hillary faction wanted to obscure the documents, for they contain toxic revelations that disqualify Hillary Clinton from the presidency.

Normally, a holiday weekend ensures that few people analyze or even hear about the content of the documents. But this is a presidential campaign, and the emails are a gift that keeps on giving to her opponents, with hackers and the slow-walk investigation dripping out further revelations. Although her camp is already declaring, “Nothing to see here; move along,” the Trump campaign and the dissident media will not let this drop, and the facts are so disturbing (and consistent with Trump campaign themes) that when the Labor Day haze lifts, the issues will still be hot.

And here we have a huge issue that she won't bury easily......

First and foremost: Hillary has blamed her head injuries for startling memory lapses.

Julia Edwards of Reuters reported that "Hillary Clinton told federal investigators she did not recall all the briefings she received on handling government records while U.S. secretary of state because of a concussion suffered in 2012."

A moment’s reflection reveals that Hillary Clinton has admitted that she was unable to adequately perform job functions directly related to national security because of a brain injury. Donald Trump is already pushing this issue, but it is also critically important that a major campaign against the NFL – which is opening its pre-season now – stressing the seriousness of concussions’ effects on mental functions has been underway. The American public, especially males, is on notice to take concussions very seriously.
No....we beat the twit on the issues.....every single time......every city controlled by democrats is a hell hole....and obamacare is a nightmare with prices going up in some places over 50%.....and her foriegn policy has created the greatest refugee crisis since World War 2...........

But...she is a woman and a that is good enough for the brain dead like you....

Inner cities are hell-holes because of poverty, drugs and lack of meaningful opportunities. Over-policing and civil rights abuses by the police haven't helped the situation. Poverty, drugs and lack of meaningful opportunities are not the fault of the cities, they are the fault of state and federal policies.

When Republicans are in power, they screw over the poor relentlessly because they know the poor vote Democrat. This is especially true of Red States. Republican Senators in Washington refused to vote in favour of aid to the children of Flint Michigan, after the state poisoned the city's water supply. Flint is a Democrat city.

Since Republican Governor Rick Snyder's appointees decided to cut costs by drawing Flint's drinking water from the polluted Flint River, instead of continuing to buy water from Detroit until the Lake Huron pipeline was completed. Snider appointed the "emergency managers" who made the decision to switch to the heavily polluted Flint River. To what extent partisanship was involved in these decisions, it's hard to say. The Mayor of Flint is a Democrat. The Governor a cost-cutting Republican.
Oh goodie. Another conspiracy theory. Would it be easier for you to name all the thousands of elected and appointed officials who you think are conspiring to protect Hillary, or would it be easier to name the ones you think aren't?
No....we beat the twit on the issues.....every single time......every city controlled by democrats is a hell hole....and obamacare is a nightmare with prices going up in some places over 50%.....and her foriegn policy has created the greatest refugee crisis since World War 2...........

But...she is a woman and a that is good enough for the brain dead like you....

Inner cities are hell-holes because of poverty, drugs and lack of meaningful opportunities. Over-policing and civil rights abuses by the police haven't helped the situation. Poverty, drugs and lack of meaningful opportunities are not the fault of the cities, they are the fault of state and federal policies.

When Republicans are in power, they screw over the poor relentlessly because they know the poor vote Democrat. This is especially true of Red States. Republican Senators in Washington refused to vote in favour of aid to the children of Flint Michigan, after the state poisoned the city's water supply. Flint is a Democrat city.

Since Republican Governor Rick Snyder's appointees decided to cut costs by drawing Flint's drinking water from the polluted Flint River, instead of continuing to buy water from Detroit until the Lake Huron pipeline was completed. Snider appointed the "emergency managers" who made the decision to switch to the heavily polluted Flint River. To what extent partisanship was involved in these decisions, it's hard to say. The Mayor of Flint is a Democrat. The Governor a cost-cutting Republican.

Wow....lie and lie and more lies....the Flint water problem was caused by the local democrats.....Snyder wasn't in office when the corrupt democrats allowed the water system to fail you dumb ass.....
when all the courts rely on the fbi to solve crimes, and you want to get rid of the fbi, you know what that suggests to people? and you want hillary to squat over them, drown them in smelly emails, just because you don't like bush? maybe somebody can explain to you how irresponsible that is, somebody who you'll actually listen to, somebody's talking points memo.

I think given the FBI's long history of violating the rights of Americans, on a regular basis, it truly would not be missed. and this isn't a partisan issue.
Wow....lie and lie and more lies....the Flint water problem was caused by the local democrats.....Snyder wasn't in office when the corrupt democrats allowed the water system to fail you dumb ass.....

The Flynt water problem was caused when the State took over from the local ELECTED government and started selling services to the highest bidder. This is what Republican GOvernence by Profit looks like, and it ain't pretty.
I imagine no one has ever wondered why bill the rapist became Attorney General of Arkansas before becoming Governor instead of a state rep......or some other political office.....he did so because they wanted control of the arm of government that would be responsible for investigating them......we have the same situation here in Illinois...the daughter of the most powerfull, and most corrupt politician, mike madigan, speaker of the house, is the Attorney General.......there will be no investigation of the crimes of her father.....

That and her father hasn't actually committed any crimes.

Hey, guy, you really don't want to live in a world where political disagreements are criminalized. Otherwise, we could see a day when the NRA leadership is sent to a nice re-education camp.
The NRA are harmless... Lol

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